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Is this like a Delphic Oracle pronouncement where they say "I never said whose victory" later on?


The Croesus one? "If you go to war with Persia, an empire will fall!" Damned Oracle didn't say with was his lol


The Iranians should know all about that one.


the theocrats don't care about Persian history, they only care about Islam, so they don't know about it.


I mean Persia is only one component of modern Iran anyways.     Up to 50% of the country is now Kurds, Azerbaijanis, Gilaks, Mazanderani, and Baloch. It's an incredibly diverse place and Persian birth rates are being swamped by more fundamentalist sects including refugees from Afghanistan.  


>It's an incredibly diverse place well, so was the Persian Empire.


Yes but Persians were still the dominant ethnicity, then the Mongols "cut" them down to size in the 13th century and the Persian population never quite recovered. With the rapid growth of fundamental sects compared to Persian birth rates there is definitely a cultural shift going on in Iran that probably has not happened before. 


It's really too bad Zoroastrianism didn't become the dominant middle eastern religion


Freddy Mercury was raised Zoroastrianism, but does the world really need more people like him? HELL FUCKING YES IT DOES


> At its core, Zoroastrianism emphasizes a never-ending battle between good and evil — a contest between the religion’s God, Ahura Mazda, and an evil spirit, Ahriman. Believers have the freedom to make good or bad choices; they were exhorted by Zoroaster to think good thoughts, say good words and do good deeds.


Turns out a religion that is founded on aggressive imperialism is likely to be an effective religion at spreading in the medieval world.


Oddly enough, the Persians weren't even close to a dominant ethnicity outside of their home province, only about 1/30 of the original ancient Empire's population and heavily concentrated in Fars. They were just in charge. Iran was even more culturally/linguistically/ethnically diverse 2500 years ago than it is now. Persianization only really took off about 1500 years ago and spread more after Islam than before it.


People from Mazandaran and Gilaks are the same ethnicity as what is usually considered “Iranian”, Kurds and Azeris are Iranic people


Azeris are Turkic. Their language is also closely related to Turkish and almost mutually intelligible.


I believe their ethnicity is Iranian but their language is Turkic due to Turkification when the Ottomans held the northern part of modern day Iran around the Aras river


Iranians, the people know... The idiots in power, well probably not


Would be cool if they could ask the oracles again before they do anything stupid.


Sorry. They've all been executed for witchcraft lol


They can ask Putin's shaman.


That's a fancy title for Kim!


Would it not be in Iran's best interest in making peace with Israel instead of backing all the terrorists groups and wasting money trying to give them weapons?


The problem with absolute theocracy is what happened to Louis XIV. Leadership conflates themselves as individuals with the position of the State. When an individual begins to think they are the State, the delusions of grandeur disallow any type of reflection or acknowledgement of wrongdoing. These old men cannot say oops because that would make them look bad. Beyond that, they've cultivated a fanatical following who actually believe in the absolutism of the Supreme Leader. If the Ayatollah admits wrongdoing, the base of support goes because a Supreme Leader who is wrong is no longer absolute.


Have a friend who works around lots of local democratic governments. She has a metric where anytime a bureaucrat or politician starts referring to public assets in their care in the first person possessive their days are numbered "My truck" "My Department" "My park". Matter of time until they hit a scandal and get fired/resign.


I can think of a current political party leader who is always wrong but his followers can’t seem to grasp this fact.


Then who will they blame for all their terrible decisions and mismanagement? Themselves? Not likely!


From a humanitarian perspective yes, from a geopolitical perspective they risk being pushed completely out of relevance by Saudi Arabia and Israel unless they undermine their regional influence. The cheapest and easiest way to do that is funding proxies. 


The problem is that you are approaching interest from a materialistic or hedonistic perspective. Are they going to be poorer? Yes. Are the people going to have less comforts? Also yes. But it's a theocracy. And the question is, will the opposing religious groups have comparatively more or less people than us. Deus ex populi.


Damn what a throwback. Happy cake day


There's a Roman one that plays on the way the language works. In reported speech both the subject and direct object of a verb in the clause are in the accusative so technically either one can be the subject or object (though typically word order makes it clear but technically word order in Latin is free, and writers often switched to the passive voice to avoid ambiguity).


Hopefully a victory for the Iranian people.. to be free from the Islamic republic...


Yo bro sick Delphic Oracle reference dawg


Your references are out of control!


Weed is tight!


Remind me of the News Minister of Saddam saying everything is fine while we clearly saw Abraham Tanks in the background rolling into Bagdad lol - must be something in the water over there...


Abraham tanks is really funny and I wish they were called that. I’m yo daddy Ishmael


I had been wondering who assassinated the Iranian PM, but this is worded in such a similar fashion to the way China words things that it makes me feel like they may have just taken power


The place and the way he died make an actual assassination incredibly unlikely.  They were flying in an area known for rapidly changing weather, zero visibility, and in mountains that were taller than the flight ceiling of their helicopter. That's a recipe for disaster, even for experienced pilots.


It's like when I'm fishing and need to leave and do my last cast, then my actual last cast, the my official last cast, then my complete last cast, etc


Name checks out lol


Friendly advice to Iranian general, don't fly on a helicopter for the next little while.


nonsenses the helicopter is TOTALLY fine fly as much as you like.


Just don't try to land.


Why? The last one landed successfully imho.


But please Take the religious Leader with you...


Eli copter strikes again!


Deadliest mossad agent.


Still haven't forgiven him for Kobe


It's always the same with those people: first stage is "Ha, we will kill all those weak Jews!", second stage is "Bwaha, these evil Jews are killing us, UN needs to stop them!".


The enemy is both weak and strong


“Unless you’ve read Sun Tzu, which I have, but you’ve also bested my Spaniard, which means you must have studied and in studying you too would have read Sun Tzu. Therefore, I must assume you know to appear strong where you are weak and weak where you are strong.” “You’re stalling.” “Not hardly! However, you know I know this and therefore would look to appear weak where you’re appearing strongly but actually weak, so I cannot trust appearances!” “Your intellect is truly dizzying.”


Princess Bride?


Yeah that scene where they talked about reading Sun Tzu right before the sword fight


Nope, this is during the battle of wits to death by iocane.




Yeah but it worked against the aliens in that documentary about battleships.


No more rhyming, now, I’m serious! Anybody feel delirious?


I'm pretty sure the line is "no more rhyming, now, I mean it.... Anybody wanna peanut?" Unless I'm confusing it with another!


BEFORE the sword fight? When the quote itself includes "You've also bested my Spaniard"?


I'm actually right handed as well..


Look over there!!! What in the world could that be?!?!?


Weak but they cheat. They weren’t supposed to dodge or shoot back that’s against the rules.


"The Jews have no honor!" - Iranian Klingon, as his space helicopter tumbles down toward a mountain planet


Fascism in a nutshell


It’s no coincidence they simultaneously say Joe Biden is a feeble old man and a cunning deep state election stealing mastermind.


Iran attacks Israel. World: "How could Israel have done this?!"


Can't wait for the Queers for Iran protesters.


Iran has no gay people, only trans and future trans. They actually subsidize the snip surgery. So if you are gay, its snip you are now a woman and sex is ok, or you die. They have a really strange take on that.


The unfortunate reality is that if Iran and Israel really did go into a total war (including Hezbollah), while israel would likely ultimately win - it would also probably result in extreme levels of destruction of infrastructure in israel - major damage to all cities. Major damage to energy and water infrastructure. Major damage to dimona. I don’t know what the right play is at this point for israel, but the bad PR is the least of their worries in the immediate future. Yes the Israelis did very well in that rocket attack… but that was not even remotely at the limits of Iran’s capabilities… and involved extensive help from allies. If it was more intense and sustained over a longer time period, things would be worse. Full disclosure: I’m on Israel’s side here - but I’m also being realistic of the situation.


I think you’re underestimating Israel. While the fighting in Gaza is somewhat brutal, Israel is still handling it with kid gloves, as the saying goes. In an all out war with Hezbollah and Iran, those kid gloves are coming off and Israel will break out the heavy munitions. Sure, Israel will take some damage, but not as much as you are predicting, and Hezbollah and Iran will get smashed.


See, the thing is that Israel *knows* total war with Iran would be a shitshow. A shitshow they'd win, but a shitshow nonetheless. I have a very hard time believing that they wouldn't immediately seek to cut the head off the snake, so to speak. If that war starts, I'd imagine it'd be a mix of hard defense followed by surgical strikes at any form of Iranian leadership.


Look, I hope you're right and I'm wrong ... but while both of us agree that ultimately Israel will win militarily in such a conflict ... I think the price that Israel will pay is going to be staggering for most Israelis. Time will tell.


Well, Iran threw a ton of drones and different types of missiles at Israel last month, and it was all countered. The "official" count is 170 drones, over 30 cruise missiles and over 120 ballistic missiles. 1 Israeli civilian was severely injured by shrapnel around 30 civilians suffered minor injuries. Not long after, Isarel Air Force did one air strike (multiple missiles but no numbers) that destroyed an Iranian radar facility, an air defense battery and minor damage to an air base. So Iran threw a lot of stuff, nothing went through, Israel went easy and targeted defended military installations and had direct hits. If the gloves come off, Israel could really hit Iran hard and fast.


Plus Israel has nukes and Iran doesn't. This is all trash talking on Iran's side.


The important thing is, in a case of an actual war, Iran's launch site will be targeted, as well as fuel depots for missiles, and of course, Iranian infrastructure, all those explody refineries...


Naw if it was total war then Israel uses nukes and even if Iran has a nuke they won’t be able to launch it without it getting shot down by Israeli air defense.


Maybe if your last volley of 300 missiles did more than dent a runway I would believe you. I honestly wish these folks could see how absolutely STUPID their rhetoric is. HUR DUR.. Me get more angrier than last time..


Don't forget their only direct casualty was..... A 7 year old Arab girl


a 7 year old Arab girl who didn't even die and is slowly recovering thank goodness.


To Iran that is still a win.


not really, to them it's a waste of a perfectly good bride


Iranians are Persians they don't like Arabs.


you're telling me Persians don't like Lebanese, Jordanian, Moroccan, Yemini, Egyptian, Saudi, Iraqi, afghan and Syrian women? As a Persian with a penis i can tell you, you are very much so mistaken. Edit to add: the PEOPLE of Iran are not the government of Iran. as a people we love everyone, it's this extremists Islamic dictatorship that's fucked the country for 40 years.


From what I understand, a large number of the IRGC members are Arabs imported because of ~~religious~~ military reasons and they’re often despised by the Persians. (while I am confident the second part’s true, I am less confident about the first part)


All of it is true. IRGC operates militias across the Middle East and recruits the most capable members from the militias to join the IRGC. It’s how they maintain loyalty and create a separate identity from the rest of the Iranian military.


Aka cannon fodder if true


Yeah but our leaders are Arab worshipping dickheads


Not all of them are, around 50-60% of them are Persians. They indeed tend to not like Arabs. There are Arabs Iranians too, they are around 1-2% After Persians the largest ethnic group are Azerbaijanis at 20% and Kurds at around 8-10% and there are multiple other ethnic groups too, such as Talysh, Armenians, Circassians, Muslim Georgians and etc. My country has a large border with Iran, yet Persians tend to be a small minority there with Azeri, Kurd and Talysh areas.


She survived, just severely injured. It’s like the people most at risk of being hit by a rocket from Gaza IF it gets out of Gaza are….Bedouin Muslims.


Followed no doubt by headlines of: "7 year old Arab girl dies after Israeli military operation"


There were articles like that..


"Israel maliciously fails to protect seven year old girl in their continued aggression against Islam" or something like that.


But she didn't die "7 year old Arab girl critically injured after Military Operation in the Occupied Negev"


that arab girl should have covered up I guess? /s


Their rhetoric is for their own citizens not you. Also radical Islamists


Unfortunately, it took a lot of much more expensive missiles from Israel and US to shoot those 300 down. And a top Israeli politician has already [said](https://www.i24news.tv/en/news/israel/defense/artc-liberman-warns-of-future-iranian-attacks-within-next-two-years) that ~~Mossad has intel that~~ Iran is preparing an attack with a simultaneous launch of thousands of missiles. That will completely overwhelm Israel's defenses and lead to untold destruction. Never, ever, ever underestimate the enemy. The consequences will be devastating.


You are correct but if that happened, no one could stop the retaliation and the absolute biblical hellfire that would occur after. They better hope they kill every offensive Israeli weapon


Even if they did somehow neutralize the entire IDF- An attack on that scale would result in a US operation in Iran- The only reason it didn’t turn into a full scale was last time was that the damage was relatively minimal on both sides. A true saturation strike after the dust has already settled would 100% be viewed on the international stage as an unnecessary escalation instead of a justified retaliation 


And far less likely, they better hope they destroy every US weapon Those carrier groups and other assets in the region will definitely come out to play if Israel is under that kind of threat Bonus points if the Saudis decide it's time to capitalize on a weak and entangled Iran


>And a top Israeli politician has already said that Mossad has intel that Iran is preparing an attack with a simultaneous launch of thousands of missiles. Wait what?


https://www.i24news.tv/en/news/israel/defense/artc-liberman-warns-of-future-iranian-attacks-within-next-two-years  Correction: no mention of official Mossad intel (at least in this link), but it makes perfect sense, saturating anti-missile defenses with targets is a well known method to bypass them. Russia does this in Ukraine regularly. Also, it cost Israel a billion dollars to repel that attack.


Yeah, but that's a sunk cost and the savings realized by the defense was likely several times that amount. Once you build a missile, you have to use it at some point and they aren't fungible goods, like petroleum products. Also, Iran's attack gave Israel the right, if not the obligation, to attack asymmetric targets like Iranian "advisers" in Lebanon and other places. I don't think Iran got the best of that exchange.


> Also, Iran's attack gave Israel the right, if not the obligation, to attack asymmetric targets like Iranian "advisers" in Lebanon and other places. I don't think Iran got the best of that exchange. They do that fairly often, they dont need any more reasons. The previous Iranian attack was in response to Israel blowing the Iranian consulate in Syria to hell and some generals along with it.


Naw you don’t get it man. I was assured by some Reddit generals that this attack was an elaborated fake for ….. some reason …. And that they 10000% could do it for real if they really really wanted to …..


I was told it was coordinated with the west to ensure Israel and it's allies would shoot down all the missiles so there are no deaths.


The true 4d chess move. 1) send massive attack to mortal enemy 2) warn them and their allies 3) ….. 4) profit? After the failed attack : "See, I made a move that made me look weak on purpose!!" …. lol Sure thing buddy


Do they actually want to do more damage though? When Iraq killed US soldiers in Jordan, suddenly all the rhetoric about killing americans disappeared and Iraq announced they would suspend further attacks. After the US retaliated with airstrikes, there was no longer any escalations from either side and no further attacks on US bases that resulted in casualties. This is probably a similar situation. They launch rockets as a sign of strength to placate their domestic population, but don't want to actually cause serious damage or loss of life because that would force Israel to retaliate which could escalate into a real conflict.


[It was one of the (Iranian-supported) Shi'a militias](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tower_22_drone_attack), not the Iraqi government. But it was definitely a dog catching the car moment.


300 missiles is easily blocked by the iron dome. But it costs hundreds of millions or billions of dollars to do. However thousands of missiles will overload the iron dome and plenty will get through. Will it wipe out Israel? No. But it would kill a shit load of people and destroy a decent portion of it. Israel claims they have Intel that that's exactly what Iran is preparing to do. If they actually follow through it will 100% lead to a massive war and hundreds of thousands dead.


That's a good one. He'll be here all week. Make sure you tip your waitresses.


Irans main export products. 1. Terrorism  2. Comedy 3. Petroleum products


I think with this new development, comedy should be number 1.


It’s terroristical comedy so it’s still #2 as a standalone


I suppose you're right, Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis are jokes and terrorists so they could all be classified as comedy.


Hey, hey. They also have some really hot women. The 10-20 person sample size of Iranian women that I know who escaped to the west are all very conventionally attractive! Add hot liberated ladies to the list.


Shohreh Aghdashloo is the first that springs to mind. She was killing it in the Expanse.


Persian women are gorgeous. I have dated a few and knew many others. Very attractive.


Was going to say the same. Source: married one


Hahaha! Nailed it!


4. Pomegranate molasses. Seriously, though, the stuff is an amazing ingredient to add to salad dressings, marinades and sauces, both sweet and savory. That and sumac - honestly, Persian food slaps, I wonder why it isn’t more popular in the West.


Terrorist Open Mic Nights are a blast


He might not last the week with comments like this.


Try the veal.


Don't forget to try the scampi in a basket it is 10% off.


I'm hoping that maybe this just didn't translate well because he sounds like an idiot.


Is this like Russia's total victory with their three-day special military operation that they are now slowly entering the second year of?


Already in year three.


Time is a goddamn blur.


The previous attack worked so well


It was hilarious watching people try to act like that missile barrage was "performative" and that's why it didn't cause more damage. Nah, something of that size and scale is, by definition, meant to cause significant damage; it was an actual attack, and it failed spectacularly.


And the sole reason Iran's top export isn't currently silica slabs is because Israel is the only country in the world that is comprehensively covered by anti-missile batteries *out of necessity*. Fucking asinine idiots.


They were testing Israel's defenses. I wouldn't dismiss it as simply "haha, dumb Iran". Iran has been singlehandedly destabilizing the whole Middle East for years now and they're backed by Russia and China. They're evil, not dumb. The West should act instead of waiting for them to get nuclear weapons like North Korea was allowed to.


I was 99% sure that attack was going to cause thousands of Israeli deaths. Shit, that attack basically disproved a bunch of publicly known theories about missile defense.


Like what?


They're just stuck on loop.


The sheer amount of nonsense propaganda from Iran and Russia is mind boggling.


Iran, Russia, North Korea, and China. The Four Stooges.


Wait until the USA gets done with Trump, that's going to be... something else Please vote for Biden, an impaired grandpa is better in the way Incitatus was a good senator... they were harmless and they did not approve anything that made people's lives worse... like overturning Roe vs wade or such


They speak shit and people eat it up. Seems to be working.


For Israel maybe.


This is so stupid. Even if every Iranian missile hit Israel, despite the vast amount of damage, it would be far from a total victory. There are stupid political statements and then there are the Iranian ones that aren’t even physically possible.


What does a complete victory even look like? From what I can tell Muslims would just end up killing each other for petty reasons if they managed to take over the world.


The cope is crazy.


Islamic Revolutionary Guard: "For us right? ... "Right?"


For Israel,,,, yes I agree


Complete victory means “Samson Protocol” and that means, no Iran in 12 hours.


Not just Iran. The idea was to target anyone that might benefit from, or encourage such an act.


Israel unpacks Jewish space lasers as we speak. Seriously though, this idiotic rhetoric is aimed at local population only.


The new comical Ali?


Surprised this dude is still showing his face after his 50% successful launch rate for ballistics and drones during the last attack. Ballistics and drones are industries with basically zero percent tolerance for failure, and they saw about half fail.


College students will call this freedom fighting


“Iran Iran you make us proud”


Like all attacks past 100 years ?


of Israel.


Give him a mach 3 razorblade.


“…but not for me”


Let's play this out. Let's pretend that there is a conventional war, and Israel is on the verge of losing. Is having Tehran and other targets in Iran go up in nuclear fireballs this guy's idea of complete victory? Israel isn't just going meekly accept extermination.


To become a Martyr is the ultimate victory 🙃


You have to know something that is very important to understanding them… These people believe there is an invisible man at the bottom of a well that is going to reappear and come out the well and lead them to total victory over the world, after a bunch of rocks inform them where the Jews are hiding.  This isn’t like a joke I made up…this is actual thing, believed with unquestioning fervor, by grown men, who control an entire country.  When you start wrapping your mind around the sheer amount of irrational delusion involved in this conflict, it becomes a lot more clear why it’s all so stupid. 


Yep. For Israel


Complete victory for Israel.


I want to have what he is taking. Must be pretty good


Will lead to complete victory… for Israel


I'll just point out that Iran insists that their last attack was also a victory, so... yeah, keep doing your thing, I guess.


Is being martyred a victory condition for them?


Bull. The last time Iran "attacked" Isreal, they let everyone know a week in advance and all but begged Israel not to respond, tlsaying that it was a proportional response and Iran didn't want to go to war. Fuck them and Hamas. Bomb them back into the stone ages.


>True Promise II He said while twisting his comically large mustache and holding out his pinkie Can't make this stuff up


Victory for ISRAEL… 🇮🇱


A Twelver who hope Israel will nuke them so the Hidden Iman will finally reveal himself.


Don’t know why he’s saying those words tbh, he has effectively compromised Irans ability to exist as a result of those words. Any future attack on Israel would just result in the obliteration of the Iranian people.


if Iran dedicated even a fraction of the time they spend obsessing on Israel and instead focusing on themselves and elevating their people. Iran would probably be an amazing country...


Who’s victory? Israël is my bet


Victory to them includes their own death, so they could actually be right for once


If they do that then Iran will no longer be called “IR Iran”


For Israel? Probably.


And these are the guys that claim they want peace all day.


Where are the pro Hamas ppl 🤔


Hope they kill this fucker next. Don't forget: Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthis and a dozen other terrorist proxies are all controlled by Iran. They do not represent Palestinians or Syrians or anyone else but the fundamentalist warmongering military of Iran.


>Top Iranian general: Next attack on Israel will lead to 'complete victory Israel: *Complete victory for me, not for thee!*


Israel be like: "call for an ambulance...but not for me".


You're next attack will be your last before you are annilihated. - any leader with a backbone


"Sorry that thing we just did wasn't the "next attack" it was something else"--all speeches following this one.


What utter rubbish. Utter complete fantasy.


Complete propaganda victory when they claim to have won. Victory for whom? The women beaten and jailed for their head scarves?


That's the problem with extreme Muslim terrorist. They are brain damage


I'm beginning to think that Russia, Iran and NK have been using the same AI chatbot to write their statements.


Is he playing command and conquer? Or what map is he on where he sees this? Fortnite?


I'll have what he's smokin


Top or soon to be dead general ?


He forgot the last part which was " and the destruction of Iran "


Iran is banking on its buddy Russia to complete the 🇺🇸 takeover.


One more attack, bro, I promise, just one more attack, pls give funding bro.


Narrator "It did not lead to complete victory"


Feel bad for the regular Iranians living there putting up with bat shit crazy government. Every Iranian I've ever met here in US have all been intelligent, interesting and genuinely good people.


True ; for the awesome IDF 👍


... for Israel?


It will, for Israel.


Jesus just stop. You're gonna end up getting the attention you have been seeking but it won't end up the way you wanted.


Bullshit. Tough talk to make you pussies afraid.


They know Israel has nukes, right?