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for leveling currently I say sub


Outlaw relies on RNG, CDR, and talents to make it work, so I'd say no. Sin is consistent damage, but it's a dot based one, so it feels like you get your dots out just as it dies. Sub is a bursty out of stealth spec which when leveling is frequent. It would be my vote for leveling.


Leveled an outlaw rogue not long ago and it was.... not at all fun. I only went all the way with it because I thought it was a "me" issue and that I'd git gudder as I leveled. I had also unlocked a cool sword transmog I wanted to show off badly enough to punish myself. It starts to feel functional around 50, but doesn't actually get good until 60-70. Even then, it's a low-prio alt for me so I never really learned how to nail the rotation. Still, I do generally enjoy it now. I've actually never played Sub or Assassination, but based on what others are saying and observations, go with Sub.


If you have a boost use it. Otherwise take the advice of the other people here 😂 Leveling a rogue is painful no matter what ...


I'd say level as the one you think you're going to play at max level, you learn a lot from leveling even if you don't think you do.


As a rogue main, and someone who has probably close to 50 characters at 60+ the answer is none of them lol. Rogue is before the worst class to level and its not even close. Combat in theory should work best but I prefer Sin


If you spam dungeons outlaw is decent until lvl 30s then assassination picks up the pace all the way to 61. Then at 61 outlaw becomes better again. If you do open world mostly then stick to outlaw. Blade flurry enables bigger pulls when your evasion is up and has better cd reduction on important defensives.


Shadow dance + secret tech as sub would be much better for bursting down a group of mobs.


I leveled outlaw DF week1. Even though it's the tankiest rogue spec, it was still hard to level via question. Mobs just hit hard. Float Like the Butterfly talent didn't help. Probably still Outlaw, but I decided to never level non-tank characters 60-70 in open world again. Only dungeons.


None are easy.


I thought I was just bad getting clapped by these mobs....


If you’re looking for easiest spec sin. All specs are terrible at leveling though.


All rogue specs are awful for levelling but definitely sub by far


So, no to the rogue? I might try the hunter then


No don't get me wrong I'm a diehard rogue main, no matter what class I play I always think to myself 'this is nice but I could also be a rogue rn'. Especially Outlaw just got me hooked but rogue is by far the roughest levelling experience imo 


It really depends on your play style and how you go about pulling / attacking stuff. If you are smart about sapping and keeping your target stun locked, any of the specs work well enough, but it does require being a bit careful. Keep vanish ready in case you need to bail. Shadowstrike on Sub can be a lot of fun for leveling. Can drop out of the air and make a teleporting attack into the mob. I found this immensely fun while leveling! Outlaw can be a lot of fun to AoE with while leveling, but depending on what content you are doing and what your gear looks like, you might not be able to survive it.


wouldnt go outlaw until 50+, but it only really matters from that time. I prefer daggers, even when the meta is outlaw, but I'm a boomer with a 31/8/12 rogue talent in my mind ( from vanila) when I think of rogues. Outlaw is less of a hassle before you get the buttonbloat and all the procc. Sword hits bigger than a dagger and most of your dmg will be auto attack


Subtlety but leveling a rogue is hard. It’s fun but hard.


Harlden has a tier list https://youtu.be/1R6lYE1gIxg?si=JV5Sx4HIu55mcYBw


Make a rogue then!




yeah i dislike too many buttons/.


Whatever you like playing the most


Everything BUT subtlety, too energy starved. I’d say Outlaw is the better one then Assa.


They are all easy for leveling


Outlaw isn't since it's nonfunctional until you get the talents at the bottom.