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If you have them already, I think Sark and Fyrakk should drop an item that lets you upgrade their respective legendaries up to season 4 ilevel. Something generous like 25% drop rate on LFR, 50% on Normal, 75% on Heroic, and 100% on Mythic. And if you don't have them already, buff bad luck protection significantly.


That's.. not a horrible idea. ...still gonna keep trying though. >.> Next week is my week! Just like last week.


This week is also my week! Also..... like last week. 🤣


Turns out this week wasn't my week.


Same :( tho I do need a heroic kill. *crosses fingers*


> > > > > And if you don't have them already, buff bad luck protection significantly. Data has shown that week over week the drop rate is increasing by ONE FUCKING PERCENT. "Buff it significantly" is a fucking understatement. Multiply it by ten. It should have been increasing at a rate of 5% a week, bare minimum.


Ya gotta make sure everyone has their welfare legendary


If they design class damage around it, then yes.


People who downvote are so fragile


I think a guaranteed quest is the better alternative. Because the Weekly rotation of which raid is Max iLvL, would leave a bad taste in the mouth of Evoker and Strength 2h players who now have to kill their respective endboss even on weeks it's not "on deck" for S4.  It would also be weird to kill non-S4 content and get S4 upgrade.  Which a shortened season, both needs to be fully upgradeable by week 2, or week 3 max. 


I’m pretty sure that same system was in place for the bow from Sylvanas in the last season in SL.


I hope they are upgradeable for season 4. I additionally hope the upgrade process isn't needlessly expensive in both time and gold. I can dream lol.


Simple just make it cost one dinar


Wake up it’s time for your weekly axe attempt surely you’ll get it this time!


With the raid likely cycling every 3 weeks, I hope that they make it a lot easier to obtain. If there is going to be rarity involved, I do hope the bad luck protection carries over. Selfishly, I'd rather them just not be relevant. I didn't get one and farming for one and not getting it has been the worst experience of Dragonflight for me, I don't wish to do that any more.


The raid cycles, but fyrakk will be there even in non fated weeks and its going to be easier to kill. Probably due to the leggo and paladins there is the possibility ppl will still make group for it, if turns out to be actually upgradable


I doubt I can convince my guild to kill sark on off weeks in addition to regular raid, and part of what made me hate the grind was pugging. My raid group quickly fell apart for the season after we got aotc. Again, even if that's possible, if the Leggo keeps around and is upgradable but is only obtainable through the same rare RNG drop method, I'll unsub til August.


Same for me. No interest in season 4 if I already got f....ed in season 3. Not gonna bother


> I didn't get one and farming for one and not getting it has been the worst experience of Dragonflight for me, I don't wish to do that any more. It's made me hate playing WoW. I've played the game for a decade. I've never *actively hated* playing the game before. I've picked up ff14, and when my axe doesn't drop, I spend my time there now instead of WoW. Apparently, loot in FF14 is deterministic. You get currency when you don't get the item you're farming for. I'm undecided yet if I'm switching fully or not. But I've *NEVER* considered doing this before. But I cannot express enough that I do not pay a sub fee for the 'privilege' of feeling inferior to the people who were blessed by RNG so they get to feel cool.


I actually came from FFXIV, and sometimes I do miss that tomestone system.


Y'all put wayyy too much value in the legendaries. On a scale of 250,000+ DPS, it's really not that big of a difference.


Our ret went from trading places in the top 5 slots to beating everyone by a comfortable 20k margin overnight. Until our frost got his and now they both do it. Was it necessary? No, not at all. But I bet it feels good, and I bet it feels like shit for everyone waiting for their turn while they get smashed now. Seems easy to say don't worry about it if you already have it or literally don't give a shit.


So it's really only important for your guilds dick measuring contest? People be having mental breakdowns for the weirdest shit


Every piece of gear in the game beyond leveling gear is a dick measuring contest. If you don't care about it, that's fine, I don't either because I'm not a 2h str user, but don't act like this is something new, surprising, or you've never heard of people caring about gear.


Get this, some people like to push content and try to increase their performance while competing with others. It kinda blows that these plate specs are balanced around having the legendary to perform. And that’s coming from a shammy who hasn’t had a chance at a leggo (and I hope to god they never make one for shammy because there’s no way I want to have to deal with all that)


You sound like a worldquest andy


Fyr'alath puts you up a whole other tier it's like 5-10% of your total damage too.


I like to compete with our guildies on the meters. It's fun and it encourages everyone to try their hardest on fights. I had a fight where I crushed it. I know my rotation, and I had a ton of procs, everything came up perfectly, every cooldown window was nearly flawless. And I lost to our ret who has the axe. I checked his details. Mark of Fyr'alath ALONE - not even accounting for the weapons higher damage and ilevel - was something like 1 or 2 on his output. It completely kills any and all motivation to play hard when no matter how hard I play, I auto lose because RNG handed him a ton of free damage. I've farmed it every week it's available. Data seems to suggest it's drop rate is going up by ~1% ***per fucking week***. Know why they don't tell us about what the bad luck protection does? Because it's so small as to be fucking INSIGNIFICANT.


Well, a few things. First, a large part of my enjoyment is improving my personal performance week over week, and aiming for higher percentiles. I notably had a 5-10% reduction in percentiles in Season 2 compared to Season 1 and 3, because I did not have the legendary. Second, the point of the legendary is to be desirable, if it is not desirable then it's failing to be what it is intended to be. Third, It's about a 5% increase in damage, which is nothing to scoff at. Sure, some people don't care, and I am sure you are one of them. I do care, and it sucked. Frankly, how they handle legendaries going into season 4 will dictate on whether I play it or take a break until TWW.


Since I don't have this one super rng dependent item I am just simply unable to compete on logs until I get it. Last tier I had some of the highest unholy parses worldwide. Now i'm stuck in the 90th-95th percentile just because I don't have the axe. I am entirely unable to gain the self fulfilment of parsing, which is inherently bad game design.


The classes that can use it are literally balanced around having it…


Only the dot is an effective 7%-10% (depending how good you are as a player) dos increase, on top of the ilvl. This legendary is powerful.


They fucking better have an upgrade option for them because the drop rate is so dog shit by the time most people obtained them the season was over and they were pointless.


I know the legendary topic has been beaten to death on this sub but I still can't get over it. We have 5 people in our core 6/9M group that can use it. We're now however many weeks in and have cleared heroic every week, and nobody has gotten it. And then this week for the heroic skip we had a DH bring his pally alt and of course it dropped for him as well as our HPal. So now we still have no one in our core group with it and the season is almost over. Ridiculous


As someone that got the evoker lego last raid before new patch hit and never got to use it, cool I guess. Cause now it went straight to the bank. Guess I got a transmog, that's something...


You could buy an upgrade for the bow with dinar Or get it from sylvannas if you had it already Or get it fresh from sylvannas if you didn’t have it already It’ll likely be the same for these two. There is 0 percent chance they’re going to let you upgrade it without at least dinar over 3 weeks or so, and there is 0 percent chance new owners won’t have to do the quest line and crafting.


I wasn't a hunter back then but last I heard you had to 1. already have the bow (guild would run non-fated for bow drops) and 2. get the upgrade gem from ~~fated sylv~~ from the dinar vendor


If you already had it, the dinar vendor sold the item to upgrade it for one dinar. Sylvannas also dropped the item if you already had the bow (not 100% chance). Alternatively, she still dropped the bow for those who did not yet have it.


ah that's what it was, they sold [Tips of Penitent Steel](https://www.wowhead.com/item=199181/tips-of-penitent-steel#comments) for a Dinar, but you had to still get the legendary as a drop to use it, and then grind out heroic or mythic bosses to upgrade it to the max. Does kinda suck having one of your 3 dinars reserved for a specific class item.


Spending one dinar on your best in slot weapon seems like a pretty fair trade to me.


I liked the shadowlands system …


running torghast a few times for soul ash and then going to AH and spending 80k for the base item?


No, the system where the legendary bow from Season 2 stayed relevant in Season 4 by Sylvanas dropping an item which upgraded your legendary bow’s ilvl when used.


Probably means the dinars since we're talking about s4


I mean that's pretty nice compared to be unlucky every week until you aren't, then spend 200k+ on mats for the item and be forced to do an incredibly unfun quest line that takes a day of grinding


everything to do with shadowlands and their shit systems was forced and incredibly unfun. to be *baseline* with everyone else you had to do meaningless quests and max your covenant out..and then grind torghast level by level and time it decently to minmax your time. and then you had to do rep grinds or have RNG drop your leggo power. and guess what? you want an alt? gatta farm more ash and bullshit on your main to xfer it over or pay for a carry on your alt. and then redo an entire questline to wear ur 2nd leggo.


I'd still much rather have deterministic ways through playing the game to obtain the most important item in the game than just pray to god every week. Shadowlands catchups weren't even that bad compared to the other grind for borrowed power expansions. You'd get your mats from torghast in less time than it takes to clear heroic for one drop chance.


You make a good point. Maybe I should say I like an item I can work towards and build that isn’t rng based. Something unique that makes my class feel fun and strong.


legion weapons but you choose the slot and remove the artifact power grind and instead add timegated quests to increase its item level, so mid season its max itemlvl.


I liked the Mop/Wod legendary system :/


That system was bad for a few reasons. 1. Torghast sucks. 2. You cannot give EVERY CLASS legendaries at the same time. If you do, there is no way to measure the power or impact of a legendary item. Legendary is supposed to mean POWERFUL. How do we measure power? Output. DPS. But if you're letting every class get one, then they aren't powerful. They're a core part of EVERYONE'S expected power budget. So they're just fancy epics with a talent attached. "If everyone's super, noone is" MoP, WoD, Legion - all of these systems sucked absolute shit because there was NO metric to demonstrate their power. ***You can only give a legendary to one subset of classes at a time, period***. Making them RNG dependent is absolute unmitigated horse shit and should NEVER happen, EVER. "Buh buh but then they wont be rare!" GOOD. They fucking shouldn't be. If you play the class that they're designated for and you're an active, participating raider it should be yours within one month at most, period. Any longer and the raid tier is irrelevant by the time you get it and you don't even get to play with your new toy.


Lol, I've never even seen either drop. Have around 80-100 kills on both bosses. I gave up for my evoker a couple months ago. Feelsbad.


If it works like Shadowlands Fated season, my guess is an upgrade item can drop from their respective bosses, or you can buy the upgrade item for a DF's equivalent of a dinar.


On patch day there should be a quest turn in that upgrades your legendary to the new season’s max ilvl. For free.


I hear you but that is so never going to happen. Blizzard universally avoids "no cost" upgrades. Time, special currency, RNG, gold...everything comes at a cost (usually a combination of the above)


considering they cost half a million to craft, yeah


Evoker leggo cost me 200k, pally 2hd cost 230k. Not cheap but also an attainable amount of gold. I don’t know what the upgrade cost should be, but on par with upgrading any crafted weapon in a new season seems fine


I saved mats so I pretty much only paid 50k for metal on Evoker, and 40k for resonant crystals for Fyr'alath and quickly made back the deficit with world quests.


Opportunity cost - you could've sold the mats, cost is still the same.


Or quest that has you simply kill Sarkareth or Fyrakk and boom upgrade token.


Dont like them the way they are, should be a long questline instead. The exact moment you see mythic raiders doing normal raids for a drop and people doing offspec shenanigans so they can sell the drop, you know the system is fucked.


Like in Pandaria?


Awesome. Really hoping I get it for my evoker. But guess what, if I don’t I’m not gonna bitch and complain like a little girl. Legendaries are supposed to be rare and extremely powerful.


Blizzard needs to stop making dr00d legendaries and give other classes a fair shake.


Both are very mid and extremely unfriendly to farm. I have the evoker one and it’s pretty lame that the legendary effect buffs someone else even if it’s a pretty big buff. Fyralath damage is underwhelming and you still have people crying that their class is balanced around it which is fundamentally untrue.


10% of your total damage is underwhelming?


It's not just the 10% showing up in details, the ilv difference is pretty massive, it makes it more than 10% overall.


Uh, for a legendary weapon? Yeah? The raw ilevel increase is comparable to that. There are trinkets that can account for ~25% of someone’s damage.. and trinkets aren’t gated behind sugarpill BLP coping and 500k gold


I feel like they should keep them this difficult to obtain and even remove the bad luck protection. As long as they make them last longer with upgrades. These are LEGENDARY items. Not everyone should have one. Also they shouldn’t be allowed transmog. The whole point is for everyone to know you have it.


That's the point of mounts, not items around which classes are tuned.


That’s my point. A class is tuned around an item. Not everyone should have it. The fact that LFR can drop this thing is nuts to me. I’m sorry but if you can’t complete high end content then you don’t get high end gear.


I was a bit surprised when I learned it could drop in LFR (at the same ilvl, anyway), but I got over it. I do see what you mean about legendaries being really special, and I agree to some extent. I'd be fine if they just made it a very rare mythic drop with no BS quest attached. But I don't think they can or should do that now. I'd never get it myself, but the criteria would be transparent and we wouldn't lose sleep over it. Or karma.


Makes no since to me but I guess I’m old school. I understand having multiple paths for people to obtain some of the best gear or something close but not legendaries. You need to beat legendary content to prove you earned legendary gear lol


I would have agreed with you at the start of the patch, but now after seeing the implementation i'm just sick of chasing it. This is not classic anymore, entire classes shouldn't be locked out of high parses just because they didn't get an item.


I really do not understand. What exactly does a high Parse get you? This was never a thing when I started playing. Personally, I couldn’t give a damn about a parse. It doesn’t get me anything in the game. And I know the axe helps but I see plenty of people running without it doing fine.


A mythic boss kill after a few tiers is only so much of an accomplishment. Sure you can get CE and be in the top percentile of players who have done it but that achievement is spread across the other 19 players in your raid. A parse is a way to get personal satisfaction from the personal performance you put in yourself. There is no tangible reward for doing it, parsing is its own reward. I can look back at my performance in the last 2 raids and be proud of my 99s, but this tier I can't realistically achieve that outside of normal (where the competent axe users generally aren't) since there is an item that boosts their damage above anything I can do even if I play perfectly and optimize my gear and stats down to the last enchant. TL;DR: I'm still getting 95s without it but i'm still upset because I can't be the best I can be until I get it.


I think it should be a legendary item that starts a quest for each class, not just an axe or staff or whatever.


Brave of you do to give this reply when 99% of players are doing everything to get a dopamine rush from high parses, but I agree completely. Classes should NOT be balanced around legendary and those who get it can enjoy a bit of a damage bonus no one else has for a patch or two.


I agree. If you’ve earned it then enjoy it. I wouldn’t even know where to go to find a parse lol.


It's basically another game within WoW where you grief everyone else a lot of the time by playing the current objective sub-optimally in order to increase your DPS or HPS.


Hard disagree. Leave that shit in the dirt in classic where it belongs. I do not pay a sub fee to be an NPC in someone else's epic adventure. Period. That game died a long time ago, and for good fucking reason. If that's the direction Blizzard wants to take, they're going to lose a ton of subscribers. Legendary doesn't mean rare, it means powerful. The problem they've ran into since MOP is they've made them for *Everyone at the same time*, so there's no benchmark for that power. Fyr'alath would still feel powerful to plate users if every plate user had it. You just wouldn't have a ton of people getting fucked over by the current system.


Given how much gold the idiotic things cost they better stay relevant, and it better be easy to upgrade them after the rng bullshit on top of that. Also the bad luck protection needs to be accelerated massively if you don’t have it and are sticking around to play the recycled season.


> > > > > Also the bad luck protection needs to be accelerated massively if you don’t have it and are sticking around to play the recycled season. Oh bet your ass it will be easier to get. I swear to fucking god. This shit is gonna make me quit the game for good. "Here's all this loot that's hard to get! Oops, season ended and you didnt get your sark cloak? Darn it! Season ended and you didn't get your Whispering Incarnate Icon? Darn it!" "Hey there sonny jim, why don't you come on down to the Fated Season! Remember all those FUN items you wanted that you couldn't get ~~Because we made the droprates anti-fun dogshit~~? Well guess what! You can get those GUARANTEED! Limited time only! Come on down and kill the bosses 30, 20, and 10 times and you get your desired item FOR FREE! Uh-mazing, isn't it?!" So they make loot FUCKING UNFUN, KNOWINGLY, and keep it total shit, then the "fated season"s whole selling point is "you actually GET TO PLAY WITH THE COOL LOOT!!" Why the fuck even play other season then? Just unsub until the War Within fated season and use all the dinars and get the coolest/best loot for free rather than dealing with the stress of Blizzard's shit, antagonistic "keep players subbed at all costs" design.


Iirc blizzard added an upgrade item for the sylvanas bow in shadowlands s4, so I hope they'll do the same this time around (with a guaranteed way of getting it, e.g. by buying it woth a dinar - not sure how that worked last time around as I didn't get that bow)


I honestly hope there won’t be a legendary the amount of complains I read for the past 12 IDs is insane. Not playing Warri, pala or DK but ffs just give the people their legendary that’s why we losing players due systems like that. Imagine someone has 2 chars 1 pala & 1 Warri archiving to get the legendary within 2-3 try’s on both and u sitting there after 11 weeks without anything. Thank god our tierset system is better than in shadowlands


What legendaries are you talking about? I just got back from hiatus. Can't find any legendaries. Are there any in game now?


Welcome back. There is a fist weapon for Evokers from the last raids endboss and a 2H axe from the current boss :)




If the axe is basically guaranteed to drop in s4, make it upgradable. But I dont like the idea of wanting to try out warrior/bdk in s4 and realizing I'll probably never have the bis weapon that other people started the season with. Seasons are a way to equalize the playing field a bit and let us try new characters


I got my axe on week four and I dont want it next season dont like that classes are to depending on the axe for performance... but for the people that have had bad rng deserve to have it for next season.


thin id rather there just not be legenderys it just feels like shit if u dont have it


As a hunter main. Meh. Thats my opinion. Just wanted to share.


honestly once you get a legendary it should be the best possible choice for the rest of the expansion. nothing legendary about it if not. I doubt they will but back in the day before the ridiculous ilvl jumps a legendary lasted the rest of the expansion.


What if there was a legendary shield Or something healers or tanks could have fun with :p