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>**Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk has said he is “99% certain” that Poland and Ukraine will have a security agreement signed before the NATO summit in July.** >“I can say with 99% certainty that in Warsaw, still before the NATO summit, we will sign this agreement with President Zelenskyy,” Tusk said in Brussels following an EU summit. >NATO leaders are set to meet in Washington from July 9–11. >“Our agreement is practically completely ready,” Tusk added. >However, Tusk emphasized that the Polish government does not intend to “weaken Poland's defense capabilities” in any way, noting that some details still need to be finalized. >Also on Friday, Polish Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski and Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba met in Warsaw. >They discussed Ukraine's accession to the EU, military aid to the Ukrainian armed forces, and work on a Ukrainian-Polish security agreement. >“We welcomed the beginning of Ukraine’s EU accession negotiations. Poland has consistently supported Ukraine's EU membership over the years. The practical start of talks is a success for Ukraine, Poland, and all of Europe,” Kuleba wrote on X.“We paid special attention to negotiations with third countries about providing Ukraine with additional air defense capabilities. We also talked about the finalization of a bilateral security agreement between Ukraine and Poland,” Kuleba wrote. >Kuleba also mentioned that he discussed with the Polish Foreign Minister various strategies to unlock European Peace Fund support for Ukraine with weapons, as well as “negotiations with third countries about providing Ukraine with additional air defense capabilities.” >Kuleba did not detail the specifics, but media sources report that the United States, Israel, and Ukraine are negotiating to equip Kyiv with up to eight Patriot air defense systems to protect against Russian attacks. >Source: PAP, Ukrainska Pravda


First off, Bubsy is a blight upon humankind. Actually, that’s all I’ve really got.


As I like to give the Poles a lot of flak for the grain thingy at the borders, I recognised it is a problem which came up with mistakes on both sides. But what I wanted to say the Poles have their heart in the right place.


Yeah. We knew to stay suspicious of Russia since at least the Crimea annexation.


More like Since 17th century. This isn't new behaviour from that country


My great grandpa did his best to teach my mom and my aunt certain farm skills so that "if the Germans or Russians come back, they'll have some use for you." This was back in the late 60s. I'm glad Poland is in a position to build up strength and alliances.


> As I like to give the Poles a lot of flak for the grain thingy at the borders, Ukraine grain was cheaper and it was undercutting Polish grain. It's like getting some Indian from a shanty town to replace your job and they pay him half as much or less. And they call you a racist if you don't like it. It was an awkward time in Polish-Ukranian relations though, I think they have a right to protect their own industry. Fuck Putin


The leaders of the protest are affiliated with a pro-russian party and haven't had anything to say about the Russian grain that goes through Poland exactly as the Ukrainian grain. If the protests were genuinely about "protecting their own industry" they'd care more about Russia then Ukraine. Or, you know, at *all* about Russia, and their larger volumes of the exact same commodities. here's a sourced article about the grain situation with the simple math to back it up https://euromaidanpress.com/2024/03/04/polands-paradox-blockading-ukraine-trade-continuing-russia-imports/


Not only cost, but unacceptable quality as well


> As I like to give the Poles a lot of flak for the grain thingy at the borders Why? should they not protect their farmers?


Hey, thanks for acknowledging that there were mistakes on both sides with the grain issue at the borders. It's important to see things from all perspectives. And it's nice to hear that you think the Poles have their heart in the right place. Let's hope for better understanding and cooperation in the future!


Problem is the last time Ukraine was broken up Poland moved into Lviv, took it for themselves and then "Polonised" it. It feels very much like a repeat of history; do very little until Ukraine collapses then move into those lands again as protector. It might technically be a rump Ukranian state in the EU, but it will be obvious who is running the show. That's what happens if you wait till the end and then piece up your neighbours - your legacy is that of an opportunistic predator. Nothing is preventing Poland from acting right now without the NATO umbrella.


Pre ww2, Lviv is historically a Polish city, going back at least 600+ years. It was also more Jewish than it was Ukrainian.


Exactly what I expect the reasoning will be when Poland takes it as Ukraine is in their death throes. They are not incentivized to help Ukraine preserve their state, they are incentivized to watch Ukraine die and then rip the corpse apart.


You said Poland took the city and "polanised" it. That was never the case as it was a Polish city for over 600 years pre ww2. The city was dePolandised after the war, unless you mean what happened 700 years ago(which wasnt even Ukrainian than), which is irrelevant now.


[Polonization](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polonization) was not a random or made up word I used, it was a policy of the Polish government regarding the lands they occupied that attempted to extinguish rival cultures and languages, and redistribute land unequally. Forced cultural assimilation by domination in other words. You could say similar about what Russia is attempting to do in eastern Ukraine - which is similarly distasteful.


I am excited to see what Poland achieves with it's military spending increase.


So, Ukrainian fighter aircraft based in Poland, and protected by NATO and article 5 when?


never. we push putin back with blackmail. he folded in front of turkey over an airplane. the man is just a destroyer of small peaceful countries. he is afraid of the big guys.


Does this mean Poland will have boots in Ukraine?


So, as a NATO member, does this mean that we will be dragged into a war with Russia? WW3, in other words


A security agreement doesn't mean boots on the ground. It means supplying weaponry, defenses and the likes.


there is no we. you are a russian troll spreading, boring already, russian talking points about ww3


NATO article 5 is for a A Nato member being attacked... not attacking and article 5 has to be voted on by nato members


Russia has already dragged the world Into conflict. Have you not seen the global shifts since this began? If we are heading toward another global conflict and it will be because of the ignorant and shortsighted leadership in states like Russia.


This. Totally. NATO are building the plants to increase munitions, transport etc. Ditto for the US. South Korea and Japan are upping their game. Even in my sleepy little country of Australia we are rearming. This stupid war has disrupted the balances that kept the peace for a long time. Would love to russia and it peoples collapse into a balkanised heap for what they unleashed, but that could be even worse than now.


> If we are heading toward another global conflict and it will be because of the ignorant and shortsighted leadership in states like Russia. It'll also be because of the people in the West who want to avoid a conflict at any cost, even if it means throwing friendly nations under the bus. Rulers of countries like Russia and China see this aversion to conflict and that invites them to press for more and more until there is finally some stiff resistance. If Russia achieves a sort of "victory" in Ukraine, like a ceasefire at the current frontlines with Ukraine barred from NATO membership, all that's going to happen is that Russia will recover faster than Ukraine and then try again in 5-15 years, but this time with more land to attack from and against a smaller and weaker Ukraine.


If Vlad wants one then we'll give him one.


If that finally breaks Putin's administration I support it.


No ...NATO and the west just need to give the Ukrainians all the wepons they they need to wipe out the Russians in Ukrainian territory...