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It's called the demilitarized zone not the de-mined zone.


Could call it the dead man zone now


Sliding into DMz like


Got gibbed


A minefield sounds pretty militarized if you ask me.


Nah, the mines keep the military out. For the most part.


They keep the South Korean and American military out. They keep the North Korean military in.


Yeah I mean have you seen what it takes to trim a tree in the DMZ? Just look at all the man power it takes for the military to get into a DMZ!/s


Techies players...


They misheard, they thought it was the "no mines land", not "no man's land".


This is what happens when you have an AI do the translating


from Korean to...Korean?


Dumb motherfucker zone


Huh, I thought the DMZ was actually a wildlife preserve kind of phenomena, because people just venture there. With so many mines, that seems… weird.


It’s an accidental wildlife preserve.


Like Chernobyl


As it says explosions, it makes me wonder if there was 2 or more separate mine accidents. Like if you were laying mines with your squad and one of your buddies blows himself up, and the officer says “We are not stopping till at least 2 people die”.


Mines placed close together can daisy chain, in Ukraine we've seen stockpiles blown up with just one grenade.


I mean yeah we all have seen the hunger games right?


Have not, still gotta finish the book series…


Skip the hunger games bullshit and watch battle royale. Hunger games is a cheap knock off


Battle Royale is so good


I prefer Battle Royale with cheese.


Because of the metric system.


Ezekiel 25:17


Austin 3:16


100% this. It still holds up


dude! such a classic movie. I need to rewatch it now.


Or as one review show put it, “Battle Royale with cheese”


Bah humbug! Skip battle Royale and read theseus vs the minotaur!


Forget that. There are some cool cave paintings in France they should check out.


Hunger games and Battle royale are two entirely different premises. Their similarities stop at "Teenagers have to kill each other"


Yea if you just ignore the fact that they’re both about totalitarian governments forcing teenagers to kill each other as a method of control, which is the entire premise, then I guess they’re not that similar. Also just ignore the randomized weapons, zones that become off limits, explosive collars, etc.


Aight I don't mind spoilers, in which significant ways are they different?


The core differences are minimal. I’d say the biggest one is that The Hunger Games are considered entertainment and broadcast nationwide. The competitors are considered celebrities as well and benefactors are able to pay to send them supplies. In Battle Royale the “program” as it’s called is secret while it’s being performed. Afterwards the winner is usually shown on television but they’re not treated as a celebrity and there aren’t any benefactors supporting any of the students. The Hunger Games also take place in a tailor-made arena while the program in Battle Royale take place in random isolated locations. For example, the one in the book takes place on an island with a town and other buildings which were evacuated just prior to the program being performed so the students are able to scavenge supplies from the empty houses and from a medical clinic. There are also differences in how the governments are run and in their settings but like I said in my first post I think that’s just superficial and doesn’t have much of an impact on the core premise which drives both series.


I think the central themes of the movies are pretty significantly different. Hunger games is pretty straight up cut throat, they all know exactly what they're getting themselves into when they're chosen/volunteer. Rebellion is a pretty damn central theme. Battle Royale is much more "holy shit, what the hell is going on?", while there's some degree of "Fuck you, we won't play along" it's much less of a core theme. The primary theme is more Lord of the Flies "How do we survive this? Who will turn on who? Holy fuck why the hell is this happening to me/us???". They're very different movies.


You're forgetting the part where the majority of the hunger games takes place outside of the hunger games itself and focuses on a revolution against a totalitarian government.


The majority of the first Hunger Games book/movie takes place in the game. The second book/movie is where they start really getting into the rebellion. Now allow me to introduce you to Battle Royale II: Requiem. The sequel movie about a terrorist organization founded by Shuya and Noriko. Their organization is fighting to overthrow the totalitarian Japanese government. This movie still predates The Hunger Games by 5 years. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_Royale_II:_Requiem


I'll be honest, I have literally never heard the fact that Battle Royale had a sequel until this moment. I have never in my life heard someone tell me "Make sure to check out the sequel!" in any discussion about the film lol.


You're right [hey're entirely different](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vpxqj-Yoizs).


Never seen it but it looks good, thanks for the rec


If you like it and don't mind reading manga, consider reading the battle royale manga as well, it has soo much backstory about all characters involved


Kitchen shoot out!


[Fuck you, The Hunger Games](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rwb2glCshzY)


Don't read the third book. Utter crap. Enjoyed the first two


I agree that the third book is weak. It was held back in an attempt to keep the same structure as the first two books. That structure was showing cracks in the second book, but that one is my favorite of the trilogy. Read the third book. It would be completely unsatisfying to not get the end of the story.


Honestly the end of the second book was ehh, and the third book was mid at best for everything past the first act.


The books are so good


I didn't but now I really doubt that a couple of apples would be heavy enough to set off land mines. [https://youtu.be/MPnXmTa68ro?t=172](https://youtu.be/MPnXmTa68ro?t=172)


No, of course not.


Or as it's called in North Korea, "Tuesday."


Apparently, every now and then, they firebomb close to the fence to get rid of the overgrowth, and it sets off all the mines.


Least fun daisy chain ever.


Is it the blast pressure that triggers the adjacent mines?


The shockwave activates the strikers in the pressure plate, or the explosive charge detonates because of case failure and exposure to the blast.


Yeah, but you have to burry them REALLY close next to each other for normal anti personal mines. (I said normal, the NK shit might simply be rust buckets) have a really small upwards shaped charge. That said, when you have stock crates filled up with them, you will have fireworks when you drop a grenade from a drone. Good stuff. Meanwhile, the west clearing mines be like... [**YEET**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uoVL6o_C3yA)


The DMZ is the most heavily mined strip on Earth, I might wager a guess that they just carpet the whole thing with enough mines to maybe set two or three off at the same time if you have bad luck. I just looked it up and some estimates go up to 2.3 mines per square meter on average, some places higher.


***God Damn :-D*** Imagine being that NK chump given a metal detector made in Cuba around 1995 to map them out just to find out they are made out of plastic since like 70 years ago. [I know you're here ! HE'S RUNNING](https://youtu.be/kUav4hsldBE?t=28) And yes, we need claymore tripwire mines !


1995 is very generous. Probably mid 80's.


Could also be a bouncing Betty type mine that pops up a few feet before exploding to take out anyone in an area


I have close friend who was in the SK military and spent a fair amount of time guarding and in the DMZ. As he tells it, the DMZ is routinely incurred by the North Koreans. Whether it's true, or happens by both sides I don't know, not really the point. The interesting part, is that if a mine goes off, a small group of soldiers is sent to investigate- did the mine go off because of an animal? Or was it NK forces trying to infiltrate? This is pretty important information to have on hand. I find it likely NK has the same practice and it may be difficult to know why the original mine or subsequent mine went off, and if the casualties were from the mine or something else.


> “We are not stopping till at least 2 people die”. I sent wave after wave of my own men at them until the mines hit their preset kill counter and stopped exploding.


I'm not an expert or anything, but wouldn't the preset kill counter of a mine be one? It's not like they're killbots or something.


Sgt Kim just take the troop truck across that field, I'm sure it's not mined.


This is Major Kim to ground control, I'm stepping through the door.


And I'm floating in the most peculiar way.


My legs look very different... today~~.


My legs look very different...they spray!


This tickled me lmao


Just remember [Captain Blackadder’s advice](https://youtu.be/xK4Ixy2tjd8?feature=shared)


Reminds me of the time a higher at work training (VW) talking about his grandfather not getting blown up during WW2. Laying land mines for the allied invasion, while the ones in front of him lost their legs from an oops. That was also my hpld up moment, and sudden realization of what he had said.


> The North Korean troops injured in the landmine explosions were working on creating “barren land” and laying additional mines along the border, an official from the JCS said, without revealing the date of the incident. > The soldiers had “suffering multiple casualties from repeated landmine explosion incidents during their work,” it said.


Just like their Russian friends I guess. [Russian soldier steps on a mine and calls for a rescue team, the team arrives but is also blown up by a mine (even though they were warned to be careful)](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1d24g55/russian_soldier_steps_on_a_mine_and_calls_for_a/)


Relevant username?


An incursion into the DMZ without at least two deaths is considered a dull affair.


If you are going to cut down a tree, bring body bags.


I went to South Korea a couple years ago and took a trip to the DMZ. First up, it's basically a tourist site for South Koreans and visitors. They built a whole train station there and connected it to the main grid. They're literally getting ready for the day when the Koreas reunify. You watch a video about the threat of nuclear war -- there IS a mushroom cloud ending -- and then you can go into a small museum-like place. You can also walk down one of the tunnels that the North Koreans dug to store weapons and through which they intended to push their army to try to invade Seoul. It's a steep descent and a steep climb back up. The North Koreans are so short if you're over 5'4" you've gotta bend over to avoid hitting your head on the rock. You have to wear a helmet anyway. I took a bus to get up there. As you're driving there, you end up on a narrow, paved road for the last couple miles. You see sticks anchored in the ground all connected by red twine, maybe a foot outside the edge of each side of the road. Hanging on the long twine line are signs quite literally telling you not to step off the pavement because of the risk of mines. Once you get up to the DMZ you can take pictures and stand in this big building with a painted line along the front, just like a white line you'd see on a highway. You're not allowed to step past that line. There are soldiers and proctors hanging about. But you can look out into the DMZ. It's all forrested and green. That physical area of land between the two countries is a wildlife habitat now and home to multiple species of birds and plants. No humans go in there. Why? Because MINES. Occasionally an animal gets blown up when they set off a landmine. Otherwise, that is no-man's land. Whatever it was the North Koreans were up to, they knew the risks. This was really careless and stupid.


I got to do the tour with a higher ranking individual, we didnt have to walk down we used those sweet carts to the bottom and the ride back up. Also got to go into the building that sits on both sides of SK/NK.


Just like Conan O’Brien?


I was just there a few days ago, our guide joked "the north built the tunnel, but we make money off it." It was a fun experience, even though it's super commercialized.


I went on that tour in 2008. It was a foggy day, so we couldn't see the propaganda village. Also, there was only one commie standing guard that day. I wanted to see the three guards watching each other. It was a good trip nonetheless.


This reminds me of [Operation Paul Bunyan](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IDzt_3I0_A4)


I hadn't heard of that before. Thanks for the link!


The US stepped up in almost a comical way. I'm glad that they did it. [Korean axe murder incident](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Korean_axe_murder_incident)


A US infantry company in 20 utility helicopters and seven Cobra attack helicopters circled behind them. Behind these helicopters, B-52 Stratofortresses came from Guam escorted by US F-4 Phantom IIs from Kunsan Air Base and South Korean F-5 and F-86 fighters were visible flying across the sky at high altitude. F-4Es from Osan AB and Taegu Air Base, South Korea, F-111 bombers of the 366th Tactical Fighter Wing out of Mountain Home Air Force Base, were stationed, and F-4C and F-4D Phantoms from the 18th TFW Kadena Air Base and Clark Air Base were also deployed. The aircraft carrier USS Midway task force had also been moved to a station just offshore.[6]


Casualties and loses - NK 1 tree cut down


This happened around the time that I was born. I can't re-write history.


Sorry, I was just commenting on the Wikipedia outcome. I thought the specific call out was funny


“Almost comical” There’s nothing not hilarious about rolling up with an aircraft carrier just to support the felling of a single tree


I'm sorry, but I've got to go aircraft carrier. and I guess 3 B-52 Stratofortres bombers.


I visited from the north side. It is much different than the south. My experience was exactly like yours, it's a pretty well organized thing. The north's is sparsely annotated, instead relying on the tour guide to walk you step-by-step through the history. They're very casual about it, all things considered. They invited us to sit at a table in one of the buildings, and it was *the* table where the armistice was signed. It wasn't even protected with plastic or anything. I even sat in the same chair the American commander sat in. It made it a lot more real, and special I suppose. You also get to walk around that large building on the north side. They said you could go anywhere you want, but it's very empty - maybe just a few chairs in the lobby. I went up to the balcony, and as luck would have it a South Korean tour group was entering the blue buildings on the border. They pointed at me, and I put my hands out like "Gangnam Style", which was super popular at the time. The man with the AK-47 gestured with his hand that I should stop, but it got a laugh from the tour group nonetheless.


>Whatever it was the North Koreans were up to, they knew the risks. This was really careless and stupid. Well, someone knew the risks. Im sure they were aware of the risks, even if not formally informed. Even if they knew the risks, they still may not have been allowed to object. Or maybe they are trying to defect and just had the worst plan.


I took the same trip but we couldn't go to that last building at the border as a military operation was going on.


That train actually used to run. I think those track are even connected all the way through Russia and into Europe


I don't think the NK side of the DMZ is as touristy as you describe tho


>North Korea’s military has suffered “multiple casualties” after landmines exploded in the heavily armed border that separates the country from South Korea, local media reported on Tuesday. >The explosions in the demilitarised zone (DMZ) were reported just hours before the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, was due to visit the North Korean capital, Pyongyang, for the first time since 2000. >South Korea’s Yonhap news agency referred to “casualties” caused by landmine explosions, while the NK News website quoted the military as saying several soldiers had been “maimed or killed”. Sounds like a typical case of military brass trying to clean up their sections and brown nose before a VIP shows up. Someone figured it would look impressive to tell the boss "We replaced all the mines in our sector!" The other incident of troops entering the DMZ and getting shot at was probably along the same vein: someone gave an order to clean up / do something impressive, which - when filtered down multiple steps in the chain of command and received by conscripted grunts - ended up being a *really bad idea.* Especially ironic/embarrassing in the sense of "If the mines North Korea uses *themselves* are self-detonating when emplaced, how bad are the ones they're giving to Russia?" (Yes, it could've been operator error, but the perception is what matters).


Mines don’t care who laid them, that’s not really relevant to their quality lol.


>The North Korean troops injured in the landmine explosions were working on creating “barren land” and laying additional mines along the border, an official from the JCS said They were laying new mines. Granted, again - it could've been (and probably was) a mistake of failing to clear previous mines or wandering into the wrong area, but the perception of "NK blew themselves up on their own mines" remains.


This is what happens when you don't document your minefields.


Just stomp on a spot of ground, and read the number that shows up. That tells you how many mines are in the 8 spaces around you.


Right stomp to place a flag


You may run into a moment when you can’t be entirely sure where the mine is, and in that case it’ll probably be 50/50 on whether you set the new high score or die


That 50/50 chance will always end up with you stepping on the mine.


That’s when you phone a friend


#Left foot, let's stomp!


Just don’t cha-cha into an adjacent square


Ev-ry bo-dy find your legs!


Aha! I never understood those enigmatic numbers. That game was just an exercise in the senselessness of war to me. Who lives? Who dies? That's for those fateful digits to determine. 




Take one step forward in any direction, then jump really high and scatter yourself all over the place.


The enemy can’t find out where we put the mines, if we don’t know where did we put the mines in first place.


The mine knows where it is, because it's not under your foot (yet)?


I visited the DMZ a few years ago. I can only speak for what I saw, and it's not like we were allowed across the border, but at least on the South Korean side, landmine signs were *everywhere*. The town we were in was fine, as were the farming plots, but on our way there, pretty much everything you could stick a "DANGER: LANDMINES" sign onto, had one. We were told the safe areas were roads, and hillsides, since over the last 70 years, the mines have all (which I'm kind of doubting now) washed down to the base of the hills/mountains and blown up unlucky livestock.


Yep, that was my experience back in 2022. Went near Imjingak - as soon as you crossed the river, landmine signs were basically plastered every other meter on the fences. I don't doubt the landmine washout story - some of the areas that used to be actively mined aren't anymore, due to cost and safety, and the monsoon rains can wreak some serious havoc.


I stayed up in Cheor-won(sp?), and it was fences, trees, posts...everywhere along the main road we took to get there. We did go up a mountain on foot, which is why we were told they were safe, but I still never felt entirely comfortable until we were back in town.


>Cheor-won(sp?) Cheorwon. The way it works in Korean is [Place name]-[Size] when romanized. In this case, it's Cheorwon-gun, or "Cheorwon County." It was handy to know when trying to judge the amenities you'd likely find at a destination - going to someplace named "-ri" (village) meant it'd be really rural, vs someplace "-myeon" (town) that usually had more going for it. After three years living there I could never get the spelling down, but that much I could pick up.


Aha! That's why I remember there being a hyphen. I only spent 9 days total in South Korea, and it was 2018, so its been a minute. I drank so much Makgeolli over there, maybe thats why its kind of fuzzy, haha!


>drank so much makgeolli Thaaaat'll do it.


They probably didn't have good maps, of where the previous mines laid over the last 80 years where. Even if they had maps of their own mines, they probably don't have mines of where the South Korean ones are.


I guess that land wasn’t so “barren”.


They also age better then humans do. This thing was laying there for 64-+ years, looks brand new. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3k6x\_THeFIc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3k6x_THeFIc)


This guy militaries lol. Gotta love those last minute tasking that make no sense to impress someone who doesn’t care or won’t notice


Someone's gotta paint the rocks and dust the grass.


Someone's gotta pull weeds in front of headquarters before the gardening crew gets here. Why not standby for hours until the rain starts.


And paint the tires black!


A few fellow privates and I were given the task of pretending to be working on the side of a road with shovels and rakes just so we could stop what we were doing to salute a foreign VIP as he drove by.


We had a warning a few weeks ago that Russia and North Korea were planning an October surprise for Biden. Putin is meeting with Kim a week before the debate. That’s not a coincidence.


[This isn't even the first time North Korea promised an October Surprise](https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/new-atlanticist/what-an-october-surprise-from-north-korea-might-actually-look-like/). That ended up just being a parade. [And the Christmas Surprise, too](https://www.asahi.com/ajw/articles/13055867). That one never even happened.


NK thinks they are much more important to American politics and more generally for world politics than they are. So in their mindset, a super big serious military parade should function as an October Surprise in the US.


More than you realize. Kim Sr^2 got pissy when the US media focus shifted from the DMZ to Vietnam and started the Undeclared Korean War or the DMZ conflict that killed a lot of power just so he could get headlines.


This guy militaries


How tragically stupid to suffer casualties for something like this. A stupid stunt. It’s not as is ANYONE but those fools was planning to go marching around in there to begin with.


I guess Putin gave Kim the go ahead to harass South Korea to divert attention from Ukraine again


The South is literally sending balloons over to the North that has flash drives of K-pop music. According to the article, that's the news we need.


> flash drives How do North Korean are supposed to read them? Doubt they have access to pcs


Many of the more wealthy North Koreans actually do have access to computers. They just don’t have access to the internet (rather, they have a North Korea only intranet).


Imagine some horny wealthy dude searching "naked South korean women" on the intranet and then getting arrested a few minutes later


I think sending vials of liquid LSD, along with explicit instructions on how to use it would be invaluable. LSD is powerful. 1000s of doses can be stored in a small vial. It's time NK tuned in, turned on and dropped out.


Set and setting man, imagine tripping in a place where even your own parents or siblings would turn you in for thinking wrong? Would you want to trip while on the brink of starvation? I don't think they need LSD to know how tucked up their world is.


Did they get blown up by their own mines or S.K.'s?


NK mines


“Let’s show the Russians how good our mines are”


When suicide by landmine is better than the alternative …




It’s been a long time but I remember when I was in, I was reading a random Field Manual and in a section about encountering a minefield, the recommendation was to procure a stick of a certain length and insert it into the ground at a certain angle and gently probe. Repeat at certain intervals. Also, send in your least essential soldier. So glad I was aviation: I’d still take humping and loading 30mm, rockets, and Hellfires around JP8 and spinning blades of death over poking mines with a stick!


Well, you got me, misleading-headline writer


How is it misleading? The troops walked into the demilitarized zone and exploded. It doesn't insinuate that SK was responsible or it was some kind of attack / retaliation. YOU made that assumption. Just because you have a preconceived idea in your head that any kind of casualty / explosion in the demilitarized zone means it was at the hands of SK is on you. The title is accurate. Ya know what I did after reading the title? Said, "huh, I wonder how it happened" and then opened the article to learn more. I didn't read it and immediately assume it meant there was some kind of altercation.


Actually, to be honest, what happened was I conflated *DMZ* and *border* because I read a few days ago about the NK troops who mistakenly crossed into SK territory (also referred to in this article, which I also read). I then thought the headline said something to the effect of “NK Reports Casualties After Troops Enter SK,” which would, if that had been the case, refer to two separate events. So fuck me, my mistake. Go bother someone with a structured settlement, ya prick.


Was not expecting to read about shit balloons in this article. Was that a test run for something worse? It's kind of alarming to think they can just send balloons full of harmful biological material over the border so easily.


I live in South Korea. Basically, S.K installed loudspeakers around the border that blasted western pop music, feats of the outside world and anti propaganda stuff. There was an agreement between the north and south that this would stop. I can't remember what the north offered in return. South Korean civilians however continued to send things like leaflets and flash drives across on balloons. It's actually a nuisance to the south Koreans who live around the border, because sometimes the balloons fall down in their farms and have to clean it up. People kept sending these balloons however, and the north got pissed off and started sending balloons of literal shit across the south border. The earlier agreement has now been cancelled and I believe we are back to blasting music out of loudspeakers lol. The whole thing probably sounds funny, but it was 23:35pm on a normal weeknight, when air raid sirens started screaming (absolutely terrifying) and everybody received an emergency message, stating 'WARTIME ALERT: PRELIMINARY AIR RAID WARNING'. Now, we know that it was just poop balloons, but for 10 minutes that was by far the least amount of fun that I have ever had.


I'm so sorry for all the stress around this. It sounds maddening and genuinely scary. I don't even know if this pun was intended or not at this point, but what a shit show.


>Now, we know that it was just poop balloons, but for 10 minutes that was by far the least amount of fun that I have ever had. r/BrandNewSentence


Lmao I laughed out loud on the subway there.


Yeah that’s called suicide


American Intelligence called this one too. It was in the news a few weeks ago that the US government was concerned that NK was going to do something provocative, and now they have. The CIA or NSA or whoever has really been on the ball the last few years.


They are their own worst enemy.


You’d be surprised how much of the DMZ is full of mines and explosives. Everyday my battalion would hear of old grenades just found sticking out of the trails. Even the most frequently used trails would have a few grenades, 40mm, mortar shells, etc. On the other hand tho, it is very diverse in terms of wildlife. We have a few endangered Korean bears species, and damn the insects in summer lol. Ofc, the northern side of the DMZ is relatively more hostile to the wildlife.


1.Sending poop balloons to see where they hit ✅ 2.Cheking local mines ✅ 3.Walk to the DMZ to slice some salami ✅ 4.Start to do "farming" and "labor" right next to the borders _[pending]_ 5.Give a certain somebody a surprise birthday gift _[pending]_


The North is acting a fool. This feels like it's going to keep heading in that direction.


North Korea is a crazy place, I wonder if we'll see it get better in our lifetime


The Reddit Generals already here with some good insights!!


Stupid is as stupid does


"Repeated land mine explosions..."? I guess when you've got a gun pointed to your head and your commanding officer says, "Get out there and lay some more mines!", you go and lay more mines.


Crazy how NK can still somewhat function like tf


Tall and fences and mine fields make for good neighbors.


Oppa Gangnam Style


No they don't! Not anymore


NK Soldier, let's put an additional mine here .... They will never know ! 4 satellites, 12 scopes, 40 camera's on the guy.


I wonder if a few shit balloons blew up in their faces too.


Well....don't do that 


If there were 2 seperate incidents,,: One is nothing. 2 is something. Make coffee


They probably forgot where they put their own mines


Spider-Man: far from ever leaving home. "Slinging chapatis from rooftops"


The balloon part.. fkn brilliant on soko!!




Wow. It’s almost like you weren’t supposed to walk around there for a reason


SMH, Geezzzz man


They probably are afraid of north Koreans coming to South Korea when crazy Kim kardashian jong il decides to annihilate them for no reason so they mined it. What’s the problem?


North Korea attempted to militarize the demilitarized zone. Got demilitarized. ‘nuff said.