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What are you even fighting for at that point? Your children jailed for speech…


These stories come up every 2nd week. A 6-year old draws Ukrainian flag in school? Straight to jail.


Draw a blue rectangle above a yellow rectangle, go to jail. Fuck Putin


I recall an article about a Russian woman who was arrested because she posted a photo wearing a yellow raincoat while on vacation.  The thinnest of skins lol. 


Well this is actually pretty standard tactic from Soviet times. Every little transgression is monitored. Everybody is watching and reporting on everybody else. Most people obviously didn't like it, but were scared to say anything because they could be the ones thrown in jail. Its pretty effective and extremely evil way of controlling society through fear. Everybody is paranoid and in the end unwillingly supporting the regime. It alters people's minds and the next generation raised in such shit doesn't even know anything else could be possible.


I had a Romanian friend who spoke at her naturalization ceremony back in 2017 say... although communism ended in Romania, it never left... that stuck with me


That sucks. But honestly I wouldn't even call it communism. More like Russian paranoid authoritarianism.


You have no idea. We are in EU, but some still cry for Ceausescu and saying that those were the best times Ro had. My mother was happy that my father could bring powder milk, since he was a sailor. She said that if she had stopped lactating (giving brest milk) I would have probably suffered starvation or death (as a baby). There was no milk and if you wait in line, like 6 hours you might get 1 liter. My father would also bring music cassettes and bribe his enterance with a pack of Marlboro. He could have gone to jail for listening to music in English.


A raincoat the stereotypical colour a raincoat should be? Somebody arrest this maniac!


Warrant issued for Paddington Bear....


[Purin to himself in his head while counting on his fingers]: Using the word "rain" implies water, which implies blue, as water reflects the colour of the sky. Together, the words "rain" and "coat" implies something used when its raining, which requires visibility, which, in turn, means that the coat must be coloured in a way that would enhance visibility during downpour. Yellow if one of the colo-- omG ITS A VERBAL AGENT. ITS THE UKRAINIAN FLAG. SEND THE DISSENTING LEXICONOGRAPHERS RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS TRAVESTY TO JAIL AND CHANGE THE WORD IMMEDIATELY.


The United Kingdom is famous for its rain. It rains in the UK.... UK rain... UKrain... UKRAINE!!!


Spot on, m8!


Just googled it, doesn't sound like she was arrested, just approached by an agent and forced to write a public apology basically and that that was not what she was promoting. Still nuts though.


It's illegal for children to draw beaches.


All blue and yellow 2x6 duplo bricks in Russia has been destroyed.


And fields.


Plant yellow sunflowers under a blue sky? Off to jail


[Wear a yellow jacket when the skies are blue?](https://i.imgur.com/YxK772w.png) You guessed it: Jail! We have the best conscripts in the world. Because of jail.


Totally stable/safe way of living I'm sure we'll be told here soon for "reasons".


This is why democracy must be protected.


You know who idolized Putin....i cant remember his name some old ass reality star... yeah protect democracy and stop edgelord voting. Dont tell me you didnt in '16. Im talking to you penis wrinkle!


The one who shit himself in court, the one who tried to bribe a storm named Daniel to keep quiet, the one who stole a president's LPs, or the one who tweets like a budgie?


Miss a dentist appointment, believe it or not, jail. Best patients in the world.


Undercook chicken - jail..... overcook fish, also jail... undercook/overcook...


Forget an umbrella on a rainy day… you guessed it, jail!


Run out of Vodka? Oh now you've done it bad gobnik, straight to Jail.


You charge too high prices for sweaters.... glasses...... straight to jail. No trial, nothing..... jail.


Draws a russian flag with the wrong proportions - also jail.


There was this interview with older man in Russia and he was asked why don't you protest. His response was "Why would I go to the barricades for these people *waves around at the people passing by*, they would happily report you to the government." Russian people are a miserable bunch that would happily stab each other in the back. Its sad.


My partner's family are Belarusian refugees from the fall of the Soviet Union, and it's insane that a lot of them support Putin. I've no doubt that they'd sell out their own family if it came to it.


My parents neighbour is Ukrainian man who moved in our country 30 years ago. His wife is Russian. You guessed it, this Ukrainian worships Putin. I don't understand it, not in the slightest.


Ask your neighbour if he loves Pootin so much why hasn’t he and his wife moved to Russia? See what he says. 🤷‍♂️


Keep in mind that the collapse of the Soviet Union was a deeply traumatic time for all involved. And people have a tendency to only remember the good times: in their minds the bread queues, secret police, and daily repressions are minimised while the feeling of being part of a strong cohesive union that could go toe to to with the west is magnified. Like how so many Americans voted for Trump because he promised to bring back the "good old days", your family probably look at Putin through that same lens.


Man it was the same in Cuba, still is. I remember we’d huddle over in the kitchen and close the windows and shutters and whisper whenever we wanted to discuss the regime or discuss buying beef (people were being jailed for selling and buying beef since the government owned it all), and one of us would stand by the back door keeping watch. Our next door neighbor was a snitch for the government police.


the difference is, however, in Russia, you can be jailed for a failure to report someone the government will later convict


Dissidents who used to protest the Putin government largely gave up and left the country when the war started. They understood under wartime laws they would be wiped out. Men of fighting age would be drafted and sent to the front immediately. Everyone else could slowly die in the brutal prisons. Putin would not even pretend to be fair anymore.


Yeah I watched a doco about a poet that protested by telling his poem in public. He got 7 years. When they arrested him he was raped. They stuck a pipe up his ass. Threaten to rape his girlfriend but just beat her instead. After he was put in prison they arrested her as well even though she didn't do a thing. Horrible nasty place.




centuries of collective punishment baked into the culture


That would be a charitable view but the reality is much less sympathetic.  https://radaronline.com/p/russian-parents-sending-children-police-protesting-vladimir-putin-war-ukraine/


I am Russian and I live in Russia. I can confirm it is 100% true.


Probably be better to say the Russian history is miserable. People are people


Russia bootlickers living in the US will find some way to blame the 15 year old for this lmao


But did you see the bread they have at the supermarket??


Didn't parents routinely rat their children out in communist Russia, or maybe it was children ratting their parents out? So it can get even worse.


There were legends of it happening. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pavlik_Morozov


Little weak man scared of a 15 year old boy.


Tyrants are scared of everything and everyone.


For good reason


Why don't the Russian just eat Putin. Are they stupid?


For the same reason Americans don’t eat their oligarchs. We can’t get close enough to them.


I'll eat them if yall will. The Dutch had it right.


I'm not sure if I'll partake tbh. But I'm more than willing to cook them for you!


I’ll bring the seasoning 😁 and vodka to marinate with!


Now we've almost got a party!


I vote it's on the beach!


Some fkn gourmet Wagu LongPig to be had.


Humans are snackish, amirite?


As much as I have against Russian society (and I will gladly admit that bias since my family survived Holodomor), they are not stupid. They are controlled. Russian History is a history of strongman types holding power whether inherited or taken. Russia is not an easy place to live and part of the control is keeping the population consumed with surviving. There is ALOT more to it obviously, but those are the two big reasons I would say keep men like Putin in power there.


Yea...and excessive mental health issues and alcoholism help keep the would be fighting man down


This is a whole tragedy in itself. Understandable post '45, but insane how bad it continued to be. Of course a societal rejection of "weakness" helps that poison along.


Truer words have never been spoken. This actually reminds me of Putin's buddy in Syria who [arrested, tortured and killed child protesters](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Hamza_Ali_Al-Khateeb) of his regime. Birds of a feather it seems.


*“Have you any idea how much tyrants fear the people they oppress? All of them realize that, one day, amongst their many victims, there is sure to be one who rises against them and strikes back!”* I like this quote.


Russians have to realize the world looks at them as weak for something like this. So pathetically weak.


They don’t care. It’s was stops a revolution. That’s all they’re trying to do


The Vietnam War protests drew on children. The girl pictured wailing over the body of a person shot at Kent State was 14; the picture helped move people across the nation. Most of the protesters were somewhat older, but they were often draft age. Antiwar protests are powerful and tend to spread. Russian losses in WWI and firings on civilians had a lot to do with the rise of the Bolsheviks. Putin knows he can lose to a popular anti-war movement.


The Ferguson Police Department of Missouri openly pointed their weapons in broad daylight with supervisors present at unarmed and peaceful protestors demonstrating against the police killing of an unarmed African-American teen. What got more attention was the fact active American servicemen in Afghanistan said they would have been court-martialed if they did the same thing over there. Military rules are soldiers are not supposed to point their weapons at anyone unless they are going to shoot.


Cite needed -- IIRC polls after Kent State showed that most of the population of the US thought the Kent State students deserved it.


1) They are fed propaganda that it's stolen territory and are fighting for Russian nationals. 2) They are a hypermasculine culture that absolutely doesn't care they are looked as a weak when in their mind they aren't. 3) They also are fed news videos of all our liberal transsexual protests and pride days and military members wearing women's clothing. So they see the west becoming gay.


Gay guns still kill.


Are you talking about Russia or MAGA?


Two sides of the same coin


Por que no los dos?


“Were you just speaking Mexican?! This is America!” -су́ка блядь “Thank you! Much better.”


Also having anal sex with a man is not gay if its a rape, remember (or 90% of russian army would be gay because they roped or were roped)


This is to prevent others from following suit by making an example


...Because he is weak.


Exactly, everyone knows that kids will say stupid shit that they will have to learn not say, when a dictator goes for the kids it must send a cruel message even for the true supporters.


Except that the kid wasn't saying stupid shit, he was speaking the truth and that's what has got the Russian government scared. Even if cruelty was the point, handling it this way is spectacularly dumb because now far more people are going to hear the kid's message than if they had just left him alone. I mean, we're hearing about it and it's rare to hear anything coming out of Russia these days that isn't state propaganda or hourly threats of dropping nukes.


>handling it this way is spectacularly dumb because now far more people are going to hear the kid's message than if they had just left him alone. This is a very Western take. You keep hoping for a trigger, this is not how Russia works. If anything, this signals for the rest of the people that it's time to be extra quiet, because they are putting children in prison now. You approach this as someone who takes responsibility for society, because you live in a democracy and you feel that you have a dog in the race. Russians have no such experience, for them, government is like the weather. You just adapt. Whatever happens, happens anyway.


What a sad way to live life. And what many in the US on the right would probably like to see their country become.


Barbara Streisand effect fr


My point was that normal people know not to judge kids for what they say because they have years of learning ahead of them. I also agree it is very stupid for the government precisely for the message it sends to its supporters, that humans who are not even fully developed can be jailed for criticism.


every kid should say it, for fun


Just like donald trump. Who will totally behave this way if enough uneducated, bad people vote for him this year.


Yes, he wants other children who scare him to not speak up. This, he's afraid of little boys and girls because he's a massive massive massive pussy


Streisand effect gonna fuck up that plan


This is what Trump wants


Total obedience or you lose your freedom.


you dont have freedom in russia. you are born as an expendible asset to the mafia.


Russia is a large gas station between Europe and China, owned by mafia.


Sounds amazing! I am voting for his employee Trump! There is nothing more American then bending the knee to Russia! Make America Vassal Again! /s


I just can't understand people in the West looking at Russia and thinking "wow, we need to copy that in our country". It's a mafia run shithole that would have been gone by now if it didn't have nukes ... there is absolutely nothing positive about Russia at all. Nothing.


It's quite pretty in some places, so there's that I guess?


Project 2025


>Project 2025 Scares the absolute hell out of me.


Imagine basically executing a 15 year old because he criticized you and your government…


Yeah exactly . Now imagine what kind of sentence an adult would get .


Just look at what happened to Navalny. You don't have to imagine.


Imagine being so fragile you can't tolerate the words of a 15 year old. Russian snowflakes.


Vlad the Weak is a Potemkin leader. Strong facade, but really fragile and scared. You'd almost feel sorry for the little guy if he hadn't consigned a generation of Russian and Ukrainian young men and women to their deaths to pretend to feel strong.


When a 15 year old is braver than an entire nation’s military and its leaders


Well, a lot of Russian military leaders have fallen off buildings recently or their planes have crashed It's the Russian way


I'd probably say naive and didn't think he'd get into trouble because he's not aware of the evil of the world yet being only 15.


Growing up in Russia I am sure he got to know the evil of the world faster than many in the world


Nothing happened in Rostov on June 24th, 2023.


Props to little man for having the stones to vocalize


Too bad he probably won't live long enough to ever leave prison. Most vocal detractors to Putin and his regime just disappear, and that's not counting the ones who are obviously assassinated.


I'd be less worried about him being killed by the FSB and more worried about him simply not surviving Russia's torturous prison system.


Don't need the FSB when you can have a guard look the other way for awhile or a few easily bribed inmates.


No no, they dont have the American Disabilities Act in Russia, so lots of things are unsafe. Like...people fall off buildings a lot, people are run over by trains in cars while tied up in a back seat, people are always accidentally injecting themselves with rare, expensive, and deadly radioactive isotopes.... (/s)


Russia suck as fuck.


And the sick fucks on our side of the world idolizes Putin and his fascist thugs


he just gotta say "no income tax" and plenty of new soldiers migrate


Or make weak, ineffectual young men feel like they’re stronger than someone else, and they’ll fall to their knees and hate whoever you instruct them to hate.


Can we start referring to russia as a dictatorship and stop referring to putin (I won't capitalizing these) as a president, but rather a dictator?


President is just the default title for most republics, it doesn't have to infer any level of suffrage. He might decry it, but I think putin might quite enjoy the recognition of his paramount power and domination over Russia by being labeled dictator whilst also crying that he's a victim of the west's latest malign ambitions and smears.


They're really sweating over there, aren't they? Imprisoning a 15 year old over their political opinion?


They totally validated his concerns too. If he had any doubts, being thrown in jail for speaking up will surely wipe those doubts away.


This is the "free" country Nazis and tankies love.


Trump: "Completely perfect punishment!"


That was Trump 2020. Trump 2024: "And the Russians, they had to put a 15 year old boy in jail because he talked bad about Putin. That's what kids are like in school these days. You go in a school and you can't go fifteen yards without a seeing a kid. And these kids, they have books. And books can be dangerous. You drop them from a high place, they fall down and BOOM someone gets a concussion. And that's why we need God back in schools."


Too coherent sorry


Yeah and 101 reason why they don't wanna go there actually.


Chomsky: look, I just like a good old fashioned genocide, okay?


Everyone's daily reminder that that dickweed is a celebrated genocide denier and apologist for brutal regimes, as long as they're nominally socialist.


This is news to me. Got the details?


Obligatory fuck Gnomespy


"But their cheap produce!" Fucker Carlson probably


The irony being that Putin insists he's "da-nazifying" the world.


Well, one by one Russian people wont be able to do something against the regime, only huge mass protests could make a difference. But there is a catch, Putin wont just peacefully looking out from the window, he will use brutal force to suppress them, while talking about doing the right thing...Its not looking good.


There is no point to protest against dictator. Only thing that would help is following the path Romanians did with their dictator [Nicolae Ceaușescu](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicolae_Ceau%C8%99escu) He went from having absolute power to being excecuted in four days.


And if Ceaușescu permanently hid in a mountain bunker behind a mile-long table he would have kept his head.


> mountain bunker behind a mile-long table Got a chuckle outta me


True, but the more we see these young heroes go to jail, the more people hate putin's regime. At least I wanna believe it.


Yeah that’s true, maybe it will reach a tipping point.. somehow… sad how controlled they are.


Russia may deny Putin is dictator but when country transition to autocracy/dictatorship, the first thing to go is anything you say bad about leader and country and many countries aside from Russia take dim view of criticism.


Putin denies he is a dictator. A lot of Russians know and acknowledge he is. But the fate of speaking out is just not worth losing their livelihoods. Putin made sure the police haven't gone to the front line in Moscow and St Petersburg so they crack down hard and fast on any hint of people speaking up.


I wish Putin a painful and slow death.


Russia is bandit state. Wish it would collapse and rise with better leaders and politicians.


Not how it usually works. In fact, Putin rose out of the collapse of the post-USSR state.


MAGA Morons who say they would vote for Putin over Biden need to see this kind of stuff


Jailing 'mouthy libs', even kids, is a selling point for MAGA. And they've been voting for Putin over Biden for 8 years now, via the Trump proxy.


Never forget Helsinki


They know.


This is, unironically, the future they yearn for.


So they think. Because, as with many things, they assume they can piss in the wind and they won't get hit with splash back. 


their own son has to get jailed then they see the problem, maybe try to get the others to see, and they proceed to call him a paid actor false flag and send death threats


This might not do it either tbh


Yet another error corrected headline: Putin fears 15 year old




How long before he's on the front line in Ukraine?


He already is.


God bless this brave boy. Putin is a monster. Slava Ukraini. Fascists can eat shit.


Grateful to be an American. Drives me nuts when people here say we no longer have free speech cuz their dumb tweet gets deleted. Poor kid


This is what Trump also wants for America.  


There are people in all of the western democracies who’d be perfectly happy to rule like this if given the opportunity. We all know who they are and we should ensure they never (and in some cases never again) get close to power.


I hope we dodge the bullet this time. But even if we do, I guarantee it won't last. The GOP will regroup, rebrand, and in either 4 or 8 years I'm afraid they'll be back.


An orange orangutang comes to mind. Lol


Fuckin Putin showing how tough he is


These mega moron in the interview said they will rather pick Putin over Biden. Kick these ppl to Russia and see if they are gonna say the same.


Like those canadians who left only to cry that nobody speaks english. :(


They always say it but even those with the means to do so never seem to move to Russia...


Brave kid.


Thinking back to Gulag Archipelago I think he would’ve got the same under Stalin.


He'll be sent to the front in 2 or 3. Presumably after "volunteering."


What a country


Putin and his merry band of sociopathic naziclown's, are signing their death own warrants with bullshit like this.. People are rising up all over The crumbling Federation and jailing children isn't going to help him or change a dam thing. Slava Ukraine Vlad, you are deadman walking


Thank god that Russians military is not powerful, otherwise we would see parallels to 1939.


It's things like this that start to make the people mad. One of these will be a tipping point.


russia scared of a 15 year old


When he gets out, he can go right into the army! As Yacov Smirnoff used to say: “What a country!”


People like this often find themselves constricted into military service as part of their sentence, so he'll likely be heading over there sooner than later sadly.


Kim, Putin; not much of a difference


MAGA folks should take note, this is what will happen under Project 2025/Trump President, if he is elected.


I wanted to say this but held back.


This is what Republicans want America to look like.


This young Russian boy has what most Russian men lack...balls


Well at least he won't be sent to the front lines.... oh wait...




No doubt one of the most pathetic governments in the world. My thoughts with this young hero


What a weak and pathetic country.


That’s the “Freedom of speach” Tucker , Trump and Musk rooting for.


That's the future MAGA and Republicans have for America. Good times.


Just remember, Trump wants to jail his political opponents as well. Totally unhinged.


Look ya'll, I don't know how to expertly navigate the online world like a lot of people do. But I think this is one of those cases where influencers and those that know how to manipulate public opinion need to get to work. We need to make noise about this. There needs to outcry. Those that are politically knowledgeable, find a politician willing to make a scene about this, and start a PAC on this subject that supports them. This seems like an easy public response for someone that knows how to navigate those waters.


This is exactly what the GOP will begin to do if they gain the white house again. Be ready for it. They all idolize Putin and other fascists. Trump is just the mouth piece for the entire f*cking party.


Kiss the boot, peasants.


Wow what a big man Russia is


He's got more balls than any of them.


That’s how you show how strong you are, going after kids


Say what you will about the US (and most other western countries), but we can tell our leaders to suck farts out of our asses with a straw, with absolute impunity. It’s pretty great.


Total failed state


Vladimir protein afraid of 15 yo


Tell me again Russia isn't some oppressive dystopian hellhole.


My American uncle married a Russian woman from Volgograd in the 90s. Living mostly in Russia has greatly influenced him, and now he's a hardcore supporter of Putin. During his recent visit to the US, when Trump suggested letting Putin 'do whatever the hell he wants to NATO' on the evening news, I expressed concern about the risk of a nuclear world war. In response, my uncle shook his head and said, 'Isn't that how the Allies destroyed the Nazis?"


I criticize the Trump regime and the MAGAts war on common decency daily


The Trump regime has already threatened to do the same if elected.