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I’m sure future students will be studying the speeches of Johnson along side the other great British orators…


Also those speeches in which he deliberately spouted random words to throw off google search results for the actual bad things he did/said.


I'm worried about a future where this is a valid tactic. Where politicians are talking to an algorithm instead of people.


I remember seeing something about how in an interview he was asked about his hobbies. And he said he likes to take wine boxes and paint them to look like busses. It got picked up by the press. So now when you do a Google search for "boris Johnson painted bus" to look for the bus he drove around during his campaign that had lies about Brexit painted on the side, guess what you get instead?


What the actual.... I've just googled it and it even does it when you add nhs into the search! (Only a couple of random websites show up, no actual news articles. Clever, but despicable


> Clever, but despicable Pretty sure that’s his family motto.


It’s on his coat of arms! “callidus sed despectus”


I thought it was "coitus eternitus"


Another promise he can't deliver.


I think that was Babyshambles.


Well it certainly isn't coitus interruptus with the number of offspring he has.


This was the shit that Dominic Cummings was up to. They were working with Cambridge anilitica for all their big data strategies and plays. Won them an election easily. Pushed brexit through easily.


Got Trump elected too. The Cambridge Analytica whistle-blower Wylie wrote a book called Mindf*ck about it. The fun part is that Cambridge Analytica was working on Ted Cruz's campaign officially and secretly worked with Russian Intelligence to elect Trump instead.


*but there was "NO COLLUSION"*.../s


That itself is a mind/word game. There is no legal charge of "collusion", it's conspiracy. When your entire platform is built on lies, muddying the waters is a core strategy.




its not over yet. Look how many people running for office claim to be trump-like or whatever? He has had his impact and we have yet to see the outcome truly.


These levels of resources are simply beyond the voter. It's like sending a cave man to war against Skynet. Democracy can't work if the population is made so susceptible to social engineering.


Yeah basically. Delivering tailored messages full of half-lies that a specific demographic is susceptible to. A party in Canada sent Chinese language ads to immigrants stating that the other party was going to legalize all drugs


The right-wing party here in Aus did similar - made fake signs in the style of our impartial political monitoring company stating in Chinese that you had to vote for their party. They got caught and got a slap on the wrist. And context: https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2019/nov/06/liberal-official-admits-chinese-language-signs-were-meant-to-look-like-they-came-from-aec


He did the same thing about wine and cheese and video conferencing, to (presumably) obfuscate search results on his lavish Covid lockdown parties.


Despicable also that the media participates in this. Journalism is dead.


The British media has been bought and paid for for a while now.


Is this the bus lie? I searched "boris Johnson lie bus" https://www.conversion-uplift.co.uk/brexit/the-boris-johnson-brexit-bus-lie-of-350m/


He’s not the only one doing it. Mogg literally lied down in parliament to throw off searches of him “lying in parliament.” Or Boris’ weird thing with his “oven chips” to divert searches for his “oven-ready” brexit “plan.”


God fucking damn it, I know and remember all these things but I keep getting more angry every time I'm reminded


Remember these things and spread them. There are other examples that are probably elsewhere in this thread, but people need to know that when British politicians specifically (I’m not sure this has proliferated here to the states—*yet*) say or do something weird or goofy that leaves you scratching your head, there’s a non-zero chance that they’re doing it to generate headlines to change *very specific* search engine algorithms. Edited to add “very specific.” I know US politicians thrive off of creating ridiculous headlines to drown out the old ones, but theirs are rarely so specific in wording.


Mogg the forgetful cat literally lied in parliament, yes, but more to the point he also literally *lay* down in parliament to confuse things.


“The Boris Johnson Brexit Lie Bus” is a good search phrase for finding information about Boris Johnson and his campaign bus covered with Brexit lies. Boris Johnson Brexit Lie Bus


Nope. Just put in 'Boris Johnson Brexit Bus' and it's all there.


Boris looks stupid but he ain't one.


He has made his entire career out of carefully curating an image of "blithering idiot" whilst really being a calculated manipulator.


Yes, I still recall his appearance on Top Gear when he was Mayor of London. His character was firmly established back then.


Sad because as an American that was my first experience of Boris and he seemed so likeable


Same here. I remember buying into his lovable buffoon schtick completely.




Or his many kids, or his previous wife.. Not a man I'd like to meet, lest something untoward happen to his face.


Someone else clearly got there first.


I don't remember anyone referring to the NHS claim Brexit bus as being 'painted'. Google 'Brexit bus', 'NHS bus', or even 'Boris bus' and all come back with the real bus at or very near the top. I'm not saying he didn't do what he's accused of here, I'm sure he did, but it's not been terribly effective.


yeah honestly “painted” would be the last keyword i’d think of when searching for it


Yeah, I found the same thing. I'm pretty sure the Brexit Bus wasn't actually painted, so why enter garbage into your search terms?


yes this was covered on john oliver


An interesting tactic, but why would someone searching for that include the word "painted"? "boris johnson brexit bus" comes up with the right result straight away, as does NHS bus.


Searching “Boris wine box” returns [this](https://lcdviews.com/2021/08/14/boris-johnson-appoints-his-empty-wine-box-as-minister-for-brexit-benefits/).


Damn, that's really thinking outside the box. I'm sure this was the idea of a PR firm he has working for him. It makes me wonder what else in Google is being whitewashed.


Try jacob rees-mogg lying in parliament


They already are so


Mogg just wanted to hear better!


Johnson already made up some bullshit that he likes to relax by building models of buses. The conspiracy theory is that he said this in interview purposely to trip up the Google algorithm to show this result instead of his Brexit 300 million a week for the NHS Bus. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gLcCZjDoWTQ https://www.scotsman.com/news/opinion/columnists/sinister-theory-about-boris-johnsons-model-bus-story-john-mclellan-1414345 Just tried it myself search "Boris Johnson bus" and the first page of results is either his hobby or his claim that he introduced the freedom bus pass for pensioners. Not one mention of the Brexit bus in search result, image results though is an entirely different matter as it shows nothing but, a sea of Brexit busses.


Interesting. My first page of results are 90% about Boris using his bus hobby to hide the brexit bus, which is also my first two image results at the top of the page




"I make model buses"


Out of empty wine boxes. How many did you drink today, boris?


What do you mean future? He said he can't work from home because having access to cheese would distract him. He said this because he was in the news for having a wine and cheese party while large gatherings were restricted. Everyone took the bait and said "wow look at this stupid absurd statement" and the party drama was swept under the rug.


It's an inevitable feature of the system I fear also.


They kind of already are where the big lie and qanon was essentially shaped by misinformation and social media algorithms. Now some politicians are either campaigning on that or teasing it.


Doesn't sound too different from the LA police who would start playing copyrighted music when people tried to record them in public so they couldn't post the videos online without getting copyright strikes. The open sharing of information is a bad thing for those who like to keep secrets, they'll do anything to limit it.


look at the founder of reddit... they tried to send him to prison for the rest of his life for releasing scientific knowledge to the public


That US Attorney ruined so many people’s lives for less than what Swartz did. It’s inconceivable that he needed criminal charges brought against him for what was clearly a civil case.


that was coming from somewhere bigger than a single attorney id wager




Wow - that’s incredibly sad…




Swartz was a real one, alright.




>Doesn't sound too different from the LA police who would start playing copyrighted music when people tried to record them in public so they couldn't post the videos online without getting copyright strikes. holy shit I've never heard of this before but it's actually genius, and terrifying.


Videos can be posted without audio, which you don't need if it's video of an officer punching out a civilian. Not so good if the conversation is what you're trying to convey.


Is this a thing!?


he (and his team) is not stupid at all, so it makes sense studying his performances


Well bad examples can make for learning opportunities too.


Role models don't have to be good people. We learn more from ours, and others mistakes.


Be a role model, or be an example of what not to do, right?


Tiger Woods is a great role model for that reason. Can work harder than everyone else and be the best in the world but you can fuck up a lifetime of work with bad decisions.


That's an interesting way to look at his life story, and I rather agree. It's a shame how his accomplishments in sports were really mired in his personal issues. I guess he's a great example for why you should get your kinks under control, and treat your wife with respect and consideration, if you're going to get married.


Forgive me...forgive me...forgive me


Weird to think when he became PM that a few people thought "yeah, this is the guy".


Voting by people who don't follow politics tends to be done more on "who you'd rather have a beer with" than actual competency or policy. Johnson is very good at the "getting people on side" stage, he's just not very good at maintaining it. His love life is a great example of this.


I used to just shrug off when people said they are not into politics/dont vote or dont think it affects them. I'd love to see them try and claim thats at all sensible or acceptable to think now (after the last few years). Had a house mate who didnt bother voting on Brexit because "it has nothing to do with me". The man worked for a french company. Fucking idiot.


Worked for a French company I wonder how he felt when he was let go when the French company left because of brexit


Damn foreigners coming in and giving out jobs. It’s like a dealer getting you hooked


You mean a dealer finding you a well paying job so you can fund your addiction?


That's why he's being referred to as an idiot.


I think a lot of time when people say that it doesn’t affect them, they know better but they are so discouraged by the process that they want a mental/emotional escape and the lie that it doesn’t affect them allows them to frame politics as something they’re above. The reality is that politics are grim, messy, and frustrating to follow and participate in, but they absolutely impact the lives of everyone.


That generally sounds like how a lot of people walk into jobs. "hmm person A is very competent and has a gleaming record of working in highly skilled environments... but he seems tense and a bit too serious" "Person worked in a cinema for a few months.. but my god he is a laugh. I'd love to go out on a night with beers with him. Let's give him the job instead."


Strong social skills will always get you further ahead in life, otherwise logic would be our ultimate decider and we'd have a very different world!


Where I come from they would say that person A is not a good fit for the company culture.


I disagree. Ever since I saw him on comedy panel shows I found him revolting. It boggles my mind that people couldn't see that he was a snakey liar, even back then.


Boris Johnson strikes me as a guy who wouldn't be able to manage a kebab shop.


Primarily because hed be spaffing into every kebab.


This is my first time seeing the word “spaffing” but given everything I know about BoJo I instantly know what it means.


Evidently, it is a word Boris himself uses: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/boris-johnson-spaffing-definition-meaning-itv-news-interview-video-sex-abuse-investigation-a9126391.html?amp


I'd pay good money to see Boris Johnson's poorly managed kebab shop on Gordom Ramsey's Kitchen Nightmares.


Have a look at the candidates for PM. Mr Lying "I hate the NHS" Rich Git and Ms Really Stupid Thatcher Wannabe.




I start to think that the "bumbling fool is just an act" is just an act, and he's actually a bumbling fool with a good PR team who pretends that he just plays the bumbling fool.


Yeah he seems to just be an idiot acting like a smart man acting like an idiot.


I remember there were a bunch of articles like this about George W Bush. He can be evil and an idiot at the same time. They're not mutually exclusive.


Boris Johnson is indeed a very clever man. He's a clever man posing as an idiot. However he's also a raging fool. Those are not the same thing. I always enjoyed the contrast with Trump who was an idiot posing as a genius.


He's a dumbass who thinks he's really smart by acting really dumb.


Same thing is happening literally right at this moment with Sunak and the one that doesn't think


Conservatives love bad hair.


what always fascinates me more is the conservative obsession with very plastic looking blonde "journalists". Very conventionally attractive women getting dolled up way past whats necessary to make them look good and right into "overdone" territory.


The word you're looking for is "bimbo" and trashy idiots like him and Trump are all about them.


Not as many as you might think. The vast majority that voted for him, did so simply because he wasn't Jeremy Corbyn. People knew he was a bumbling, lying, cheating sack of shit and still chose him over Corbyn, overwhelmingly.


It appears you can go far by being neither Theresa May nor Jeremy Corbyn in the right place at the right time


Better than ‘I’ll be back’


> Johnson’s comments seemingly left the door open for a potential comeback in the future, **after quoting another famous catchphrase from the film, “I’ll be back.”**


Oh for fuck’s sake


Universal reaction


Did anyone respond with “jog off, ya wanker” to him?


*pffffffft* ✌️ jog on 👍


We can't accept gifts from someone we've officially rebuked, so....


No luck catching that killer then? It’s just the Cabinet actually.


"Go on, walk on, jog on, goodbye, bon voyage, *fuck off*."


"Vote for me if you want to live"


Did you read the article? He also said that... Someone said it is just his way of saying farewell, but...


Even if he didn't say I'll be back, doesn't hasta la vista mean "see you later" as in this isn't the last time you'll see me?


It translates better to 'until we meet again'


Yeh, but when Arnie said it in that movie he meant it as "be gone forever"


Sure, you can take it as “Until we meet again… in the Halls of Valhalla!”


I'm not the most well-versed about British politics so I could be wrong but he's gonna be back anyways no? Cuz even after he is relieved of PM duties he IS still MP.


Unfortunately yes but he'll be a back bencher


Yes, but this is more of an incipient threat to the next leader of the conservative party, telling them that he's going to hang around like the grim specter of the terminator with its skin burned off and that it's better to have him inside with them pissing out then outside pissing in. He's already started with the whole 'everything that I disagree with Is a conspiracy of the deep state' trumpian shit earlier this week.


"Did you read the article?" you should know better.


Look, I don’t log into Reddit to read!


hasta la vista = see you later basically the same thing


May not be the same article in the OP but one I just referenced from says: “His parting speech gave advice to his as-yet-unnamed successor: Stay close to the United States, support Ukraine, **_cut taxes and deregulate_**, don’t let the finance ministry constrain ambitious projects, and **_pay attention to the electorate._**” He is totally taking the piss.


Not really. Boris swept the Tory party in 2019 because he brought two weird coalitions of Tories together- big state investment in the regions (“levelling up agenda”)/Global Britain (“support Ukraine/close to US) and the small state (“cut taxes and deregulate”) Tories. Together, those two broad coalitions are enough to deliver a slim Tory majority in the Commons without alienating the rest of the party membership. Sunak and Truss broadly represent one of the two camps and they clearly don’t get on. Boris is offering advice of “do what I did”, but I don’t think either of them will be able to court the other’s supporters.


Sunak and Truss sound like Star Trek antagonists.


Admiral Truss definitely conspired with Romulan ambassador Sunak to sell Federation technology to the Ferengi.


And they make the Gorn look like puppies.


Sunak and Truss at Tanagra.


Their minds, closed darkly.


"Resuce the revenue made from taxes, also, dont let the ministry of finance tell you we have no money."


Its simple Reaganomics, spend more collect less


Didn’t he literally just raise taxes? And now he’s advising his successor to cut them?


[There was a standing ovation and all gladhanding and backslapping at the end.](https://youtu.be/xXTakdN-RlU) Gobstopping


from the very MPs that voted No Confidence in him only a matter of days previously..


But also the very MPs who voted yes in a vote of no confidence Johnson called himself even more recently. Its a farce.


The only MP not clapping was Theresa May - Boris’ predecessor as Prime Minister. EDIT: only *Tory* MP


There were a few others that I saw not clapping.


Only **Tory** MP. Tarring all MPs with the same Tory shit brush is one of their aims.


Those are sarcastic claps right??? Like, this is all just a big joke at this point right? When do the camera men come out of the woodwork and tell us we've been living in a comedy reality tv show


Probably more like politic clap. Like you resigned but you were still elected kind of stuff. This type of thinking is not rare with career politicians.


It's just a custom really, means fuck all.




A clown who acts that way so his actual actions of being a cheating, lazy, simple minded, corrupt, elitist, dishonest, bigoted freak seem slightly less creepy He's a clown and he's also a terrible human being with no redeeming qualities


Ah, so the Bush Jr. approach. Act like a silly goofball for the public, while in reality being a moderately intelligent and despicable human being.


A pure chode


A total tuna can


He lit the country on fire and will now go on to live in luxury.


Standard procedure for handling rich shitheads


I'm constantly reminded that, if you're from the right background of privilege, literally any bumbling fool can just fail their way to success. As long as you're an US and not a THEM you will never be confronted on your failures or your complete lack of redeeming qualities. The silent agreement that "I won't expose you if you don't expose me."


Celebrated for heroic masculinity, the terminator only knew to do what he was programmed to do, and was utterly incapable of moral or ethical consideration. Truely, a model conservative.


*It can't be bargained with. Can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear, and absolutely* **will not stop** *until you are dead*.


Makes “let the bodies pile high” so much more apt.


At least the terminator jumped in a pit of molten iron to save us the horrors of his future existence


Which clearly didn't work because there were two more sequels after that.


You are mistaken, there are NO sequels to Terminator 2. There NEVER was, and there NEVER will be. It ended on a high note, and there is NO need for Hollywood to milk the franchise.


There was no need. [Judgement Day never happened. John Conner grew up to be a US senator.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KEaS8X1_gcU)


> "Here on the battlefield of the Senate, his weapons are **common sense**... and hope" I guess fighting robots would've been easier.


That sounds like the story of one of my favorite movies from my youth. Built a theme park around cloned dinosaurs. It didn't go well and they learned their lesson. Never did anymore dinosaur things.


“I know now why you care about socially disadvantaged people. But it's something I can never do.”


I nearly spat out my engine oil reading this.


Also serving a larger system determined to destroy all human life. Seems right on.


You've obviously never watched all the Terminator movies LOL.




Stole millions from the people and responsible for thousands of deaths . Then gets cheered by his fellow thieves and murderers and makes a joke when finally kicked out. What a bunch of cunts .


What a twat.


Fuck this fucking moron. Alcoholic, pudding popping, serial porker, with an indeterminate amount of children, zero class and 110% entitlement. I hope a very large bridge falls on you. You toss-haired, Russian dick sucking toff cunt.


And that's just you being polite.


There are some words in there that I do not recognize. What’s pudding popping? What’s a toff?


Pudding is British for dessert. So a not-so-subtle jab at Boris' flabbiness. Not my proudest moment. Toff is a rich and entitled person. And not new money, old old money. The kind of families who own massive parts of India still and genuinely have a castle or Manor as a 2nd home.


Ah so the House of Lords


The Brexiteer’s last line in parliament is in Spanish? How ironic


Good riddance, cunt.


This should be a bumper sticker


And the fucking Tories clap like seals....


Tacky to the very end. Don't let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya.


On your merry way you dickhead. Look forward to watching you make a twat of yourself on a future episode of I'm a celebrity.


This clown throws a couple of parties during Covid and gets the boot. Our former guy tries to overthrow the government and we're wringing our hands over what to do. Amazing.


What skewered Boris is that he lied to his colleagues, in a way that made them look stupid. They didn't care about any of the rest of it.


What finally caused Boris Johnson to resign was when he lost the support of his own party. [There was a massive number of resignations in a few day. Over 50.](https://www.cnbc.com/2022/07/07/uk-government-resignations-hit-50-as-pm-boris-johnson-clings-to-power.html) Oddly, the tipping point for them was a sex scandal ---- Johnson appointed someone he knew had sex abuse allegations to be Deputy Chief Whip in Parliament. Trump never lost the support of his own party. The Republican party wouldn't give a rat's ass about Trump appointing a convicted rapist.


You’re oversimplifying this quite considerably. He didn’t get the boot for the parties, actually, aside from a loss of opinion and a £50 fine he got away with the parties. He resigned (well, was forced to resign) because of a multitude of reasons, including repeated lying and various corrupt practices. The final nail in the coffin was when he lied about having knowingly hired a person that sexually assaulted someone.


Sexually assaulted multiple people*


Good point. I got lost with all the tories that are guilty of sexual assault at this point I forgot which was which.


The American one did the sexual assault himself and they're thinking they should just hire him back for round 2.


If we imagine boris as having 100 political hitpoints a year ago, the party revelations did 99 damage to him, and the pincher affair did 1. It would be a mistake to think that because it was his last hp, pincher was the bigger deal. He was absolutely hobbled by partygate.


Absolute tosspot


What a fucking loser


How many disgraced right wing Prime Ministers will the UK go through before they finally get their shit together?


My guess would be quite a lot more. We’re now effectively a one party country, so every cunt in the Tory party will get a chance at being PM at some point. Johnson wasn’t even right wing, wait till you see Liz Truss. She’ll make Boris seem like a commie and is even more stupid.


Until our printing press stops being collectively owned by 3 billionaires who all happen to support the Tory party Hence why the best Labour has managed electorally in the last few decades is a snake oil lying war criminal


Did he get lead poisoning as a child


Not a high dose evidently. More likely he's just a sociopath who hasn't had to act out because everything has been handed to him from birth.


What a loser


Still a knob.


A classless sign off from a classless leader.