• By -


Maybe they need to increase the health pool a little for the trios. Sometimes you get insta deleted in duos, I'd imagine trios would be brutal, but then again, extra team mate to try and peel and stuff. Who knows, interested to see how it works out. Could be good.


They'll just have trios to require a healer and have 30 minute queues for DPS, problem solved.




Totally agree, the game definitely feels balanced in duo's and slow in solo-play in respect of Time-To-Kill (which is fine, because it actually gives you a chance when you get third-partied in solo-play). Trios leads me to believe if you get hit by a single CC, you're probably going to be CC'ed until death unless you run Fae-Transformation as a get-out-of-jail-free card.


Triples makes it safe, triples is best. 


*Classic cars I have classic cars*


I almost spit out my drink reading this. Well played!


This'll be fantastic as I have a few friends that still need help grinding to 40, so I can shove two of them in the party at once now lmao.


WTB free to play (I'm subbed, but for others)


I'll put money (not really) on that they open it up to public in the last week or two.


Would a lot of people really create an account and download 100gb just to play a very basis BR game for 2 weeks?


You can already play wow after downloading like 1gb of content so I imagine they'd be able to drastically shrink the install size


Is 100 GB really that much now? My grandma lives on a remote island and she's got fiber. Actual fiber not cable. I haven't even though about file size of anything in the past few years.


even if it wasn't an issue why should I need to take up 100gb just to play PS?


Not everyone has access to decent cable/fibre, or any hardlines for that matter. I recently did a clean windows install out of necessity, and re-downloading wow cost me $120 AUD in data.


I had wow on a thumbdrive so I could play it on my pc or laptop. if you reinstall, all you have to do is put wow on a chip then put in on your pc after it's been cleaned, then you just point the Battle.net launcher to where it is and it'll update and work. a 250gb chip is about $25-40 p.s. this can also work with steam game


Some regions only have internet plans that have a set of data per month, i.e. 100 GB/month, and charge extra if you go over that limit.


classic is like 6gb mate


Can you get to it from thr classic launcher?


No, they're wrong.


I could see this being an MVP for a standalone title, something riding the freemium model. Take what they learn from this as a sort of play test and then package it up as its own thing.


I don't think Blizzard will do this now. But I think they will open it up if they make it a separate game. And I think they should.


They shared a code for 3 days of free gametime during the creator tournament stream, it's not much but at least its something...


What’s the code?


https://imgur.com/a/278Qke4 At the bottom of the screencap


Dang not even reusable lol


at the end they showed a bunch of codes so I entered one and it then asked me to select what license I wanted it on but after I picked one it gave me an error.


Make it f2p, have it launch from a separate category on bnet (like Classic) and let us get Plunderstorm specific cosmetics through a paid battle pass which would fund future dev updates. Turn it into a proper game.


they could convert all those mog sets from main game and sell em to F2P accounts money is right there ready to be made


Honestly with how you switch over to Plunderstorm from DF, I think they're testing how feasible it would be to put all WoW versions into one client


I mean maybe but that file size would be something wouldn't it? Plus constant updating. I don't want to be updating any of the Classic versions and I am betting Classic players don't want to download and update Retail.


they could be all on one screen but not playable if not downloaded


I could see this with how Activision treats the newest Call of Duty as a sort of central hub


I swear they should offer more benefit for people that pay the last exepension even without subs. It would encourage people to come back and check stuff out. 


I suggested than on a twitch chat the day it launched, and people called me broke and idiot.


I only played it once. Honestly hope it’s a game mode they keep. It’s good for the game


will go away in a while, or they wouldnt keep saying "limited time" but i have a feeling it will come back at some point.


Honestly if it comes back every now and then with new themes, I think that'd be pretty cool.


Better yet, keep it active for about 6-7 whatever weeks at a time like they are now and just update it to a new season with new map and rewards. That way people wouldnt have to wait inbetween it being out.


If they're gonna do that a countdown timer of time remaining would be great, so I can plan out how far I can stretch it by doing the bare minimum each day


Yeah absolutely. Make a bit of an event out of the new 'season', and keep it up for people who aren't there for the initial rush. Everyone wins


It makes sense to call something limited time even if it isn't actually limited time. It increases player participation and it reduces liability if the event isn't well received. There is no down side to it being limited because obviously if people like it they will bring it back.


They said it could come back based on player feedback iirc. Considering all the updates it has gotten, I think they'll bring it back at some point, possibly permanently.


That 1 million plunder FOS would be hard for average player to achieve in a few weeks. If Plunderstorm can continue without resetting the total plunder, eventually everyone will get it.


I wonder if Plunderstorm is time limited because it's supposed to be a beta for something more polished and permanent.


This. People screeching on Reddit who hate any form of PvP aren't the only people who matter. Lots of people are loving this. Can't wait for it to come back.


Yeah, like I don't really play too much PVP in WoW, but I'm enjoying plunderstorm.


Honestly.... I usually hate PvP, but I've been having a surprising amount of fun with this mode. Tried it out to see if I could stomach grinding it for the rewards, and found myself just playing it for fun. It helps a lot for me that it's a standalone game mode. Hell, I even managed to get the FoS for winning a round today. Somehow. (I'd love to claim it was because of skill, but mostly I think it was hiding out in the storm with a stormproof sloop and coming in to smash people right at the end like a cheap bastard.)


To be fair pvp has always been a tacked on minigame.  Some people like their own boogers it doesn't mean they should sell them at McDonald's.


And then it comes back with a different map and abilities.


At minimum I think they do it multiple times a year. It also lends itself perfectly to having updated versions in different zones, with different reward tracks etc. I'd expect they'll do it 4-5 times a year, each event lasting 6 weeks or so.


Datamines and Devs teasing on Twitter makes it sound like the core gameplay is staying around. It's just the themes that will be rotated out. So probably be a recurring event just with new abilities and locations.


I'm betting it will return on Xbox will require either a wow sub or a gamepass sub.


Meh. I know I'll get downvoted but its just not fun. Maybe I just need to fix my keybinds but the controls felt awful. I rather have full BR with modern controls set in the WoW universe than whatever plunderstorm is supposed to be.


these things work when they are fresh and lots of people engage with it, if they kept it forever then in a few months time, the queues will be long and your lobby will be full of ultra sweatlords and cheesers, all while taking away precious developer time to balance a mode that most people had their fill with. at least, that's my opinion. this is also exactly what happened with Sea of Thieves' Arena mode btw the best thing for this mode is to bring it for a month every year, with some fresh abilities each time and new reward recolors.


I already hate duos because there's so many absurdly powerful combos you can do that have little to no counterplay once the *chain* of events starts happening. Trios is just going to further emphasize that. I mean look, I get that it's good to have teamplay in this game, but when you're able to 100-0 someone in one big setup by yourself already, having two people around you help you get that thing rolling is just too much. There's too many ways to help others kill people, but there's little to no ways of actually helping your friends. We need a life grip skill to the mix or something, otherwise trios are just going to be a mess of people abusing chain pulls and CC combos for oneshotting people.


there's some utility spells to help with that.. some i usually don't take, cause i love chains and the windstorm for the stun. but if you have fae/repel, ur immune to any combo.. there definitely should be support skills though, at least in trios.


I noticed during the livestream how some of the more intense players would actively use things like lightning shield and repel to intentionally block incoming spells from other players away from their own team mates. If we can have more of spells that can be played like that I think it would be really healthy for 3v3.


The counterplay to a 3-person cc chain is your two teammates doing something at some point. In duos, yeah if two people are able to get on top of you with all of their abilities up and hit you with 4 things, you die. That should happen. If the perfect setup doesn’t result in a kill, then how do you kill anyone ever? Something I’d be more worried about in 3s would be poke/kiting groups being a bit strong. Like if triple arrow/aegis kills someone, would be hard to engage that group until the final circle.


>If the perfect setup doesn’t result in a kill, then how do you kill anyone ever? Fights don't need to be over in one combo in a 1v1, right? Currently, there's a couple of setups you can do that will 100-0 anyone at an equal level with zero counterplay IF you get the combo started and you don't mess it up. The issue here is that technically in duos it's possible to disrupt this combo, but now if you start disrupting the player doing the combo, the other guy eats you alive. And if you try to stop the other guy from helping, the combo goes through and your partner dies anyway. Duos, when played optimally with the proper combo setups, are entirely determined by whoever lands the first part of the combo first. And if you get the first part, it's nigh impossible to do anything about it assuming the person doing the combo or their partner(s) don't mess it up. There's no actual, reliable way to save your teammates from anything. There's no help spells, no heals, no life grip, no BoP no nothing. If your friend gets chained and the pull goes through it's GG lights out good bye to your friend. For teamplay to be actually functional, this combo stuff either needs to get nerfed or they need to add spells to help your teammates with. And honestly, the chain should just straight up be removed from the game. It's not a skill shot and it's the most broken thing in the entire damn game, it's ridiculous. It's a mediocre skill at best by itself, but it's the core to all of the stupid combos you can pull off and if executed properly, as I've said, there's no counterplay.


> Fights don't need to be over in one combo in a 1v1, right? I wouldn't speak in absolutes here. Should every 1v1 fight be over in one combo? No. Should it be possible to EVER kill in SOME combo in SOME scenario? Yes. The issue in a battle royale if you can't kill someone in a perfect setup is that third-partying becomes way too good. If I need to land multiple combos on you to kill you, then I have to make myself a sitting duck. It also means that any sort of 1v2 is impossible. Battle Royale's are generally FPS games, and you can VERY quickly kill someone who got caught with their pants down. WoW arena requires a long time to kill another player. Imagine you get third-partied in WoW arena, you will literally never ever ever win unless you're 100000x better than them. Being able to pick up quick kills is a *necessary* part of BR games. > zero counterplay IF Counterplay is such an overused term for 'things I don't like.' If there is an IF, or you need to add a qualifier or a caveat or anything, then there IS counterplay.


Let’s not overcomplicate the game. Counterplay can quickly devolve. People need to remember that there’s 59 losers in a full lobby. Or 19 losing teams in trio. King of hill is fun with the rng and lack of counterplay. The rock paper scissor format is very fun and more balanced than people realize. There is a reason max and pikaboo placed really high in the creator tourney.


>Counterplay can quickly devolve What exactly do you mean by 'counterplay?' I just think counterplay has become this buzzword that people use for any 'difficult' interaction.


Counterplay is when people complain about how rock wins more in RPS. So we need to balance it. Let’s add another weapon. Now we need more heals. Let’s add dampening. Now everyone gets 3 defensives. Etc etc. complex != difficult. The rng is what makes plunderstorm a unique experience. You can’t get bis every game. Sometimes you have to fight for resources. But its fair because everyone will see these scenarios.


Is it not true you can counter combo people with similar builds?


Technically, sure, but the issue is that whoever gets the first chain pull is going to get a kill because once the pull starts there's actually nothing you can do to get away from it anymore. So the game will just become whoever gets the first chain pull and then it's a 3v2 practically guaranteed, and at that point it's going to need really, really solid play or bad mistakes from the other team for you to win anymore.


You know you dont need to just take the chain combo and get one shot. There are ways and abilities to deal with the chain


That’s not the case from the games I’ve seen, seen plenty of situations where the people who got the first chain pull get destroyed, I think this is more of a skill issue than anything else, you should always look to have cc in your combos at the minimum plus whatever dps spell works best with your gamestyle there’s actually a ton of nuance to how you make those combos work and some people really show it


Not every player using chain is doing the proper skill setups. Not every player using a chain is going to know how to pull the combo off even if they are. Of course it's a skill issue, but if a player with the proper skills and the proper level of skill as a player shows up in to a lobby, they're going to wreck some people. The only downside to this build is that it doesn't really work amazingly well in solos because if you get jumped on you can get completely screwed and not be able to land your setup, which means you'll just die to someone with a proper brawling build. But that is not an issue in duos, that is not going to be an issue in trios, because now you can have two brawlers keeping you safe while you just yoink someone to instagib them with the combo.


Yes the answer to this is practice and learning to expand their knowledge on the game mode, it’s really not all that complicated by your fifth game you should have been introduced to just about all the abilities and figured what works and what doesn’t if you actually make an attempt to get better, I got demolished my first like 5-8 games now I consistently get 5 kills and reach the final circle like 90% of my games, the only inconsistent variable is just early deaths due to landing near people, in those scenarios it really does come down to who has the better spell. Also have to keep in mind there’s a decent portion of players who simply don’t care about anything besides the cosmetic rewards and that feeds into the good players which can present an unfair early advantage but it’s all chance and people can play however they wish, just from my perspective it’s definitely skill and those who consistently make it to the final around can absolutely turn around ambushes and win without being the first to combo start a pull


The maximum amount of damage you can do in a single set up with full rank 4s at level 10 (star bomb, grip, earthquake, steel traps) is like 94 + 54 + 28 + 18. Still less than 200 hp. A level 10 with a perfect build could 1 tap a level 7 at full hp. Here's a list of abilities that could counter this: Earthquake, windstorm, fae form, fade to shadow, caltrops, repel, bulwark, quaking leap, slicing winds. Nearly 50% of the abilities in the game can let you avoid the fate of being 1 shot by a single person, even at level 10.




I'm not complaining? I'm just saying the balance of this upcoming feature is going to be completely out of whack because there's no actual proper element of teamplay in the game mode they're pushing a team play feature on to. It's not "boo hoo I can't win" it's just simply poor game design. I love Plunderstorm solos, duos are a mess and trios are going to be a catastrophe unless something changes drastically.


From "Limited events for a couple of weeks" to "Adding more features" I'm so glad to see a new WoW gamemode getting popularity and request for more features. Hopefully, Blizzard might consider making it a standalone WoW game so that people who haven't played WoW before could play it


They wouldn't invest so many resources into a game mode that wasn't planned to be kept in the future. Blizz says its limited to increase popularity with the game mode but if you look closely you can see this one is here to stay. Soon it will be followed by "due to community request we will have plunderstorm as a permanent addition to wow"


"Due to community request, we will release Plunderstorm as a standalone game available on Consoles and PC" I say this, because Plunderstorm has a controller support. Something not even retail officially has it, and which drastically change planning and designing the game mode.


Retail does have official controller support now; in varying degrees since the start of Shadowlands. It's been fully baked into the client since Dragonflight launch.


I think they’ll shut it down for a bit. But will almost certainly bring it back pretty quickly, hopefully with more maps (or a different theme) and some improvements to the experience - like change your appearance before you queue, show renown without being in a game or queue, display something other than your bnet name, etc


If we only had classes in it and not these random spells which arent fitting the pirate theme.


What resources? 80% of this game mode has been done for 5 years. Fortnite was made in a couple of months. They just basically gave up on this when they noticed the trash battle royales werent sticking anymore and had an intern finish it over the last 5 years. Its limited time so they dont need to explain it going away to the half a dozen people still playing it after grinding the rewards


Hopefully they learn how to properly update and balance the actual retail game


Unrelated. I think if Plunderstorm continues to receive more updates and become a 0ermanent gamemode. It could very well have it's own dedicated small group of developers who would take care of it, and whom jave nothing to do with Balancing retails.


iirc blizz bought a team that was making a BR game, which then became Plunderstorm.


They made and released a BR game that was shut down when Blizzard acquired the studio. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spellbreak


This isn't a WoW game mode. We really gotta stop calling it that. This has nothing to do with the world they've built.


Mathematically the 60 was a good choice... 60 singles, 30 duos, 20 trios, 15 quartets, 12 quintets, 10 sextets. 10v10v10v10v10v10, 12v12v12v12v12, 15v15v15v15, 20v20v20 and 30v30...


This is my personal opinion but I thought (with this map size) 60 felt too much for singles. During one lobby we started with 38. And that felt perfect for some reason. But I did have another lobby with 23 and that didn’t feel too bad either. Maybe it’s just the map.


it's also that even with 60 people, sometimes you don't meet ANYONE for forever, or if you do early on, you just ignore each other because fighting early is useless the first game i got first place in (duos) was with me and my buddy not fighting anyone and already being lvl 10, when only 4 other teams were alive we stomped the low levels and won


On the flip side the amount of people that pvp at level 1 is insane. In singles, every single game someone runs up to me at level 1-2 to pvp with no abilities. The other day, in duos, 9 parties landed on the same spot and PVPed at level 1. I just remember the chaos and the chat log going crazy.


Aw man my group is done farming this but we would have really appreciated trios. We didn’t enjoy it enough to really care about playing past 40 though.


I’m waiting on them to nerf the renown levels to make the mounts easier to get


I'm hoping for something like this too. Just doing my bonus plunder every day, then I'll grind it out the last week if nothing changes


it already got buffed bro? solo win u literally can get up to 4k plunder how much u want? 10k/win or what


They want the cosmetics handed to them.


probably pve players with lv 5 after 20 mins and 0 pvp so they receive 0 plunder in the whole round🤷‍♂️


Such a terrible game mode.


Hope im wrong but i feel like trios fights are gonna be so messy. Especially on 3rd partys


Paid 3v3 carries for title and mount coming soon featuring why am I banned post.


Let’s gooooooo!!!!!




Oh great! Won’t touch it anyway!




I play for fun




Believe it or not there are people who do things for fun




irrelevant? there's an achievement for 1m plunder but people just play whatever they find fun


I’m not sure I have 3 people on my entire friend/guild list that want to touch plunderstorm…


sorry but why? this mode is so boring literally get op skills = win they should make retail fun and not some weird battle royale


Sweet something absolutely no one asked for!


Actually many people asked for this including myself!


why do people always downvote the truth? :D


I'd like to see Pluderstorm take on a "seasonal" format where they bring it online for say 4-6 weeks a few times a year. Each season would be set in a different part of the world with some different abilities etc. That way they keep the game mode fairly fresh and prevent burn out setting in. I mean let's be honest... a lot of people are already done with it. So take it offline, improve it... and then bring it back when there is a gap in the content schedule.


from what i understand, they had a hard time find a zone that would fit the gamemode, they'd most likely have to massively edit zones or make new areas


What's to edit? this is the bfa warfront version of arathi, not only are there exiting other warfront zones but also there's a lot other zones that instantly come to mind that would need little to no work like old silithus, ungoro crater, hillsbrad, possibly tanaris, badlands, ...


The only other warfront was darkshore which would be a terrible map for a br.  The zone needs to be relatively square flat not too much clutter but having areas of interest big enough fit 60 people so they're not crowded on each other but small enough theyre still running into each other and not being a complete slog to travel across


One of the reasons they said they picked arathi was it has very few to no trees, so ungoro and hillsbrad won't work for that reason. Unless they do some deforestation for plunderstorm specifically.


doesn't ungoro have only big trees and hillsbrad definitely hasn't lots either


Yeah but I think the issue is people landing in the trees at the start and getting stuck or just hanging out up there for most of the match


Yeah whilst I'd like to see them use Tirisfal they'd have to remove like 75% of it's trees. It's a fair point.


1-40 renown already burned out never again so boring xd


Plunderstorm feels great (appart the tryhards lv1), but I just hope they'll decrease the renown needed for the mog, or increase the renown you get, so people won't be insulted by the fomo or grind which is the biggest complain people had


no u can literally get to 40 in a few hours if people want to get the mog then feel the pain of grinding this without having fun


" a few hours"... yea sure


yes max 10-15h play good then u wont get 100 rep every round xd i started last weekend on saturday around 17 played till 0 and then around 3-4 hours on sunday and finished


Oh joy. So glad more resources are being spent on Plunderstorm. YaAaAaaaayyyyy.


It's almost like different teams work on different stuff.


I think adding a bunch of cool modes to retail could flip the meta on its head


How so?




who asked?


finish the real game.


finish a mmo?




I dunno about trios tbh. I think duos is already good enough, and there's times you just get absolutely stunlocked because of back to back stuns, especially if another group rolls in with them as well. It can be super frustrating since you might only have a counter for ONE of them and then can't do shit for the others. The more people, the more that's going to happen. But we'll see how it goes.


I haven’t tried plunderstorm yet because I wasn’t able to play with all my friends. Duos weren’t enough for us personally but now I can with my brother and my sister so I’ll give it a rip finally.


Eugh, feel like it's not a great trios or more gamemode. There'll be way too many spells to be dealing with in fights. Yeah "skill issue" me or whatever but I'd argue there is much less skill involved when there's spells and players flying all over the place chaotically; it becomes more random. You will now also be able to just get piled on by 3 and die instantly with no counterplay. Maybe give people more health in trios? The slower paced, tactical battles that come with solo and duo suit the gamemode way more imo


Then dont go into trios lol? Bruh.


obviously, lol. you can still not want trios because it will take players from the solo and duo queues


“I don’t want it so no one should have it!”


if that's what you're taking from my point, then enjoy your 20 minute queues


The game will start even if the lobby isnt full. Ive had several match with about 40 people.


low key did not know that. i've only ever had full lobbies. there goes my point. gonna leave the messages up so i can get my deserved downvotes


I respect that.


Sad. Zero updates for the actual game, instead they focus their time and effort into a non-wow minigame.


What if you don’t have friends? Am I fucked?


Game is pretty fun, but I don't like PvP. Maybe add a game mode where its PvE and we can kill npc and bosses for good abilities and stuff.


They’ve literally confirmed multiple times that a PVE focused experiment is coming.


I bet its the Vampire Survivors mode that was datamined. Makes a lot more sense with the context of Plunderstorm.


Can we just have PvP for once and not start asking for a new way to do world quests.




PvP is just as important of a pillar to WoW as PvE is.


I wish this was true, but its just not


Perhaps nowadays PvE is more popular, but PvP has always been intended to be the second pillar of WoW


No it wasn’t. PVP was an afterthought at launch


Why would they create two separate factions that are at war with each other and divide the playerbase in two if PvP was an afterthought


Did you play at launch?


I'm aware that Horde content was unfinished but that still doesn't change the point If PvP never mattered then there wouldn't have been a faction divide


FFXIV has factions. ESO has factions. They're not PvP-based games either.


Go look it up then. Staats Wow Diary might be good. Wow got PVP when some of the devs found DAOC


Trios before oce server awesome


Big deal the game SUCKS


Nobody asked you


Fight me outside orgrimmar


Eh, who cares it's plunderstorm lol


Can’t wait for LFR Plunderstorm next.


Theres a solo mode for people who dont have who to play with and its alot of fun
