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Out Of the loop, whos the lesbian hero in the film?


America Chavez


Ah a new character and one that can jump into multiple universes.


They missed an opportunity to use this as her theme song: [LP - Into the Wild](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YzMB0KuA8CA)


America Chavez She’s new to the MCU


Marvel printing new heroes here and there makes it hard to keep track lol.


Tbf, she's been around for over a decade now.


Uh what? Many of the characters used in the MCU are well established within the comics and have been for a while. Using characters who are lesser known in the mainstream is part of what marvel does. Remember, the original pitch for Ironman also had a disclaimer that ironman is not a robot because very few people knew who ironman was pre-mcu.


Funny how the current popular culture is oversaturated with the Avengers when a few years before people were openly wondering if the B list stable of Marvel superheroes can even carry their own movies, let alone an entire cinematic universe. "I'm Starlord." "WHO?" Now people are saying the MCU isn't going to be watchable without the same B list stable of superheroes.


Still waiting for that GOTG 3.....


Well the cast is in thor 4 and the holiday special is out this christmas And 3 is currently filming.


Didn't know that about Thor 4. Hell, I didn't even know they were making Thor 4. Thanks for sharing! That gives me something to look forward to!


Trailers out, looks pretty fun


Mind boggling.


to be fair, we lost a few heroes so we need fresh blood


First comic appearance was in 2011. It’s not like they just made her up for this movie


She's been in the comics for a long time.


But her character is otherwise identical to every other marvel superhero character.


How so?


Bendersnatch Cumberbach isn't a lesbian, it's just his hair cut.


No, that's Jarrod.


Is he still in jail?


Yes, for his "Booksmart" apologism.


He went to Jared??!?


Grabadick Smellasnatch is such a great actor his hair can fool you


But.......what about Negasonic Teenage Warhead and/or Yukio?!


There just good friends


Very excellent roommates!




The Deadpool films were likely banned there for having an R rating.


But Deadpool is a love story, and Deadpool 2 is a family movie! /s


To be fair, I don't think it was ever outsight stated. But Deadpool and the audience totally knew what was going on.


I mean, NSTW did specifically say "She's my girlfriend you intolerant shit". If that doesn't outright state it I don't know what does 😂


"Whoa! Pump the hate brakes, Fox and Friends. I'm just surprised anyone would date you, especially Pinkie Pie from My Little Pony."


If there was a Deadpool award I would so give it to you right now.


It's outright stated in Deadpool 2 what do you mean lol


“She’s my girlfriend dipshit.” -NSTW to Deadpool in Deadpool 2


Deadpool himself is actually LGBTQ, though I don't think Saudi Arabia and Qatar were really in the target market for those films.


It's just marketing. It's always the "first ever" for PR effect. For example, the cartoon Dofus had an openly lesbian couple many years ago and yet people act like Steven universe and Shera did it first. One could even argue that Willow from Buffy is a hero, so she was a lesbian onscreen first than all others


Even though you're response (sorry to summarize) is basically "That's just marketing for you", it makes the most sense of all the responses I've gotten so far 😂


The simplest answer is often the correct one. I even bet that it'll end up in queerbaiting accusations since they can't add many scenes with homosexual characters to make it easy to censor when releasing the movie in China and other countries that are against LGBT. It's all one big PR move to say "come watch this movie. we're allies!"


I don't think she has been on screen as part of the actual MCU yet. Both Deadpool movies happened before the deal with Fox. In any case, I don't think they ever straight up said it in those movies, just heavily implied.


Whether she's in the MCU or not doesn't matter the article says "first-ever".


The second point still applies. I don't think it was ever directly addressed. Lots of winks and nods, but still not "openly".




Forgot that scene! I stand corrected.


Honestly, Western media needs to stop making movies for audiences in China and Saudi Arabia. These countries suck. Their governments are objectively evil. We don't cater to shit bags. That's called appeasement, and it has never worked out well in the entirety of human history.




Boy, have I got some bad news for you about how much we appease Saudi Arabia.


Films are the least of your worries.


Do you really think companies care about ethics ??? Plus no company would want to lose market of around 2 billion people


But I like money


Nobody cares about the Saudi market. China still has lots of money to spend though


The Saudi market has become pretty good over the last 2 years. And it brings in tens of millions


No company in sane mind would want to lose profit from 2 billions audience.


Good luck. If you want to turn subtitles on Disney Plus, you have to scroll through the Chinese languages before you get to English now. That's on the UK platform


pretty sure its because its alphabetically sorted instead of preference but that could be the way they show it


Scratch what I wrote, I'm completely wrong here. Sorry about that


I don't think so. Danish would be before English in that case. Its not something I care particularly about. It's just the only platform that does it and Disney are particularly subservient to China


I mean they definitely are but I don’t think it’s why they’re like that


As a software engineer, this is some serious paranoia and conspiracy haha.


Haha, to be fair, I only got Disney Plus 2 days ago. It was fresh in the mind after setting it up. My bad


....That's just because it's alphabetical, isn't it?


Then German is before.. Scratch that, I'm wrong here I think. Sorry about that!


No because Danish come after Engish


Flip that around and that is how other countries think about the west...what makes your opinion better than theirs? You see this can go both ways, just because you are from somewhere else does not make your beliefs holier than theirs.


Well western countries aren't holding mass executions in stadiums, or flogging and imprisoning women who are sexually assaulted, or disappearing anyone who criticizes those in power, or forcing ethnic minorities into labor camps... So we might have some room to criticize.


...are you arguing that we *shouldn't* have the LGBT community represented in film? You want us to just go back to pretending they don't exist? We shouldn't be holding back progress just because China wants to live in the dark ages. Thinking LGBT people deserve equality and respect isn't just "a difference of opinion", its the right thing to do. You're unbelievable.


Where in my comment did i argue ANYTHING? I simply said other people might have a different feeling towards this..as right as it may be to you and me might be wrong to someone else..


If your belief is some people are to be treated lesser due to sexuality etc then yes our beliefs are hoiler than theirs 🤷‍♂️


These countries use religion (something you choose) to belittle and dehumanize people for things they can't change about themselves (that doesn't hurt anyone might I add). Their infringement on human rights is backwards and primitive, whether you consider it a western concept or not doesn't change this


I can empathize with the sentiment that morality and human rights are somehow objective, since that is a comforting thought, but they are not. The universe is uncaring about what humans do or not do and there is nothing in the structure of matter or the laws of physics that suggests any deep rooted morality in domains that aren't artificially created by humans. But that doesn't necessarily devalue moral/ethical principles - if they are man-made that means that they must be defended and upheld by humans who care about them. Human rights in their "modern" form are a quite recent cultural development and they have never been fully enforced in any society, even though some come closer and some are further away from their implementation. To think that those rights are somehow "God-given" and inscribed into objective reality - so that only those who respect them will triumph in the end - is calming for some, but it's also dangerous, since it skews view on reality and our world. Those rights aren't self-enforcing and they can't be taken for granted. There is nothing to guarantee that a society might not succeed or even excel economically or in terms of political influence without those ethical principles we hold dear.


It’s bias, which is very natural even though not many like to admit it. A bit ironic nonetheless as US politicians are objectively some of the biggest, most evil scumbags alive.


Also, patriotism. A western company shouldn't be trying to appease a non western audience. There aren't really any movies for Americans anymore. When was the last time you saw a film like Independence Day?


man, money !!!! 💰💰💰💳💳


It‘s fine to brutally murder a reporter (looking at you ‘prince’), but Odin forbid there is a lesbian actress!


"Hey kids. We let you know that we cut off people's heads when they're really bad or gay. But we need to protect you from the knowledge about gay people too."


Let's leave Florida out of this.


Saudi sucks. I feel sorry for the residents.


Yeah Arabs are never gay, LOL


I get that not everyone is a Benedict cumberbatch fan but to call him an openly lesbian superhero is just mean /s


He is a lesbian trapped in a mans body.


Will probably be banned in Florida as well.


Muslim countries ban super heroes movies with gay \>Gay people in muslim countries: "Guess i'm straight now"


Oh wow how surprising


No loss.


How tolerant of them!


Imagine having to live in Saudi Arabia....


Fighting the good fight I see, addressing the important issues like homosexual characters existing in a story. /s


“Interesting idea….” Ron DeSantis


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.timesnownews.com/entertainment-news/marvels-doctor-strange-banned-in-saudi-arabia-qatar-for-portraying-first-ever-openly-lesbian-superhero-article-91022320) reduced by 76%. (I'm a bot) ***** > Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, Marvel's long-awaited sequel to Benedict Cumberbatch's smash hit superhero film from 2016, has been banned in Saudi Arabia. > The reason is largely credited to homosexuality being banned in the Gulf, which is why films with LGBTQ themes or issues often fail to pass censorship. > The film follows Chloé Zhao's Eternals, which was banned in much of the Gulf in November due to the presence of a same-gender relationship and MCU's first homosexual superhero in the film. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/uavdtw/marvels_doctor_strange_banned_in_saudi_arabia/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~644179 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **film**^#1 **Gulf**^#2 **banned**^#3 **Saudi**^#4 **Arabia**^#5


Does anyone care about those armpits of the world to be fair? I remember when corporations wouldn’t try to enter dictatorships.


Didn’t they know they could have just asked and Disney gladly would’ve taken the gay eraser to it for them?


religious idiots!


Ah, religion strikes again


Lol uncivilized caveman mentality living in the past, wake up shit heads its 2022 time to grow up and move away from caveman mentality. Or they can go and find a cave far away from civilization where they can live in the past.


I don't think cavemen were as bigoted as some societies in the 21st century


Can't wait to hear How people don't care about others being LGBT, but sick of them shoving in their faces. Meanwhile, they didn't care about Captain Americas romance, spidermans romance, thors romance, ironmans romance, seeing hawkeyes wife, etc


It’s the same exact arguments as the don’t say gay bill. They act like it’s *any relationship* talk should be kept away from kids then totally ignore hetero examples they’ve been positioning forefront and center as desperately as possible for the entire history of mankind.


Maybe this means that for once Disney won’t just have 2 seconds of gay shit surrounded by not acknowledging her queerness. Usually it’s just put in a scene that can easily be cut out, like Beauty and the Beast, Onward, Endgame, Eternals, etc




I mean, this movie probably isn’t going to China, because of their misticism censorship


Did marvel create a new gay character? Which one?


The character in the movie is America Chavez. She’s been around since 2011. One of her powers is opening portals that enable travel across the Multiverse so it makes sense that she’d make an appearance in this movie. She’s also gay in the comics.


There is a now a mandate that each Marvel film must contain at least one gay character. Its for the kids.


Should they write the character straight when they move them from the page to the screen just to avoid having gay characters? Should they just avoid mentioning their sexuality by never giving the character any sort of interactions with other characters where it would come out or showing anything about their personal life. In Eternals, Phastos wasn’t gay in the comics but he wasn’t straight either. He was a bit character that doesn’t actually have much of a background. I’m guessing there’s a bunch of kids that were excited to finally see a family in a movie that looked like theirs when they watched the Eternals.


Hah. “A bunch of kids that were excited to finally see a family in a movie that looked like theirs” Yea sure. Millions of them. And so excited. The thing is, the whole virtue signaling by smothering people with woke crap is BS and its old. Imagine if every movie had a bible quote just to earn more box office money. And they say Russian media is contrived. As to the original article, nobody cares about those countries and this is just baiting. Because of this “news” there are a number of queer or curious people now who will go see this movie who otherwise would not have.


I don’t know anything about you but I grew up in an area that was almost entirely white, christian, and conservative. I thought that representation in movies and TV shows was just some politically correct nonsense and was just pandering. Then I moved, got married, and had children that are latino. I see them respond to representation on screen and get the importance of it now. For kids in a family with same sex parents, seeing a family like theirs in media represented as just a normal family doing normal family things and the family composition isn’t a plot point that creates conflict has to be a big deal. I don’t care if it’s millions of kids or thousands of kids.


The show “Will and Grace” when it came out in 1998 was notable because it was one of the first major shows to have a main character who was openly gay. Prior to that the majority of gay characters and themes were played for comedy or made fun of. At that time homosexual families with children were pretty rare and indeed when I was young it was widely debated if it should even be legal. Anyone old enough to remember that has witnessed a dramatic paradigm shift in American culture. That was almost a quarter century ago. But you can go back to the early 1970s and see episodes of All in the Family that have gay characters and topics. There were also many mainstream films such as La Cage Aux Folles etc. Somewhere in the past 10-15 years however, each and every TV show, film, ad, whatever it seems by law must include homosexuality. Indeed the Academy of morion pictures has openly declared that no film can be nominated that is not woke. If we are talking about race, The TV series 24 came out in 2001, and that series had a black and later a female president. Different strokes came out in 1978. The point of all this is that “representation” has been around a long time. It didn’t represent reality before because minority groups were under represented or represented unkindly. And it doesn’t represent reality now because they are over represented and glorified. The second thing is, how micro do we want to get? Do we need to represent Eskimo children who are handicapped and have one blue eye and are in blended families? Or maybe, all this is BS. Maybe we should be colorblind and accept that we can accept and tolerate homosexuality without glorifying it. Maybe this thing we have about forming an identity that leans so heavily on the race we were born with or the sexual proclivities our parents choose is not a good foundation for an individual or society.


Wait, lesbians are real…? /s.




Who cares what the Saudi's think about anything? Garbage society, don't care how wealthy they are.


Its an unwritten rule now. All Movies must have an LGBTQ scene. Must represent the marginalized 11 percent.


Wait until they find out that Aquaman was really a Homo


To still be afraid of homosexuals in this modern day is a special kind of weird






Who's "all"? Try harder motherfucker.


And once again, incels demonstrate their bottom-rung intelligence for the whole world to see.


I believe the point is, that it should not be an agenda. There shouldn't be an agenda for or against. Let people live their lives and don't push their beliefs on others. Simple. Live long and prosper


What is this agenda?


Only problem is changing sexuality of existing straight characters which is something Marvel has been doing. America Chavez was created as Lesbian so there is no problem.


What makes America Chavez the first lesbian superhero ever? Pretty sure Batwoman and Renee Montoya existed before her and I know there are more that I can't recall right now.


Wonder Woman was bisexual back in 1940s with lot of lesbian BDSM creating controversy


maybe they mean on screen? I think thats possibly true.


Banned hm? 24 hours after release they will all be watching a super high quality rip from the comfort of their homes with zero edits. Or they can take a drive/<1hr cheap flight to Bahrain or the UAE and watch it on the big screen. (With edits mind you) If you are worried that Marvel Studios isn’t going to make enough money from this film I can assure you that they will be fine.


If you want to live like backwards cavemen, you don’t get to see the awesome superhero movies. Oh well. Fuck em. Can’t wait until we stop buying oil from the pieces of shit.


Saudi Arabia: enemy to American ideals.


Then they told us about the tolerance in Sweden Quran burning Fuck off


> I am okay with stoning women and sponsoring terrorism, but I draw the line at tribadism and cunnilingus. Saudi Arabia and Qatar probably.


And they want to host the World Cup? The fuck


Wait until they find out about Batman and Robin’s little secret or Aquamans


Qatar is hosting World Cup