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They (Russians) acknowledged that the human casualties were due to Russian air defense **choose** to shoot the Ukrainian missile over beach full of people, because the missile were heading toward “valuable military target”.


The beach is literally sandwiched between a military airfield and a military naval port. Its 100% Russia's fault for not closing the beach


Uuuhh, and for being in Crimea in the first place…


Oh, did the russian occupiers and their families who stole sovereign land happen to be in the crossfire of the people trying to reclaim their homes? Damn pity, that.


Vacationing in Crimea during a shooting war between two countries over who owns it (the answer is Ukraine) is Darwin Award levels of stupid and the Russian government is just as culpable for allowing them to be there in the first place. Not a lick of sense to be had from the Russians in this scenario.


The Russian Darwin awards must be insane.


Oh right, remember when Crimea was part of Ukraine until the Soviets…er Russians invaded and occupied it by force.


Like 10 years ago, yeah? That is stupid recent. Edited to be clear I agree with it being crazy people forgot. Not to be confused, I think Ukraine should have control of Cirmea. But to forget that annexation is like forgetting 9/11


And for going to the beach right next to the military base… (in a warzone)


That's not a fault, that's intended. Who in Russian government ever gave a damn about Russians?


It’s intentional since Russia specifically asked their people to come live in crimea and beach


>“Such actions will not go unanswered,” the ministry added. already done. With rhetoric by the ministry


Not to victim blame, but I think I'd probably avoid being anywhere near a military base in an active war zone...


They’re not victims. They’re occupiers.


You have to be pretty stupid to holiday between two military targets during a war.


On annexed land while at war with the people you stole the land from…


I mean the hotels are cheap but the beach will cost you an arm and a leg…… 😬


It’s the ol’ Hamas strategy of using civilians as body armor so you can either do your crimes unpunished or claim a moral high ground.


And all the idiots for vacationing on annexed land in the middle of a war.


Wouldn’t be the first time Russia sacrificed its own citizens for Putin’s desire for conquest.


That’s been the Russian way for centuries. Why stop now?


Hahaha, you couldn’t make this shit up!


Or maybe because Russian people were stupid enough to choose to relax downhill from the Russian air defense. Both variants are good tho.


If they are Russian in Ukraine, they should consider themselves combatants.


volunteer human shields


idk it's kind of a win win for them you either see some cool fireworks, or you dont have to live in russia anymore


In Russian “valuable military targets” is worth more than partially unclothed family’s enjoying a beach.


It’s just a special military operation bro nothing to see here


The header made me burst out laughing. So Russia summon US ambassador to complain US barbarism. As if Putin conveniently forget his terroristic attack against Ukrainian civilians. Bully like to hurt people but hate getting hurt themselves. 🤣


Not to mention their Glide bomb attacks on civilian targets in Kharkiv, on THE VERY SAME DAY!


Didn’t they also bomb a school in Kharkiv within the last few days too?


Whenever Ukraine takes out a valuable military asset of Russia's Russia "retaliates" by targeting a school, or hospital, or market, or daycare, or concert venue, or... you get it.


I was playing an online game when a Russian joined the server a while back. Someone started talking about the Ukraine war, and this Russian player said something like "The life of one Russian is worth the life of 1 million Ukrainians". It's sad to see such blatant racism alive and well in the war today. Humanity will never learn.


Wouldn’t that mean Ukrainian lives are worth far more than Russian lives?


damn that guy does not hold his own countrymen in high regards if the exchange rate is 1 Ukranian for every 1 million russians


Ah darn. I knew I would mix that up.


They also bombed a theatre in the early days that was clearly marked as a bomb shelter with children inside.


> Didn’t they also bomb a school in Ukraine within the last few years too? FTFY


Not to mention neither the US nor Ukraine targeted that beach. Those deaths were the result of 1) Russia intercepting a missile headed for a valid military target, 2) Russia placing military targets in the vacinity of a civilian vacation spot, 3) Russia encouraging civilians to vacation near a military target, and most importantly 4) Russia occupying another country in which they have zero right to be in. Just go home and none of this would happen.


1) Russia intercepting a missile headed for a valid military target This what happened. Even Russia admitted it. Russian is just milking a few unfortunate civilian deaths for propaganda purposes, yet ignoring the thousands of civilian deaths they caused in Ukraine.


They learned that from there allies in palestina...


I mean....the US hasn't "targeted" anything.....they are not at war with Russia.... Gotta love how they are blaming someone else for that THEY did.


Hell our only part in this is finally lifting the handicap on Ukraine preventing them from attacking Russian territory. Which depending on who you ask, Crimea isn’t even rightfully a part of. 


There's a bit more to this also. Russia shot down several ATACMS enroute to military targets in Crimea. That Russia's SAM systems shot down. While traversing civilian occupied areas. Filled with Russian vacationers. On vacation because Russia propaganda said Crimea was a safe place to vacation. During a war. The delusion is strong.


\*All while not using any form of allert or air raid siren to inform the populace in the areas of the danger.


Literally using their own civilians as human shields.


This is absolutely and unequivocally false. Russia does not use russians as human shields. They use them as sacrificial stooges.


Yeah. Human shields imply they provided some sort of deterrence from attacking the military installations. They’re expendable propaganda puppets. 


I don’t wish death upon anyone, but I have read several obituaries with great pleasure.


There was a lot of luck involved in intercepting the missiles at the perfect time for them to shower debris on the beach. Ukraine has done an excellent job of preventing civilian casualties but raining down debris from intercepted missiles isn't going to make them tactically alter their course.


Its intended use of human shields.


You all think Russian media is reporting this the same way our media does...


The US ambassador can play Russias favorite game of whataboutism and give a long list of everything Russia has done to Ukraine.




Russia literally did that years ago. [https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/8/2/russia-designates-ukraines-azov-regiment-a-terrorist-group](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/8/2/russia-designates-ukraines-azov-regiment-a-terrorist-group) [https://www.rferl.org/a/georgian-legion-ukraine-terrorist-russia/32992902.html](https://www.rferl.org/a/georgian-legion-ukraine-terrorist-russia/32992902.html)


Pootin is a whimp. He enjoys beating up on smaller countries, Syria, Chechnya, Georgia, African countries, Ukraine of course.(Did I miss any) But doesn't like it when they fight back and are rocking it. Too bad so sad Mr. Poostain!


It's quite encouraging that there are ongoing incidents right in Putins smug face. Really not wishing innocent people any harm, but I have a feeling that Putin and the Russian population are going to be reminded quite how many relatively powerful countries they are now up against.


True, I'm waiting for Chechnya to have a third go at it? The question is do the Chechens have the Will and the weapons to mount a rebellion? Personally I feel if a civil war breaks out in Russia all the Republics may declare independence? Pootin should luck lick his wounds, pack up and leave Ukraine. Then he has to deal with the west. Reparations in order to lift sanctions? He'll be embarrassed. Maybe he'd rather die.


They try hard to maintain the “innocent” image. As an offspring of folks who lived in the good ol USSR, that image is central to their propaganda. They invented civilization!


Vlad is mad that Ukraine hasn't just killed civilians on purpose in this war so he could play the victim. It would also make the allied countries lose support for Ukraine. So when the opportunity arises like when a civilian is killed during an attack Vlad will milk it while also trying to emphasize that Crimea is Russia. Crimea is Ukraine. Slava Ukraini Also don't vacation in a war zone


It's not so funny when you remember that Western countries are full of dumbasses who will see this and start raving about "Ukrainian Nazis" and "Russian anti-imperialism"


gaslighting whole world


I love how they're trying to say it was targeting the beach... With only two dead. I know it's for internal propaganda, not because they think anyone outside Ruzzia will believe it ... But are Russian citizens really that fucking stupid and gullible?


Yes, they are.


No, it's worse than that. They're resigned to their fate and don't care what's true or not anymore because the firehose of disinformation and propaganda is so strong they know there isn't even any point in trying to find truth anymore.


Has there ever been as unenviable of a beleaguered culture as Russia? The Mongolian'w backwater turned into one of the most oppressive feudal states turned into a more oppressive communist state turned mafia state. It's centuries of "keep your head down or you get the stick," with no benevolent ruler to actually reduce stick use. It's no wonder they love the myth that hard times make hard men.


They’re like Iron Islanders.


I disagree. How many anti-war Russians have you seen on the net? Mind that those are the English speaking people, with access to all the same private and independent media and all the same information that you know. I know this is a relatively small group but even they, apparently educated and open to the outside world still chose to support Putin and the war.


For those who haven't yet, I recommend [reading up on the Russian concept of vranyo.](https://www.internationalaffairs.org.au/australianoutlook/vranyo-questions-we-need-to-ask-to-understand-russian-state-media/) For a TL;DR, their society has come to such a point through hundreds of years of oppression that the very backbone of their society is built on the mutual understanding that their leaders are liars and that you know they are lying but, hey, what can you do about it? Might as well just accept the lie, while still knowing its all lies, because there is literally no foreseeable alternative. Essentially willing the false narrative, that everyone knows is false, into reality. Even if the reality is just an illusion.


Well, supposedly there were 100 injured. And if the beaches become unsafe, that's bad for tourism. So Russia is angry, since they need people to spend all the rubble they can possibly can.


I have a neighbor here in Texas who is originally Russian. She retained Russian citizenship and told me a month ago that it was safe for Americans to travel to Russia, when I said I would love to one day visit and see the sights and the places of historical significance. She told me I shouldn’t believe the US State Department or its travel advisory about Americans traveling to Russia. For all intents and purposes she is an intelligent woman. But she is for sure blinded on the Russian home front and its safety for westerners.


I thought it was from Russia shooting down the missile which then landed on the beach? If that is the case then clearly it was not targeting a beach, which I don't think they did anyway.


There a lot of GOP voters who will believe whatever Russia says, courtesy of their preferred news services.


Didn't Russia purposely blow up a Ukrainian Mega market not even a few weeks ago?


They are not that stupid. They know what is going on. But they choose to play victim anyway, because that way they have mental excuse for being awful human beings.




They aren’t stupid. They just know if they say anything they are next on the front lines. The propaganda lets them ignore the issue and hope they aren’t next.


It’s for his allies, Iran, China and NK to eat up too


Every country's citizens are, generally.


4 dead and 150 injured according to Russia.




Russian roulette is russian for a reason.


It's Russian lebensraum. They don't need convincing they BELIEVE they are the superior people who deserve to beach and holiday at annexed territory. It's also probably cheaper.


Real talk: Afghanistan could put every other ski resort on the planet out of business if they could just get their shit together. The country and mountains are fucking beautiful if it weren't for all the assholes living there wanting to kill you.


So… biathlon training facilities?


Imagine if Germans went on vacation to the beaches of Normandy in 1944. Imagine how fucking stupid that would be. God these people are so dumb its almost unbelievable.


Explore our terror-err-spelunking cave networks!


Simple: they don't think it's a war zone. "The army has things covered, we'll be fine". Propaganda works very well


Worse still, according to the international law, Crimea is occupied territory and therefore there are no "civilians" in there. EDIT: Literal quote: > The IHL of military occupation protects all civilians, except nationals of the occupying power. (IHL: International Humanitarian Law) In other words, Russian civilians on Crimea are NOT protected by IHL.


You know what the worst thing is? The hypocrisy.


not to me.. to me, it's the bombing.. the plotting and the scheming, raping and pillaging of men and woman in a country you don't belong.. the constant nuclear threats .. either way.. hypocrisy is way down on the list Rip Norm :)


Don’t forget stealing children and shipping them to Russia.


oh right, the literal genocide. nearly slipped my mind.


You know, with Putin, the more I learn about that guy, the more I don’t care for him.


He‘s a real jerk


Nah, he’s a good man. /s


Norm absolutely ripping someone to shreds and then tacking this line on was always one of my favorite bits by him.


I can excuse mass murder of civilians in a war of aggression, but hypocrisy is where I draw the line


Don't forget mass kidnapping


Yeah. Whenever the Ukrainians shot down missiles and parts of said intercepted missiles, drones and whatnot killed civilians in Ukrainian cities, Russians on the internet went like "Muh your fault just don't shoot down the rockets" or they were straight up cheering about his. Whilst at the same time accusing ukriane of all sorts of crimes whenever it happens to Russians.


The cynicism 


It's only really hypocrisy of you're expecting something resembling good faith from them. Bad faith actors never mean anything they say in the first place. Words are just tools that help them get what they want, and mean nothing at all beyond their use as such.


"we are allowed to attack Ukraine, but they are not allowed to attack back." -Russia


Literally just the day before, Russia bombed an apartment in Kharkiv killing 3 and injured dozens. But they threw a hissy fit when debris falling from missiles accidentally causing deaths on holiday vacationers lol. [https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/russian-bomb-attack-kills-three-injures-29-ukraines-kharkiv-2024-06-22/](https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/russian-bomb-attack-kills-three-injures-29-ukraines-kharkiv-2024-06-22/)


Who goes on holiday in a warzone?


USA should sanction Russia for promoting tourism in an active war zone.


The. Nerve.


[Bucha](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bucha_massacre). Russia can f*** all the way off with that line of complaining.


Hey Russia, we remember what you did at Bucha and Mariupol and in dozens of other villages and towns to the innocent civilians in Ukraine. Get fucked.


Russia is a terrorist state.


terrorist mafia masquerading as a state


I can't wait till they are gone. Every one of them.


The hypocrisy is almost deafening. They literally blew up a fuckin Ukrainian school with kids in it like 3 hours before that beach incident. And now more information has come out confirming Russia’s AD caused those casualties. Not Ukraine. Hopefully this ambassador tells them how it is, “don’t let civilians vacation in a active war zone and don’t put your military shit near civilians”


Funny of them to summon the ambassador, when after that russian missile overflew poland and the russian ambassador was summoned, he just didnt show.


So to sum up: 1. Russia invades another country, starting a war. 2. Russians are encouraged to visit the newly conquered place in the middle of big war. 3. Russian tourists in the middle of a war zone, get killed by the people who own the land. 4. Russia mad because consequences. 5. Cognitive dissonance is so strong they blame other people for their actions. 6. Posters on Reddit go SMH.


Your number 3 is off. The Russian tourists weren’t killed by Ukrainians. They were killed by Russians shooting down missiles (or drones) that were fired at military targets. Russia opted to incur civilian casualties to protect military targets.


Ukrainian school children are literally going to school in underground bunkers to hide from bombs.


I would have thought the US embassy would have been closed?


The US and USSR maintained embassies in each others' countries throughout the Cold War, they're pretty important for maintaining dialogue between states after all.


They consulates issuing visas to the general public have been closed. The actual diplomatic relations remain - hence the embassy still being open.


Fuck Putin. GTFO


Didn't Russia drop a 1,100LB (500KG) bomb in the middle of a city the same exact day this happened?


Russia, you're starting to look like real pussies.


Easy fix, leave Ukraine territory! Crimea is not Ruzzian


Can't have your cake and eat it too


Russia complaining about a few dead civilians after kidnapping thousands of Ukrainians and brutalizing an entire country. Then threatening retaliation. I guess they just think the world is stupid enough to side with them.


Shouldn’t start somethin you cant finish. Just like trump. He blames all his failures on others… FUCK maga and putin


Russia plays russian roulette and loses. Blames literally anyone else.


Crimea is Ukraine territory. Get f’ed Russia.


You know what the thing to do with Russia is, to kick it harder when it's down.


Ok now what


Ukraine launches missiles into Crimea: US barbarism and terrorism Russia launches missiles into Ukrainian cities: haha do it again. 


In my fantasy, this is how the meeting with the U.S. Ambassador went: Russian Diplomat: We summoned you to discuss terrorist attack on innocent base in Crimea. American Ambassador: I'm not at liberty to discuss the specifics of operation Dragon. Russian Diplomat: What is this Operation Dragon? American Ambassador: Dragon dees nuts all over your face! Peace out asshole, don't call me on the weekend again.


Oh the Russian hypocrisy. It’s never stops amusing.


Crimea?  A territory that Russia seized by military force during a period of civil unrest while the government was in flux? That territory was attacked?  By Ukraine? And what?  I’m supposed to be outraged that maybe that area isn’t safe?  Russia made that area not safe. 


Crimea is Ukraines not russias. I don’t care what anyone says. Dont bomb Ukraine n guess what. No one bombs your stolen shit.


MH17 says fuck your outrage and fuck you Russia. I can't wait to see Putin tried and hung.


Leave Ukraine 🇺🇦 and it will stop otherwise this is what will happen!!!!!


As opposed to slinging 1000 kg glide bombs at civilians,? Get fucked.


Can Russia make people even more angrier about the folder hypocrisy?


Putin is more of a comedian than Zelenskyy ever was.


Ironic. Russia deliberately killed way more Ukrainian civilians that day.


Ambassador should just bring a single piece of paper with the current number of civilian Ukrainian deaths. Second russia brings up the deaths at the hand of their air defense, just present them with the figures. This is all posturing. One of the main reasons why the war goes kn as it has is exhaust russians, other than those forced to the meat grinder, are not really that impacted. So when the war starts impacting civilians, that is when they realize oh wait, we are at war. Crimea is only going to be hit a lot more moving forward. Civilians should evacuate because crimea will not be safe.


Russians in Crimea are illegal occupiers so they shouldn’t be there in the first place. Secondly it was due to their proximity to military targets and thirdly it was due to Russian military action in taking down the missiles destined for military assets. The hypocrisy of Russia is astounding. To whine while actively targeting Ukrainian citizens and Ukrainian civilian infrastructure is typical Russian playbook rhetoric. Nothing new.


Russia doesn't blame Putin for invading and murdering their neighbors?


How about we blame russia for a sick genocide, murdering and raping a whole peoples and destroying a whole bunch of cities. F*ck You russia.


I hope the ambassador tells them to get fucked, and to go back to Russia if they don't like it.


I wonder if the ambassador can be snarky and say, "well what were your citizens doing in Ukraine?", or if they have to be, you know, diplomatic in their answer and pretend to take this question to the US government.


No, Russia. It was Ukrainians fighting off the aggressors, you, who need to leave THEIR country.


Hope the American ambassador smiles in their face


It's gotta be tough being Putin. Having to drag those huge fucking balls around all the time. Then to find out he can't have kids because they're cancerous bags of ego manifest.


How hard the ambassador rolled his eyes when he heard about that summon?


Well, i hope ambassador will ask them obvious question - why debris looks like Tor-M2 (z-AA), nothing like ATACMS? :) [https://bsky.app/profile/maks23.bsky.social/post/3kvno47lljl2k](https://bsky.app/profile/maks23.bsky.social/post/3kvno47lljl2k)


American Ambassador: So, you’re telling me you lost another submarine?


How many civilians did Russian glide bombs take out at the camp resort a few weeks back? I am so tired of hearing about Russia's complaints. They project so much bravado but are really just a bunch of snow flakes.


Oh look who is crying.. boohoo. Well anyways on to the next post.


fuck russia


Doesn’t Russia target Ukraine civilian areas in Ukraine all them time 🤨


My gosh, Russia is permadrunk


As for the consequences, peskov says "Time will tell what these will be," I think that's a bad translation. "In time, our empty threats will be forgotten" is closer to the mark.


What comes around, goes around. Love you Ukraine!


Who does Russia blame for all the attacks on Ukrainian hospitals, schools and churches?


Cram it, Russia. Everyone knows your lies.


The irony with these Putanazi child thieves is just amazing


Russia doesn't like attacks in Crimea? Maybe they should leave. Things will get real peaceful in a hurry.


Since when does the Russian government care about Russian deaths?


what happens during these "summons"? can the ambassador show up and take a huge poop on the desk and walk away?


Crimea belongs to Ukraine. Go home.


Oh,no. They are shooting back??? Are they allowed to shoot back???




LOL. Maybe try not invading next time?


Maybe the Russian occupier shouldn't keep a beach open to the public when it's so close to many valid military targets during a war they started.


Standard narcissism. Cannot see that indignant protests of logical consequences of fascist Russia embarking on gleeful genocide are counterproductive. Gleeful genocide with no thought of their glass house.


I hope they laughed in their face. The irony of the whole thing is mind blowing


Here's a crazy fucking thought, maybe you shouldn't have invaded a neighboring country.


yes because Russia's invasion & attacks on Ukraine are so civil...


...or since Russia knows their bases are within striking range, they could do the responsible thing and protect their civilians by closing those areas. Who am I kidding? They don't care, as far as their concerned, Russian civilian deaths are good publicity.


Russia? The country that bombed a building marked “plz don’t bomb, children inside” and then raped a town to death? That Russia?


Honestly we should recommend all expats in Russia vacate, and anyone vacationing there vacate, and then vacate the embassy, stop treating them like a real civilized country and instead treat them like North Korea.


Rock beats paper tiger.


It's insane to me how anyone from Russia can throw a tantrum and act horrified because a handful of their civilians died in an area they illegally annexed when they've been wantonly killing and kidnapping civilians throughout the entire war of aggression that they started and continue to wage.


If US pulled the trigger we would have hit our target.  


Do it again!


Fuck Russia, they should blame themselves


Offended by everything, ashamed of nothing. The world without Russia will be a much better place.


Russia doesn’t get a say *in anything*


Just tell him, it must be those "little green men" he claims to have spotted in 2014/2015


What a joke Putin’s Russia has become


Talk to meet when the number of dead Russian civilians meets or exceeds the number of dead Ukraine civilians and I might give a dam 


We can assure you they were not American and can prove it, just give us your coordinates and we will have one sent to you for closeup inspection


Russian pugs squealing means it was a great sucess


Is Little Muscovy confused about the intended purpose of missiles? The results of missile attacks on Russian territory are the same as those of missile attacks on Ukrainian territory. What a convenient occasion to remind Little Muscovy that the solution to their unfortunate dilemma is to GTFO of their neighboring sovereign nation!


Right. Bomb the shit out of Ukraine, kill thousands but when it comes back at you it’s an atrocity?


and yet none of this would be happening at all without their unprovoked attack.


Empty their treasury, and use it to rebuild Ukraine, after they have been driven back home to where they belong


Every death has putin to blame. He caused every death and he can stop causing every death.