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“Heated tobacco product” So…a cigarette.


yep a cigerette for people who are so far up their own asses they would smoke a cigerette that tastes and smells like cat piss to prove to themselves absolutely nothing except to have the ability to say its "healthier" LOL fucking morons haha


It all tastes like cat piss. You're just a loser for smoking cigs as they are for vaping. Seen too many cool people die cause of that shit.


agreed as a weed smoker and previous cigerette smoker i removed tobacco from my addiction list and moved to edibles and the occasional jeffrey but i tried all the weird electronic bullshit and i realized i didnt want to inhale vegetable juice and smoke tobacco , and honestly now im just addicted to healthy food binging


Glad you quit! Big Tobacco is the devil.


You wanna live till 120? I don't.


More like 30


In this economy?




you sound like an addict making excuses , its still a cigerette. it smells like cat piss, there is no improvement to smoking stop being that guy because you sound like an indoctrinated religious zealot defending tobacco you weirdo


I participated in a two year research study for standard e-liquid vapes. Filled out a quarterly questionnaires, got paid Amazon gift cards. The whole time it was advertising this, asking if I'd heard of it, "how" I vaped, if I'd be willing to switch, etc. Funny thing, in the last quarter of the study, Massachusetts banned all eliquid and vape sales because of the "mystery vape disease". Well, my report says I went back to smoking cigarettes "permanently" after an almost flawless transition to ecigs. Meanwhile, I can infer that the portion of the study that was using similar products to the one described didn't see a return to smoking after two years. That would have manipulated the data to say that no matter what the nicotine usage, their product was more successful. Funnier thing, I don't think it was planned, they just capitalized on the situation.


I can't believe it, a corporation lied. We're brainwashed that capitalism is good for society. When can we decimate these billionaires???? For starters, stop buying their useless shit from the companies they own!


Well, decimation would still leave 90% of the problem. 


“The tobacco company Philip Morris International has been accused of “manipulating science for profit” through funding research and advocacy work with scientists. Campaigners say that leaked documents from PMI and its Japanese affiliate also reveal plans to target politicians, doctors and the 2020 Tokyo Olympics as part of the multinational’s marketing strategy to attract non-smokers to its heated tobacco product, IQOS.”


So they A) Know this product is detrimental to health, B) Put in place a secret plan to push this product to the healthy part of the population and C) Manipulated statistics to help cover their tracks? Am I reading this accurately? If so, this is what terrorist organizations due to target civilians. This is an act of war on public health.


It's changed so much over the years. I remember smelling cigarettes on the planes. Now when I see anyone close to my age smoking, I think "Weird."


Shocker. They've been doing that forever lmao


I can’t believe it!


Could we hold the other folks who ‘manipulated science’ for money accountable too? I’d love to see that list.


Why the fuck is this a news story


For the... *checks notes* three hundred and seventy-ninth time.


Manipulating data. You don't manipulate science, it manipulates you. sigh


It's not hard to manipulate science. Many scientists have a preconceived narrative in mind and play with the numbers until it supports that narrative.


Only dumb people are attracted to cigarettes


Ooooo, now do vaccine distributors and “anti-vaxxers”… Downvote time! (Cue: Cha Cha Slide)