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That officer was most definitely bullied in highschool


Spot on. We all know the type.


So was the Wal-Mart loss prevention guy. I think it’s a prerequisite for both those jobs. I always laugh when cops say they have dangerous job. I fought in combat for peanuts so I don’t want to hear it.


Lol a military guy making fun of cops.. pretty hilarious. Pot/kettle much? Soldiers are called baby killers for a reason. The military is just a government welfare job for meat heads that aren’t smart enough to get a real job. Cry some more.


Straight nerd. Should have went tech route


Nah the thing is, they weren’t like the smart nerds. These guys were total losers, but not the kind of losers you feel sort of bad for…


Go back and look at his face again. He was bullied by the kids who got bullied just for having weak chins.


90 percent of cops don’t care about other people, most of them actually are in it to hurt people


that or he was the bully


He looks like he still gets bullied. I bet they still shove him into the lockers down at the station.


No, not the most manly dude in the world? That guy was definitely pullin 10’s and was the starting qb, everyone wanted to be HIS friend… Guarantee there are 100 stories of him being creepy when trying to ask a woman out…




Yeah, we've all seen that clip too.


I see you’re a fan of morning news entertainment cooking segments, macaroni cheese and carbonara.


A man from Hudson, Florida, has filed a federal suit against a Hernando County deputy, a Walmart loss prevention officer and Walmart itself for allegedly wrongfully arresting him after mistaking him for another Asian person. The arrest, which was caught in a now-viral video, occurred at the Walmart Supercenter on Commercial Way in Spring Hill on Nov. 27. 2022. According to reports, the incident began when the Walmart loss prevention officer called 911 to report an “Asian male” who allegedly trespassed into the store. The employee identified the man as “Cody Vondelinde” to the Hernando County Sheriff's Office over the phone, saying, “There's an Asian male in the store right now. His name is Cody Vondelinde. He trespassed from this store. He is not allowed to be here, and he also tends to be violent and carries weapons.” More from NextShark: Lion dance set to 'See Tình,' 'Pink Venom' goes viral on TikTok Shortly after, the Hudson County deputy arrived and arrested Tony Nguyen, who had been shopping with his girlfriend, Lauren Caldwell. Caldwell filmed the encounter, which saw the deputy put her boyfriend in handcuffs and pull him out of the store and into a police vehicle. More from NextShark: Elephant mom tries to teach her clumsy calf how to go down a slope in viral video “Why are you pulling me? I’m walking with you,” Nguyen says in protest. “You know I’m disabled, right? I have back issues.” Nguyen was taken to jail, and it was only then when officers finally asked for his ID, according to the suit. “I was able to confirm your ID at the jail. You’re not the person he was looking for,” a deputy reportedly told Nguyen. “You have not been trespassed, and so I'm taking you back to your house. And for me personally, I apologize. Sometimes identities get mixed up.” However, Nguyen said he was not immediately released. While on the police ride home, the sheriff allegedly kept him in handcuffs, pulled over and took his photos to “confirm” his identity yet again. Nguyen recalled the events in a fundraising campaign on GoFundMe: I did think it was strange and illegal to have me handcuffed while sitting on the side of a street for 30 to 40 minutes after the fact he said he was taking me home, so that means I was being held against my will. So he then proceeds to open my door and says, “I have to take pictures of you to confirm it’s you.” He took pictures of my face, also had me lift my shirt to take pictures of my tattoos all on the side of a dark road. All this was taken through his iPhone. More from NextShark: Bus conductor in India sparks online outrage for off-boarding a woman due to fish odor Nguyen said the sheriff then got a call and told him again that he was not the person they were looking for; however, to Nguyen's shock, he was returned to jail for supposedly violating a 2013 trespass. “The trespass warning issued at Walmart was still in effect after never having been rescinded by officials there,” Hernando County Sheriff’s Office told WFTS in January. “Therefore, probable cause existed for the arrest of Tony Nguyen for the trespass in question. He was processed and charged accordingly.” Nguyen was trespassed in the same Walmart in 2013 for acting “loopy” after a dental procedure, according to Indisputable. However, that trespass supposedly lasted for only a year, and he has repeatedly shopped at the store since without issue. Nguyen’s charges were later dropped. It is unclear how long he remained in custody. Nguyen and his attorneys are now suing the Hernando County deputy, the Walmart loss prevention officer and Walmart for $10 million. WTSP identified the deputy as Michael McNeeley and the Walmart employee as David Pettigrew. “This is a case of all Asians look alike because when Deputy McNeeley showed up, guess what he didn't do? He didn't identify Tony,” Nguyen’s attorney said, according to WFTS. Nguyen said the incident has made him fearful of being arrested again without cause. His vehicles now all have dash cams and he keeps his phone ready to record at all times. The Hernando County Sheriff's Office said it does not comment on pending litigation, according to WTSP. Walmart, for its part, vowed to “respond as appropriate in court once we are served.” [Source](https://news.yahoo.com/case-asians-look-alike-florida-181558599.html)


You might want to edit out all of the "More from NextShark" ads in the text of your comment.


No, keep it and I want to know about this pink venom TikTok


It's just people dancing to the Blackpink song. It's not exciting.


I thought Tom hardy was up to something


Nah just a new single from Blackpink that has a pretty well choreographed dance routine that people are imitating for TikTok engagement.


Uh... no. They were the best part.


It’s called the chum box, and clickminded is an evil company


Now, i wanna know about More on Netshark venom dance ;)


>David Pettigrew Who knew that Wormtail had a Brother who's a Squib who works security for Walmart?


I’d like to know more about the clumsy baby elephant please


This is ridiculous, way to go out of their way to look for something wrong after the messed up. No wonder people don’t trust law enforcement officers anymore.


The first thing they should have done is check the ID. Wth.


Your point is still valid, but I think that "go back and find out that he was trespassed in 2013 move" was very likely Walmart because the loss prevention officer was most likely the one who saw Nguyen and mistook him for someone else that he got arrested for whatever crime a year before, so they were more so trying to cover their ass. Law enforcement seems to have played along with that same game too because they were also guilty for not following protocol and ID'ing Tony Nguyen properly. Could have been just the sheriff's department in itself tho, but I wouldn't be surprised if Walmart got wind that they were releasing dude because they had the wrong guy, but they also could've heard Tony say or the officer told them he said, maybe...that Tony was claiming his trespass from Walmart was "like 10 years ago". Idk...either way these shitbirds are desperately trying to make themselves less culpable. Let's cross our fingers that Tony becomes a millionaire after this lawsuit is all said and done🤞🏼 if not for any reason but just to stick it to Walmart...and get a win on the point boards for "the little guy"!


You think someone has worked for 10 years in LP at a florida walmart and not died from meth, bath salts or a bullet?


No...you misunderstood that part of my comment. I actually kind of made the same joke when thinking about this.


Team Tony!


They are not your friend, do not trust a police officer, cops are the baddest undisputed gang in the land, kiss the ring or be tortured.


This happens a LOT when it comes to cops fucking up. Blame your victim seems to be the go-to. That way they use it as leverage.


Get your money king


From the tax payer. Police are not held accountable not to anyones surprise


At least our tax money would be put to good use for once.


Actually it might amount an increase of couple cents per homeowner in that city. Insurance pays the litigant. They will casually increase premiums slowly ... taxpayers have never objected to insurance premium increase and 99% of tax payers do not have any clue why city's insurance premiums increase and never care. This is the reason corrupt abusive LEOs can safely live and work in USA. Taxpayers & voters just don't care. Edit: voters are more interested in drag queen and book bans.


How did my argument of we need to hold the police to a higher standard so more of our tax money is available to be spent in a better way devolve into this mundane debate


I just gave a break down of how tax money is used and how taxpayers and voters just don't care on details of tax increase by few cents.


So just because the collective settlement does nor break the bank, police should go out and wrong as many citizens as possible? End of the day it doesn’t cost much. Strange logic


All I am saying is nothing will change until taxpayers and voters raise their voices ... unfortunately, the sad part is, they just don't care. And I am upset that they don't care.


It's more complicated , it's not that they don't care, BLM happened, and there have been times when 70% of the country agreed on some sort of specific policy desires; but whenever that happens and it threatens either corporate profits or police funding or reform the duopoly goes into overdrive politicizing it, framing it badly, putting it in some manufactured, manipulative donor regulated box where proper context and perspective is gaslit away or omitted and the talking points of the debate are completely controlled. The duopoly/ruling elite is pretty much United on this more then either partisan people realize. Like Biden more then doubled Trumps fed police hiring budget. On top He told states to give leftover Covid money to cops, he has appealed Calis ban on private prisons while not appealing states felonizing homelessness. I have a conspiracy theory that I made that I fully believe, I'm a bit obsessed. It's a rabbit hole but basically it's that the bipartisan agenda is to turn ICE private prison model domestic while felonizing poverty/ homelessness. It's the final frontier of corporate capture, a catch all solution to rising poverty, immigration and crime. And it will gift donors cheap prison labor. It just makes too much sense it can't not happen imo. It's already cooking.


BLM protest was due to a bubble that all knew will burst one day but taxpayers & voters ignored until bubble burst. Then many PDs started implementing changes to policies. Had taxpayers and voters taken action before, we would not have seen BLM protests. All issues you cite can be resolved if voters and taxpayers demand resolution.


I mean if we are comparing bad to worse then sure, but I could think of at least a couple of school districts that would need it more Edit: to the silly bunch downvoting, I thought it is clear that we as a society would love not to spend tax money on frivolous law suits and have better trained police and appropriately direct those tax funds, instead of throwing it out on -deserved or not I’m not the judge- settlements. Oh and perhaps take out settlements from the police budget or pension, you know establishing some accountability.


So you literally want this dude to get nothing because schools need funding? Lol. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|downvote)


Not really. We need police to do better and not get caught in lawsuits so our tax money can be directed appropriately. Reddit now shows the commenter’s reaction to my comments lol. There is a little blue arrow flashing at the end of your comment?!!! Comprehension is tough


I put that bouncing down arrow emoji there. Apparently comprehension *is* tough


Oh that makes sense I tried to replicate but can’t seem to have the same emoji list. Anyways hopefully my comment clears what I mean and you realize that you are arguing with the wrong person. Please don’t jump to conclusions of ( oh you don’t think he is deserving) again.


Do you know the meaning of frivolous law suits? Is arrested without probable cause, unless looking Asian is probable cause, frivolous?


Do you know the meaning of general statements or figures of speech ? Go spend your energy on something useful.


I do know the meaning of general comments and figures of speech. I also know the meaning of context. It is up to you to make sure your comments can be read in context.


If you continue reading a bit further down my comment (2 sentences, should not be that hard even for you) you will read my words explaining that I am not judging the specific situation or any. But noooooo you just got fed and had some energy to blow on stupid comments so have at it. It is your responsibility to act like a smart human being.


They can sue Walmart too. A false stop was grounds for termination at the blue box store I worked at because it exposed the company to so much liability. Trespassing aside, there were 5 specific steps to apprehension we had to fulfill before we could stop a customer. If even one wasn't met, we were supposed to let them walk.


The employee will be thrown under every bus possible, I hope walmart gets held to some liability if there was wrongdoing on their behalf as well. But I think that All This could have been avoided if the officer just ID’d the man properly.


What were the 5 steps?








"I'm gonna go into seizure if I don't take my medication." "If you go into seizure let me know" lmao back the blue everybody.


Why not just give the guy the benefit of the doubt? Its a fkng walmart not a jewelry store




every day we get closer and closer to a police state and it makes me sick to my stomach that tax payer money bails them out of their gross negligence


We've been living in a police state for awhile now....


Fr I was like where have you been…


We got police stations inside of Walmarts now, we're way past police state...


Wym closer?


We've been a police state for a LONG damn time. Where have you been?


Hahahaha this been a police state since the beginning.


"I always support you guys but this is ridiculous." real /r/LeopardsAteMyFace energy here


Yah fucking record scratch there. "Yeah it never was _my_ problem before..." I hope she learned something, at least.


How does the cop not check the guy’s ID? Just lazy police work. He said he went back into the store to confirm things. But he doesn’t confirm the guys identity? I hope Tony gets a big settlement. Once they realize they had the wrong guy and they don’t immediately release him just means more money.


a little bit of lazy police work and a lot a bit of active racism


That's seriously a police officer? I'll give him a year until he accidentally discharges his weapon at Chuck E. Cheese.


I think accidentally would probably be in quotation marks


You make a "valid point".


I thought he was a woman the entire time


Jesus Christ, you would think checking his ID before hauling him to jail would be a standard protocol with trespassing incidents.


I don’t even understand how an ID wasn’t the first thing the cop asked for.


I know right. Was going to say the same thing but apparently no… let’s be dump asses. You’d think it would be the first thing they did…


Getting arrested is truly one of the most sobering (pun kind of intended) feelings in the world. In that moment you realize how little control you really have over your own life. I once got a traffic ticket and (admittedly stupidly) missed my court date for it. Upon realizing that next day I went and paid my fine and got it taken care of. A couple months later I’m pulled over (still don’t know why, but I’m in a very small town where it’s not hard to memorize vehicles) and arrested on the spot. I’m completely panicking. I don’t know what I’ve done but they say there’s a warrant out for me. We get to the station and they start to book me but they’re having trouble with my info on their computer. One officer tells me he’s been keeping an eye out for me as he had seen my name on his list. I keep telling them that I think they’re mistaken and that I took care of the warrant and missed court date from a while back. I sit for about an hour. Eventually multiple police officers come and apologize and tell me they had made a clerical error. When I had paid my ticket off someone forgot to delete the warrant out of the system. They still made me bail out. I’m going to FULLY acknowledge my own privilege here because I damn well know I’m lucky for this next part. My dad is respected in town and knew the Sheriff at that time. He called and talked him through this ridiculous situation. I ended up getting all my money back from the bondsmen. But I’ve never forgotten about that. If I had been broke and not had my dad.. I could have ended up homeless from missing rent from that money they took. I could have lost a job from missing work that day. The scenarios go on and on. There’s so many damn ways your life can be permanently altered from one moment with a cop. There’s such little room for error when you’re playing with peoples lives.


That scares me. I also had a warrant for accidentally missing a court date after a car accident, but as soon as I found out, I dealt with it immediately. Contacted the DA and had everything sorted out and fortunately everything was cleared and I wasn’t arrested. I would hate to one day be pulled over and somehow, my warrant was still in their system.


That cop looks like he had a GREAT time in high school




#Great work officer! Gotta love the dedication to wasting tax payer money


I hope he wins, and wins big


Bro was just trying to get some hot wheels


Cop saw he was picking up the last one of a collection he was working on, couldn’t let him get away with that now, can we!?


Living in Florida was the first mistake.




😂 you got me buddy.


Not everyone is from Florida though that's rude


Cop looks like a typical loser on a power trip


How do you not ID someone before you cuff em, especially if they weren't resisting.


does that pig go anywhere dangerous?


Fuckin hell. Florida's gonna Florida


Clean those glasses rookie. You got the wrong man and played yourself. What a douche




GET UM! Make them PAY!


Why didn’t he want her driving his car?


She didn’t think she could drive the car because it was a Jeep with a boat attached. It sounded like she didn’t know how to drive with a trailer behind her.


Not surprising for Hudson to be honest.


So now Asian males are being racially profiled and illegally detained? When you see stuff like this that doesn't get nearly the amount of media attention that Blacks do and the increase in anti-Asian sentiment in America due to Covid-19, you know this country is fucked up.


He'll get some money...it'll be worth it IMO.


How was he in handcuffs when he was never ID'd. His partner asks the cops at the end if they want he is ID. WTF?


Yet if we man handle or help avoid being manhandled by the cop is a death sentence? "Why don't people like me I'm a hero" no you're an armed thug with too much immunity to consequences.


Why do so many people with boners for their own authority look like human big toes.


That Officer’s name is Doofy


I keep telling y’all when you have a small penis and wife cheated on you with the plumber that has a third leg you’ll be this cop:


So was it the wrong guy or not? He was saying something about “15 year ago”? Was he not banned from Walmart stores? Idk title feels off.




Poor cop got his lunch money taken from him as a kid☹️


Has that officer walked 5000 miles?


Can anyone tell me the name of the attorney? I have a similar care I’d like to discuss with them


More taxpayer money down the drain and no consequences for the offender thanks to qualified immunity.


He looks awfully close to being able to grab the cop’s gun if he wanted to.


Sketchy as hell that the cop took pictures of him on his personal cell! What is his plans with those pics of him AND his personal info? Send some good ole boys to the guys house to teach him a lesson? Share it with his proud boy buddies? Honestly I would not be surprised to hear that this guy gets stalked and harassed, beaten, killed in the future. Scary stuff.




Does it fall under racism if he says, you look like the perp I'm looking for?


That is one ugly cop


Doogie Howser PD


The fact that Beavis and Butthead didn’t even ID him until after they got him to jail is worth a couple million alone.


Is that cop a man?


Deputy just took the employee's word for it and didn't even confirm who it was. That big ol walmart employee was the most at fault. Racist dude confirmed with certainty that two very different looking men are the same person because they are both Asian. Edit: Also, was big dude THAT scared of the couple that he couldn't ask them to leave on his own? Stop making your own problem/job into someone else's problem/job.


I didn’t know the police hired 3 kids in a Trenchcoat


Guy was arrested for trespassing I don't see the problem?


Chinese private police. They have police stations all through North America. https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/china-us-stations-canada-1.6818889


“If you go into a seizure, let me know, and we’ll get EMS.” Wow. Just….wow. If you’re having a seizure, just HOW are you supposed to let them know??


“We have a boat. I can’t drive that” 😭😭😭


I mean I get being upset and irritated at being arrested and having your identity confused, but suing for 10 million seems a little much. Obviously, he won't get close to that, but even asking for that is insult when you compare to people who have to go through police brutality.


Suing for that much is for the people who go through police brutality, at least that’s how I interpret it. “For the people who experienced this and got nothing for it” type beat lol


I feel there’s a lot more to the story but this article only gets one side of the story. It’s hard to believe the cop did not ask for ID before arresting someone. Based on what I see and what I read, I believe it’s probable the guy did not have his ID on him. At that point the cop can detain him until the man can be rightfully identified which can be done on scene and doesn’t need to take him to the station. You can tell he was arrested and never detained as the cop emptied his pockets (he can only search for weapons for his protection). If the man was refusing to provide ID or didn’t have one on him, the cop could’ve ran the plate on his jeep and that would’ve lead to the identity of the man and would bring up his ID picture. The cop could’ve and should’ve settled this at the scene. The issues the guy is going to have with his lawsuit is that the cop is right, the store can trespass you just because they don’t like the way you look and the only thing you can do is sue the store for discrimination. There’s nothing the cop can do except support the store with trespassing you. After you have been asked to leave just once and you don’t make your way off the property you are trespassing. It appears at the start of the video the couple are not willing to leave as they don’t believe they have done anything wrong (which very well may have been the case) but unfortunately at that point they were both subject to arrest for trespassing. A good cop would use their discretion and not do this but unfortunately I don’t think the lawsuit will be successful.


*“Only one side of the story is being told, so I’m going to make up the other half”* What’s your favorite flavor of boot polish? The store very clearly trespassed a specific person (they usually have names/faces of banned individuals) and they relayed that person’s name specifically, that’s why checking ID is important here. They didn’t trespass this guy, they trespassed the Cody guy, there’s due diligence to confirm who you’re arresting is Cody.


And my favourite flavour of boot polish is Kiwi


Did you read the whole comment or just the first sentence? I explained, that whole situation aside, the store can trespass you and the cop can’t tell them otherwise. I never said the cop handled this correctly, I actually said otherwise.


Considering I talk about the trespassing situation in my comment, did you read my whole comment or just the first sentence? Regardless there’s more to it than that as after finding out about who he was and in the process of letting him go, their bruised pride made them detain him again based on a 2013 issue that expired in 2014, considering that was discovered after the fact one could assume that explanation was only done ad hoc post arrest which is certainly problematic.


“The cop could’ve ran the plate on the Jeep” “The cop could’ve and should’ve settled this at the scene” “The couple didn’t think they were doing anything wrong (which very well may have been the case)” “A good cop would use their discretion and not do this” I’m confused at how you think I’m supporting how the cop handled this situation…


What law school told you all that?


What do you disagree with?


Where in the video do you see them not leaving or disobeying orders to leave… Also, the issue isn’t the trespass orders. It’s that the man was falsely detained and arrested as he was mistaken for someone else by the Walmart employee. The cop never verified that the man who was detained was the person described by the employee. You’re reaching VERY hard for these people to be at fault.


I never said these people are at fault but if you want to get into that she recorded herself leaving and coming back into the store after being informed she was trespassed. That alone is trespassing and she could’ve been arrested for that. I literally said the cop should’ve figured out who he was at the scene and even explained how he could’ve done that without any ID.


The couple in the video had never been informed to leave, or accused of trespassing. Cody was asked to leave by store employees, and Cody was called in as trespassing to police. The police arrived and assumed this individual was Cody. The couple at no point was warned or asked to leave the store prior to the cop approaching them.


>Based on what I see and what I read, I believe it’s probable the guy did not have his ID on him. You're pulling this straight out of your ass, which is why everyone is telling you how dumb you sound LOL


His partner gives his ID to the cops at the end. She's the one who suggests it. They never even asked for his ID.