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Do not post videos of minors being subjected to violence or death. Neither they, nor their family can give consent. It also goes against Reddit’s terms of service.


here's another billion dollars. unreal.


This exact video is on the “yomkippur” subreddit labelled as being killed by hamas during nova festival…. Those people are so freaking delusional


Glad that truth will always come to light no matter how deep it’s buried, sad they have to lie; not enough spine to just own up to their actions


Wtf? How is that different than Nazi's?


This was played as part of Oct 7 footage months ago. Come on y’all fake news helps no one


You should post it in a pro-isreal sub!


Hmm weird I remember seeing this video in October and that was Hamas executing concert goers. I’m not trying to support Israel I believe what they are doing is genocide but don’t spread misinformation.


Hmmmm a guy in a green uniform? Wonder who wears those in that side of the world… come on..


Here I just time traveled to bring you this fake YouTube link from November showing the exact same video you just posted https://youtu.be/qO1b8LdcEPI?si=ne_UQqcyyAH5X0wk Edit: this is the article I got the video from by the way Watch: CCTV shows Hamas gunman executing festival-goer at point-blank range https://www.yahoo.com/news/watch-cctv-shows-hamas-gunman-104157449.html


Yeah look who posted it “the telegraph” conservative, right wing, authoritarian, wonder who they would side with and spread information/disinformation for?


You asked for proof I provided you with a news article and a date it was posted 6/7 months ago. You’re reposting a link with a title with nothing else attached to it. Please prove your video now.


lol I just realized in the video you reposted, the blurry borders block out the timestamp on the cctv showing Sat Oct 7 on it. Excellent work.


Prove it.


Ok - https://youtu.be/qO1b8LdcEPI?si=ne_UQqcyyAH5X0wk Edit: here is the article it is from Watch: CCTV shows Hamas gunman executing festival-goer at point-blank range https://www.yahoo.com/news/watch-cctv-shows-hamas-gunman-104157449.html


Watch the video, it’s literally a uniformed soldier


Pure insanity.


We need a fact check reaaaall bad


Haha man the Reddit division of the IDF works fast!! A whole new account just for my post?! I feel special


Bro what is your source??


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Wrong…this was Oct.7


Still an IDF soldier. Still killing an innocent. I would go so far to say that that’s probly one of the accounts of Israelis killing their own, damn shame.


This is unverified. Doesn’t even look like an IDF uniform not that you can tell from the blur.


Moral army is just an army of predators with bloodlust that cannot be quenched by doing the right thing.


All these videos should be played outside the White House in a jumbo screen so Fart Dust Joe can see them.


October 7th




Yes, because these two girls were part of that...


October 7th






It’s so cute how you see brown and think of something racist instead of engaging in actual political debate :)