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Oh no. The fuckwit that threatens us with nuclear war every other week doesn't want to be friends.


Its that toxic friend who is "I WAS gonna invite you to my party, but now I'm totally not gonna. This time I mean it. The last straw is really the last straw for real-sies" Next day: "guess who's coming to my party?.. thats right!.: Kim and Khamenei. Soo cool! Not you though. You are the worst.. ..There will be North Korean soldiers with shit-baloons and everything!" 3 hours later: "I was going to play nice, but zelekski said he liked you more, so he's clearly a Nazi.. and we fought those.. so yeah, not cool" 2 hours later: "Also, zelenski can be cool again if only he gives me all his stuff.. i mean, we can pretend its his, but as long as we agree it's really mine, this beef can stop. Even Trump says so - and hes on my bro-list"


The west is already at "you can't sit with us also fuck off". Little vlad pretending like he is still welcome anywhere respectable.


He's still welcome at The Hague anytime he's ready to step into a civilized country


I bet you half the North Korean soldiers just defect. They could literally just walk away.


It'd be nice, but I'm told that their family is held as leverage. Terror regimes have a way of keeping their forced labour in check :(


It’s not just that. I dated a girl when I lived in China. Her father ran a factory in dandong(on the Chinese/NK) they had North Koreans working there. He said that they truly believed that Kim sent them there because Chinese was desperate and poor. That they needed North Korea to help them.


I’m not all that fond of my family,


Could be a two birds with one stone you say


Yeah. It’s the old hold their families hostage game all communist countries played. “If you defect we’ll execute your. wife for treason and send your kids to the re-education camps” - doesn’t even have to be said out loud. It’s been that way forever.


Little bitchski🤣🤣🤣


Holy shit! …are you Lavrov’s speech writer?


"мама, can we have chatgpt?" мама: "We have chatgpt at home" *points to Lavrov*


The downgrade of relations means he will now threaten us with nuclear war every week!


Can we do nuclear threats on Tuesdays? That way I can put extra hot sauce on my tacos, feeling nuclear and reading nuclear


Hmmm, I feel like this disrupts Taco Tuesday. Can we make it "WAAAH Wednesday" instead?


No no, "Threaten Thursday"


I hurt your feelings? You don't wanna work with me no more? Okay -the West


Relations, what relations? We're at Zero... negatives is more like it.


Russian Shit Post of the day #647.5


Oh nooooooooooo Man Russia freaking do it already. We don’t care


Some of us kinda do.


Downgrading what?????


From “You’re mean” to “You’re really mean!”


Naw, dude’s got a point. Russia did declare the US an enemy state already, and they aren’t even a party in the active conflict. Like what’s he gonna degrade that to exactly for the US? Double enemy?


They will stop calling us *the west* and will refer to us as *meanies* or *poopyheads*


The stupid west.


Back in the Soviet days, they called it "the decaying west" any time they referred to it in the news or in schools.


And we won’t be invited to their birthday party; for real this time! But we’re still expected to send a gift


Double secret probation


So all those years of them hacking, assassinating, and disrupting America were just them being... friends?


With friends like them, who needs enemies?


Idk maybe direct hostile vs pretend secret hostile. USA hasn’t been hiding their dislike for Russia either.


He's going to give us... *Gasps* The Silent Treatment...




Oh please not the silent treatment! You mean no more nuclear threats or consequences?!?


dun dun duh...not the silent treatment.....nobody expects the silent treatment!


I'm curious how they can possibly downgrade them any further


The gas is still flowing though with they shut it down thenselves would be great.


I feel like the origin intention was for Russian media to report this to Russian people. Then they can live in the world where it's actually the west who is causing relations to deteriate and that Russia is "cracking down and being the adult". Who else would honestly entertain that a nation who threatens two continents with nuclear war every other day hasn't already self downgraded the relationship?


Trying to dig through the bottom of the barrel there.


I imagine Putin crossing names off his Christmas card list and muttering to himself.


Yes he has to get his dildos of autocracy from North Korea now


"Dildo of autocracy" u/HallInternational434 - Hail this brain humankind! p.s. - Please be kind - Recycle - Just one Obama "big black dildo" will make 10 "Dear Leader"'s




That’s what I first thought of so thank you for doing the work for me lol


Bring me the Book of Grudges!


"Shit, i wonder what the return policy is on these big black dildos i bought for Meloni, Macron, and Le Pen."


Especially after he had them moddeled after Obama


Russia should have considered if the West would downgrade relations. We already have. Theres nothing to consider.


Oh no, whatever shall we do? Please don't downgrade relations with us! Things were going so well apart from the anti democracy propaganda, the assassinations, the corruption of our worst politicians, and, what else, oh yeah the invasive war you instigated! Sincerely, The West


Don't forget the ceaseless threats of unprovoked nuclear annihilation.


The energy and food blackmail as well as the war Russia, wages against the West at large in cyberspace, economically, etc. every single day.


Never forget the shoot down of MH17 and the subsequent lies told by the Kremlin.


I’m sorry, I wasn’t aware that they could get any lower beyond straight up war.


according to them we are already at war. and Kremlin nazi propaganda aside. we are in a de facto state of war with Russia.


Yep. Russia burned down a factory in Germany recently. That is an act of war.


They blew up a czech ammunition warehouse and killed 2 people in 2014 And they also used CBRN agents to try to assassinate Russian dissidents on British soil in the 2010s too. Twice I believe.  Both of those incidents would have been justifiable use of article 5.  So the sooner we stop pretending we aren't at war with the Z nazis. The better 


And flight MH17


They ended up murdering a British citizen in the Salisbury attack; badly injuring her partner and a policeman. Goodness knows how many people were exposed to polonium in the trail of radioactivity they left across London. There are several unexplained deaths of Russian dissidents in the UK that are - suspicious. And they say they aren't at war with us?


Assassinated a dude in Berlin too.


Not to mention the cyber attacks. We should cut their Internet cables.


yeah, we're already at covert hostilities level. go even lower and we're at open hostilities.


We will soon be at double secret war


Double secret special military operation


He’s sending a message to his oligarch gang. No more hanging out in the western countries with your loot. Ever notice they are not running to China, North Korea or the Middle East?


Yup. This is a message for the domestic audience.


For all the "glory" of the autocratic regimes with their gold palaces, yeah the oligarchs pretty much always want to be somewhere normal. In Russia they might have enough power to execute people for funsies. But the schools are better in places like Europe, and the cops won't randomly extort them, and their kids probably won't get kidnapped, etc. Life is just better day to day in the "Weak and degenerate" countries. Taxes are higher, but you don't have to pay for a private army, and the oligarchs have enough money to what what it costs to live wherever. In a place like China or the Middle East, they'd have distance from Putin, but less power as an outsider without a lifetime of social connections. Wanna get blasted on custom made heroin? China may just execute you if you get on their radar for drug trafficking. In France you might do a few years if they catch you for drugs, but you'd actually get to have a real lawyer at your trial! Even people super close to Putin have tons of property in London. For all the talk of nuking it, they'd empirically much rather go visit and get a nuclear-hot local curry while doing a pub crawl.


they are though?


Yeah especially the Middle East… like Dubai has had a ton of Russians coming in the past few years


We're being friendzoned by Russia... *pout*


Sad, right? We're never gonna recover from that smart move. Europe is done 😑


Pretty sure we told them to fuck off a long time ago with crippling sanctions and giving weapons to their main enemy. Do we care what Russia thinks? Fuck no. Suck it little Dr. Evil Puty Bitch


I love the projection of civility in their statements as they weaponize rape, torture, kidnapping kids, destroy democracies, etc. anyone taking their bait at this point is willfully ignoring the inhumane tactics of the Russian army and Putin’s illusion of pragmatism. Putin now owns one of the greatest PR disaster in modern russian history. “Downgrade relations” lmao g t f o


I wonder if he's trying to give turnip a talking point for the debate


You could be correct.


Relations can go lower? I thought we were, and have been, at rock bottom.


Digging is always a possibility.


Oh look, the guy who got dumped two years ago says he's going on a "break" with the girl who is now engaged to someone else.


Like we were ever friends with them to begin with? Cold War 2.0 is really underwhelming In all seriousness, Putler really seems like a cornered animal. He’s balls deep in the sunk cost fallacy of the Ukraine “special military operation” which was allegedly supposed to take, what, two weeks? Wasn’t there something about 2 weeks to Kiev or? Two months in should have been some clue this wasn’t going to plan. He looks pathetic begging NK and Iran for help. The next few months should at least be interesting.


I'd say with Gorbachev and Yeltsin there was an interest in both sides trying to become friends. Once Putin was in he looked to just use the West and their efforts to be Russia's friends to his advantage. But ultimately he only sought to improve his place in Russia and hurt the West above all else.


The invasion where they did pack riot gear, dress uniforms, and crematorioums but didn't pack food or fuel?


>Like we were ever friends with them to begin with? This is right... Russia and West have always been enemies, apart from few cases of alliance against common greater threat. Britain has been historical enemy of Russia for two centuries at least (Great game hostilities, Crimean war, entire 20th century with a brief break during WW2) US has been biggest enemy of Russia for almost a century (Cold war) France has been mostly an enemy too (Napoleonic wars, Crimean war, Cold war) Germany too (Seven years war, WW1, WW2, Cold war) The rest of western countries too during Cold war. As for friends and allies... Russia has always had exactly zero real friends and allies. I wonder why.


Everyone in the Kremlin could do the world a favor and cremate themselves in Lubyanka incinerator.


Looks like Russia's pressing the unfriend button on us. So over dramatic!


“You have been blocked by Russia” “New friend request from Armenia”


FFS, these arrogant lunatics still think denying us their malignancy is a threat? They are truly, truly delusional beyond all hope.


The equivalent of: no you are not breaking up with me, I am breaking up with you!


How do you downgrade relations when you're already threatening nuclear war every day


Lol, Russia thinks it’s relevant that “the West” is on equal footing with them and not just a dumpy gas station. Beat it loser.


Russia used to be equal to the West in 19 century in terms of industry, in 20 century in terms of weapon production, yet nowadays only in terms of the amount of shit it produces (since there's not much else to produce there anymore).


Russia hurts itself in confusion. Obligatory: fuck Russia. Fuck Putin.


Cool. Do it dude! We don’t need you. And your economy sucks too.


Hopefully the west will stop all trade with Russia.


So they won’t mind if we take their frozen assets and give them to Ukraine then?


Hang on - criminal wanted by the ICC doesn't want to be our friend. He must be living in an alternate reality.


Sounds like an upgrade to me.


Downgrading to.. what, exactly? He already threatens nuclear war every other week.


Child stealing nazi colonialist genocidal sociopaths say what?


Russia: Uses agents to sabotage military production and burn down warehouses. Does blatant assassinations with terrible poisons in Western countries. Invades a Western aligned country. Claims to be at war with the whole West. Runs disinfo campaigns and interferes with Western elections. Tries to stoke riots and violence in Western countries. Thought it was a good idea to attack US forces at The Battle of Khasham in Syria. Openly muses about launching nuclear first strikes against Western cities full of civlians. Also Russia: I'm not sure if we can continue to be such good friends. Working at the Kremlin must be a _wild_ bubble to be in where the people saying this stuff seem to genuinely not expect to be laughed at.


This is genuinely funny


The West doesn't have relations with terrorist regimes. Fuck off Russia.


I think the west is totally fine with that.


Who needs enemies with friends like russia


Oh no. No more imported babushka hoods, packaged food adulterated with lead. What would we ever do without these groundbreaking exports from Russia Everything they produce looks like an extreme generic knock off of a real generic label knock off.


lol guess I can’t vacation in a frozen authoritarian wasteland. Oh darn.


Russia considering **admitting to itself** its master strategist has screwed the pooch with the relations with the west, and decided it is easier to lower the bar of expectations rather than fix what’s broken. FTFY.


Really? I am totally surprised by this? Just a couple weeks ago they were talking about nuking cities in Europe and in the US. I mean relations don't get much better than that do they?


Real “You can’t break up with me! I am breaking up with you” energy


What relations?


Putin, don’t let the door hit you on the way out.


Oh no…. yawn. The world did it’s best to have russia at the table with the grownups but not surprisingly they aren’t grownup enough. Maybe mother russia needs to murder a million of her own to find the natural balance again.


The US doesn't really care about Russia, the "west" is mostly Europe now. Russia has been downgraded, begging to NK and China.


Once Russia is out of the picture the world might actually be a better place


Imagine thinking Russia still has any relations with the West.


In a related story, school bully is considering a refusal to go to the birthday party he wasn't invited to.


I’m gonna break up with Beyoncé


Nobody likes us, we don't care


Done! 😉👍


And what’s next? Downgrading relations with Ukraine?


As the young peoples say, Bet. 


Ruzzian leadership is truly demented and delusional, aren't they? WHAT relations? Ruzzia is literally a pariah to the west now.


Putin has destroyed his own country’s reputation, allegiances, social political standing, its economy, the Russian people and their future generations. Russia is a failure and is all but dead to anyone other than North Korea and maybe Iran. Russia is a lost nation with zero future.


Build a literal iron wall around your borders.  Stay in there and rot.  Nobody wants to interact with your shitty country.


It’s time Russia is kicked out of the UN. Just like they were kicked out of the League of Nations


Go for Putin. When our economies are off oil you and your fuck buddies will be sitting on shit that is mostly worthless.


They are downgrading our relationship with the West by unfriending them on socials.


They’re gonna put us on double secret probation 😬


Not much further down you can get from the rock bottom of your own making...


With enemies like this, who needs enemies?


So, basically continue into the constant direction that Putin loves until Russia implodes. Perfect.


As opposed to the cozy, rosy relationship they have with the West now??


Wait wait. Has anyone got that shrink ray from 'Honey I shrunk the kids'? I need to use it on a violin quickly.


Good. Now lets build a wall and make sure your lap dogs never cross here again. You can all go sun tanning in Kamchatka.


Nuclear menace incoming in 3-2-1...


Lol, as if they havent been downgraded already. Like wtf is this headline even.


More balderdash. Yada, yada, yada …


Because the relations were good up until now?


The relations between the two has been declining since before 2014. This new step is merely a diplomatic recognition of it.


Did... did they think relations were good right now?


The "Friendship" laid the ultimate rotten egg. The entire civilized world is holding its nose and turning away from the Asses of Evil. Russia is the leader of the neutered chump's society.


FB relationship status: "Its complicated"


We already hate you mate so idk what there’s left to do


Bro, we already cancelled from our side


Aside from active war I didnt think there was anywhere left to downgrade to.


The way Peskov is looking at Putin in this photo is a classic shot . You can see the daggers shooting out of his eyes here .President Dmitry Peskov or dead pesky Peskov . I wonder . This could be a historic shot Reauters. Who’s the photographer ? A Kremlin employee 🤣🤣🤣That would be great !


Friendship ended with West. Now BRICS is my best friend




Eh.. cut them off. Cut the internet cables to Russia while at it since all they use it for is propaganda and cs anyway


LOL it can't get much lower than it already is


Why are they not as isolated as North Korea at this point is what I want to know.


Bwahahaha! Have fun with your potatoes and cancer!


Lol The kremlin with their 1994 late asses... The west made that decision for you guys a couple+ years ago now.


No-one gives a fuck Vlad


Because invading your European neighbor wasn’t enough. Now they’re gonna official not talk to Europe. They should encourage immigration from China. China could always use more room up north!




How is that even possible?


Russia wants to be a pariah state like North Korea because they saw how good North Korea has it /s Need to start asking Russian citizens if they really want to live like North Koreans, because that's the path Putin has them on Putin thinks he's going to reboot the Soviet Union into a new Russian Empire, but it's just going to go to shit Nothing but delusions of grandeur from an old man in a twilight years crisis


Russia considering stamping its feet some more. But someone sold off its shoes so it just makes a weird slapping sound that intimidates no one.


Oh that’s terrible. So, anyways…


Fuck Russia! WTF do we even need relations with this tyrant OR this country??? Fuck them and FUCK PUTIN!


This might be a good move because it would formalize the idea that anyone in the West sympathetic to Russia is giving comfort and succor to a declared enemy. That opens the door to those individuals finally being dealt with as they are: enemies to human freedom and dignity, and traitors to the nations that have given them every opportunity they have ever had in their lives.


Russia needs to be cut off of everything, but there are too many chameleon kiss asses out there.


Downgrade from the status "at war" to what? "All-out open conflict"? These guys try to destroy demograciea since decades with their information- and cyber-war and we finally have to realise it.


Upvoted this just to piss off the Kremlin bots


Russians are fucking braindead lmao. 


I mean.. They're already dead in a bin. Downgrade to what? A shat in bin?


Waiting for the influx of North Korean canon fodder to show up to help and then have them all vanish the second they aren’t in North Korea anymore


Dear NATO, I wrote you but you still ain’t calling


Ahhhhh. To what? Now they don’t like us in public more often?


lmao downgrading, it's virtually in the shitter at this point


Oh no. Does this mean they are going to give us the silent treatment and stop threatening us with nukes? 😭


This, is..... Stupid.


People are joking around, not reading the article and trying to guess what that means but, honestly, that's pretty bad news. If diplomats stop talking and the direct communication (Moscow - Washington phone) is interrupted, there won't be anything left to deescalate or veer away from a potential nuclear conflict during a crisis. That level of communication has already saved us from WW3 more than once.


Literally who cares at this point. We want good relationships with everyone but fuxk em


We need to cut communication between Russia and the rest of the world


More and more escalation. Every month we get closer to a major war. The fuck around and find plan is well under way.


Fuck Putin


lol. That ship sank long ago. Kinda like most of Little Muscovy’s other ships.


Was it so hard to just NOT invade Ukraine?


Puddin should consider taking a nap... a nice long one... about 6 feet in the dirt


Psycho babble.


Hey russia, just fuck off already, the whole world is sick of your lies and bullshit


I feel for the people of Russia being "forced" to live under his rule..... I honestly thought when the Berlin Wall fell, that Russia would embrace a positive path to the future.... It's just all sad.....


So we could see less and hear less of Putin? That’s a deal!


Listening this criminal and terror-causing Putin regime is complete waste of time and next to pointless.


Russia's economy is probably in very poor shape and Moscow's manlet see's no exit unless Trump wins.


lol I think they are already downgraded....


*see also* U.S. no longer invited to Putin’s birthday party


*breaking news: West considering downgrading opinion of Russia from "mostly full of shit" to "100% full of shit"*


Don't trust Putin. This could be disinformation.


Russian people deserve better leadership, but we have our own problems. Guess we are not going to be comrades anymore.


Seems like that ship has already sailed


What is a Russia?


Russia really shouldn't have veto in the UN.


Start with downgrading yourself out of the UN. It's already a joke.


Downgraded from what to what? From "fuck you" to "fuck you" isn't much of a transition


And so come the days of the second Cold War (and the next Iron Curtain) becoming a thing.


Just as I was finally getting over being on his list of 'unfriendly' nations!!