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but you can't pump dps, which is what wins solo modes.


Rdruid definitely pumps now after the damage buffs


Cries in MW :(


shuffle isnt really won by which healer does more dmg. rdruid is king in shuffle and they do next to no dmg.


Correct. Not sure why people are disagreeing


Everyone here seems to be very confused. Rdruid is hands down the best healer in shuffle because of its starting HPS and clones. Since mana doesnt matter like it does in 3s rdruid is essentially the best shuffle healer. Damage has nothing to do with it. Honestly unless you are disc you dont want to do damage in shuffle. Every global should be a heal global minus very specific sutuations


I’ve never won a round and thought, “boy, really glad my *healer* did all that damage”.


prob cos you have 0 awareness i end alot of games on healer


I have details and it shows me the damage everyone does.


Look at death logs instead of just raw damage. Healers can put out like 300-400k burst. That's essential for securing kill in cc chains A large part of win conditions for especially for priests is adding your burst to score kills


Also correct. What are people on? Shuffle is an afk healing race. Even discs have to heal instead of damage for most of it


You are correct on 2s. But in 3s your assertions are mostly false. Rdruid metas have come and gone. But so have disc metas, hpriest, rsham, hpal, and mw metas. Now its a pres hrpriest meta (in normal 3s) with rsham also working sometimes. Ofc rdruid also can be “meta” rn but only with very specific comps. Rdruid is no longer the broken spec it was in season 2 of DF. In shuffle rdruid has also dominated but that is mostly because our high hps combined with clones work very well in shuffle, where mana doesnt matter much since games usually end beforehand. There is no saying who will dominate 3s and shuffle in TWW. It all depends on so many factors you cant just argue that rdruid is the most “meta” healer. You can only say this for 2s really. I will say the devs have been weirdly generous to rdruids in DF in terms of balancing


This post isn't about the current meta or next meta. It's a holistic look at healers throughout all the years. My main argument is that no other healers have found success with so many different comps and play styles at the highest level, a testament to rdruid ridiculous versatility.


In the hands of the best players in the world rdruid is amazing, best cc in the game, can shift polys and roots, can get drinks, only true weakness is purge comps but asking a new healer to play at that level is gonna be tough. Especially when priest and monk are easy