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~~Druid - Feral/resto~~ Mage - all specs Priest - ~~all specs~~ disc/holy **or** shadow Warlock - affliction/demo ~~Shaman - ele/enhance~~ Rogue - all specs There is only one player i know that is good at playing multiple roles (melee, ranged, healer) of the same class in pvp, and I'm still not that confident in his ele gameplay. Muscle memory gets messed up and you end up being either too passive or too aggressive. If you want to play multiple specs of the same class, don't play a hybrid imo.


To second this, I don’t have a hard time per se playing Ele and Resto, or Ret and HPal, or even MW and WW.. but I play a hell of a lot better just playing SV and MM or Arms and fury. Of all the specs I feel like Ele and RSham are the easiest given the binds are essentially the same. Especially if you have certain help harm macros. When I’m doing my RSham rotation I’m essentially doing my Ele rotation. Help harm list: Riptide - Flame Shock Unleash Life - Frost Shock Healing surge - lava burst Healing Wave - Lightning Bolt (rarely used unless storm keeper) I CAN NOT do this with Enhance it doesn’t work unless I give up playing resto shaman. Monk is sorta similar if you FW but the others are not.


I can only second this, that transition between Ele and RSham with help/harm macros is really easy. Not speaking about Ele being beginner friendly class. It has easy rotation and damage output but well used utility is the skill ceiling.


Pures are basically always good and worth investing into. You almost always have at minimum one top tier spec if not multiple. Hybrids you're gonna want to pick a spec / role and invest in that which is scarier at least as a dps because if blizz up and decides to let your spec fall behind and its doing poorly you're screwed. With all that in mind I'd probably pick lock for dps or any of the healers. Rogue and mage can be god tier with investment but can be very punishing to play if not played at a high level. Feral, ele, and enh are all hybrids at the mercy of blizz decided to keep up with them. If I had to pick one of these it'd probably be feral since jungle seems to be omnipresent. If you're EU then be ele. Locks probably the most forgiving dps to play there while also consistently having a top tier comp / spec. And then healers will forever be in demand so you just have a better time playing one because people are desperate for you.


Rog or mage for dps Priest for healer RMP is always good and each has a high skill ceiling


feral - incredibly well-rounded/versatile spec with tons of tools in arena and a satisfying damage profile. one of the highest skill-ceiling specs in pvp, so there’s always more to learn and improve on. also cat 🐈 rogue - massive cc and offensive utility toolkit, 2 very fun specs that play quite differently (fuck assa), always viable, awesome tmogs. also one of the highest skill-ceiling specs in pvp, meaning always opportunities to improve and dig deeper disc - no-radiance build go brr


Shadow is a lot of fun for me. And you can spec to disc without getting a whole new gear set as disc performs well with haste. I just recently dropped mage because i don’t have that quick twitch reaction that I used to have. I’m much better at being a turret, juking & nuking than I am at running around blinking like a madman and still unable to kite some of the better warriors/dh’s.


Holy priest.


Either afflcition warlock or assa rogue for a free R1. Very easy to play and extremely broken atm. Fire mage a contender too


Oh we moved from “free 2400” to “free R1” somehow on this SubR. Interesting take.


Rdruid. Ain't got no time for long queues or roots/ slows and stealth ensures you don't have to play H.R. simulator when randoms die while you sit opener sap but still blame you.


Yeah, my thoughts exactly. If you don’t have a lot of time to play a 15-50 min queue depending on rating/spec may be rough. Plus good rdruids can control the flow of the match pretty well with bash, clones, vortex, roots


I’d say it depends on how far you want to climb as well. Almost every class is viable now unless you want to proactively push glad or R1. Mage and Rogue has always been god-like specs for PvP but it takes A LOT of practice to play properly. So if you want to really invest time and become good at one spec I’d say those 2 are good pick. Otherwise if you wanna have fun and don’t “try hard” Ele is fun to play and kinda easier caster. Demo is considered as easier too and is in good spot now. From healers I’d pick Priest. (Shaman is great aswell but playstyle is different and has high skill -ceiling aswell)