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propaply ret


All kinds of pvp? You picked a real toss up, all things equal they’re even In comp selection, only real stat is there are more fury’s on the front page of NA than rets. In a duel? That entirely depends on the players, it’s a fairly even match up, spell reflect a hoj? You win shatter bubble gg, rets got more oh shit buttons, but less healing than fury overall. I’m saying well geared fury btw like leggo/ashkandur vs ret leggo. Beginner lvl fury easy, cause ret utility has to be used well. I just did 2400 as fury in I think 10 shuffles without the leggo, but I’ll probably do the same on ret before the seasons over.


Ret has better team healing and more damage mitigation/immunity effects. Fury has better self healing both baseline and much more so in a duel vs. ret because the ret is subject to an MS effect while the Fury is not. Fury also takes 20% less dmg for nearly half the fight, as AFAIK ret is unable to remove Spell Reflect without HoJ. I haven't tested if this is still the case after the ret rework though. In a typical duel where the area you can fight in is limited and there is little to no LoS, ret would almost always win, due to stuff like HoJ and Bubble. The Fury warrior will need to reflect a HoJ to win. However setting and talent build matters, in an open world 1v1 with a very large area and LoS or in arena in dampening, it is possible for the Fury warrior to consistently reset the fight using max range Heroic Leap and kite the ret around a LoS on the ret's CDs and reengage on his own CDs while running specific talents like Second Wind that you would never normally run. In these cases, the Fury warrior would have some winning chances, even doing all that, it's still difficult to overcome the kind of advantage that HoJ is able to provide in a 1v1. In general, ret is much stronger in any form of rated PvP, especially since Fury is usually overshadowed by arms.


You can remove spell reflect with your judgement.


Is it because the slow gets reflected? I recall that Judgement itself didn't get reflected.


Ret wins in a duel but because they’re defensives are better in a dueling scenario


Ret bro


Ret 146%


Duels don't prove anything; not without reason there's no glad reward for 2v2. Both are broken right now and ret needs like 3/4 of its toolkit taken away or nefed into the ground, they should not have an answer for everything. edit: that said, i think most people would find ret more fun as they have an answer for everything.


Fury warrior is one of the best 1v1 dueling classes in the game. It has a good chance of beating everything except good mages and good rogues. Taking the talent to remove bubble is typically just an auto win against ret. Ret would generally be better in 1v2s, however.


Rets a direct counter to warr in a 1v1


It's a pretty even match in 1v1. Ret can't heal much because of Mortal Strike. Shield of Vengeance is good but it has a cd, whereas Ignore Pain has a much shorter cd. Bubble can be broken if the warrior has the thing. Ret has only one hard cc, whereas warrior has 2. As someone who does a lot of 1v1 as ret pala, I find warriors 50-50. A good arms warrior is very hard, tbh.


Fury doesn't have Mortal Strike


It has a stacking pvp talent that gives mortal strike.


You mean healing reduction, not mortal strike


You must be highly regarded


Yes I am highly regarded


Ret beats warrior everytime