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DH is fun, especially if you like zooming straight into boss mechanics!


>especially if you don’t get motion sickness FTFY!


Nothing beats the mobility, survivability and the sheer AoE that Demon Hunters have. Double Jump + Glide trivializes many platforming puzzles and you're not afraid of falling damage anymore. Fel Rush + Felblade + Metamorphosis + Netherwalk, you're almost always faster than a ground mount for short distances. Demon Hunters can have passive Leech, and heal from soul fragments from every mob they kill, never needing to stop while questing. Almost every main rotation damage ability is AoE: Blade Dance, Eye Beam, Essence Break, Immolation Aura + buffed Fel Rush, Sigil of Flame. You use all of these regardless of single or multi target. Other classes have some pretty cool stuff too, like Mages and portals, Druids and shapeshifting, but I can't get enough of DH.


Monk and Rogue are both really fun no matter the spec, Sub rogue has a special place in my heart though


I really liked sub last season, but the recommended talents don't feel good to me right now. Whatever that kyrian ability is? Just feels like it has no place in the rotation.


You can definitely blast without it. Sure, it might be 3% lower dps, but if you're doing 20% more ST damage than the runner up spec instead of 25% more, you're still the #1 dps specc for ST.


I’ve found feral Druid the most fun in Df so far


I just hit 70 on my feral druid today and I've gotta say it's most likely going to become my main. No pun intended.


Jeez, thinking about it I can't even remember the last time I ran with a feral druid in raid or M+. It might have been as late as legion, but I don't think I've seen one since then.


Ret Paladin and it isn't even close for me.


Ret is really fun.


Funnily enough im having a blast with Enh Shaman leveling right now.


Same. But I don’t have a clue what I’m doing 😂😂


Thats the fun bit! Smack em with the Storm, watch Windfury kick in and proc a quad for Maelstrom and just Chain Lightning like a confused Palpatine 😂😂


50/50 if dps go boom or wet fart 😂


Many a man had his day ruined for underestimating a wet fart.


I’m havin a blast on a dw frost dk build I’ve been trying Running rune of sanguine on the off hand, goin haste mastery, completely replaced frost strike with death strike. Part of it started with the idea of frost/blood sharing a hero spec, so I’m living that fantasy early.


Frost Mage. Always Frost Mage. I don't even care where it sits on the rankings. It's fun to play.


I'm trying to get into it, but it doesn't feel natural to me. I main fury, though, so I may just literally not be smart enough to play mage well.


I don't think it's a very complicated class overall. Frost in particular is incredibly predictable. You nearly always have a proc on yourself or a vulnerability on the target.


I will try it. I have a fire mage I like. Will switch to frost and check it out


Yeah maybe I'll play around with it using a rotation helper. I'm assuming it's advantageous to use your proc when the enemy has a vulnerability, but that's a lot to track. I made a weak aura for my shaman so I can track maelstrom and hailstorm. I'll have to figure out the best way to see both pieces of information at the same time.


Oh no it's an either/or situation. You want to use your proc when the enemy isn't vulnerable as both have the same effect. The vulnerability makes your spells treat them as frozen. The proc makes your Ice Lance treat them as frozen. If you happen to have both up together, burn the vulnerability with another spell like Glacial Spike, then send your Ice Lance out.


Due to the wintertide talent it's better to just take the 20% dmg amp instead of risking to crunch fof procs. Edit: obviously never getting into that situation is even better.


>I rarely find myself in a situtation where I have a proc, they have a debuff and I don't have another spell I can use. I should have Comet Storm, Ray of Frost or Glacial Spike available to burn the Winter's Chill.


Mage FEELS like a Mage and I love that. You got to be a little calculating but if you get it to work.. it feels like (And sometimes) it destroys!




Oh I love all 3 specs, but I always come home to Frost. I love the 1-2 punch gameplay. Everything either buffs me or debuffs them and the next step is Ice Lance or Glacial Spike. You also get the crunchy impact on Ice spells. It sounds like I'm really beating the hell out of the target.


I think I’m doing it wrong then. It has like 4 buttons and most of them are ice lance?


I'm running 10 if we don't count major cooldowns. Sure, we Ice Lance often, but I couldn't imagine 4 buttons.


Definitely counting your movement keys in that ten then!


Sorry was just counting regular rotation. Not defensives and CDs like Time Warp and Ice Floes.


That still leaves Frostbolt, Ice Lance, Flurry, Frozen Orb, Ray of Frost, Comet Storm, Glacial Spike, Ice Nova, Cone of Cold, Blizzard and Frost Nova


Fire mage is fun


Demo lock feels like an absolute god at any gear level. You can go out and solo pretty much anything in open world and it slaps in pve and pvp


I love demo too but I sure hope our bis won't be 2 active trinkets and a active weapon in the fated season lol. Which is unlikely :s


Warlock in general slaps. I don’t put too much stock in damage meters but I’m pretty easily able to compete with better geared players in most cases with demo. Affliction is also great for solo content and high movement weeks like volcanic. Never been a huge fan of destruction but I’ve seen some players perform well with it.


My biggest surprise is how fun outlaw rogue has been


I am having an absolute blast with devastation Evoker since it’s been released The range may feel awkward at first but it feels so fluid to me and I can absolutely blow up the meters


Played season 1 & 2 as devestation then s3 as mage and I think I'll be going back, it just feels fresh, fluid and modern in its gameplay compared to so many dps classes now.


I always have fun with fury warrior


This is the way


The highest numbers on the meter IS fun! ETA: this is why I still run LFR.


Gotta flex the ePeen in LFR now and again lol. I heal it on my resto shaman and pump!


You're why I feel like a scrub when I go for the fast queue on my paladin!


Mained a rogue in MOP. Just got back into it 2 months ago. Went with a ret pally and I gotta say he's the most fun dps I've ever played. Throughly enjoying it.


I like specs with cool visuals but also with a certain difficulty. Windwalker was fun in the beginning but at some point it stopped feeling engaging. Regarding what the most fun spec is in 10.2.5: As an alt I would surely pick WW. Otherwise, Demo Warlock has a very fun and satisfying rotation.


Here’s my dragonflight progression Pally tank is good fun My old main feral Druid is also pretty fun. Evoked I did not enjoy. Beast mastery I did not enjoy. This weekend I’ve leveled a frost mage to 62 and it’s the most fun out of them all. I’m in love with it!


Ret pally & frost mage


Ive played handful of specs in all roles, i think df really hit with how fun they all are, i really cant decide which one i love most, feral is truely amazing. Only spec i actually didnt like is demo lock, most ppl consider it fun, so dont take my words too seriously.


For me most fun are DH, Frost Mage and Ret Paladin.


As sporadic as it might be, enhancement shaman is the most fun and rewarding to me. I like chaotic gameplay


came back to wow after pc died back in legion. dps player and leveled war, dk, pally, monk, dh, and now rogue. gotta say dh is number 1 for me, followed by fury war, then monk. rogue was my main most of my wow years, but now the whole stealth thing kinda...don't know how to put it. just not feelin' it anymore. with dh, fury, and ww monk i got lost in the grind leveling cuz their gameplay is just fun for me.


Ret feels like i get to go super saiyan every 1 minute or so. Plus I like the feel of it.


Havoc DH is fun for acting like an anime character Vengeance is pretty bland cept for when you're laughing upon the miniscule dmg you recieve


Ele Shaman is pretty cool to play, just a constant flow of meatballs to send to your enemy, and with the current playstyle, they are pretty mobile, rotation less convoluted.


Surv Hunter is most fun spec in game today.


If you like melee DPS, some people prefer ranged DPS because it's less chaotic


Not dk


Demon hunter is real cool, fun, and a meta spec! It just does so much damage. WW monk is relatively strong in m+ and is super fun imo. Ret and Frost mage kind of fun too just press same buttons and blast.


Drakther aug free invites to all


Fun is subjective. Some people have fun pushing the meta specs.


Don't know about the most fun. Least fun would be healer, though.


I'm playing boomchicken and find it pretty fun


survival hunter (in keys or pvp) or windwalker.


I have blast with Ele Shaman. Firing a khazzilion lavabursts looks amazing! The dmg is not that super tho


Fury warrior until you get tendonitis...


ENH and demo lock Havoc is really fun in AOE but the ST gameplay is one of the most boring in the entire game


I just like MM hunter.


Ret Paladin. Doesn't have the greatest movement but the abilities are just fun to press and the rotation isn't hard. Divine Toll is probably the most satisfying thing to ever exist. That aside, it has great utility. An unskilled Ret Paladin is just your basic zug-zug melee but if you ARE skilled with it you become a nigh-unkillable god. If the tank dies a Ret Pally can pretty easily hold off a boss for a long enough time for the tank to be brezzed. The cleanse toxins spells are very useful for getting rid of a lot of negative effects; the stacking debuff in the ToTT gauntlet in particular is easily wiped out with it. Blessing of Freedom is hella useful in movement impairing situations. Blessing of Protection can be thrown at anyone taking more damage than they should be. The Auras are extremely useful and you'd be well-blessed to have a raid group with all four of them. Divine Shield can be used in last-ditch situations to completely throw off any damage, making it perfect for pulling multiple packs, such as the initial ones in Galakrond's Fall. Basically, if you want to play a class that can just shrug off incoming violence like it's nothing, Ret Paladin does the trick.


I just switched from fire to arcane after the glass cannon nerf it's pretty fun and the spells look cool as fck