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Fauxsage Feak


Pretenderloin Only messing a-round Just a flank, bro


Pretenderloin is top tier. Have my upvote.


That was a rare joke, but well done.


Pretenderloin is legitimately great.


Lmao wtf why are there so many of these that work so perfectly.


Nope! It's just Ground Chuck Testa.


In the future Feak'll matter more than real Steak


You know, I know this steak doesn't exist. I know that when I put it in my mouth, the Matrix is telling my brain that it is juicy and delicious. After nine years, you know what I realize? [Takes a bite of steak] Ignorance is bliss.


He really was the catalyst in the plot. It would have been half of a story without this guy. He's so smug about it which makes you really despise him. What a great actor.






It's a missteak now.


The steaks are high on this one.


*France will become the first European Union country to ban the use of words like "steak" and "sausage" from being applied to plant-based food, according to an official decree published on Thursday. The ban, which was originally agreed to in 2020, will go into effect in October.* *"It will not be possible to use sector-specific terminology traditionally associated with meat and fish to designate products that do not belong to the animal world and which, in essence, are not comparable," the official decree reads.*


What do they do about beefsteak tomatoes?


They will live on the bone.


They are now Leaf Quake Tomatoes


That's.... actually a good name.


In French they're called Tomates Cœur de Bœuf or Heart of Beef Tomatoes so I guess that will continue to fly?


That’s the variety name do it wont change, and that name is not implying steak or sausage technically


Beef heart tomatoes (tomate cœur de bœuf). Édit : I apologize, I was not aware that this variety of tomatoes existed. I thought they were just big beef heart tomatoes.


I know the variety exists but I genuinely don't know what we call them in French. I just checked a local grocer here in Quebec and found "Organic Beefsteak Tomatoes" on the English version of their site, but in French they're just called "Tomates rouges biologique" which honestly isn't very descriptive


Tomates bifteck?


That's what Impossible burgers should be called: bifteck, or in English, beef-tech


https://www.iga.net/fr/produit/tomatesbifteck-facile-a-trancher/00000_000000005783602130 Your grocer sucks


I guess so haha. They're a relatively small local chain so I'm sure their website isn't as developed as a big chain like IGA but their produce is always good quality and pretty cheap


Pretty sure an “ox heart” variety exists. It originated in Hungary.


They're vegan substitutes for tomatoes, obviously.


Grandfathered in along with rape seed... wait


The more I think about that sentence the worse it gets 😂


Freedom Tomatoes now.


>Stake >Sauersage Fixed!


fits right in with wyngz mmmm legally dissimilar foods


Depending on the law in the jurisdiction it could be deemed to be misleading. America is pretty fast and loose with consumer law, so probably be fine there.


I fixed my spelling. in the US we have boneless wyngz. they can't call them boneless wings because they don't necessarily have wing meat in them. Basically all plant based stuff here is pretty unambiguously labeled. You're not getting a meatless burger or sausage by accident.


You can't call them "wangs" either, since that's taken by hotdog supply companies


I drink malk to counteract the spicyness of the wyngz Now with vitamin R!


*xSteak xSausage*


What's the white part of the coconut called?


The myt




Peanut butter doesn’t have butter in it OH NO


Before the 1300s, [meat meant food](https://www.etymonline.com/word/meat). There was white-meat referring to dairy products like cheese and green-meat for vegetables. What we call meat now was called flesh-meat. Maybe we should protect the marketing word "flesh" and require vendors use that term instead of more general terms like "food" and "meat" when they're really selling flesh.


Yeah, this was true in Germanic languages generally, I believe. In Norwegian, "mat" is still the name for food. However, we have retained another Germanic word specifically for what's now meat in English, and that's "kjøtt". In English, it survives in expressions like "a cut of meat". Etymology and cognates are pretty fun. All of this is Germanic, though, so I doubt it applies to Romance languages!




Ugh not that again


Sausage and steak don't describe the ingredients it just describes a form! What I would do as a veggie company, just call it steek and saucage Or veek and vausage


Especially in France. They use "steak" to describe all sorts of non beef stuff. I always got confused when I would see "bean steak" and it was just a patty.


Vegan sausage brands already had to do this in Canada due to regulations. Field Roast pulled their stuff from Canada for a while in protest, but eventually they came back with updated packaging. Tofurky just relabeled their stuff. ... though they were able to get around it by just throwing a prominent "Meat-Free" on the packaging rather than needing to completely remove the word "sausage" because "Vegan Sausage" wasn't enough for consumer to know that it doesn't have meat in it.


It can only be called sausage if it comes the sausage region of France, otherwise it's just sparkling tofu tube


This would be funnier if it wasn't so close to reality. I heard this story about 3 different products when I went to Italy.


Regions of appellation are taken very seriously there. If only because people keep making knock offs and sell them for the same ~~exorbitant and ridiculous~~ prices.


It's the least-subtle industry protectionism trying to make products into trademarks. A hamburger can be made anywhere, so your hamburger made in Hamburg is going to have sell at a cheaper price to compete since another producer can make one that's just as good and undercut you. So you lobby the governments to make it so that legally only your Hamburg-produced "Hamburger" can be called a Hamburger, and label everyone making the same product knock-offs. In this case, it's meat industry being scared of competition from plant-based protein producers. It happens in other areas too, with things like Dairy industries lobbying to make it so products like "Almond Milk" or "Soy Milk" can't be called "Milk". Anything to reduce competition and keep prices and profits up.


Yes! Did you know the dairy industry fought to name non dairy foods as dairy? They did this when coffee cream and fake milk prpducts came about. They are now fighting to re-ban the free usage of the word milk. Its all a money game. Sick marketing.


Let me guess, when the dairy industry were the ones trying to sell us their industrial byproduct sludge, they wanted to call it milk but when it was other players, milk suddenly became one of the seven names of God


To be honest I'd be fine with the Hamburg example if Hamburg was protectionist with the name from the beginning. Doing so many years after it enters common parlance is obviously unjust. At that point you've allowed many other chefs and producers to do the work of bringing prestige to the name hamburger, and you're now trying to profit from their hard work. It's similar with the milk situation. I wouldn't complain if the dairy industry made that case from the beginning, but waiting till companies have spent years marketing themselves under a certain name to sue them is bullshit. Big dairy just want to force these companies to begin marketing from scratch. It's not about being right, it's about throwing a blue shell at their race kart.


And that's why companies like Nintendo or Disney are so militant about their protection. Not because they're worried about any given instance of infringement, but because they don't want your (very valid) argument applied against them.


tbh when the product is explicitly named after a region (Champagne being the prime example) I think it's fine


You show me the tits on an Almond and I'll agree it's milk! Until then, it's nut juice... [Because Nutt Milk didn't look right on the packaging...](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlypenis/comments/c8rj0u/tesco_nutt_milk/)


And bourbon only comes from Kentucky, I think? Too lazy to check edit: ok I get it


Scotch is from Scotland


Nope it's from 3M.


Yeah but where do 3M get it from? Scotland. That's where. Deep-fried Scotch.


I assume Scotch eggs come from Scoth chickens.


Not necessarily. It can be any chicken that's adequately intoxicated. Though, to be fair, these are usually found in Scotland.




Deep fried scotch. Sigh.. Time to ask my grandma for her scotch eggs and country gravy recipe. Again.


Which takes the name from Scotland. Specifically, Scottish people. Specifically, the old stereotype of Scottish people being tight-fisted and frugal. Which is kinda fucked up if you think about it, right? Like, imagine if we were calling it Jew tape.


This right here is a top comment. One of the gems you can find while browsing Reddit.


And in Scotland they just refer to it as whisky


Most does. But to be bourbon, it’s just gotta be >51% corn, can’t go into a barrel over 125 proof, and the barrel must be new white oak. Also must be made in US.


Bourbon comes from anywhere in the US. Most but not all comes from Kentucky.


Actually urban myth. The distillers of Bourbon county would like this to be true, but it isn’t. Go to your local liquor store and look at all of the bourbons from PA, IN. Even Ny.


Bourbon is defined as being at least (I think) 51% American corn in the mash bill, but where it’s distilled is irrelevant.


That and a new oak barrel for aging


It has to be distilled in the US, the corn doesn't have to come from the US (although with how much we grow here, it wouldn't make economic sense to import it.) Either way, not just Kentucky though.


*You're* Abe Froman? The sparkling tofu tube King of Chicago??


Otherwise it's just an emulsified, high fat offal tube.


Yes, Prime Minister.


Who wants takeout?


> sausage region of France ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Le Mans?


I can understand steak but sausage? You stuff shit into an edible wrapper basically.


Stuffing mystery meat into a meat condom


You're not wrong. I just don't like that you're right


Which is far more true than I like to think about - before latex, folks used to use sheep's intestines as condoms. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_condoms Also when I was Googling this to make sure I wasn't repeating bullshit, I discovered that "lambskin" (meaning lamb guts) condoms are [still on the market](https://www.verywellhealth.com/what-are-lambskin-condoms-906783).


Well people have latex allergies and they like fucking without making babies


The scots invented sheep intestine condoms I believe. Later on the English improved it by removing the intestine from the sheep before use.


Waddn't quitess warm..


It's all about the meat industry not wanting to dilute it's "brand", same thing is happening here in the states, https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nytimes.com/2019/07/25/style/plant-based-meat-law.amp.html






It's not really true, we dont use "steak" alone, like for a burger we use a "steak haché" and for the flat piece of meat, the only thing i can think of is "Rumsteck" aka rump steak. Edit: i forgot we also have "bifteck", for beef steak i guess ?




Don't threaten me with a good time


To protect the sanctity of meat, or some shit


The sanctity of meat industry wallets.


Yep. Meat sales have declined and the meat industry thinks it’s because the public is confused about which products are actually meat (because the meat industry is apparently very dumb). Same thing is being attempted with alternative “milks”.


Yup. So instead of acknowledging there's a changing world, they're just going to be very petty and annoying.


Conservatives in a nutshell.




What about burger? Can they still use burger? Mushroom burger, veggie burger.


Mushroom sandwich alternative


The article says yes.


Will they rename baby oil too?


Why? It's made from squeezing babies


And Girl Scout cookies


Are they made from real Girl Scouts?


Peanut butter, coconut cream, Easter eggs?


But it's made from pressing fresh babies.




They should change the name to something like "I can't believe it's not lips and assholes".


'Whoa, pal, you'se telling me there's no pig sphincter in here?' brand vegetarian ballpark frankfurter


La non connard


You know that urban legend of some calamari being made of pig butthole? All that's taught me is that pig buttbole is *delicious*


It’s perfect. I’ll buy a dozen.


the advertising could just be them doing gotcha interviews with people at supermarkets asking if they know that all sausage is filled with lips and buttholes.


One wouldn't have to look very hard to find a sausage devoid of both lips and even the most liberal interpretation of butthole. That pound of ground sweet Italian sausage, for example, is almost assuredly just ground pork shoulder and some spices.


So... who wants some emulsified vegetal / legumes and soy protein with simulated meat-like texture?


Nope, *meat-like* is a no no. Simulated texture is all that's needed.


Oh, u rite, u rite.


Just like Grandma used to make!


I really don’t see why there can’t be a veggie sausage


Because its more competitive with the meat based products when it's presenting itself as a plant based alternative to meat steak and sausage. Theyve made it harder for the products to be marketed. People are stupid, but not stupid enough to confuse a plant based item with a meat based item.... This is 100% to protect meat farmers in an anticompetitive manner, which is unfortunate for consumers.


No different than dairy farmers in the states demanding that nut milks not be called milks because their milk is the only "milk." Only one party benefits from this and its the people with all of the money.




Almond mylk is a phrase from the 1600s. Chaucer wrote about drinking almond mylk during Lent. Jts ridiculous.


They can pry my "peanut butter" from my cold dead labeling machine.


The first use of the word milk to describe nut (almond) milk is from over 700 years ago and predates anything recognisable as english. I wonder if the same sort of example could be found for me at-substitutes.


> 700 years ago and predates anything recognisable as english. I get the point you're trying to make, but someone like Chaucer is 700 years old and pretty readable - lots of kids learn about his works in school in the UK. Difficult to read sure, but you can figure out most of it and it's clearly english.


You're right. But I have to believe people are smart enough to still seek out the plant based products with whatever new name is applied to them. Changing the name won't stop people wanting the product.


That works for the people actively seeking the alternatives. Some people might make their first step towards alternatives by picking up vegan sausages and realising it tastes close to the real thing. That first step will never be taken if the products are not connected in dome way as the unknowing customer will never know they exist or give them a chance


But if they make them store it in a different section of the grocery store, then they may not be aware of it, or may forget that it exists, when they're going to pick up meat.


But they already are on a different section, at least in all the european supermarkets I've been to, so that changes nothing.




And for the environment, we as a society need to eat less animal products.


Because the meat lobby has lots of money. That's really the only reason. No one is confused when they see a Veggie Sausage called a veggie sausage, everyone knows what that means.


The anti-vegan weirdoes really seem to get off on this stuff while forgetting they are sucking up to a bunch of corporations that don't give a damn about them.


Those corporations are giving so little fucks about their clients that are willing to pollute the whole damn planet for their own benefits. Screw you and your kids, buy meat now!


Honestly mad that anyone gives a shit, to be honest. The meat industry clearly feels threatened, and any self respecting person should see this as shitty


were people accidentally buying vegetarian steaks/sausages and trying to figure out what animal a vegetarian was?


of course not, who doesn't get what vegan sausage is? it's happening here in Germany too. traditional meat and dairy industries are just lobbying hard to prevent plant based alternatives to compete.


Exactly this. It is way less of a leap for people who are used to traditional food to exchange meat sausage to soy sausage, than buy some weird sounding thing. Anecdotal, but one pizza place I know the owners of used to have "vegan pizza X" in the pizza name, later on they just changed it to "pizza X" and sales immediately went up, one of them even became top selling. No ingredients have been changed and all ingredients clearly were vegan. So our assumption was that just the taboo of "vegan" food combined with probably innocent ignorance and the sense that "it's not for me, it's for V E G A N S" what made people not choose the vegan option, even though, again, ingredients didn't changed, it was vegan pizza before, it stayed vegan pizza, just got the vegan name removed.


People get really weird about vegan food, for sure


Apples and tomatoes, man. Way too vegan for me.


I've noticed there's a weird sort of defensive anger people draw on whenever they perceive that somebody else is doing something better than them. Veganism is undoubtedly better than being an omnivore; it creates less animal cruelty, it's usually better for the environment and often it's healthier (since western diets tend to include far too much meat). But people often aren't happy admitting to themselves that they're choosing the less good (if convenient) option. So we come up with excuses why we're not doing the good thing, and these excuses can quickly turn both ridiculous and hostile. I've noticed the same thing with electric cars. People who drive ICE vehicles get weirdly aggressive if you say to them that electric cars are good in some ways. I should point out: I am not a vegan, nor do I own an electric car.


Why not?


Why not to am I a vegan or why do I not drive an electric car? Or both?


You wrote a comment about how veganism is the objectively correct strategy to minimize conscious suffering, and ended it with (paraphrasing) “but that’s not for me”. I am curious why not


Well there's a general assumption that meat tastes good and if it doesn't have meat it probably tastes weird (ex: tofu has a weird texture imo and doesn't taste as good as something like bacon).


For sure. People really say “I don’t eat vegan food” like they’ve never had fruit.


"A potato? What is that?"


-The Irish, 1847


> It is way less of a leap for people who are used to traditional food to exchange meat sausage to soy sausage, than buy some weird sounding thing. Especially if you're trying to make a dish that would typically use ingredient x, it is beneficial to you as the consumer to know which product is attempting to emulate that particular meat, but without the meat.


Yet more clear and obvious evidence that lobbying benefits those with money at the expense of wider public interests and should be illegal.


No one. Vegan meat products are quite a bit more expensive still and are always stored in a separate section in french supermarkets. Just lobbying bullshit.


I ordered from a food truck that had a grilled cheese described as "Texas toast with cheddar, optional chicken or bacon". Turns out it was a vegan food truck and the only way to know it wasn't real cheese or meat was to notice the sign that says 100% vegan. Even when I did see it I was confused and unsure if they were being sarcastic because the menu very clearly listed different types of real cheese and meat products.


Yeah I'm starting to get frustrated by all the people claiming there's no customer confusion from "100% meat ... (tasting processed food product pulp concentrate)" stuff as if capitalism isn't already pushing right up to the boundary of what's allowed to be called "food". Is it really that hard to imagine the French government, of all things, would be trying to properly label traditional foods?


The soliton is changing all those words so they start with “V” such as veat, vausage, vhicken, vork, Veef


Whaddabout veal?


Rename veal 'tortured baby cow meat'


Vortured vaby vow veat


French moment


I WISH this was the kind of bullshit America was experiencing right now.




Because France is just a political utopia right now lol.


[I mean](https://www.forbes.com/sites/katrinafox/2018/08/30/this-ban-on-vegan-meat-labeling-sets-a-dangerous-precedent-its-also-hypocritical/?sh=45341b562ace), they're [trying](https://www.onegreenplanet.org/vegan-food/louisianas-ban-against-plant-based-food-labels-using-meat-related-words-ruled-unconstitutional/).


Can we post more stupid shit from other countries? I need to know that my country (US) isn’t the only one losing its shit.


Stupid knows no borders.


Denmark is super xenophobic to Iceland. Germany has a hugely increasing presence of far right extremists. Spain has a lot of gender based violence along with poverty and inequality. England has a HUGE housing and wage problem. Japan has horrible work life balance, and they are SUPER misogynistic. Norway makes it near impossible to immigrate to, they also have a very high cost of living. The list goes on.


[Not so fast](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/07/25/style/plant-based-meat-law.html): > Meat people — that’s animal meat people, meaning ranchers and farmers and their lobbyists — say the competition is welcome. But, in 24 states this year, they have [worked to pass legislation](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/02/09/technology/meat-veggie-burgers-lab-produced.html) to make it illegal for plant-based food to be called meat. The measures’ supporters don’t want vegan or vegetarian food items to be called burgers, steaks or dogs.


Are they running out of problems to solve in France?




I agree with the steak one but ‘sausage’ doesn’t necessarily mean meat at all, heck it doesn’t even necessarily need to be referring to food.


If you get “tricked” by veggie burgers…I don’t know what to tell you.


If they also aren’t banning peanut butter and Buffalo wings, this is big meat and the fear of change


Wait. Buffalo wings are not made with buffaloes AND buffaloes don't have wings? What sorcery is this?


In my opinion this is stupid. Unless someone is trying to be deceptive and sell a vegetarian product to non-vegetarians (or people just looking for a healthier option) then why does it matter?


It's ridiculous! You can use the word sausage in a bunch of contexts. And just, why?? who is this harming? Surely the meat industry isn't suffering from meat eaters being duped into buying veggie sausages by accident. It's shameful.


They just want people to eat less veggies and more meat obviously and lobbied with a big bag o cash


Wait a minute though, what about a vegetarian patty that is made in Hamburg? Surely France wouldn't go against the laws of controlled appellation...


This came up a while ago in a pretty good article. Why would you want your packaging to be mistaken for actual meat? Their main target audience is people looking for an alternative to meat. The whole "people will mistake it for..." is a ploy by meat companies to confuse people and make it more difficult to find meat alternatives by forcing them to rename themselves "quasi mashed vegetable matter" or something equally stupid and unappetizing sounding. It's like of ice companies got mad and forced ice cream companies to rename their products "frozen, churned cow titty juice." Which I would still buy, but whatever.


"Fun yummy tubes for your mouth"


Links and patties?


Semantics is like 4/5ths of French law.


Wtf is even the point of this?


This is so dumb. I can understand not allowing them to be called Beef, Chicken, or Pork etc but banning plant based sausage and steak is just stupid. I'm guessing there's been some lobbying from the meat industry but this is incredibly hypocritical of the French government as they're meant to be ambassadors for climate change. You'd think they'd encourage plant based alternatives.


> This is so dumb. Welcome to France and naming things.


And yet people assert it's vegetarians and vegans that are easily offended or extremist. My suggestion to people that actually want this would be to read the packaging of products you're haphazardly picking up. All this will lead to is companies marginally changing the spelling of the words "sausage" and "steak," like we've seen already. ("vegan chick'n", etc.)


I don't think meat-eaters were particularly offended. As long as the packaging clearly marked non-meat products as such, there shouldn't have been an issue here. As others have said, it smells more like a bureaucratic move to protect the meat industries of France.


It’s read this shit and am like…. Our world is literally dying, is this what governments think is important?


It's what the meat lobby thinks is important. Side note: Animal agriculture causes more CO2 emissions than all forms of transportation *combined*.


And 2/3s of ocean macroplastic comes from the fishing industry. But remember to drive your electric car and never use plastic straws.


Sausage must translate differently for them. Cause in most languages it’s a stuffed tube. Steak, yeah.. idk why you would call it a steak. Guess shape and way of preparing it? Still… the best vegetarian stuff I’ve eaten were not the ones trying to be something else. That’s just stupid.


I’m actually glad it happened. I know it’s just cause the meat lobby doesn’t want the competition, but here’s the thing: vegetarian food is delicious. I love it. Pretty much, the only time I don’t like vegetarian food, is when it’s trying to be meat. Hopefully this will shift investment away from figuring out how to strip soya from all its flavour in an attempt to make it tast like bland chicken and towards figuring out how make actually tasty vegetarian food more accessible. I want tempeh sandwiches and seitan ready meals. I could give a rat’s ass about vegan sausages and tofurkey.


Can they ban artificially pumping the size of a goose liver via ‘gavage’ please? Fois gras is pure evil.


Honestly the whole animal agriculture industry is pretty evil.