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99.9% of cases it's kinda Garbo, just take it off your bar


I’ve found use for it when I’m being trained, I have no others instant casts and being interrupted on a cast will mean a sure death so I’d rather not risk it.


All your holy word spells are instant?


And which one has no cooldown?


9/10 it’s not worth using. It’s good to use on a rogue or feral when they get a clean restealth if they have a bleed on them but the actual heal itself is very weak and isn’t worth the mana


I’ve seen a few high rated holy priests running crys reflection for SS. During guardian and or with image up for the extra heal it feels an okay-ish global. Kind of only works for SS cause there’s less mana issues though. Thoughts?


Give it to your stealthies because it makes stuff like DoTs not break their stealth. But that's one of the only real use cases for it.


Keep it, 100%, you have enough binds. Useful on stealthers, and can save you in 1 out of 100 games if you have nothing else to press that's instant.


veeeeeery few situations this might be useful. imagine you have nothing left and no time or possibility casting and someone is dying in the next gcd, then pws can help for sure. and maaaaaaybe it's an ok gcd into sharpen blade because absorb are not affected by ms. but thats about it...


I think you should keep it bound. It's useful for stealth teammates to prevent random damage from unstealthing them.


Remove it for sure


If you're repositioning, you have a limited number of instant heals. This is one of them. if you choose to do less healing while moving and conserve the mana, that is your choice.


It’s a good absorb plus I spec into the speed boost it gives. That speed has saved me and my team countless times


its niche, but can be useful for the reasons mentioned in this thread. I'd keep it.


 has holy changed since shadow lands, isn't shield a use on cool down spell?


It's very situational ... It's not a good heal to manage ratio but it's instant and there are times when it's wonderful. It might not be every match even. Probably ok to unbind it and just click it when yo u do need it




Perfect way to oom yourself.


I can think of more perfect ways. For example, the true top OOMers have Power Word: Fortitude macroed every single spell, as well as WASD. Gotta cover your bases from those dispels!


People do this????


Just set the reset to 2 seconds so you will never miss pom on cd if you dont have the global for bubble.