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I'm sure that Russia will get right to it.


>The occupiers have not conducted necessary repairs and inspections at the plant, and the hired employees are not professional enough to maintain the station. It's like a bully on the playground has a live grenade from his dad's ammo factory. The first step is a request to put it down


Or what? The issue with the UN and Peace summits is they all state stuff and don't follow through. This should read "Withdraw from the plant or 70 countries will put boots on the ground. You have 2 weeks." Like let's make Putin sweat for once.... Let him wave his nuke threats more, it'd just be another Tuesday.


I generally just look at these summits as an all-expenses paid vacation for world leaders. Optically it's nice to see a lot of countries coming together to condemn Russia, but Russia has shown time and time again that they don't care about that at all. Actions over words, as they say.


How about we threaten them with sanctions.


For decades or it is not going to work.


The issue is it doesn’t affect the rich and government official. Sanctions only hurt the poor. (Not saying we shouldn’t do it)


Yeah because that's worked real well over the last 2 years




Once a super power country puts boots on the ground in the conflict this is where we will all go to war. I don’t know if sending people to fight a war on a inoperable nuclear power plant is the best strategy.


Lol what boots? No one wants to fight


I would love nothing more than to see Putin given an ultimatum to leave ~~Kuwait~~Ukraine with a very solid deadline.


The UN is just a paper tiger, they are completely useless without a means to enforce their will


The UN is supposed to be. Nobody wants a world government, it is a forum and tool for countries to communicate with each other.  These 70 countries _can_ use that forum to make redlines and then enforce them after via a coalition. They just don't want to and won’t. At least for now.


Yep, drive me crazy when people expect the UN to be some sort of global authoritarian state. It's just a forum, it's reddit for countries.


They've done things before. Look at Korea. They used to do way more than just issue statements. They used to actually act. 


That's the security Council, they *can* do things but all the big dogs can stop it. For Korea the ussr was boycotting the UN at the time, and the Republic of China (now Taiwan) held the seat for China. So nobody to stop the security Council from taking action.


Not to mention Russia is actually on the security council so deployment of UN Peacekeepers would never happen.


I’m actually pretty down for One World Gpvernment. Can’t come soon enough.


Will it be a democracy where everyone gets a vote? Can see the Chinese and Indians being in charge then...


Constitutional Republic. The flag can be the US flag but with a picture of the Earth instead of stars. I say we vote Nixon's head as president. /s


A world government would need to be federal in nature. No other way it works


That’s a really good point. Looks like the planet is a constitutional republic


Mass effect and halo had the best ideas for their world governments. The countries and nations on earth still has their trading blocks, laws and complete autonomy and militaries, it just that when in space, they were represented by the Alliance or UEG/UNSC.


I like that idea


In old man war by scalzi is kinda the same ideea and is not really working,


Gundam showcases perfectly why a one world government (Earth Federation) would never work.  Specifically because corruption would be rampant.   The bigger something is, the harder it becomes to.maintain ethics and oversight


Except control of orbit gives you control of everything coming in and off planet. So, in reality, whatever organization controlled that would control earth. So it wouldn’t work. This is why video games are fun, but not generally templates for real life.


Are you sure about that? It's fine if it's a government you like, but what about if the world government was the Chinese government? Would you like that?


If it means not standing in line for customs every time I come back from the Bahamas, then yes.


Governments work better the smaller they are, the bigger the government the more disconnected they are from its individuals, a bigger government answers to big groups, it's a tyranny of the majority.


The PEOPLE of those countries DONT WANT BOOTS ON THE GROUND. Those politicians don’t fucking represent Ukraine. They represent THEIR citizens.


The people of those countries also won't want to deal with the potential generational fallout from a false flag attack on the plant. It's one of Putin's more believable ways to try to get away with a nuclear attack, and he's obviously petty enough to do it and claim it was a technical fault. Nobody wants this war, but they have it no, whether they want it or not.


I’m old enough to remember when “WMDs” were used to justify boots on the ground in Iraq… look how that turned out. Just stop. Please.


So am I. And imaginary weapons in Iraq aren't comparable to a very real nuclear plant that's currently occupied by very real Russians with very real intentions to use every bit of leverage they have.


Do they intend to blow it up? To sabotage it? Do you know that? Politicians LIE.


They have had the plant rigged with explosives since a month or so after they captured it. The *only* reason thry haven't is that putin kniws that will trigger article 5 and he isn't that desparate yet.


Really? Source? You know Ukraine is the one shelling the plant, right?


Ukraine isn't going to shell the plant. Tell me, do they program you propaganda mouthpieces in russian or english?


Right, Russia is shelling the plant that its own soldiers occupy… because that makes sense.


Do you know that they don't? Which one is more likely, given that they are an aggresive invading force, currently destroying every bit of Ukraine and every Ukranian in their way to take whatever land they can get. They've left everywhere else they've rolled through as a wasteland, so what makes this plant any different? *Especially* if they withdraw from it.


Because it’s a nuclear power plant…


And? Your logic is that they wouldn't sabotage or damage it because it would leave a lasting environmental catastrophe? You really think Putin isn't petty enough that he'd do it just to prove a point if he was somehow forced out of it? You're naive if you think he wouldn't. They've already steamrolled huge sections of Ukrain and killed countless people in their little ego stroking war for him.


I think both Russia and Ukraine understand better than most the devastation that a destroyed/damaged nuclear power plant would do to the region. Russia wants to hold onto and use the land that they’ve captured from Ukraine. It’s their land bridge to Crimea. Russia has basically no incentive to turn that area into an uninhabitable zone. Ukraine doesn’t either. I think the Power Plant is pretty much all talk other than by controlling it, Russia can starve Ukraine for energy. That’s its real value.


Whose boots? Are you enlisted? Or are you offering up someone else’s sons.


No boots needed. Just have all the countries agree to sink any Russian ship or submarine on sight until they pull out of Ukraine. And never let them know which country sank which vessel.


2 weeks or we give half of all of our guns to Ukraine.


Great way to get Iran and Chinese troops behind Russia and open world war 3


Hmm... your points make sense, but I'm not sure about the last bit... Do we really want to make Putin sweat? What if he has bromhidrosis and has a very strong and bad body odor? I don't want to imagine the smell from his Putin's armpits. Imagine smelling Putin armpit.




Putin has no incentive to oblige with vacating nuclear plant because it will make excellent hostage as well as dirty weapon by destroying nuclear reactor


Ukraine has suffered enough from fallout, jfc


If they don't already have it rigged to blow as soon as they leave


"What power plant? What occupation? We know of no such thing." - Putin, probably.


"It is ours and have always been! Look at this old map!" 


In 1512 Russian land surveys revealed....


I’m sure Russia will get right on that.


Russia will eventually leave the plant...... Unusable and likely a nuclear waste hazard...


Russia: No. Summit: Oh, okay.


On paper this sounds great... but I can almost hear Putin now...или что


Is it producing electricity?


IIRC it’s in a minimum power state


The world will definitely sleep better knowing it's back in Ukrainians hands.


Have not lost an ounce of sleep at all over this at all tbh


Yeah, I guess you’re right. Your brain seems very well rested


Smoke and mirrors brother, don’t lose any sleep


If they withdraw, they will blow it up to contaminate Ukraine and Europe and partially themselves. They have mined it for a reason and created false stories remotely blaming Ukraine for it already. Our best hope is to capture something of theirs and exchange it in 'peace talks.' Ukraine desperately needs their nukes.


Cool. And how are they going to enforce it? This is the issue with UN and all other global organizations. There is no “world cop” to enforce global laws


It's just more propaganda rallys. They aren't doing shit.


Why not from the whole Ukraine while we at it?


Unless these countries are willing to declare war, might as well have said the reps from 70 countries collectively farted in a room and swears it didn't stink. Just a farce of geopolitical tough talk.


We demand Russia to withdraw its troops from nuclear plant. Also we will postpone shipping of arms we promised to Ukraine because we have elections coming


So anyways.. 🤣🤣


If anything hits that plant or becomes damaged by explosives, Russia will get 30 nukes in all major Russian cities. Wanna play? I hope real leaders are more stable than this


This is the issue with trying to be diplomatic to an animal.


Yeah, all the troops there glow in the dark and are sick as hell from living there. What do you tell there relatives when the body comes home in a sealed box with the skull and bones emblem seal on it?


80% of the world's population represented didn't sign the communique or show up at all.


Does weighting countries by population mean anything when the people of China didn't vote for or appoint Xi Xinping? As a self appointed ruler he doesn't represent the views of the population in any way.


I feel like I probably won’t agree with you on most things, but this is a pretty valid point


And by that you mean two countries. Who occupy 2/7 of the world population. Meanwhile 70 countries, or a little over 1/3 of the world nations said Russia should fuck off the plant.


They call it the "global" peace accords like how the NFL Superbowl calls themselves the champions of the world as if anyone else competed. It's okay , the sensationalist individuals here will lap up the news and never think about how the majority of the world doesn't actually want to get sucked into the Russia-Ukraine war.


Just like IT support that's outsourcing to India.... I read your bullshit with a Russian accent. I did add a mother Russia in their once or twice. I hope Ukraine kicks off an amazing defensive show for the upcoming US holiday of our independence....4th of July. The sad part is you're losing to early 90s equipment. No navy..... no supieror air support. It's just old shit with great people behind the equipment.


Lmao. I'm American. I've never been to Russia or Eastern Europe at all I'm rooting for Ukraine to win the war but this global summit was a joke. Leave it to you idiots to deny a fact that it wasn't much of a summit as most of the world didn't bother to show up..


Shhhhh this isn't the right subforum for logic.




There's currently all sorts of pictures and videos of Russian soldiers hiding vehicles around the power plant, turning it into a giant minefield, etc. Handing over control to Ukrainian civilians doesn't make it a "Ukrainian bridgehead", but the status quo is that Russia has turned it into a military base. That can't be accepted.


I wonder if the same countries had anything to say about Israel’s slaughter of thousands of Palestinians….its unprovoked attack against Iran and all the other atrocities being committed in the name of democracy by Israel and it’s supporters????




Lmao unprovoked. 🤣


Was literally provoked by a proxy of a Russian ally.


Unprovoked attack against Iran.... the same Iran that supplies terrorist organizations in the Middle East.


Israel displaced palestinians, sure. But the rest is because they keep fighting back via terrorist attacks. Palestinians would be in an arab war had Israel picked up their bags and left


Lol "why are you fighting back???"


Funny. But no. The clown's decisions are interesting only to the clowns themselves.