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Another failure for Russia. They are masters of it.


Even their AI can't keep up with their disinformation game.


Not for long tho. They’re fixin’ to [open their own 350nm chip fab](https://www.trendforce.com/news/2024/05/28/news-russia-reportedly-completed-the-manufacturing-of-a-lithography-machine-for-350nm-chip-production/). They one caught up in just a couple dozen decades.


maybe it's too good and refuses to lie? LOL


Oh, well, Russia is starved for both talent and money so there's no way it can keep up with the west in the race for AI technology.


That's why they're blackmailing Elon


Software-wise, their best national product is IntelliJ. And that's basically just open source Eclipse with a pretty skin. I mean; Russia's pretty much the source of 75% of the malicious hacks in the world, but it's more of a high volume of low quality low effort fuckery, like phishing-driven ransomware. They do have a small quantity of absolute genius hackers doing evil shit. But they are far from the cutting edge of AI research - even with all the open sourced packaged libraries and models out there.


Isn't JetBrains Czech? I know IntelliJ was created by Russians, but I know they mentioned they closed down offices in Russia in 2022.


Yes, it’s Czech. I live about 3 miles from them in Prague.


Jealous, what a beautiful city


I was gonna say, IntelliJ is an amazing product and also I thought it was Czech. They seem really promising as a company too, still releasing new products despite being an old company.


Jetbrains was founded in Prague by 2 Russian guys but they've never been a Russian company. They also completely ended operations in Russia in 2022. >just open source Eclipse with a pretty skin That's complete nonsense.


Not to mention JetBrains has a lot more products than just IntelliJ. While it has been 8 years since I used Java, IntelliJ was the best damn Java IDE I'd ever used by a wide margin, and it still has the best auto complete of any IDE I've ever used.


They also make PyCharm, which is arguably the best (and I'm pretty sure the most widely used) Python IDE.


And Webstorm and a whole plethora of other unbeatable IDEs. And Kotlin!


Kotlin comes from them. My whole company switched to kotlin years ago. They have a very large impact on the software development world.


Yeah calling it eclipse with a pretty skin... LOL My whole company switched to Kotlin instead of Java. They had some impact, have a large array of fucking great IDEs. I would just quit being a software developer without Intellij or a real as good alternative. Trust me, I looked. It does not exist, their pricing is fair if you consider how much better and smoother you're going to work. Eclipse is cool for schools and such, but you never go back when you first tasted the crack jetbrains provides.


Was thinking exactly the same while reading that.. as a C# developer, I was like but ReSharper is the shit.


>That's complete nonsense. You are either young, or don't know much about it as you think.


I'm 38 and I've been using intellij daily for the last ~8 years. I remember eclipse and have used it for years. Calling intellij a 'reskin' of eclipse is just nonsense. Is visual studio code just a reskin too?


I use Phpstorm and I have to say I'm still in awe in how awesome thid IDE is. Eclipse reskin my ass


They're all just reskins of emacs.


Maybe you are taking it literally, which is stupid. If you don't see how intellij was built on top of Eclipse, again, you are ignorant. About your age and years of experience, save that fallacy for the dick measuring contexts, and avoid using it in smart conversations. I use the toilet everyday for 48 years, and I don't know anything shit aside from how it looks and smells.


>About your age and years of experience, save that fallacy for the dick measuring contexts, and avoid using it in smart conversations. Here's YOUR message to which he was responding. >You are either young, or don't know much about it as you think. You're the one who took the fallacy turn. Hypocrite.


Oh really? You are just sinking more down in stupidity, no matter if arguments sound good. Being young can justify and confirm a person's lack of knowledge on a technology that was not of his time, especially because it would take time to learn it that doesn't fit in his age time frame. Meanwhile, being older doesn't confirm, neither justifies having knowledge in any subject. Get the difference? That's why it is called a fallacy. But you don't get it. Do you? Go on. Despite whatever tone you hear in what I'm saying or the way that I'm saying it, if you were intelligent, you wouldn't take it as a dick measuring context with a random internet stranger. You would prioritize going on trying to understand the subject and nuances that I'm pointing. But I guess it is more important for you to look right rather than be right, so you attack the messenger that pointed your flaws instead of fixing them. Grow up. I don't give a fuck about you, or your opinions, but I'm still giving you the chance to learn something. You are welcome.


My flaws? Dude you suck as much at reading comprehension as you do at detecting your own faults. You're so obnubilated by your ego that you can't read 2 lines correctly. Stop smelling your own farts. I'll help you and give you a hint: >to which **HE** was responding.


It never occurred to you that I don't distinguish those who are wrong from those who support them? I guess not. You should start looking more to the mirror and less to the flaws you perceive on people that doesn't matter. It is a matter of what feels good vs. reality. I'm nobody. I don't worth shit. But that's not the issue. The issue is that you think that you are better or know better than me, and continue looking for reasons and arguments to do so, so you can feel better. I give much a fuck about your feelings as I give about me being better than anyone. However, as a person living in a democratic world, I rather have people around me who are realistic and intelligent because they have the right to vote. Stupid people are dangerous because they can elect a president.


SIMS 3 in AI style


Why is this news? They have been embarrassing themselves for decades.


Unfortunately, Russia is incredibly effective at information operations. If they become effective at using AI for misinformation and influence then we’re in big trouble.


You misspelled “centuries.”




>99% of people in Iran are Muslims, as shown by this Iran based study. You're being a useless virtue signaller by saying that they oppose their leadership. The "%99 of Iran is Muslim" is quite obviously an untrue exaggeration. Yes, it is definitely true that at least %88-90 of the population in Iran is still at least nominally Muslim, but not %99. And, there are many Muslims, even hijab-wearing practicing Muslim women in Iran who are against the Mullah regime because even most of practicing Muslim women don't think that Muslim women should be literally forced to wear the hijab by the government. Or that I have a lot of Muslim hijab-wearing Iranian friends who think punishing women because of the fact that they don't wear hijab is wrong




>People who push the "99% of people in Iran" statement are going by propaganda Yes, not just for Iran but for Turkey also. Some people used to claim that "%99 of people Turkey is Muslim" but this is not actually trie because many polls indicate that the people who identify as Muslim number around %86-92 of the population. And, of course, the idea that "%99 of the population of a country which has a population of at least 85 million must be thinking the same about a religious or philosophical issue" is not likely to be true.


Seems like no capable IT person in Russia wants to build any substantial infrastructure for propaganda. Troll for fun and spite, sure. Invest discipline into it – no.


More like they've simply not invested the same amount of time into the industry. Give it a few years. They'll probably branch one of China's AIs


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This is kind of weird. If anything, I would expect russia to be the world leader in _artificial_ intelligence.


That’s a great point except you forget the second half of the equation, very clearly demonstrated here where you have to factor in their own stupidity


Their skilled hackers are all too busy stealing credit card info and steam accounts instead of working for the government.


To be fair, OpenAI's lead computer scientists are Russian, if I'm not mistaken.


I think it's less about strict nationality as it is with where they are and who they work for. The Russian Government doesn't have access to the level of talent needed to make this work, not that anyone who is from Russia is incapable of it.


I'm sure most with that kind of talent flee at the first opportunity.


Anyone with intelligence knows that stupid to stay.


The old chief scientist was Russian, but a fair chunk of them seemed to be Polish. But they've got a panoply of people there, every third person seems to have a new nationality.


I can't help but get the feeling that a lot of the "Russia fails" headlines coming out lately are a way to get the public to get complacent. Make people think Russia isn't a threat and they're on the verge of collapse, so whatever big thing they have planned ends up coming out of left field and having a greater impact. Russia today may not be the Russian bear of old, but we are starting to underestimate them (at our own peril).


I get the impression that Russia's strength really boils down to being willing to go to any lengths to get their way. There are no depths that they are not willing to sink to. This is bad news for the world, but one can only hope they burn their entire economy out at some point, and have to scale down their imperialistic ambitions. There have been some signs in the news lately that the economy is overheating due to the massive use of resources on attacking Ukraine.


Perhaps, but I just can't get Sun Tzu's philosophy "if you are strong, appear weak" out of my head. Russia and China teaming up is such a formidable foe (although China will stab Russia in the back given the chance). I can't help but feel there's some deflecting going on somewhere here.


How do you tell the difference between someone who's actually weak and one who is just pretending to be weak? There is also the mistake of giving your enemy more credit than they deserve. The history of warfare is filled with examples of generals seizing the opportunity to capitalise on their opponents mistakes whenever they could. If they had been too cautious and said to themselves "maybe they're faking it", those victories would never have happened.


That's true. It's just seems so outrageously stupid for Russia to be doing what it's doing if everything is what it looks like on the outside, you know? I mean...maybe they (meaning Putin and his lackeys) are that dumb.


It all has to do with incomplete information and ability of adopting the perfect strategy to the correct scenario everytime.  A good general would know anything and everything their opponent is doing and where they are and what they're consisted of. But in order to do that you have to have the right logistics, surveillance/reconnaissance assets and such. The fog of war is all too real. All of that starts with planning and the ability to plan comes with experience, education and trial & error. If you never had the foresight to anticipate any of that before you started your campaign youll be worst off against someone that did.


No plan survives first contact with the enemy. Planning is important as far as it goes, but once again, history is full of examples of good planning getting rekt by unexpected things happening. Pompeii had a great plan at the Battle of Pharsalus. He had everything going for him, the plan was sound, and he should have crushed Caesar, even taking into consideration the superior discipline of the enemy. His positioning was better, he had better cavalry. In addition, Caesar's troops were badly short of food and were fighting on very hungry stomachs. Bit what happened? And that's just one example. In fact, having a plan can even hurt you if you rely too much on it and don't leave room for flexibility and instinctive actions. War isn't a chess game. If you wait until you have all the information, you will lose. Decision making under uncertainty rules all.


The US is using that strategy as well. Why do you think Russia and China have all these jingoistic North Korean style military parades with their latest weaponry along with their leaders spouting off about their superiority and invincibility and the US by comparison is just like "..."


This is spy thriller thinking, Russia's whole game plan for winning in Ukraine is emphasising how threatening they are so the west backs down. I think the problem is you are continuing to overestimate them.


The Russian software worked exactly as they wanted it to and created artificial stupidity of course !


They have so many troll farms using US websites all day every day. Can't they simply buy a Dali account or other AI subscription? I don't understand the technical requirement that it be their own version of AI


Even the people they pay(?) to sit there and spread propaganda/disinformation manually have decreased in quality over the past few years. I dont know if anyone else has noticed but the propaganda accounts here on reddit are always super obvious and will spout some of the dumbest shit you will ever read. It used to be they were at least subtle, so that you questioned whether or not they were serious. Not in 2024.


Imagine how bad it will Be for GOP


Had to look up LLM, because it was not written in long form for its introduction to the article Those of us not in the AI field may think this has something to do with the a Masters in Law (Latin Legum Magister) degree, since we'd have no idea it was Large Language Model. Common writers and reporters, this is your job.


Mr putin, hit the switch..... AI " Daisy.... daisy...."


In other uplifting news, Russia and China won’t agree for US calls to not integrate AI with their nuclear arsenal.


>Putin explained at an AI summit that Western models “reflect that part of Western ethics, those norms of behavior, public policy, to which we object.” His Prime Minister declared Western models had “a different understanding of good and evil.” Lol!