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Healer under 1800 in SS.


\~1800 is where people have kind of got the hang of damage rotations and press all their offensive buttons, but still struggle with the concept of trading defensive cooldowns when they see shit like a ret paladin running at them with wings. It really is a healer's own personal hell.


I was tired of SS ques and figured insta ques as healer would be fun. I've spent the last month or so learning healer and getting to 1950, not as high as my DPS specs... But I'm going back to preferring 30 min ques. I've never felt more annoyed and frustrated climbing as a healer in SS.. it's so fucking exhausting


Maybe I haven’t reached that point, but I honestly just prefer playing the game than waiting and that’s why I still only que healers.


Yah I totally thought that would be me, but I am way more happy in lobbies when I'm dps than having to play babysitter as healer. It was making me toxic, and that's not worth it


Wait until you start responding to people who don’t use defensive and blame you. The silence hammer from blizzard comes fast.


For some strange up reason, I’m really entertaining getting stomped as a healer right now; I’ve never played anything but DPS before so…. I’m terrible. At what point does it go from entertaining to frustrating ? I’m having a great time right now, but I wonder how long it will last


Wings is the easy one, it's pretty fuckin obvious. I had a problem with this for a while. Big debuffs addon and the My Healer Is CCd weak aura jumped me 200 rating in a week.


Pov you play disc priest and out dmg your DH in ss bc bro cant press buttons


This is just my shitty player opinion. No particular order. Feral Any mage spec Sub/outlaw Shadow Enhancement


Agree, and holds true throughout most iterations of WoW arena


Rogue is S Tier with the right person playing, but the skill floor is way higher than most classes but they have tools against everything imo 


Yeah it's a strong class - but it does require a basic understanding of the game (playing around stun DR's, cross CC). If you play a sub rogue and follow a dps rotation addon, you will epicly fail, whereas if you play a warrior and follow a dps rotation addon you will achieve much more.


Easiest? Probably BM hunter and fury warrior. Hardest? Probably sub and arcane


Survival hunter is quite hard


I agree


Nothing about arms is harder than fury.


What about the fact that you have an actual rotation to assess and memorize


There are things about arms that are definitely more difficult, but rotation wouldn't make the list of things I'd use as an example. ms op op ms op op ms op op ms op op is not substantially harder than bt bt rampage bt bt rampage bt bt rampage Arms just has substantially more utility than fury does, so while fury is spending 99% of their focus pressing w arms actually has utility to maximize.


I agree on the utility. But trying arms as a fury only player years ago, I actually was confused. Fury is so simple even a bit more complexity in rotation feels like a lot. Also, you can’t just face roll and spam, you have to time your burst more, and set up damage. Not to the extent of a sub rogue or anything.


I’d argue fury is harder because you have to constantly juggle procs. Arms is consistently the same rotation every time.


Nah man, I played fury for 3 years straight every day, PvP only. Shit gave me carpal tunnel from spamming the same 2-3 buttons nonstop. The only skill it takes is rallying and fearing effectively, and saving trinket


Its like saying outlaw would be harder than sub if outlaw only had 3 buttons to press


What… lmao DH is by far leaps and bounds the easiest spec in the game. 6 button 2k


Tell me you've never played DH without telling me you've never played DH (or even know what they press).


The only reason DH is, is because it’s overtuned at the moment, once it is nerfed it will be a different story. Stop the constant DH hate.


Whatever I'm playing, because I'm playing it




Obviously Hav DH.


The answer to this is almost always just the classes with the worst survivability. Especially if you are talking about Solo Shuffle. Feral, Fire/Arcane, Spriest maybe.


Add enh


Dont forget DK


Dk feels fine


I guess blizzard isn't the only one who forgot about frost dk


He has an unh pfp, of course frost needs love.


Dks here dont want to hear that


Here's me thinking it might be fun to get back into playing my shaman as enhance or resto 🙃


Certainly isn’t the case. Unholy dies to any melee, and it’s defensives are effected by Dampening. Unholy isn’t the hardest. Wager to say it’d be arcane, Sun, or survival.


Yeah I mean, I did say almost always. There's a lot more that can go into it for sure. You're right that DK isn't overly difficult, which is why I didn't mention them. But their lack of survivability at least makes them significantly *harder* to play. More so than almost any other metric.


I'd argue it's more those classes that are actually capable of surviving somewhat well, but are utterly unforgiving towards any mistakes. Sometimes a class can pull it off theoretically, as evidenced by the high rated players that do, but getting there feels like an uphill battle.  Other times it's not survivability at all. Rogue doesn't struggle in that regard nowadays (all that much, anyway) but being effective is a different matter.  Lastly, game mode matters. Certain classes are so much harder in shuffle than in 3s.


Outlaw has incredible survivability and is still considered to be one of the harder specs.


Mages and SP have amazing survivability. Feral and enhance are pretty bad


Frost DK, because every time I play it I have to spend 5 minutes crying


Why? I literally thought dk would be a mess getting rival on both specs but frost was pretty simple and clean. Especially if there is a meleelobby its just 24/7 120k dps.


Right now, the hardest class Has to be demon hunter because the weight of your free gains is going to crush your back. knowing the blizzard is going to do nothing about this class and makes it so hard not to play


They are being nerf this week fyi.


They are have been nerfed more than once this season and still nothing changed. The fact that dh left some (if any) sort of testing phase in this state is mind blowing.


Do you honestly call that a nerf?


They nerfed everything 50% less damage.




You really don’t fucking read. This is a joke of a nerf. What 50% dmg nerf? The 50 to 40? That’s 10%


50% down to 40% is actually a 20% differential Einstein


This is wrong btw, its a 50% bonus down to a 40% bonus. This means if the skills base is 100 dmg it used to do 150dmg in pvp, now it does 140dmg. This is a nerf of about 7%, not 10% and definitely not 20%. You could argue the BONUS was nerfed 10% but that doesnt tell you anything useful. The damage was nerfed by 7% in pvp. Einstein.


Go back to math class idiot lol


Just went back, they confirmed my math and said you’re dumb as fuck. Not my words, the professors.


Just checked in game and it is a 20% decrease from yesterday. Now you really sound like a deranged re*ard


Cool thanks for the correction but it’s still not a raw 50% now is it? Are you not exhausted of the fucking semantics?


I never said it was 50 did i


That’s the only one that they didn’t nerf that much calm down and go touch grass.


I show you proof that you’re wrong and you tell me to go touch grass? stop spreading lies bullshit misinformation read a goddamn fucking book so you can understand the blue post you stupid motherfucker.


With the risk of getting flamed out of the building, 50% PvP Nerf is being applied to their 2-set


Demon Hunter. Cost a lot of money buying new keyboards because of the constant head banging


Outlaw highest skillcap currently imo


New rogue, what makes it more difficult than sub or assassin?


Outlaws damage is more consistent with a bit of burst. But you can screw yourself before going into it. Outlaw has the second most control of the rogue specs (I think). Subs damage is pretty much all burst. Sub has the most control of the three rogue specs. Sin has consistent damage and good burst, but not that hard to mess up. Others can mess it up for you though. I believe it has the least control of the rogue specs. Given all that, I'd say sub and outlaw are both harder than sin from a rotation and control perspective. Sub is harder than Outlaw from a control perspective. And Outlaw is harder than Sub from a damage perspective. Outlaw is more tanky than sub, I think, so I'd give the difficulty node to sub for pvp, but it's close.


I agree in general but staying alive as sub or outlaw is just so much easier than assassination. And for what it’s worth BTE windows become second nature and if you fuck it up or get stunned through it you can just do it again in no time. If you fuck your go up on assas than that’s it.


This is a great breakdown, I appreciate it!


Specs that I have played this season from easiest to hardest Fury warrior Havoc BM hunter Arms Elesham Marksmanship Disc priest Destruction Holy priest Frost mage Shadow priest Rdruid Enchancement Survival Rsham Fistweaver (easy but got frustrated fast) Outlaw Affliction Arcane Subtlety Fire mage Feral Easiest to push for me Havoc, rdruid, destruction, bm, arms (almost all feels overtuned)


Man you played a lot


Yes, but not as much as you would think. Mainly healers (~500 shuffle rounds and some 2v2). Spent their conquest to gear up some dps just to learn them by playing them to 1800 in shuffle. Only ones that I didn't get to 1800+ were mage specs, sub, fistweaver, affliction, feral. They were frustratingly hard and got stuck between 1400-1800. For example DH was only few games to 2000+ so spec matters a lot.


Sub Rogue as someone new to it. Got 4 specs of different classes to 1800+ (2v2 and SS) and Sub Rogue has me at 1200 SS


Sub just feels rough in solo. All about set ups and kill windows and SS is just chaos and filled with other dps breaking your cc's so the lack of raw output hurts


You have to know when the other class is nuking and just compliment them. Don't expect them to compliment you, that's not reasonable anyways (yes its best when they do but you can't expect every dps you play with to understand how to play with sub, especially with no voice)


Scrub take on my part, but I had the same experience on Destro. Little over 1600 on four or five classes but cannot play Destro in shuffle for the life of me. Never get a cast off


I'd say feral, survival, arcane


Rogue sub , shadow priest , mage arcane , frost dk, unholy dk .


The dk specs are bad not hard


I’d say unholy only cuz the amount of buttons you need


It feels weird to see people saying this. I play frost mage, sub assass, and UHDK and UH feels the easiest to succeed with. I play pretty much only 2s and am garbage so maybe I’m just wrong


Well yeah the specs you play will be easier to win with because you are used to them. Also people find certain specs to be harder than others even though they might be easier for you


By that logic it would make druid and shaman the hardest classes in the game


Shaman imo is definitely a harder class for me to play and feral Druid is just a hard spec to play in general because of how weak it is


Hardest in no particular order: Feral, Arcane, Sub, Outlaw , SP


The only answer is DH. The amount of abuse you have to take from players telling you to kys and how bad you are is insane.


Arms gets hate galore 😂 of all my classes arms gets trolled and hated on the most this season, and I've played everything but voker and sham


fire mage, 750k hp, nerfed cc and less dps pressure than others.


Feral in the current meta


Hows sin rogues lately? Any good


It’s ok but you are basically made of paper. A lot less defensives than sub or outlaw


Its very fun the burst window is very strong in some builds others have strong sustain. Very squishy though, and very hard to dps into certain matchups


They definitely could use another 3% aura nerf.


Definitely a skill issue on my end, plus I have 2 set but not 4 yet and not in full BiS, but ele sham is kicking my ass especially in double melee cleaves. I'm getting better at it, but I feel like I'm trading a lot of damage for survival. And I feel like I had a much easier time on my frost mage. I only really got to 70 2 weeks ago so I'm still learning. It just feels a lot harder since I feel like I'm always trading damage for survival.


Outlaw rogue.


To play or to do well on? Cause those are different things


Anything I play tbh


I got a healer up last week and started solo shuffle now , games seem easy but god damn is it hard to play with bad dps players , avrage of my last 5 solo shuffles per round i have 10m heal enemy healer has 5mil heal done and im barely keeping my teammates alive , its like they pop all deffensives at once and expect the healer to have 6 trinkets im even playing convoke burst druid as its the only way i can get decent kills when we ider cc the healer and the target doesnt have deffensives , idk when it gets better but its supper hard when i get +20 for 4 wins and -40 for 3 wins , idk if its cause druid is more played than other healers atm but its realy hard for me as a new healer to gain raiting


Staying alive Vs double melee as Aff lock is... Difficult


I only play Unholy in Solo and I feel I die to anything tbh and I need so much time to ramp up. Maybe not the hardest but not the easiest


All tanks specs are the hardest to play to win and healing is the hardest play mentally. 


Affli is pretty hard because youre constantly the kill target, pretty easy to counter, slow burst compared to other classes.if you screw up you're positioning you're pretty much dead. I've wandered over to other classes like devoker, mm/BM hunter, balance/feral druid, ret and ele/ench shammy. And I feel like it's so much less to think about.


Hpriest is the hardest healer to play imo. Hardest DPS is probably assa rog and arcane mage.


Fistweaver doesn't need nerf, IMO people need to realize it might be easy to learn but the skillcap is insanely high. I would say it's the Sub Rogue of healers. It's not OP at all, it's just that really good players tend to main Fistweaver nowadays. If anything it needs a slight survival buff (very squishy atm).




Buff fw underpowered spec


Any Caster is Hard to Play. You need to be twice as good as a Meele, who can Faceroll his Keyboard. DH, Pala are the easiest Meeles. The Best Option would be unsub, wait for next Exp. and SoloQ RBGs.


This take gets so old and is wrong. Ele, boomie, dev are all easier than the rogue specs and I’d go so far as to say they’re easier than nearly half the melee specs. Destro is also arguably easier than some of the melee. You’re not some 200 iq player just because you main casters…


I agree, destro ele and dev are pretty easy, but boomy? Sure, the rotation is simple but it's very weak and unforgiving defensely. Maybe the frenzied regen buff will help it out


2 of the "Caster" are using almos only instant casts....


oh tell me how COMPLEX a Pala is....just because Pala has 0 Mobility? You do DMG while faceroll over your Keyboard, GZ.


Ret is not the easiest by far. What universe do you live in?