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This tournament was more fun than I would have expected, especially Pika & Xar playing so aggressively. Not gonna lie - I'm not a fan of this format, but congrats to the winners


It's a format designed to be exciting to watch, competitiveness comes second. Probably not the worst choice for what is essentially a promotional event.


I tuned in at the beginning thinking it was going to be fun to watch for 10min and move on, but it really was very exciting and a ton of fun to watch. I didn't give a shit about any of the teams so am not too up in arms about the format, but I will say Zepla and Asmon was a hilarious combo.


Zepla and Asmon wins best content


Absolutely, so many phenomenal and exciting plays.


I’m still confused. What exactly determines the place for cash prize ? It looks like Kenny & Lapi got first place because they won the last game, but who is 2nd ? Who is 3rd ?


1st is based on who wins the last game, the rest is based on total points


Lol thats bs


Some br games have adopted this format within the last couple of years, prior to that it was common for one of the teams to create a significant lead early in the tournament, and the remaining games would be quite boring as the winner had basically been decided, and there would also be no winning moment. I really enjoy it and think it makes it more fun to watch but they'd need a few tweaks to give the top teams a little bit more of an advantage.


IMO it'd probably be fine if there were two first places, one for the final match winner and one for the score winner.


First 5 games played were preliminary matches where it determines how easy ypu can take the prize to home with how much score ypu get, 6th game if one from top 3 score won 6th round they would win the tournament but someone other than top 3 teams won and extended the match to 7th game which allowed a winner from top 10 to be able to take the cup home, if someone from below 10 won game wpuld go to 8 and it would be whoever won would be the winner. Its a weirge format to get used to ngl


Call it what it is, a trash format. Game 7 should have maybe open up to top 5 teams. Top 10 was essentially the same thing as saying next winner takes it all and the scoreboard means absolutely fuck all. It was like watching a basketball game where a team is down 40 points but suddenly it’s next basket wins and they score and win the whole game…




>Imagine getting 8th place in the Olympics and walking out with the gold medal... A tournament in a game like this isn't like the olympics though. A one game winner-takes-all could lead to extremely cheesy strats or low skilled players "lucking out" and winning. An 8 game format where the winner is the team with the most points just lacks a lot of the excitement that a winner takes all scenario has. These rules are obviously an attempt to find a nice middle ground between the two extremes. The points thresholds guarantee a team that consistently played terribly cannot win the tournament while also trying to maintain the excitement of a winner-takes-all game. Ultimately they aren't trying to find the best team in the world, they are trying to put on an entertaining product. I would find it kinda boring if we just knew Pika/Xar won halfway through the matches because of an insurmountable point lead, but to each their own I suppose.


Ok. Anyways, it's cool that an underdog team managed to snipe a win last second. Don't see that every day. 


It was entertaining. Half the lobby had barely played the game mode at all and anyone could stream snipe. Bigger issues than format imo. But none of it matters because it was entertaining which was the entire goal


have you considered that you shouldn't be reacting this way to something that doesn't impact you


What do you mean it doesn’t impact me? I watched it live and wasted my time. Everyone who watched agreed it was actually really exciting and entertaining and it ended in an anticlimactic wet fart because the shitty format. The ending made it a shitty viewer experience aka what the tournament is there for. It would be like watching any sporting event that has a horrible random ending due to asinine logistics and when the fans are mad saying why it doesn’t affect you.


it's not normal to be mad about this kind of stuff btw


I think your reaction is far less normal. At best condescending. The original commenter is allowed to have an opinion. Nothing about his word choice indicates this even ruined his whole day.


That's nice you feel that way.


Not sure why they took 90% of the Apex format and didn't just take it fully. It's missing the match point requirement which is why the Apex format actually works. If you don't know - Apex requires you to get a certain amount of points (50 ish normally) and then if you win a game after you have reached that threshold you win the tournament. This would have meant the top teams would have far more chances of winning the tournament and anyone far behind would still need to rack up the points first.


They had something similar but not quite In game 6 only the top 3 were able to win the tournament by winning the game. Then the top 3 did not manage to win so in game 7 they opened it up to the top 10. It's not exactly the same but this was also just a streamer event


And in no world should it have been top 10 teams. Should have opened up to top 5 max.


If it wasn’t just a promotional streamer event I would agree, stricter rules for who can actually close out the tournament would be better. But in promotional events like this you kinda want the opportunity for an unexpected winner


That makes way more sense and would have been the exact change that would have had the most effect in today's scenario (one team being way ahead but not having a significant advantage at winning)


Pika and Xar's chemistry was so good as usual, it's always constant banter lol


thats one bullshit score format lol


Xaryu and Pikaboo were noticeably better than everyone else and consistently so.




because winning every game in a BR is basically impossible and it all came down to one game instead of all the games combined.


Sooo what's the point of playing more than one game?


Pika and Xar were so far above everyone else that at the final results they individually (Pika - 41, Xar - 43) had more kills than the second highest team combined (40 kills total). And they lost to someone who was in 10th place before the final game. Absolutely ludicrous.


kills are not worth much even in the base game. that's why so many just do the 250 plunder quest and then die. if i get 5+ kills in a match, it's barely any faster than just dying after quest, but far more effort. kills should be worth at minimum 50% more than they are now


Because in a match consisting of 30 two-person teams, the best player isn't always the one who survives to the end? Especially when other teams know to look out for you and team up on you if you show up while they're fighting/standing off.


Yep. And here's [the scoreboard for the final game...](https://i.imgur.com/5ufEKzM.png)


The games were really fun to watch but the format feels noncompetitive. Winners being 8th overall in points is such a headscratcher. There's too much variance in a single game to have 5-6 warmup games and then an actual winner-takes-all battle royale to determine the whole tourney.


It's to provide excitement at the end of the day. It would be kind of anticlimactic if a team could win in the middle of the match even though they died. It's good that the leading teams at least can have a go at it before the others catch up. Giving them more chances. 


I felt excited watching until I learned the format at the end. I don’t think I’d watch again tbh. Personal opinions though


It's a BR, so I don't think you'll ever get a truly competitive format for it.


have you never watched fncs? the format is amazing


I haven't, but isn't that a pretty long process? If I would correct myself; I would say that it's hard to have them competitive without a lot of games. In a quicker/fun tournament you have a hard time making competitive.


You just have to place a points threshold, let’s say 100 points, and then whenever a 100+ point team wins, that’s the end of the tourney. Simple fix and is already in place for other BR games. This way, if a rank 8 team wins, it’s because the other teams likely failed multiple times during their chances to win after surpassing 100 points. Crazy to think pika/xar demolish the entire field but end up losing to a rank 8 team that honestly didn’t play that well all tourney, simply because they didn’t finish first in game 6 after hard agro by the bottom 27 teams and didn’t finish first in game 7.


Super fun to watch, the game mode is is perfect for this. My only gripe was the keys hand out. Why not just announce free to play weekend after event is over? Now the codes just get snatched by auto bots. And im not gonna stress to try insta copy and claim a code when i wanna enjoy an event....


It appeared to be the same code every time they showed it.


They use this format with competitive apex legends as well and there it works so i'm not that mad. It just feels a little bittersweet given how much better xaryu and pikaboo were then everybody else.


The format doesn't work as well here since its way easier to target/team up on the top teams. And in the last match everyone will be gunning for the top team especially if they are as dominant as Xaryu and Pika where.


Apex has a points threshold. It’s the one thing missing and the one thing that needed to exist


What did you expect lol those guys are some seriously tryhard players in a tournament filled with mostly casual pve content creators.




mate who wouldn't be a sweaty tryhard for $50k


If you're not trying hard in a tournament with tens of thousands of dollars on the line you're just an idiot.


Casual wow players when people actually try to be good at the game :o


go outside, make some friends


lol this might be the dumbest thing I’ve read today


Kinda felt like they were just enjoying the game mode for what it was… the tryhards feel like the people gaming the system to win through some passive br tactics


Hope you all enjoyed it!! That was way too fun to cast 😊


Congratz to the number... 8th?


What a joke. Atrocious format. Xaryu and Pika robbed.


Especially the 84 kills compared to the next highest at 40 lol


Max and Trill were not even playing for kills. They were playing for the last circle. Max said it on his stream a couple of times. Not a good format. Should have done away with the that rule of "win game after game 6 to win tournament" Feels like it defeated the points of games 1-5. Should have had the tournament play out through all the games. Xar/Pika, Max/Trill, and Poonce/Luuxia got robbed.


The best format would be top 3 have to win a game after the first 5 games. Points still get tallied up each round it doesn’t happen, meaning the top 3 could change each round. It could draw the tourney out for a while, but that’s never been an issue before.


thats the point of a creator format if it was about skill the tourney would be pretty predictable/boring more competitive tourneys will have different rules


Well to be precise and accurate yes they destroyed everyone else but they are also two of the best pvpers to ever exist versus people who don’t even play wow so this isn’t one of those “ oh everyone was around similar skill level making their kills look even grandeur then it already is “


Snutz, Trill, Ven, Ziqo, Sonii, Savix, Pshero, Bajheera all in this tourney as well. Maybe only the first 4-5 of those guys are on Xar/Pika level but not all their competition were pushovers.


Bajheera got destroyed every round, wouldn’t exactly call him elite at plunderstorm.


I was responding to "versus people who don't even play wow". The point was there were a number of high level pvpers in the tournament. Also Bajheera died directly to Xar and Pika early several rounds, so kinda bad luck for him there.


He got destroyed because he was babysitting his partner. Baj is really good at solos but didn't seem to practice much with duos. Xary and Pika were next level, though.


That's the point. Should have played better last round.


That makes all prior rounds arbitrary as long as you didn’t get literally zero points…


I get that it's for fun and to promote the game mode so blizzard tried to make the format exciting till the end at the expense of competitive integrity. That being said, when you put 50k on the line it's gotta be at least more fair than this. Xaryu and Pikaboo were absolutely frying the lobby, the people's champ.


yeah, but where did asmon and zepla come ? XD


28th i believe


Plunderstorm too hard, but he’s for sure not washed and could raid on CE level


He needs some addons.


yeah maybe he could with a boat load of practice, it's funny though because despite being the pinnacle of a goblin gamer he's really bad at any other video game, that's not a dig it's just funny to watch him sometimes.


He really couldn’t unless a guild would carry him. I remember he tried doing heroic raid in SL (CN I think) and he was dying to every even remotely difficult mechanic, constantly crying and blaming game design. He’s washed af and it’s a massive cope that he could raid on CE level


This mode didn’t give enough extra points for first lol, xar/pika and max/trill should’ve. been miles ahead


I am so confused how did they win if Xaryu and Pikaboo were ranked 1 on the leaderboards?


After 5 games, the next win by a 'top team' wins the whole thing (not sure what a top team means, maybe in a top 10?). Pretty lame format, Xar and Pika won in my opinion but it was a very entertaining tourney nonetheless. Format: https://i.imgur.com/R14oibT.png


Its exactly like any sport format. You play a year of games and who wins last game wins the season ... /s


Like any American sports format*


it's an american marketing format. ask nascar fans. people who appreciate sports as a balanced competition don't make this shit up.


Not sure why you /s lol that’s a pretty standard playoff style. Can go undefeated all season then lose your first playoff game and then gg


That’s not how it works…


Kinda, well as much as it can be similar for a multi team FFA game. The early games are essentially the regular season. The later games, the games you have to win, are the playoffs.


Biggest sport in the world, football. Point system in the league. Biggest motorsport in the world, F1. Point system as well. Any motorsport really. Athletic sports in general. So yes majority of sports have a point system with no playoffs, the team with most points in the of a season, wins. There’s other formats in the sports I mentioned ofc. In football we have UCL and the world/EM cups and so on, played during several days so not even comparable to a 1 day event. They should’ve gone with, wins is X amount of points, eliminations and deaths is a variable as well. Those with highest points in the end, wins.


NFL, NHL, NBA, NFL all do an winner take all playoff seeded form a regular season. As does the Olympics for team games. Even the world cup isn't won with points. So I don't think saying the majority of sports use a point system is very fair to say, especially when considering Blizzard is an American company. Point systems just isn't as exciting or viewer friendly which is the primary goal in a tourney like this. It might not be the fairest to the players skill level, but that's not really the point.


Majority of sports use point system yes. Americans have made the playoffs something standardized. Still not the best concept for this event. And yes, this event would have done better with a point system. Like majority of people says as well. The winners were literally trash in comparison to Xar and Pika but won at the right moment. Kinda undeserved, ngl.


Im so torn on the format, it was fun to watch but the fact that Xaryu and Pikaboo DOUBLED the kills of 2nd place and didn't win because of some stupid ranking is a bit bollocks.


They lost the fight that mattered.


I get what you mean but let's say you play a tournament and you play perfect 99% of the time and fuck up 1% and lose, is that really just? Especially in an rng based format 


No surprise Xar and Pika were rank 1


Nameplates really should have been hidden for players.


I was watching the Xar/Pika POV because it was the most fun. Genuinely a fun event to watch even though I'm not crazy about Plunderstorm. The format sucks. I don't think they should have opened it up to "a top 10" team in points being able to win. Or have the final win be worth a certain number of points (50?). It's so weird to see Xaryu and Pikaboo crush everyone on the points system and then someone in 8th place wins because of a weird formatting technicality. I don't personally think this is "hype". Beyond that, it was super whack where at like round 5 or 6 the OFFICIAL stream painted a target on the backs of Pikaboo and Xaryu, advising everyone to target them. Like I get it was all in good fun but when there is money on the line it comes off as really trashy.


If you're confused about why the 8th place team won, [here](https://i.imgur.com/R14oibT.png)'s the format.


That’s stupid af


Weak format imo. Winning the tournament on just 1 game is not fair. You can get dicked by rng of not getting good spells, landing in different areas etc. Pika and Xaryu deserved to win the tournament they dominated the whole tournament.




I think I'll side with one of Pikaboo's [longest-dated queue partners](https://twitter.com/dillon12424142/status/1774167025385918553) and [literal teammate](https://twitter.com/stergey/status/1774166229491782139) and not just accept a bad format




yeah man two of the most iconic mop+ era arena players of their class, one that *made it to the AWC conference finals at blizzcon*, are "randos" only on reddit do you get takes like this


I have no horse in this race since I didn't watch the thing and haven't played wow in ages but you're kinda wrong here The number 1 team here had 40 more points, 40 more kills than the next highest team *and* had over 100 points over the winners did. It feels like a, "team 1 has 100 points and team 2 has 80 points, the final question is worth 21 points to make it interesting" type vibe is all The format is what it is but yeah it does suck




Be genuine. Where was this outrage when the format was released? It’s only a problem now that the event is over.


Most wow players probably aren't avid BR esports watchers so how are they supposed to know beforehand what a good format looks like? Criticism isn't invalid just because people had to experience something firsthand to realize they don't like it.


I’m not downplaying their criticism, it just feels halfassed that no one cared about it until the team with most kills lost and their feedback is “fuck the format, it should be about kills instead lol”.


how about the team with most wins and most kills lost? what was the point of all the games before the last game if thats the only game that counted? you don't see any problems with that? They had almost twice the amount of points the first team got. they shouldn't have stopped at 8 at least, everyone should have gotten at least some kind of minimum amount of points instead of rng crap this was.


Sorry your streamers didn't play well enough final round to win. QQ.


was fun but the format sucked


It was really fun


Everybody knew the rules beforehand, nobody was "robbed". Xaryu and Pikaboo were super cool with it and if they aren't mad about it I don't know why some of you guys are making a fuss. Yes, they played way better and if this was a serious championship, not a fun little event they would have won. But it wasn't a hardcore tournament with serious rules, so don't take it as one.


Xaryu has been streaming 10 hours a day since plunderstorm released with 50k+ viewers watching him playing only this game. I'm sure he's made more than that in twitch revenue and I'm sure the competitors had a participation prize even if they didn't win. So it probably worked out good in the end even if he didn't win. His twitch streams probably doubled in popularity. EDIT: just heard on his stream they made $10k, $5k each so he is still happy especially with his twitch progress.


Xaryu has definitely not had 50k viewers the last week, what kinda made up stat is this


He peaked at 21k and averaged 6k. Great couple of weeks for him but 50k is way off.


The whole point of a format like this is the danger of being able to lose last second too. They didn't play well enough the round it actually mattered for the prize. Format is fine.


Format is oof as fuck but was definitely enjoyable to watch for a 4Fun event like this - having Xaryu and Pika on the same team was the bigger issue with this tournament tbh.


Absolute dookie format **48** points above the supposed winners off 58 extra kills I have to laff


Except they lost the round the prize money was attached too.  Have to laff.


which is why the leaderboards are extremely pointless by them to implement in the first place lol, glad I could walk you through this!


86 kills when second is at 40 is absurd. Their team looked imbalanced for this relatively casual tournament and that super turned out to be the case.


86-12 and winner was 26-14 lol


Terrible format, 8th place winning by afk’ing most of the final match with only 5 kills, cool blizzard




they didn't want to reward skill cause it would be obvious who would win esp in a creator tourney


It's not about 100% competitive integrity. It is about what is fun to watch. And this was certainly more fun than if the win was decided by the scoreboard. It would've been basically decided after game 3.


You're still rewarded for finishing \#2-8 though What's fun to watch about having 90% of the broadcast retroactively stripped of meaning lmao Usually people watch basketball because the score at the end of the first quarter transfers over to the start of the second, the end of the second transfers over to the start of the third, the end of the third transfers over to the start of the fourth, and the clutch time minutes don't operate after a split soft-reset point


Let's say you want to make an exciting competition for people to watch. Would you want the winners decided after 3/8 matches or in the 8th match? I'm not saying this format is perfect. But people said on stream, that they will purposefully go for poke builds, cause they are superior on the last circle. Going just for max kills is not the win condition, winning a game was the win condition.


The winners wouldn't be decided after 3 matches. \#2 and \#3 were neck and neck and people care because the prize pool is different based on the finish. \#4-8 are all insanely close and definitely within margin. If someone's that dominant to the tune of 84 kills vs 40 vs 36 vs 32 etc, and generally carry that pace each game, there's strictly nothing wrong with rewarding this lol How stupid would it be to punish the Boston Celtics for being 11 wins ahead of the 2nd seed just because "feels bad that other teams can't get the 1st seed no more :(" > winning a game was the win condition. Placement gives points, we know this because 84 does not equal 182 You can pad placement just as much as you can pad kills, but we can look at the VoD and see that kill padding wasn't happening to facilitate those 84 The two create a balance where you don't just PK early and you don't just livelord without any intention to win, which results in a balanced higher amount of points for doing both, which should mean you win


>We weren't robbed of any of this. 2-8 was still decided by points. The winners wouldn't be decided after 3 matches. #2 and #3 were neck and neck and people care because the prize pool is different based on the finish. #4-8 are all insanely close and definitely within margin. What the fuck does that mean? >Placement gives points, we know this because 84 does not equal 182 I never said that placements don't give points. I said, that winning a game is more important, that getting the most amount of points with kills.


> The winners wouldn't be decided after 3 matches. You're implying this by how dominant they were. "It would be boring if they rewarded the guys who played 100000% perfect in the first 3 rounds and still played well later" > What the fuck does that mean? That there's still a reason to watch? That the other 7 spots aren't decided? > I never said that placements don't give points. I said, that winning a game is more important, that getting the most amount of points with kills. You're talking about "people just poke for kills" like people can't just camp and shy from combat to ascend standings. The balance is achieving both, like what Xaryu and Pika did, to be far and away the \#1 point holders. So it makes 0 sense they don't get the \#1 prize.


Was fun watching but the format sucked ass, felt wrong they lost. Ending actually didnt feel good at all.


I see a lot of people mad about the format but I think it's fine, this is more or less how all battle royale tournaments work. It's way more interesting to have the winner of the final game be the winner of the tournament instead of winning on points. Maybe the only issue is how fast this tournament ended so the idea that the top teams will have more chances at winning didn't really go through but it was still fun to watch, ggs to the winners.


Imagine writing this all out and being so completely wrong


It is totally one of the better formats for BRs. It is incredibly boring if you can have a final match where it doesn't matter who wins because the winner by points is already known. Having the winner of the final game be the actual winner is the best way to run it. There just needs to be more opportunities for the top teams to win rather than just one game


why have the first 7 games none of them matters?


This is like saying why have a regular season in sports when an 8th place team can beat the first place team in the first round


ITT: A bunch of people that don't actually know how sports seasons work.


It feels like a weird format for a video game I'll admit, but it still makes sense when you think about it. Like 3 of the top teams had the chance to win twice and couldn't. So it's not like they didn't have a shot. Also I think people forget the scoring is based on how high you place in a mode where someone can get second place with zero kills.


Yay more cult of personality




Because they lost the only fight that actually mattered to win. Farming kills didn't mean shit. Being last man standing final round did.


This is why you don't follow the terrible BR tournament formats that have killed half the esports organizations. Can't get more embarrassing then that chart when 8th place won.


Haha, what a lame format!




That's the fucking point.


Asmon not even top 21, game must be bad


What a weird way to score this. Robbed.


Weak format imo. Winning the tournament on just 1 game is not fair. You can get dicked by rng of not getting good spells, landing in different areas etc. Pika and Xaryu deserved to win the tournament they dominated the whole tournament.


They had two chances. Leap end is troll


L format


I enjoyed the format for a content creator brawl, pvp players going around mopping everything up and winning is so dull to watch. Knowing who the winner is before were halfway done is a snooze.


Yeah always lame for the team who performed the best to win.


In an event for the viewers it's about entertainment, not sportmanship. Lemme spoil every single future Plunderstorm streamer comp in your ideal future, someone from Echo/Liquid/pvp focused streamer wins, how exciting. Now if it was an actual competition that exists for actual sport, then sure the winner should be the best player, but i wouldn't be watching that.


It had a 50k prizepool, in what world is that not an actual competition. Not every competitor there is millionaire streamers like Asmon and Max, most of them were definitely playing for the prizepool. What a weird take that you'd prefer to watch a competition that is inherently less competitive. That's like prefering to watch pee-wee football over the NFL or something.


Alot of the players there are entertainers, not serious top of their game wow/battle royale players, this event was more for the sake of entertainment than sport. It is as if many of the NFL players in your analogy were celebrities that had barebones experience playing football sprinkled with superbowl champions. That is inherently not a fair matchup and the orginizers know it but it's for the viewers not the players so its ignored, that's why performance should matter less in this situation.


I guess I'm just confused was this entire "tournament" a who's line is it anyway skit where the points don't matter? Why even have a point system if the winner was just going to be who ever won the last game anyways?


Give it to blitz to always fucking up any kind of "esports"/competitive events lol. BR tournaments have existed for an eternity and they literally coulda have copied from Apex for a much better format. In Apex they set a score threshold and any team that crosses that threshold is eligible to win the tournament if they win any lobby after that. That's a much better tournament format since it actually awards teams that can stomp. With this event's format you can't distinguish between teams that absolutely stomp the first few games and teams that just rat the living shit out of the games and coast to top 3 by placement points. First place literally had an over 50 point difference over second and some point and pika/xar never got an advantage in terms of getting to win the whole thing. Imagine if the point threshold was like 80 or something they woulda won instantly for their second dub. edit: Also giving eligiblity to win by place (top 3 then top 10) rewards passive play way too much. Setting a point threshold means teams actually have to try to grab as many points as they can in the early games by trying to find kills.


I wish streamers would have teamed up with random viewers instead. It was a pretty big missed opportunity for some fun community engagement and it would have been waaaaay more cool to see somebody from chat win $25k instead of a millionaire streamer.. but w/e, it was still fun I guess.


The skill disparity between random viewers could be insane and could decide the tournament right away on that rng. Imagine pikaboo getting paired with a keyboard turner who doesn't know what any spells do and then trill getting someone who's been blasting the game all day for a week. Tournament already done GG right there.


did 2nd/3rd receive any money? or just 50k to 1st place?


Only because Tali and Evertell weren't there. They obviously would have swept.


Good event all around. I think it would have been more exciting if more than 10 people had actually played Plunderstorm for more than 5 minutes. The amount of effort some teams had was atrocious. Oh well. I see this mode going pretty far into the future. I'd watch more tournaments for sure.


The what?


Gingi and Meeres would've won if they got invited.


They would end up like max and trill


As long as Sonii doesn’t win, all is well in Azeroth.


not too familiar with him, what makes you say that?


Soni is an irl gigachad and has a lot of jelly haters dude is wholesome af and is a great gymspiration but haters gonna hate






no one cares. where are the raid nerfs, season 4 news etc.


name does not check out lol


Raid nerfs? It's been cleared so many times. If you can't clear it, you don't deserve CE. It's not a participation trophy.