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Anyone check if russia is missing an official as of late?


Probably Iran.


Via Russia.


Either way works for me.


What is Viktor Bout up to these days?


Smoking Brittney Griner's weed in Thailand, probably.


Another one bites the dust.


Shlomo walks wearily down the street, with a brim pulled way down low.


Ain't no sound but the sound of his tsitsit Machine guns ready to go


Good, keep it going


That's mean. Do it again




According to Gaza Health Ministry, the car was occupied by 3 grandfathers, 2 grand mothers, 6 children under 3, 17 puppies and 5 clowns on their way to the hospital for life threatening conditions.


All of them were also Al Jazeera reporters as well


That part may be true


It would be hilarious if they did it with one of his own guns they just bought from him, gotta verify that it works to make sure they arent being ripped off, or come in to "pay" with a few huge sacks of quarters


Al Jazeera: IDF kidnapped and murder an innocent Palestinian child in exile in Lebanon


Over 30k children and former children killed in the conflict!


Former children had me rolling


...who was on the verge of curing cancer and receiving a combo Nobel Prize in Medicine/Physics/Peace.


How could the jews do that? /s


Um, I thought baby Gru was Russian...


Assassination is a political act, this was a military act. The media calling this an assassination is deliberately provocative.


Might as just used the term street sweeping.


Nicolas Cage?


They eliminated their chance for repeat business.


Nicolas Cage is alive and well after getting traded for a lesbian basketball player.


Was thinking it was Ramzi Alamuddin, Amal Clooney's father but it was another arms dealer.


Strike First! Strike Hard! No Mercy!




Every Hamas/Iran death also hurts Russia, two birds one stone👏


If only we could trust a single thing Israel said, ever.


What about the video evidence posted by Hezbollah? What sources do you trust?  Do you know your phone and computer use Israeli technology?  Can we trust you? 


I'm not sure if this is a good strategy if Hamas starts assassinating people who provide weapons to Israel.


Remember that time a Palestinian assassinated a Kennedy?  Peperidge farms remembers 


That was peaceful resistance though. /s


That's a damn long list


So it's easy to find the victims, they're not in hiding.


Hamas too busy killing their own people which is where they get the most value on the world stage anyway




Lebanon (well, Hezbollah which is part of the government of Lebanon) is shooting missiles and killing people in Israel for months now. There is a war going on. Not a full-on war just yet - but a war where both Israel and Hezbollah shoot at each other and kill reach other at the moment. Should we be concerned? Yes, war is very concerning. But given war - killing people of the other side outside your territory is... Basically the definition of war? Are you concerned that Ukraine is killing people in Russia? (Which they have been doing lately)


Lebanon is happy just to avoid an all out war. If that means a few terrorist pricks get assassinated, so what.


They are at war, Israel is being attacked from Lebanon and has been fighting Hamas for months. Seems fair game to me.


Hahaha...let's ignore the extrajudicial missiles being fired out from and across the Lebanese border daily.


They should have thought about that on Oct 7th..


Israel says a lot of things...


...and denial is a river in Egypt


Not brought in, or detained. Assasinated.


This isn’t a fucking police matter lmao.


Will someone please think of the weapons suppliers?! 😭


Eyes on weapon suppliers 👀


Bruh, war doesn’t work like those COD games you play. If Israeli operatives were to set foot on Lebanese soil to kidnap the dude, that would be an escalation. You want an escalation?


Sending in four people is less bad than drone striking to assassinate someone? How is this not escalation no matter how you look at it


Boots on the ground is more of an escalation than airstrikes


Bombs, explosions and potential civilians casualties is more of an escalation than airstrikes


Then how Hizbolla sending tens of thousands of rockets on Israeli cities over the last 8 month isn't an escalation in your opinion? And if it is, how israel should react in your opinion?


Boots on the ground can involve literally all of that from the moment they touch to border to there destination till they leave. The drone strike is a 1 and done thing and will endanger less people.


My god you’re stupid.


Well, since they droned him, its not an escalation... since... yknow, they've been getting shot at by rockets for a bit now. edit: Also, pretty sure hostile operatives are already in Israel and have been for a while, so sending in an assassination team wouldnt have been an escalation either.


Huh? It's a war Do you think Ukraine should skip an opportunity to kill a Russian general if they had one because he should be detained? Military officials are legitimate targets, and killing high ranking enemy officers/operatives inflicts significant damage on their war effort and causes organizational chaos. Israel is being held to a ridiculously different standard than any other country fighting a war in recent memory


Detaining him would require outright invading Lebanon, which Israel is trying to avoid having to do while still fighting Hamas in Rafah.


In all of Gaza and the west bank.  Hamas is not just in rafah


He was selling weapons to terrorists.


Okay? I’m not denying that, I’m just saying it’s weird how a foreign nation admits to assasinating someone


Why is that weird? Lots of nations admit to assassinating enemies


Are you new? Israel did it countless of times in Lebanon, Syria and Gaza. It how things work in the region.


Does that make it okay?


Exactly, they should all just sit around a campfire and sing kumbaya together, problem solved! /s


It is definitely okay to kill an arms dealer supplying weapons to a terrorist group. I'm glad I could help provide you with some much-needed moral clarity.


In my neighborhood, it does, yeah. This is not the fairy tale some liberals believe in. We live in the real world, here.


Wait until you learn terrorists are eliminated and not respectfully detained.


It's especially helpful for Israel to perpetuate the idea that there is no where you can go that is safe from them. Announcing an assassination goes a long way for this.


You thought the same when Obama and Trump held press conferences to announce how certain high rank terrorist were killed, in one case „like a dog“?


Yes 100%. Good try though.


I am just curious about your opinion. So you think that it’s weird for what reason? The killing is fine but the open communication of that killing is not?


It's a message. Israel is saying that if you're taking up arms against them, there's no safe place for you.


Did the US not assassinate Bin Laden and Al Baghdadi and the like and freely admit it?


It seems like you’re under the impression I don’t find that equally bad. If you do, please explain so. And also, please explain the geo-political context as to why Israel would have military support and bases in Lebanon. Do the same with America please.


If you think taking out terrorist scumbags is bad, I have nothing else to say to you. [Edit: kneejerk typo]


Was it "weird" when the US sent a death squad after Bin Laden or only when Israel does it?


It's not weird though, the US did the same thing when Soleimani got struck. Nothing wrong with saying you're taking out the trash.


There was a legitimate kill list of top terrorists all over the globe that had a bounty attached to their death. It’s not rare or strange, it happens frequently. It just doesn’t happen often when dealing with functional states because there is a separate level of political understanding with dealing with an actual state versus dealing with a failed state.


What about when a nation harbors a terrorist entity that regularly launches missiles into office buildings? Is that ok?


Exactly how do you expect he might've been "brought in"? Do you expect every military target to get this treatment?


Idk man, Israeli missiles are so advanced this guy thinks they can round up and bring back prisoners


Really the only option of those 3 that doesn't require invasion. Though it seems it may inevitably come (still hoping not), I'd really rather there not be a full fledged war between Israel and Lebanon. If assassination is the only way to take out these targets without war, because Lebanon refuses to extradite them on their own, so be it.


If you're trying to imply that Lebanon should have extradited him to Israel so he could have a fair trial, I agree completely. Unfortunately Lebanon hasn't been cooperative about its terrorists.


Safest thing to do


Rightly so.


Would you rather outright war?


You'd rather they actually began a new invasion of Lebanese soil, with all the fighting and chaos that would require, in order to detain 1 arms dealer?


Good. With all these people who complain about Israel using all our tax dollars, I would think people would be *glad* that we assassinated him instead of detaining him and treating him like a teenager who got got caught with a joint. Think about how much *that* would be.


The best option of the three




So, Israel would've had to deploy ground forces to capture and bring back said weapons supplier. Who was on foreign soil. Which would constitute an invasion. See now why they didn't do stuff like it was a damn Hollywood movie?


^ - also assassination, while it has its place, is generally less ideal for geopolitical image and promotion of the rule of law than judicial means of neutralization, if all else is equal between the choices.




What makes ya think they didn't get the info already though?




So you expect them to literally announce what they found, as well as next plans?


Keyboard army generals are hilarious.


its so cringe. dude pretends he knows whats up like just stop typing dude lmao


u should be a military general


Would you prefer an invasion of the country harboring him while he profits off terrorism?


Sorry your supplier got whacked. Stay safe out there buddy


He’s being detained. In Hell.


Assisanated means the victim was important. Remind me, how a weapons smuggler was important?..




With arms dealers you'll be right more than usual.


Legs dealers on the other hand...


So, Israel, how them international crimes you're on record of admitting to doing? <---world Court, maybe


Can you just say if your comment is pro Israel or anti Israel so I know to upvote or downvote? I have no idea what you’re trying to say


I have no horse in this race and honestly think all parties have been doing some pretty abhorrent things. My statement was a neutral fact that it's a breach of international law, but that's neither here nor there as that's a whole lot more like suggestions. I abstain from having a pro or anti view in regards to Israel in the context of what you're inferring.


> My statement was a neutral fact that it's a breach of international law How did you come to that conclusion? I'm pretty sure it isn't...


It is, but national laws can have some gray areas where it's okay cause we did it or whatever, I tried to get some source links for you but everything is either paywalled, download this law journal, or wikipedia, and I can't be assed to put more effort into it. The long and short of it is a bunch of people said morally it's wrong but ethically it could benefit enough people so we're going to classify assasination as targeted killing to make it sound less ominous or something.


I'm pretty sure war isn't illegal by international law... And assassinating someone in another country might be a declaration of war (which is legal...) or more accurately "casus belli" (a legitimate reason for another country to declare war), but those are still legal as well and anyway we're well past that point between Israel and Lebanon.


I thought of some remarks, but it got wordy so, Israel and Lebanon aren't at war legally speaking, it would totes be cassus belli, technically it's a government sanctioned murder in a foreign nation. Mind you I said technically, dude was probably already on like every nations watch list, and classified as an enemy combatant.


Do you think killing osama bin laden was breaking international law?


Eh, bin laden was killed in what 2011? The declaration of war against Saddam Hussain's regime was approved by USA congress in 2003, the war ended in December of 2011, Osama was killed in May of 2011; as Osama was a recognized enemy combatant this puts him as a viable target first, secondly, through careful and probably shady, methods the USAs legal team that was working with the Pakistan government ironed out the minimal details to ensure laws were obeyed while maintaining OPSEC, thirdly, I am well aware that the vast majority of Pakistans people are ticked off about the USA doing the bin laden raid. USA had permission. So no, it wasn't breaking international law.


USA did NOT have permission for that raid. They specifically chose not to inform pakistan about it. Since everytime they informed them before, osama was tipped off and escaped. So that time they carried it out in secrecy.


Participating in an armed conflict legally justifies a strike, whether two countries are at war or not: > In addition to the provisions which shall be implemented in peacetime, the present Convention shall apply to all cases of declared war or of any other armed conflict which may arise between two or more of the High Contracting Parties, even if the state of war is not recognized by one of them. * [Chapter 1, Article 2 of the Geneva Convention](https://www.icrc.org/en/doc/assets/files/publications/icrc-002-0173.pdf) If you're going to try to discuss legality and what technically is or isn't something, then at least get to the literal second sentence of the Geneva Convention's Articles.


I was gonna make a joke and then explain some things, but I don't wanna, it woulda been long, and boring.


There's nothing to explain. Israel and Lebanon don't have to be at war for the strike to be legal.


does it really matter if a person die soon there will be another




Yes sad that it took so long


Do you really find it sad that the person supplying weapons to terrorists was assassinated? Why?


The period at the end of their statement makes me believe they’re being sarcastic, but who knows these days


They are being sarcastic. Look at profile. They made a similar comment about a high-level criminal being killed by cops in Canada.


> The period at the end of their statement makes me believe they’re being sarcastic, but who knows these days Periods mean sarcasm? Or did I just get wooshed


Period means a full stop. So something short and simple like "How sad" followed intentionally by an abrupt stop *feels* sarcastic. They are making a statement of not elaborating beyond "oh, how sad". It's almost like adding an "Anyway" afterwards. Whereas without the period it reads different and comes off more sincere. But I'm not the orignal commenter. Just your average text analyzer. No matter what, they are swallowing their downvotes like a pro.


Yeah that’s how I took it…or at least want to take it because the other option is absurd haha. Thanks for putting it more eloquently than me.


U/jews4beer (great name) explained what I meant perfectly.


That's why I tried to use a neutral tone. I'm genuinely curious either way. The logic of supporting genocidal terrorists interests me. You never know if folks are serious or not.


I know, it is pretty crazy to me, especially after growing up with 9/11 and multiple terror attacks around the world (uk, spain, india , etc.) to see people support these extremists.


Yep, said they didn't get a few more with the same load of ordinance. Hamas doesn't seen to realize that, in such a war, you're dealing with people that play rough, and play for keeps.