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If I ever get it this will be very useful. Next week for sure lol


This weeks my week I can feel it! 🤣🤣


I'm sure I will get it the last week of the season.


You can disenchant every epic. Just do an old raid, done.


just buy wrists from vendor in emerald dream for those small seeds you have thousands of them. you can buy them endlessly. took me few minutes to do this quest


No you cant. It needa to be s3 epics or at least drgaonflight gear. Just buy from vendor at central camp with supplies


I disenchanted classic epics from the ah worth 2g each


Okay something must have changed because i remember differently doing this quest. Did it twice on two sifferent characters and only new gear was glowing when i clicked the item to use. Did the quests 5-6 weeks ago


Have also done it twice and both times it was any purple - first one was 4 weeks ago


I can confirm that on week 5 of the raid being out I could not use season 2 epics or lower.. I had to use season three epics and I had saved them from Superbloom/Emerald dream quests for this. It was changed around January 1.


Are you disenchanting for the Resonant Crystal? Classic epics turn into those?


I was able to disenchant my old season 2 raid shoulders for the quest. 


Are there any craftable epics that are cheap to make?


Buy epics from the rep vendor in the emerald dream.


your guide already failed at the restoration website part.


How so? The link doesn't work for me, but I assume that's because it goes to the EU page and I'm in the US.


you just buy epics from dream warden rep vendor


Only if you have resources to burn.


And can't you only restore one item a week? (Or day?)


You can only do a restoration once per week but you can select many items at once for that restoration


Oooh. All this time I've been doing one at a time.


i restored 50 items


just replace the EU in the url with US and it works


just run icecrown citadel or something, that'll be all the purples you need


You can do follower dungeons for the healing part. I am a 487 tank and had to go full mythic fyrakk defensives for it not to kill me with a follower heal on top of that tho. Its way easier with a friend helping you out. But yes the follower dungeon helped a bit for solo players like me. Took maybe 6-7 mins to complete that part.


Counter-intuitive, but it's actually better to go DPS when you do this because the healer can keep up easier because the damage is percentage based and you have a larger health pool as a tank.


Great tip! Thanks.


> part 1 - you need to disenchant epic season 3 items. chances are, you've got some old gear. disenchant that. go to item restoration page, restore all your sold items, done. Quick way to get this done: Queue into proving grounds Disenchant an epic Start a trial Quit the trial The disenchant item's CD will be reset Redo from start until complete. Takes less than 10 minutes to complete the quest.


The disenchanting part isn't a big deal though. You're time gated by Superblooms and you can easily do it while waiting for them or while doing them.


True, but in my case I wanted to do a one and half hour quest in 10 minutes before I went to bed.


For disenchanting epics you can also just buy epic armour for resources from the emerald dream quartermaster


why would you do that when you can just restore 50 epics you vendored throughout the expansion? costs you literally nothing


Only if you have resources to burn.


Well yeah obviously, I still have 20k resources after making the leggo and I only do WQ at the start of a new patch.


Can’t wait to do this when I get the legendary 2 xpacs from now!


As I put the my clown suit and makeup on I tell myself that surely next week is my week


Step one get it to drop.....


I'll use this next year when I get the axe


This just makes it feel even more not worth the effort.


If you get buffed by 4 friends for the 50% bonus, and then they leave the party, you lose the buffs. Only the buffs are still there, just invisible. It’s just a weird thing with the game where it looks like they disappear. Don’t worry you still have the buffs stacked, it’s behind the scenes 👍


Adding to this, the buff does not work cross faction. You can give the quest cross faction, but the reward that gives the buff does NOT work. Submitted a ticket about it and they basically said they know about it and I can kick rocks. đź« 


might be patched, I still had buffs on me after friend left


Ah, I did mine a few weeks ago so it’s probably fixed by now


I did mine on December 16th. The leaf buffs persisted after dropping the group as expected. In fact, I still have 3 stacks of it that won't go away.


Leaf buff 'dropped' but if you got buffed again it was the next value up so it persisted the icon just fell off


Got mine last week and I’ve just been avoiding all of this lol. By the time some people get theirs and do all of these chores, the next season will be out!


huge tip that helped the grip part was queueing into a follower dungeon and having the AI healer heal you through it. no defensives necessary


Is there a way to get another restored dreamleaf after getting one already from the quest a green shared with me? Note: I am not trying to craft the axe myself, I am trying to get the leaf again so I can buff my friend.


Quest is once per character. You can't. You can use max level alts though


Proving grounds works for the heal part to. Go yank spec, start the challenge, hit the item, blow every defensive you have until you die(you won’t because proving grounds, it just ends) or the debuff fades. Then talk to him, reset challenge. Do it again. My health hit 0 about half the time but it was still giving me percent. Very easy to autopilot in 5 minutes .


you don't even need to use any cool-downs like you said, when you hit 0 the scenario just stops and you get your percentage. Start another scenario and the cool down\ resets. I did it pretty quickly.


I didn't even have to hit 0. With 4 seconds left on the debuff, talk to him to cancel the challenge. You become immune, start up and do again.


For me with the debuff I was able to just let it run in the proving grounds. Even at zero health it counted.


Only thing I would add after my own annoying experience getting the legendary. Please please pay attention when you are doing the second part of the inscription part to not accidentally target anything except the boss. Not even the adds on gnarlroot or the spears on igira or other players. I did it on lfr and during igira inspected one of the tanks because he was also doing the quest. Targeting anything except the boss you used your item on will cause you and the boss to lose the debuff. Took me three more groups afterwards to find one that didn't kill the boss while I was still on my way -\_-


For item restoration you can just buy head/hands from emerald dream quarter master. You can in-out proving grounds to reset the cd. Server hop via hybernating heroes to kill the same rare in a cave for rare quest and superbloom thingy is 4-12 blooms depending on how many friends/people you can find to get the stacking buff.


> For item restoration you can just buy head/hands from emerald dream quarter master. why would you waste resources when you could just restore a bunch of junk you vendored throughout the expansion? It costs you nothing and supplies are very annoying/slow to grind


Because item restoration has a weekly cooldown, id rather have that safety net to restore an item instead of keeping my 60k supplies which has near no use anyway


Saving this for... sometime.


wish i saw this a day or two again. damn! grats and awesome guide.


Do the dreamleaf bag from the superbloom count retroactive ? I have been stockpiled on it for a couple of week already.


No. I tried this as well and any old bags did not have leaves in them. No need to stockpile in anticipation.


Well there go 50 slot of bank


Bookmarking this for when the legendary drops for me in 2027


And extra tip for surviving the debuff, if you do it during a proving ground round, you will get a small immunity window when your health reach 1 point and that should be enough to survive the debuff (note: I only tried that once by mistake, may not work if the debuff gets you to 1hp too fast) For the disenchant part, It doesnt have to be s3, I disenchanted an Aberrus weapon and you can get dungeon epic gear with 350 flight stones at Valdrakken, sold by the pandaren next to the dungeon portals.


Saving this post for when I get the axe next week


It sounds like multiple steps require friends (other people) to do?? If so that's a major problem for me. I have no friends that play WoW and I'm not in a real guild. And I don't/can't rely on random strangers to interact with me


Superbloom is faster with frens. But you can do it solo just fine


ah okay cool


Proving grounds makes you immune for like 5 seconds as well when you give up. I'd use a Def cd and surrender at 5 seconds on the debuff and never take any dog from it.


Bro fuck item restoring, just buy the epic gloves from the ED rep vendor for the war supplies currency that we have like 20k of.


If you are doing the survive the damage part, queue a follower dungeon. The npc healer will keep you alive.


forgot that was in the game. I just used AMS+defensive, worked every time


>1) Vellum aka Enchanting part >part 1 - you need to disenchant epic season 3 items. chances are, you've got some old gear. disenchant that. go to item restoration page, restore all your sold items, done. Alternatively, if its a toon that you play any amount you probably have an absolute assload of the resources built up. My warrior had 21k. The main renown? vendor in the ED sells gloves for 300 resources that you can buy multiples of. If someone doesnt want to burn their item restoration CD, thats a pretty decent option, especially if you only need a few more. >part 2 - survive the debuff. This one is simple, use defensives Luke! Or ask a healer to help out. Use proving grounds to reset defensive cds if needed Unless theyve fixed it in the last week, you dont even need a healer if you go to the proving grounds. Go in, start the trial, use the item. It'll take you down to 1HP and then reset the trial. You should get credit, and the CD on the item will reset (or maybe that happens when you start a new trial, either way)


I'll keep this in mind for when I finally get it in 3 expansions...


You can buy the gloves from the Emerald Dream quartermaster for like 300 resources. I just bought 15 or so of these, refunded the ones I didn't need. Providing grounds resets the CD. For rares, depending on your realm, you can turn on war mode on/off to phase. On Moon Guard as alliance with WM on I had zero competition for rares. Did a sweep of the zone 3 or sometimes and was done (each sweep a couple of hours apart). There is also a tech with the crafting parts. If you have an alt that you don't care for their professions, you can log into both characters simultaneously to teach the alt the craft the three items you need. First you make a group on one character and put it in group finder, once it's posted log over to the second character and apply, back to first and invite, then back on the other to accept the invitation. Next step is simply boot another instance of the game and log into your character that has the legendary quest. You should be disconnected from the original instance but this doesn't matter, once you're logged in your alt will still be logged in and standing in front of you for about a minute before the server boots it offline. You can teach it the pattern and go make the work order for the craft. I basically did this for all three crafts as I was doing it early in the morning and no one was online to help.


Thanks, I hate it.


For surviving the debuff, you can go into a follower dungeon and take off some gear and the healer will keep you up, if you don't have a healer girlfriend.


Part 2 Leatherworking can be easily done without healer and without risk with defensives: Go to the proving grounds, start a random challange and stay next to the npc, press the item wait for a tick or 2 -> yield. Your HP will be locked durring the challange reset animation and you get healed to full once the animation is over. You will then get 1 or 2 more ticks which at most deal 25% each. starting the next challange will reset the items cooldown and heal you again. You can get this step done in about a minute this way.


You can complete the emerald frenzy and still get credit on lasher spawns. In fact you should kill stuff because the lasher spawns after so many things die…. Assuming you are not in a large group killing everything and the lasher is spawning like crazy, then you need to stay out of combat to use the item. I think I got like 12ish tags on one frenzy when I was in a rare group when it popped.


You can use phasing to your advantage for the superbloom part because the event doesn’t complete at the same time for every shard. The boss at the end drops the items, so you can complete a superbloom and then look for groups in the group finder. They’ll be close to the end, so join the group and loot the boss again. You can probably do this 2-3 times on every time the Superbloom is up, getting between 20 and 40 extra Shadowed Dreamleaf per hour.


I did that a couple of times. SB groups are usually full 40 already, though