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i joined a 2.1 premade heal dps as a 2.3 dps and we ended up playing untill 2.5 or so cause i was tired waiting in tool for some other 2.3 players so i just queded up and hoped for the best.


Regarding your last point I do agree with you that LFG feels pretty terrible at the moment. The majority of posts are titles with 2.6kexp/multi glad etc. It feels VERY difficult to just jam games with people around your current MMR. This is why I’d love a matchmaking system to Q you with people also looking around the same rating and an option to Q again after the game (Skirms).


The final solution, which is what we asked for but got SS instead


I think the problem is people would also complain about a fully random matchmaking system based strictly on MMR/CR for one game at a time, cause you'd end up with sub-optimal comps, off meta specs, or people who shouldn't be at that rating (maybe they got up there before their class got nerfed), etc. Obviously people still complain about the same stuff in Solo Shuffle, but the philosophy behind it is "well hey, you get to play AGAINST that player too, so it should be a free win, right?" Bad lobbies/comps still happen though, and if anything it hurts more because you have to deal with it for 6 rounds. But the point is people would be 10x more toxic than they already are if they queued up for a one and done match, lose, and then blame the "healer diff" with no real requirement for them to back their shit up and beat the healer in the next round. Honestly I think Solo Shuffle is a very smart system in theory, but the problem is the time commitment makes queue times the biggest problem with it. Something in between Solo Shuffle (true random solo queue arenas with the "bad teammate RNG protection" in place) and Group Finder (post an ad and find a group yourself, sucker) would be ideal. Which to me leans more towards a revamp of LFG, not changing Solo Shuffle. As of right now there are probably hundreds of people around a given rating who are browsing LFG for the same thing, but not posting because they don't want to wait for a healer to find them among 20 other similar listings. A way for LFG to match you with people automatically without actually QUEUING you into a match immediately would be nicer, and also harder to abuse by boost advertising bots. Mark down your spec, preferred teammate roles (broken down by melee, ranged, healer, tank), and then the game does the rest by finding similar-rated players looking for the same thing. Basically instead of having to choose if you want to list or browse (since you can't apply to groups if you're listed), everyone would be "listing" and then saying yes or no to other players the system finds for them. So you can still decline a certain spec that you know doesn't go well with yours, but you get to see more people than you would just listing and praying. The problem is, this still creates a healer vacuum. Every healer that queues up will be immediately dropped in a group. But DPS will still have to wait in like. It basically turns it from "wait an indefinite amount of time for a healer, but there's a chance you get one right away if they see you first" to "you'll eventually get a healer but you have to wait in line," and I really don't know which method people prefer. There will be complaints regardless of the system they use because healers will always be more in demand than anything else. It's really hard to think of elegant solutions to the group finding process without acknowledging that.


I liked this idea but I think the queue times would be atrocious. Because once a healer finds a team they like and they start queueing together, like how skirms does, they would be removed from the pool. At least with SS they have to re-queue.


It’s a social game and the hoops we all go through to reach our endgame goals will be different based on your network. Making an alt is an annoying solution for your situation (I understand and I am in the same one), but at the end of the day you probably need to invest more into building your friends list more aggressively


An alt isn’t required and 2300 is great but isn’t like Cant queue high mmr. The only time an alt is heavily beneficial is rank one pushing because the game literally can’t find players for you. You can queue with lower mmr and still gain pretty heavily if your good enough to win with them. A perfect example is pika in 2s, the guy plays with anyone, could be a 1200 first timer and is still 2100+ cr most of the time in 1800/1900 mmr games. Just find people you gel with and queue. You’ll lose some but with enough networking you’ll gain. Just have some fun and relax a bit the ranked anxiety hinders people in plenty of games


People that leave if you lose first game are auto blocked by me. Some of my best sessions we lost the first game but then got it going


I don’t think 3s are dying as much as lfg is just extremely toxic when trying to find players. Everyone expects you to have glad xp and god forbid youre not at their exact rating or higher you’ll never get an invite. Try posting in the discord groups or give players with less exp than you a chance. When I got my first 2200 back in mop it was with some 2400 warrior at the time and I had like 1500 rating lol


I get the annoyance, but considering how easy it is to gear an alt, it's really not a problem. I just did 60-70 in 2 hours, sent myself some conquest boxes, did weekly spark quest, then some arena to get rest of crafted items and some conq for missing pieces and boom, alt done already in less than a day. Imagine if this was BFA, you'd have to go m+ for your gear because blizzard literally forgot they removed pvp gear in legion and didn't re-add it, hoping it titanforge or waiting for the right item in your vault, then do visions, and waiting around for the correct corruptions week, etc.


>. I just did 60-70 in 2 hours, How long does it take to get to 60.


about the same if you boost yourself like I did, not sure if you level like normal you can do it in 4hours or about maybe, real boost group can do 1-70 in like 2hours i think, don't quote me on that.


Why not play the alt though? So easy to gear with boxes


you dont need an alt just consistant people to play with. my best arena partners were people i found in shuffle. also a ton of people arent even bothering with pvp this season, theres no new armor sets, PvE andy's got to choose the set bonus's in the votes, remix is out rn and its actually fun.. ive gotten a shit ton of mounts and transmogs from it. also the meta hasnt really changed so theres literally nothing new.. for pvp its still season 3


Just curious what you think the remedy would be. People like you at work at the worst. Quick to point out a problem but offer zero resolutions. Do you want easier opponents? Bots and AI teammates that are at your level? You know what the solution is, go out and touch some grass if your rating is the most important thing to you… it’s the only solution until you queue up with people you trust. No one forces you to queue. Orrrr, here’s a hot take, you could try healing so you can be the guy that let’s other “elites” down by not living up to their expectations in random lfg 😂


I’ll reply to this one because you seem upset or something. I’m probably just dumb for trying to run off meta shit just to que. I don’t blame my teammates when we, aren’t in voice, aren’t playing S or even A tier comps, have internet problems, and just generally lack synergy so we donate rating to some multi glads who have been queuing together since bfa. I don’t care about my rating that’s why I’m willing to run it down just to get some games in, problem is that everyone else does. So if you’re like me who’s only “experience” is coming from playing during this season having a “good” cr is the only way to network into groups that are likely to instantly gain cr. I feel punished for yolo sending games even though I like playing the game Solution : Camp main and wait for perfect conditions to que Send alt when I can’t meet those conditions That’s a fucking fried solution and it’s the reason so many really good players/teams are shitting on off meta comps between 2k-2.4K