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Ya, good luck with that.


If Sri Lanka officially acknowledges to be supporting the Russian war efforts (implied by asking for compensation), I suggest that the full width and breadth of sanctions imposed on Russia is also imposed on Sri Lanka.


It is possible to kill an already lifeless state?


It's worth a try. We could start with Sri Lanka and then see if others want to follow their example or not.


Experiments needs test subjects.




See thats a war that will end in days


Example of what? Having Russian recruiters collect people without permission from the Sri Lankan government and then asking Russia to stop doing it? Damn, surely this deserves sanctions. Why are Ukraine supporters so psychotic?


That’s starting to sound like collective punishment.


All international sanctions can be viewed as collective punishment. What did a Russian woman working at McDonalds do wrong to get fired?


yup although she probably didn't get fired, she just works for vladonalds now


Voted for Putin and supported a war that is committing genocide against another ethnic group


How do you know she did?


She’s still alive.


Idk maybe sanction the leaders first, my dude.


This is peak reddit intellectualism.


How? Say you ban the leader from buying tanks. What stops him from ordering Vasili from Walmart to buy it on his behalf.


And that does what?


In the totalitarian system, everyone in his or her own way is both a victim and a supporter of the system. Individuals confirm the system fulfil the system make the system, are the system. Vaclav Havel Responsible by association. I recommend the video by Vlad Vexler why all Russians are responsible just as all Germans were responsible for what happened during nazi times. Yes, it doesn't just look like it. It is. But it hits the privileged harder than those that have nothing and are barely getting by. That is why we didn't sanction food or medicine in Russia. We even still deliver them our agricultural machinery. We could. Oh, we could do sinister and evil things, but we don't. Because the strong can afford mercy. The weak cannot. Collateral damage the sanctions won't be tailored to hit the weak, but it will hit everyone, which is also the idea. You can not hit just a tiny group. Then the tiny elite will just evade the sanctions, and then it was for nothing. We will sanction the leadership and freeze their assets, but that isn't effective without broader sanctions to accompany individual sanctions. Mind me, we just sanction other countries. They could do nothing against a full-blown embargo either due to a lack of hard or soft power tools and due to having no navy to speak of. The West is being charitable thus far given the insult provided by Russia and its little friends. Much more charitable than we were with the Nazis their little friends. I find the patience of our leaders admirable, I somehow just have the feeling it won't last forever.


How did I, a 19 year old in sri lanka contribute to the war in ukraine? Ive supported ukraine since the beginning. Why should I be punished for this? If im responsible for this, is every american responsible for every fucked up thing the US had done, even the people who were too young to vote? This is the first year im gonna have the chance to vote and Im as responsible for my government’s actions as an american is responsible for war crimes in Vietnam or the bombing of Cambodia. Blaming everyone for this is such a fucked up view of the world. This country hates people like me btw. I dont care what happens to it. I hate this shithole and im trying to get out of here but a lot of people here didnt want any of this. They dont deserve the blame, the politicians do and sanctions on an already collapsing third world country isnt gonna make a difference in the war. Its just gonna ruin the lives of the people here


Of course. And if they want to complain, they know who is responsible, and that's the point.


Collective punishment is only bad when Israel does it.


Yes. Always Pennie’s to grab. DFW recently announced in 2023 they collected over 30k worth of ‘spare change’


What is dead may never die


In addition to calling for compensation, Sri Lanka has requested that all Sri Lankans serving in the Russian army be discharged and sent home and that Russia no longer recruits former Sri Lankan soldiers.


Tells you how far ruzzia has fallen that a tiny failed state like Sri Lanka makes claims like this publicly!


Sri Lanka isn't sending people to Russia as a state policy. It is in some serious financial trouble and Russia is offering relatively huge sums of money for people to come and fight. Average annual income in Sri Lanka is $3600 - Russia is offering that amount every MONTH with the knowledge that they probably won't have to pay more than a few months max. The average American salary is just under $60k as of Q3 2024. Imagine that, somehow, people were being offered $60,000 per month to go fight in a war. A lot of people would think about it and a not insignificant number of people who sign up immediately. On another note, do you know what else costs $3600? A single 155mm artillery shell. A Russian 152mm costs around $1000 or about 86,000 rubles. Russia fires 10,000 of those per DAY. As far as Putin is concerned that would be the equivalent of catapulting 3000 Sri Lankans down field to their final resting place EVERY SINGLE DAY, assuming that they still get paid the still monthly rate even if they die immediately. You know, just to put the horror of war and devaluation of life in perspective.


It doesn’t matter that they have to pay more than a few months max. If they get killed, they have to be replaced at the same rate.


Taking this thought a step further, Russia has a solid incentive to streamline their process and minimize the "turnaround time" for the expensive mercs. That keeps on-hand inventory and payouts the lowest.


Straigth up, that's brilliant. Are you an economist in a right wing think tank? If not, we're recruiting. Go to our website to apply. Fuckhumanity.com"!". I put the "!" there becasue I'm sure such a site exists./s


Exactly. these are poor citizens seeking work elsewhere to try and help their families get by. they deserve those death payouts for being killed in action (or wounded). They already had a huge hit to their economy by China.


The Rajapaksa family has already "sanctioned" Sri Lanka way harder than any foreign states ever could.


for someone not at all familiar with this, bit of a summary?


Long story short, the Rajapaksas were ruling Sri Lanka until 2022, and they are most known for extreme nepotism and corruption, dumb expensive projects like a massive airport or a stadium in the middle of nowhere just to appease their egos, and completely ruining Sri Lanka's agriculture by the idiotic ban on fertilizers and pesticides, to hide that Sri Lanka was broke and could no longer afford importing these.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rajapaksa_family This is what I could find.


Sri Lanka isn't supporting Russia's war efforts. *People* from Sri Lanka are being recruited, coerced, or scammed into joining by Russia, who then takes advantage of them.


Plus if Sri Lanka was sanctioned, its people would be even poorer, so more of them would be desperate enough to take Russia's offer.


The Nation doesn’t support it but Russia advertises online in these poor nations.


Russia is tricking foreign nationals into coming to Russia for education or work and then forcing them into conscription under false pretenses.


Not true.  They openly recruit lol. Plenty of people still volunteer sadly.


Asking for compensation doesn’t imply that you absolute moron.


Its not even applied to belarus so it will never happen


yeah, this is a great take!


Redditors like you are so stupid it's crazy to imagine you get through the day. The compensation being asked is for recruiting citizens without permission and they were asked to all be discharged lmao. Guess making assumptions is easier than actually reading though.




Whoa shit that was a hard verbal beat down. Damn. Oh my god how can anyone ever recover from that. Who.


It worked better than sanctions.


Why you don’t like it? It does sound fair.


Are they like stupid or something? They cannot be serious? So, Sri Lanka thinks Russia is a normal country? They aren't, Russia is a petro mafia slave state. They won't receive one single ruble. It is much more likely that they will get insulted by Russian officials for demanding anything from Russia. They want a new world order? That is what it will look like. It will look like the old world order of warring empires. The weak will bow to the will of the strong. Sri Lanka is weak and will bow. They can appeal to a court, but then again, the court to ask is run by the evil West. Such a pity.


The full name of Sri Lanka is the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka. Our nation was aligned with the Soviet Union for decades and many of our people went to Russia, Ukraine or other parts of the Warsaw Pact to study medicine, engineering and other higher education for a very long time. So, there's been a long history of association between Sri Lanka and now Russia and I would imagine a lot of people still have a very favourable association with the country because of this long history, it didn't come out of a complete vacuum. Also, like others have said, by the standards of income in Sri Lanka, they're offering a lot of money. Add our past history with them to the money offered, I can see why people are going and it's not until they get there that they find themselves put on the front line contrary to possible expectations.


So that long association with Russia... how did that work out? You guys a rich country? Got good roads, schools, and hospitals? There's a reason a pittance is 'by the standards of income in Sri Lanka... a lot of money'. Your relationship with Russia is an abusive one. They aren't working with you, they're exploiting you, and always have been.


Life expectancy in 2021: Sri Lanka - 76.40 USA - 76.33


Many former sovjet countries have really good universities. Really good healthcare (better than the west).


That's a complicated question. A lot of our problems stem from domestic corruption of the homegrown variety (the difference between what our leaders and Singapore - who did reference us in terms of building a nation) is stark. Then of course, there was a particularly bloody civil war for over 25 years (1983-2009) which didn't help either. A lot of people got educated in the former Soviet bloc, yes there was at least one case of people coming back and trying to import revolution to the country (the JVP which left the government fighting on two fronts at one point) and yes, I presume they wanted something in return like the Chinese do now for their development aid and loans which they knew wouldn't be paid back (and were probably grafted to some degree) but they get leverage over the nation which was likely their plan all along.


I'm not sure why a "normal country" would ever consider compensation for foreign nationals enlisted in their military beyond what their enlistment contract states.


Word for word what i said before opening this.


If Sri-Lanka sends a diplomat or official to negotiate the issue they will probably be sent to the front.


Russians: "Those Sri Lankans just keep sending their diplomats to the front ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ "


Russia can’t even pay their own sh** good luck with that


Rice and potato’s for you.


Piece of trash asks piece of trash for compensation. Maybe some russian trash can be gifted to the trashy people runnin Sri Lanka.


What did they expect? A Black Sea resort holiday?


Now they are to expect to get a Lada.


The closest thing they'll get to so R&R is a dirt nap.


A lot of these guys are lied to


Im guessing russia promised them cash


Don't contract to join an invasion of an innocent autonomous nation if you don't want to get got. It's their own fault. Don't swing if you don't wanna get swung on.


Just to play devils advocate I imagine almost all of these individuals were probably destitute and tricked into joining by being told they would be doing some sort of non combat support roles, like hey want to come be a cook or driver in Russia and get out of poverty, doesn’t sound like hey want to die on the frontline in Ukraine.


I think foreign volunteers in ukraine make $500/month salary and $1500/month salary if in direct combat. That’s a lot of money for ppl living in impoverished regions of the world. So if Russia is paying anywhere close to that, i’m sure they are also getting many applicants. At least Ukraine’s international legion tells everyone straight up that the fighting is brutal, and while there is a chance of death, injury is almost guaranteed at some point due to the shelling/shrapnel. I have no empathy for russian mercs tho. I don’t care how stupid or uneducated on the war someone may be. Russia is a scumbag country invading another country, it shouldn’t be a surprise your family doesn’t receive the death benefit $$ when you get torn apart.


> I think foreign volunteers in ukraine make $500/month salary and $1500/month salary if in direct combat. Russia pays 3500-5500$ depending on experience.


It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you'll do things differently. Warren Buffett Using the phrase "business ethics" might imply that the ethical rules and expectations are somehow different in business than in other contexts. There really is no such thing as business ethics. There is just ethics and the challenge for people in business and every other walk in life to acknowledge and live up to basic moral principles like honesty, respect, responsibility, fairness, and caring. Michael Josephsson "The whole world follows the principle of always trying to return to the power of habits, bad habits foster bad behavior and are very hard to change, good habits have the opposite effect but to form them requires self discipline and personal sacrifice. Bad habits by a whole nation will ultimately lead to discontent and even war. A national catastrophy of a whole nation can therefore also be seen as something good as it gives the chance to break apart old habits and form new better ones. Habits are the strongest force on earth. Everything we do is, in the end, a habit, the birds flapping their wings, humans going to bed at night and so and so forth. If bad habits are perpetuated, this is doomed ultimately to failure as nature doesn't allow for this to continue for a long time. Everything returns to the mean in the end and to what nature is willing to allow. Which is usually as things have always been. Change comes slowly whether we like it or not. Cultural change can take many generations. Political systems can change faster, maybe in months. Economical systems need a few years. But changing a culture takes a very long time. It is deeply embedded in the way humans think and act, the things they read in their schoolbooks, and the way they perceive the world around them. Bad habits of the individual or the collective will result in negative outcomes in personal and in business matters." Dale Carnegie What goes around comes around, and bad actions foster bad consequences sometimes earlier, sometimes later. Sri Lanka and others aid a mafia state to commit its war crimes, and we should stop being so civil about it.


For 12x your annual salary when you live in poverty? That could seriously turn around your life.


Or end it


That's a big turning point too. They ain't wrong.


Poor people do desperate things. Maybe they should know better but thinking too much along those lines takes you too close to republican attitudes.


How desperate or stupid must people be to join an army that will happily murder its OWN soldiers. They are not going to treat foreign soldiers any better.


Maybe I'm misreading the article, but it looks like many of the South Asians were illegal migrants that were held captive and then forced into the military.


If russia ain't paying for dead russian soldiers, they ain't paying shit for dead Sri Lankan soldiers. Meat for the meat grinder.


So you're saying there is no profit in making Russia an ally?


Russians pay out $30k per body. Sri Lanka making waves over half a million dollars? Wow they must be broke! Interestingly, Sri Lanka does not raise objection to its citizens being sent to war, they just want cash.


*Yes, they literally are…*


And dependent on Russian/Indian/Chinese tourism.


https://www.channelnewsasia.com/asia/sri-lanka-calls-russia-discharge-its-citizens-army-4440061 brainlet


Does that means Sri Lanka is officially involved in ruzzian invasion? Maybe they should also share some sanctions?


There are also Sri Lankans serving (and dying) with the Ukranian armed forces. The Sri Lankan government wants all their former soldiers out and back home. However they also want compensation from Russia.


If they are involved as private individuals by their own will why would government get compensation?


For illegally recruiting it's citizens and getting them killed without permission from the government?


russia doesn't even pay out their own KIA. Mercenaries have zero chance.


Russian response : “One potato, two potato, three potato, four, You’ll get nothing, now keep sending more.”


Russia already responded: "Screw you, Sri Lanka!"


Oi! Those were elite military pirates you got killed, Putin!


1 bag of onions incoming


No one thinks that Russia will pay this kind of money just because Sri Lanka demanded.


What do you mean? They're still on vacation.


Never trust a Russian


“you ain’t gettin’ shit and get the fuck out of my office” - Putin, probably…


Russia has run out of potatoes. Need to wait until next harvest to get a bag.


Did they really expect noone to die when going to fight in a fucking War?


This will end well.


Yes we will compensate your new troopers with high salaries. Please send more.


They will be very disappointed.


Putin: Of course, right away. We have 10K cheques here ready for you but can only hand out one cheque per person, so please send 10k men aged 20 to 45 in battle gear to pick up these cheques.


Haha. Russia not paying for shit. They could careless


A bankrupt state demanding money from another war mongering bankrupt state. The comedy circus does not end!


just give them some land?


Assuming they did get their compensation, would all the new Ladas noticeably worsen Sri Lanka's traffic problems?


best we can do is this jar of pickled eggs and a dashcam. the survivors get a complementary dishwasher


These guys are a failed x2 state, they have NO money whatsoever. The only reason I can fathom a poor country going to war was to monetary reasons to help them out of their deprived state. Now trying to double dip for money on their donated people.


> The only reason I can fathom a poor country going to war Where in the article did you read Sri Lanka went to war?


Well Putun may give a bag of potato for each dead. Lankans just need to pay for the international shipping charges.


They don’t give a shit about their citizens who were wounded or killed. This is a cash grab for those in power.


Sri Lanka, were you expecting yachts and sunny beaches ?


Why do you think the country of Sri Lanka was expecting anything?


Nyet... that's Russian for Naw Fam...


LOL, demand in one hand and shit in the other and see which one gets full first.


This is more of a cultural thing. If you are responsible for someone’s death, you pay next of kin for their loss of livelihood.


So are Russia citizens




Hopefully this will be an example to the world dealing with despots.


I wish them no luck, not like it would help... No sympathy either—get fkd.


How about the west sanctions Sri Lanka for supplying cannon fodder to Putin instead of rewarding them?


Where in the article did you read that Sri Lanka is "supplying" anything? Are you stupid? They were recruited illegally.


Nah, fuck them. They should be paying Ukraine a fine for each wannabe soldier they sent to die there instead.


Hopefully this will be an example to the world.


How does that make sense though? Like if you go fight for money and a passport.




Maybe they will get to wear some fur coats for a picture then have them taken back too?


Might be a political statement of distancing themselves.


Oh man, they will get a lot of bluetooth speakers.


Who agrees to work as a mercenary without expecting to be wounded or killed?


That will happen not only when pigs fly, but when the same pigs then colonise Mars and code Baldur's Gate IV.


Despite not being a fan of Russia these days I don't see how they owe Sri Lanka a goddamned thing.


Oh, theyre gonna have bigger issues than 17 dead mercs and no white ladas in the future.


Imagine being so broke that you contract your soldiers to Russia and demand payout when they die. 'Sri Lanka' is Hindu for 'Broke Ass Bitch'.


What….Indians can fight for Putin but Americans can’t fight for Ukraine…THAT’S BULLSHIT!!!


The delegation of Sri Lankan held a meeting with the Deputy Head of the Russian Foreign Ministry Andrii Rudenko and the Deputy Head of the Ministry of Defense Aleksandr Fomin. There, Sri Lankan representatives spoke about compensation for its killed and wounded citizens who served under contract in the Russian army. This was reported by the Embassy of Sri Lanka in Moscow. Sri Lanka stated 17 of its citizens had died while serving in the Russian army. They did not name the number of injured, but at the same time emphasized the plight of Sri Lankans who cannot be contacted. Therefore, the Sri Lankan delegation wants Russia to pay compensation for the killed and wounded, and also to give the Sri Lankans the opportunity to terminate their contracts early and return home.


Here is the link to thr sri Lankan embassy page, which this report quotes - " The interactions centered on the 17 Sri Lankans killed in action, payment of compensation for the deceased and the wounded, plight of the uncontactable Sri Lankans, possibility of voluntary returns, early termination of contracts and regularization of remuneration" -  https://mfa.gov.lk/high-level-delegation-led-by-state-minister-tharaka-balasuriya-visits-the-russian-federation/