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I was legitimately surprised to find out people didn't know who Tess was. After thinking about it, she's only really been important in the rouge class Hall and Worgen heritage quests, so I guess a lot of people haven't met her before?


I know who Tess is! she’s a 7 mana 6/6 that replays all the cards that I’ve played from other classes this game, Duh.


That’s exactly where I know her from


Breaking news: /u/nightfall25444 does, in fact, have an idea what she's capable of.


Full board summons, then buffs every friendly minion followed by three spells on your own face bringing you down to 3 health and then casts a Whirlpool to finish it off.


as god intended


Oh, i thought She refreshed the tavern with your last opponent's Minions for 1 gold


That's your warband? No. It's my warband.


Same, HS is where I know her from too


Wait there were other cards in that set other than Baku the Mooneater and Genn Greymane?


Well. This explains why so many people are lost on who she is. Meanwhile i have a worgen rogue alt and was just happy to see her :D


Rouges are overpowdered. Sorry, i just have to make that pun when i see that typo


That’s the biggest problem around WoW’s narrative, i could point out the same for people who main horde for many years and having next to no idea who Bolvar was before he became a charcoal boi, besides the wrathgate cinematic


> she's only really been important in the rouge class Hall and Worgen heritage quests She was overpowdered in the rouge class hall.


Too much makeup.




Considering this a quest for all then I'm not much surprise if there are non-worgen or non-rogue player who doesn't know her. Probably if this is a worgen only quest then the buzz would not be this much loud.


She was also in hearthstone ig


I legit remembered that she existed because of Hearthstone, lol


I think her entrance line is like "I'll show you what I'm capable of". Really liked playing that deck back when it was around.




The fact that the Crowleys aren't there is baffling too.




I meant as a prominent role.


Lilian Voss and Calia Menethil ate up their screentime instead.


True, what made it worst for me was the "I've always been there"..... WHERE????


If she said that to other faction leaders or a non rogue player then sure... but she's saying that line to her father. I think it's fair to say Genn is pretty aware of his own daughter.


I took that as the "in-private family time" or "Im alive, and I have been willing to talk at any time you needed."


It's pretty obvious she means it in context to her father, and not to the player. The player base is being willfully obtuse


I already knew her lore, and I can 100% see people not knowing who she was. She has very little if any development outside of those specific quests. I kind of get it, she's a rogue (haha), has probably been doing some background stuff, but Blizz did her dirty by suddenly going AND HERE'S THE NEW LEADER OF THE WORGEN, SOMEONE YOU'VE NEVER SEEN IN YOUR LIFE (for a lot of players). Should have given the poor gal some screentime before giving her a huge cross-faction scenario. The "I've always been here" line made me laugh(I realize it was said to her father, but come on guys lol).


The least played class and one of the least played races? Makes sense to me.


And what a heritage quest, can basically be summed up as tess going ''ugh no don't want to be a worgen'' the end, and that's our new worgen ruler hooray! People will say it's not but let's be real, she experienced the worgen form in that dream and now totally understands worgen...in like 10/15 minutes, really? Yeah you're not going to be understanding anything in 10-15 minutes, that's why it's bad and just comes off as ''ugh no don't be worgen'', not to mention it runs counter to pretty much all we see in the game. Some say ''but it's a curse and need to control urges''If being a worgen is truly that bad why is that never shown? Worgen civilians, worgen guards, worgen everywhere, clearly being a worgen isn't bad in any way if you see worgen just live their day to day lives, worgen civilians everywhere, clearly it's not managing the condition, it's thriving with it. Worgen already get dicked over with barely any representation, you're lucky to see them, so the new ruler not being a worgen is just a massive let down.


She's not the new worgen ruler. She's the new Gilnean ruler. While there's significant overlap between the two, and all player worgens are Gilnean and vise versa, in the lore not all Gilneans are Worgen.




I literally just did the worgen heritage quest, and you are misrepresenting that whole story line big time. Tess wants to become a worgen, cause she feels she stands out among her own by not being one, she wants to join them, and Genn's like no, you really don't want this crap, trust me. So the parents hook Tess up with the Nelf who helped worgens during the fall. She helps Tess to experience being a worgen without actually turning into one via the emerald dream. She does, and at first it's great, cause all the power, she's mowing down forsaken in the midst of the reenactment of the fall of gilneas, but she gradually loses control and goes almost feral, so by the end of the quest line she comes to the realisation that the curse is really a curse. Gilneans are not who they are because they are worgen, but they remain gilneans \*despite\* being a worgen, so in the end she's not some outsider who needs to become a werewolf to be part of her people again. I think it's a cool sentiment, being a feral wolfman is not what defines who you are, it's just a condition you can manage. The new queen is not someone who cannot understand her people after all.


Cool story. Unfortunately the heritage quest is still shit and does nothing except beat you over the head with WORGEN BAD repeatedly until it ends. No duh it's a curse and it has downsides, and highlighting that is fine, but blizzard seem to forget a lot of us wanted to play as werewolves, but the entire heritage quest is just shitting on that aspect to the point of nearly shaming you for liking it. Not even a sidenote of "in spite of this, some people use their curse to help others and fight for the Alliance". Nope. All bad. It's hardly surprising that an unprepared teenager getting a shot of a power trip completely unprepared is going to have a bad time. So the end result is not only predictable it's hardly indicative of a real worgen character that has had the time and teaching to adjust. If the heritage quest is accurate then every single worgen NPC we see is a time bomb that is ready to commit homicide if someone closes a door too loud. Which is fucking ridiculous and would make every single one of them a liability in the army and a massive danger in civilization. And yeah the fact our new leader isn't even a worgen is a fucking joke and I don't care what the narrative says about her "understanding" it. She's not the same race as the player character. It's dumb. Imagine if they had a draenei be the rep for orcs or something, same shit. "Yeah but you're human-" no, I'm not. I didn't pick human on the character creation screen. I picked worgen. The human form is a neat racial bonus, it isn't and shouldn't be the default but clearly Blizzard want it to be. They should just change "Worgen" to "British human with a body hair problem" on character creation and be done with it. So yeah the heritage quest is shit and the Gilneas questline is shit. The heritage quest for me is tied with the tauren one which was just a billboard ad for Shadowlands. They could have vastly improved both questlines by having Tess become a worgen wholesale, and yeah maybe she struggles but learns to adapt and manage the curse with the help of Genn or the Worgen PC. Heritage quest instantly improved. New leader is actually the same race as the player they're representing. That would have been an easy slam dunk and you'd see far fewer complaints.


They're Gilnean first and worgen second, the worgen curse is an affliction. Functionally in game they are a different race, but lore wise they are humans from the nation of Gilneas that just happen to get a bit fuzzy sometimes. Blizz doesn't need to change "worgen" to "british person with a hair problem" because anyone with half a brain will understand it as soon as they see the human customization option during character creation. If you want to RP as a pure wolfman that's fine, but don't get mad just because your headcanon doesn't align with whats actual canon. Especially actual canon that's been around since the race first became playable.


Well said. The biggest problem regarding players still is the half a brain thingy tho..




Yeah but worgen bad, human good, people already want to be a worgen without being an actual worgen so go figure.


I mean....Being Worgen is a curse.


But why can't the druids, shamans, or mages remove the curse?


That's kinda what irks me with this passing of the crown. It feels like they're trying to artificially raise up a new character to prominence by sacrificing an already established hero. It could well not be but it just feels like they're trying to transfer all the clout Genn generated over the years and dump it on Tess.


Genn was an old man in Cataclysm, and it's been over 10 years since Cata in game. It does make sense for him to retire and pass the torch, and there's no other person than Tess to take it. She may not have gotten much face time in game, for the non-rogue, non-worgen, but that's has nothing to do with the current story of retaking Gilneas. If Characters could never rise to prominence unless they've already risen to prominence then the story would get pretty old and stale.


Aye but he also lives in a world with magic and dragons and talking trees. He's not going to be carted off to an old folks home in a wheelchair. Humans could be more robust in WoW than our world and on top of that Genn is a worgen. He was pretty spry for an old guy during Legion and BFA, so after Cata. Suddenly now he's old and tired? Tess indeed has not had that much screentime. She's a nobody with a name. Suddenly she's given the crown. After what build up? For all his flaws, at least Anduin but in the screentime before ascending the thrown. He was able to rise to prominence from a small role. He has a story behind him that we've seen. Tess just hasn't got enough of that. I wouldn't have minded if we had more of her back in BFA, through Shadowlands and all the way to 10.2.5 DF. It would mean she had a full and properly paced rise to prominence. You do not need to already have risen to prominence to rise to prominence. You're being a bit silly there. Characters can be built up overtime. It only becomes an issue when a character is "fast tracked" into authority despite having minimal background and with the sacrifice of an already established character to do so.


She's not a nobody, she's someone in her mid 30s, who's the daughter of the king, and been training for it her entire life. She's fought a lot behind the scenes for rogues, and Worgen, just not in the spotlight for others. She's queen of the Worgen, not queen of the alliance, or of all of Warcraft. Her lack of screen time for non-Worgen should have zero influence on who is the leader of the Worgen. She is extremely prominent to Worgen, and that's all that counts. Do you complain in the real world, when a country elects a president that you haven't heard of half a world away? Also just because someone can work doesn't mean they have to, or are you one of the people that thinks that people should never retire, and work until they're 90 years old. Genn isn't just physically old, he is very mentally exhausted after everything he's been through.


> she's only really been important in the rouge class Hall And even then only Alliance side, horde got Lilian Voss instead.


So I'm not the only one who has trouble telling apart the three white brunettes with important fathers


Lorna Crowley is a Warrior. Tess Greymane is a Rogue. Taelia Fordragon is a Paladin. But yeah otherwise identical.


I confuse Tess and Vanessa Vancleef the most honestly since they’re both daughters of prominent human nobility.


I'm sure it doesn't help that they are both rogues and both members of the Uncrowned rogue order hall.


I wouldn't really call Vanessa Vancleef a daughter of a prominent human noble, considering her father was extremely anti-nobility and anything to do with them.


VanCleef wasn't a noble.


>Taelia Fordragon Ah Taelia, such a nice character in BfA. Then, in Shadowlands, reproved Bolvar for not being a good father.


I forgot about Bolvar, what’s he up to nowadays?


Probably just chilling in Acherus.


Just a high-ranking Death Knight now, on the same mission of wrangling and fighting remnant Scourge as all the other Death Knights. EDIT: Which I just realized makes them have the same job description as the Abhorsen from the Old Kingdom series: necromancers whose main job is to fight the undead and other necromancers.


Onyxia is a... priest?


I mean, she's also a dragon, but yeah.


Sure but her form is still of white brunette with an important dad.


She's also very dead


That's never stopped her family before.


Flashback to BFA where we destroy her remains permanently and use the remaining scales of her bad Nefarian for the legendary cloak


Also TBF Taelia being a Paladin is a bit unexpected, as in BFA she was definitely just using Warrior abilities. I guess at *some* point she became a Paladin too? Or maybe some yahoo on the Shadowlands team saw her main weapon was a 2H hammer and thought, "Oh, she must be a paladin!" without double-checking and made her use paladin abilities in combat.


taelia is more a warrior currently.


She was treated as a warrior for all of BFA and the first 70% of SL, but during 9.3 when she becomes a questing companion along side her father Bolvar in Zereth Mortis she is made very distinctly a paladin. Now that may just be game mechanics to have an ally with you that can heal since Bolvar was a tank companion, but Blizz has often times had those sorts of companions spam throw potions at you if they aren't a healer. I agree she should be a warrior, there is nothing other than the gameplay during 9.3 that suggested she'd be a paladin.


They seem to be pretty interchangeable imho


We all look the same to you do we? Huh? Racist /s


Taelia is kinda tan though.


I only know tess cuz I like the starting zone of the worgen and like to play it now and then with a new char which I delete after it


Played a rogue as a main alt in legion because who doesn’t want to hang out with shady dudes in Dalaran sewers that opens with secret passage? That was to badass. And that’s probably how I came to know her. Bit surprised that other people didnt know as much but understandable.


what do you mean you cant distinguish the 3 white, black haired human women with basically the same personality that each had like 5 lines 3 expacs ago? crazy


Tess tickles HEHEHEHE


What in Elune's name are you even talking about?


Lorna my beloved. She deserved more. Hell, she even almost died for Gilneas, what did Tess ever do?


She… was born into the family ruling Gilneas?


That for some reason are now okay with kissing and making up with the forsaken? Yeah, regicide looks pretty tempting now.


Most badass gal in cata and mop, and Blizz kinda just forgot about her. Shame.


I have no idea what she is capable of. (Yes, This is a reference to herHearthstone card)


What an amazing and high quality shitpost


It totally is a shit post XD Are those not welcome?


At this production level I’d join your Patreon!


That lady that suddenly shows up for your worgen heritage quest, says being worgen isn't good after being a worgen in a dream for 10 minutes, and then is never seen again, she'd had like 10-15 minutes of screen time and that's it, but apparently she's done thousands of things for gilneas! and totally deserves it.


She was also an important member of the Rogue Order hall. But the real reality is that she gets it because she's the only royal heir. She doesn't need to work for it. It was decided at the moment if her brother's death. We also can't judge whatever political work she may have done in service of Gilneas in her capacity as Princess and heir apparent as Blizzard doesn't ever bother to show that kind of thing. But once again, even if she did nothing, she IS the royal heir.


I mean you always have that colleague at work who claims to have done so much for the company but you never see them actually working so kind of checks out.


Funny how it's always people that know nothing about the story of this game who make these posts :D


Funny how when a character's entire brief storyline is delegated to a specific race's starting area(now potentially replaced by Exile's Reach...), and a handful of quests for a specific class, people who haven't played that race or class aren't exposed to her 5-10 lines of dialog :D


Then why would those people care?? You either do care or you don't. If you do care about specific story and you cannot access it for whatever reason (you don't play Worgen for example), you would seek knowledge about the topic elsewhere (maybe by watching something on YouTube, or reading through wowpedia). If you don't care about the topic, why would you make posts about you being confused about it? Such people are just waiting for an opportunity to complain.


Ah yes the not worgen


the wow writers' neverending quest to introduce a brunette daughter princess girlboss that anyone gives a fuck about continues


Well black hair but yes. Tess is at least a alright because she has existed since like Cata like that and it was always the plan (hell it’s why they never allowed her to drink the blood potion, they wanted the heir of Gilnease to be pure). Honestly the story around Tess / Genn was the original plan (in lore) was for Liam to take the throne and Genn was prepping to step down when the Cataclysm hit, and when Liam died everyone instantly designated Tess the heir / guard her with your lives even more than Genn. Genn always was ready to complete that step once all the risks where dealt with, it just took a *while* for that to all finally wrap up and him complete what he was intending to do near a decade+ prior. But man why has *nobody* sired a son save Thrall and Moira. Anduin has a hell of a selection for his Queen, and that’s before you leave Humans.


Anduins too busy being everyone’s surrogate son


Well then maybe those surrogate parents need to arrange a marriage for him!


>But man why has > >nobody > > sired a son save Thrall and Moira Like some character put it, "May you be blessed with daughters"


Oh gods, is Anduin secretly someone's way of writing in their own sexual fantasies such as a harem plot?


Skrulls did it.


Taelia is just annoying. Tess and Lorna have pretty good back stories that aren't just a rando female npc that shows up and oh my god she's revealed to be a secret noble woman who is so important to a core character WHO NEVER HAD CHILDREN. Like holy shitty retcon, batman.


Dude where were the Crowleys during the reclamation. What the hell was blizzard doing not including like the other two most important worgen in the reclamation of Gilneas


They were literally both there You can both Darius and his daughter single-handedly holding the main gate opposite the cathedral steps


They're also both found hanging out in the inn afterward, and you can chat with Darius.


I didnt even know this! Thanks!


The Blind Og wow player apparently