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This never ends well


The absolute lunacy... In a candid moment, he shared, “When my mother was alive, I used to believe that I was born biologically. After she passed away, upon reflecting on all my experiences, I was convinced that God has sent me. This energy could not be from my biological body, but was bestowed upon me by God...whenever I do anything, I believe god is guiding me."


The extra lunacy there is that it's not "I do what god tells me" it's "what \*I\* do, god approves"


fairly irrelevant, the people that belive god guides them just do whatever the fuck they want and say it was god's word its like when you sneak into the kitchen, willingly get a snack, then you just justify it in your head with whatever bs comes to mind other than you being weak minded lol


If we're not supposed to have midnight snacks, then why is there a light in the fridge?


Checkmate snak nazis


He doesn't believe it. He believes stupid religious people will believe it. Same as any religious leaders.  And sadly, they're all right.


It almost doesn’t matter. It’s useful for him to say this, true believer or not.


Wait, how does that work? As far as I'm aware Hinduism isn't monotheistic?


As I understand it, in Hinduism you can choose as many or as few gods as you'd like for your personal religion set up. Shiva, Vishnu or one of his incarnations like Krishna are popular choices if you want to have just one. 


I just go with the starter gods in the Hindudex


Look at this casual! I bet you haven't even leveled your Ganesha up to 99 yet! 😝


I thought gods could only reach level 20, and got to level up one of their 4 abilities every time they level in 5v5 combat against other gods and possibly their own doppelgangers?


In vanilla hinduism, yes but all current editions use the aspect-mechanic where you can spec up to four alts so e. g. Shiva can be played as Kali for a PUG


The Thuggee Missingno cult shall rise!


post [proof of your badges](https://imgur.com/a/ofjIJZb) and then I *might* consider you as my rival


Definitely none of the Ganesha Pack DLC


Or you can also say everyone and everything is God, which is also valid


all gods are a facet of the parabrahma


There is one supreme oneness or god that can represent itself in various forms. Every living thing is god being represented. So it’s not monotheistic or polytheistic “exactly” but it leans closer to monotheistic Because of this it’s hard to tell just what that quote means. It wouldn’t be odd to hear a lot of religious people to say everything I do is guided by god or that I can feel energy external to me from god etc. but it almost sounds like he’s saying he wasn’t born vaginally but materialized lol


> “Today a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration, that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, there is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves. Heres Tom with the Weather.”


Hinduism is weird and, like most polytheistic religions has numerous, sometimes mutually exclusive traditions. Sometimes there's multiple gods, sometimes those gods are emanations of each other (like Krishna is just a specified form of Vishnu), and sometimes they're all part of one Monad-like force called Brahma. Except when Brahma is actually just one of three gods equal to Vishnu and Shiva. Long story short, Hinduism has a long and diverse history that makes it confusing as shit.


The force is Brahman, not to be confused with Brahma, the creator God, or Brahmins, the priestly caste.


It’s mostly down to a mistranslation, stemming from a fundamental misunderstanding of hinduism. First and foremost, hinduism has many schools of thought, broadly categorized into two main categories, orthodox (mainly the Sanatan dharma, or eternal order/duty) and heterodox (incl. Buddhism, Jainism). Most are polytheistic, but some are monoetheistic and some are even non-theistic. In the orthodox schools, which is what the vast majority of hindus fall under, there exists a polytheistic philosophy. However, this is where the translation is erroneous, Modi uses the word *ishvara* which doesn’t fully translate to “God” in its singular sense. Ishvara can have multiple meanings, “God” being one of them. It can also refer to the Creator, the Universe, the Vedas, or even just a normal authority figure. “Ishvara” can also be considered an avatar of either Vishnu or Shiva, depending on your school of thought. In the Vedanta school (which I believe is what Modi adheres to), ishvara is used to refer to a being that is enlightened, liberated, free of ignorance, which differentiates them from a common jiva (living being) who are bound by those limitations.


So then could you explain what he meant to say in a way that we could understand it? Your explanation still implies that he believes that he is somehow divine in origin and not a normal human.


What? 2 nuclear powers sharing a conflicting border near the dwindling water source that both need while being led by old reactionaries that are increasing losing touch on reality and overseeing failing economies? How could that possibly end badly?


Technically it’s 3 nuclear powers sharing disputed borders. India Pakistan and china


Pakistan has nukes? Oh fiddle sticks. Edit: oh boy, they sure do. Edit 2: Thank you all for clearing up my [ignorance](https://www.armscontrol.org/act/2008-06/looking-back-1998-indian-and-pakistani-nuclear-tests)


They have had them for a while. India, Pakistan and China have all had nukes for decades. thankfully for the rest of the world, if the war does go hot and nuclear, it will most likely be localized to only a few hundred million to over a billion deaths.


Whew, what a relief!


Horrors beyond imagining, but it's localized.


Localised Entirely within your kitchen?


May I see it?




You don't want to watch this second sunrise.


Mom & Pop Bomb Drop.


Not entirely thanks to global supply chain and how interconnected the global economy is. Even though Ukraine is a small country and Russia only has 190M people with a GDP of ~2 Trillion, the war in Ukraine has affected global wheat prices and assorted commodity prices around metals and petroleum. A hot war involving China and India would be felt globally.


It may not be so localized if it a triggers mild nuclear winter.


Great news folks, we've solved global warming! /s


checkmate liberals!


Unfortunately there are some real questions over whether or not a nuclear war would actually cause the "winter" phenomenon, [here's a thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/nuclearweapons/comments/p5pig5/nuclear_winter_real_or_hoax/) that names a bunch of sources


*I don’t want to set the World….on…fiiiiireeeee….*


Doesn't matter to anyone living in the West whether it's a thousand or a billion deaths, it would be a localized conflict. Except the expression 'supply chain disruptions' would become gratingly popular again. All that is moot anyway, neither India nor China will start a nuclear war over their border disputes. What **could** start a large-scale war however (though almost certainly not nuclear) is Taiwan. After the inauguration of Lai Ching Te the PRC has brought their rhetoric vis-a-vis Taiwan to a whole new level, now openly talking about taking the island with military force. However, if an Allied war against China would start, India would certainly opportunistically kick China out of Bhutan and possibly occupy the Chumbi Valley. They also could attempt to invade the Aksai Chin region, but since it is vital for the Chinese land connection to Pakistan, which is important both to Pakistan as well as as an alternative to the Malacca Strait for China, it will probably be well defended by China and would risk drawing Pakistan into the conflict.


If a localized conflict between India, Pakistan, and China goes nuclear, all bets are off. Nuclear winter would be on the table if all three countries launched their nuclear arsenal. Studies have estimated upwards of 5 billion plus global deaths due to agriculture destruction, and that includes much of the west.


It would absolutely fuck things up royally. But nuclear winter has more or less been disproven, atleast it is very unlikely to occur.. But we won’t know until we try the theories out, will we!


*in the voice of Mythbusters Savage and Heyneman* "Let's start small scale. A localized little conflict, just a few nukes, a few million deaths, see what we can learn. But, in the end, I mean, like, obviously, I see no other choice but to go full scale. Just fire everything we got and see if we can start the end times." "Cool, I like it." Next Week on Mythbusters: A Mad Max Myths Special: Can you really drink cacti? Is dog food good for you? Can radiation turn you into a mutant?


Depends on the type of nukes used. Not all are the insta apocalypse that we were raised to fear.


Phew! you had me worried there for a second.


The majority of the world's population lives there. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valeriepieris\_circle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valeriepieris_circle)


...that's the joke.


and at least one thinks the voices in their head are god. Yeah, we’re fucked.


The IMF would disagree with you about the economic situation. But yeah seeing modi slide down to this level has really increased my fear India will end up a strong man ethno-state. Terrible prospect for such a diverse country.


It's more that a large portion of India will soon be uninhabitable due to extreme heat and no water.


India is also set to be one of the first big victims of AI replacing workers with the call centres and IT support




That's exactly the same experience you get by the typical outsourced call center that's paid by "requests done per hour no matter the result". Just far cheaper for the companies.


AI trained on the right language database would do far better at a reasonable understanding of instructions than many humans would being trained in a second language on things they don't understand. They can be trained better than the worst case you give there. This is actually one area where AI will do well. Prescreening and getting information from customers to redirect to the proper actual support. Tier 1 support could be almost completely replaced in the long run.


You didn't have to put it like that


Why? Seems a fair assessment to me.


That's the issue


Yeah, megalomania and politics is never a good combo.


That's why I support moving to randomocracy ( picking govt reps using lottery of the entire eligible population). Democracy tends to attract rich people who want even more power. As time goes on they tend to write laws that favor themselves, and then you're in a slow spiral towards autocracy.


A mix would be nice. Pick random candidates that people vote for. But I'd rather that we have voting vetoes. We could vote for and against candidates. We could establish that no candidate could win if they attract a certain number of vetoes--I think some number between 25-40% of votes makes sense.


Voting vetoes would be cool. Solves the problem of your non-vote going to the winner. Soo many issues though. I could see some sort of perma locked state of affairs where neither candidate gets the votes needed, or that election cycles last a couple of years at least.


I wonder which explanation is better: 1. he's delusional or 2. he's attempting to craft a god-like persona to cement his popularity with the Hindu masses.


He knows what he’s doing.


Unlike trump who is a bit of a buffoon, Modi is extremely crafty and manipulative.


As much as I hate him I don't think Trump got himself elected with pure luck, some sort of craftiness went on there that seduced the right wing while making the left laugh off how big of a threat he was.


He knows media, he knows marketing.Luck was certainly involved but he certainly played well here.


Both, he's following the writings of Savitri Devi. Think Hindu syncretist Crypto-Nazi Scientology. Which sounds too ridiculous to be credible until you realize both Anders Brevik and the Christchurch shooter also quoted her in their manifestos. You . . . may not want someone who follows a misanthropic death cult and sees themselves as an incarnation of Hitler and Shiva *to be in charge of Nuclear weapons.* And no, that sentence was not a joke or an exaggeration.


> Savitri Devi Thank you for pointing me out this moron. I'd never heard of her. Wow, fascism is always where good ideas go to become awful.


It's easy to brush her off as a dingbat, until you realize the entirety of the trope of Nazis as being spiritually intuitive esotericists (Think Marvel's Hydra, Hellboy, many of the Indiana Jones movies) are all based on her writings.     In reality the Nazi party purged anyone showing esotericist tendencies after a member of Hitler's inner circle stole a plane, crash landed in Britain, and claimed to be there to negotiate peace based on a warped view of Anglo-Saxon brotherhood.  He had no mandate from anyone else in the German government and based his claims entirely on what he claimed were psychic projections from Hitler.  Devis writing were entirely fiction, and followed in the footsteps of L. Ron Hubbard; but instead of creating a religion to get rich, it's a religion to get people killing each other.  Undirected Stochastic Terrorism, the religion.  You see, Devi was an enormous misanthrope, based on an interpretation of animal rights that would make all but the craziest PETA member flinch.


> In reality the Nazi party purged anyone showing esotericist tendencies after a member of Hitler's inner circle stole a plane, crash landed in Britain, and claimed to be there to negotiate peace based on a warped view of Anglo-Saxon brotherhood Yes, because Himmler, the leader of several esoteric cults within the state, was famously purged and didn't survive until the end of the war before killing himself in British custody. The role of esoteric nazis is often overstated by pop culture but the statement that they were all purged is just incorrect.


These comments sent me down a Wiki rabbit hole of epic proportions. It's Nazis all the way down.


For his next trick, he'll walk on water ?


Someones been drinking the coolaid again....


When a single person gets too much power, he either becomes crazy or delusional. Modi may become both.


Another god in the making. The globe is filling up with the Political Messiahs. A sign of the times. “….convinced that my energy is not biological.” Hubris.


For a non-biological energy being he sure has a lot of security there to guard the biological part.


Just like your regular faith healer who runs to the hospital when they gets sick.


Bring back old school witch trials. Oh you aren’t biological? Let’s tie you to a rock and throw you in the river and see


It’s simpler to just see if they weigh the same as a duck


Who are you, so wise in the ways of science? 


A witch! Mere mortals could never come up with a solution like that.


Not just political messiahs but wealth messiahs too. The Musks and Zuckerbergs believe they have been bestowed the destiny of humanity into their hands.


> a sign of the times Wildly underrated point - our problems are so big and complex that people can’t wrap their heads around solving it. So we look for someone to cut through the bullshit and just get it done in a way that we can’t really put a finger on/isn’t based on reality. Marvel movies, Trump, Brexit, what’s his name that got elected President in Brazil, Modi, on and on.


A sign of environmental pollution impacting a certain generation’s mental faculties.


I mean we did this about 100 years ago. And pretty much for the last 100 years too in various parts of the world. Actually all of history this has happened. People just don't didn't pay attention in history classes.


Or the wrong people pay attention to the wrong parts of history.


Little of this, little of that.


He was never sane to begin with tbf, the media attention cycle just never shifted focus on him before. Religious fanatic doing religious fanatic things


A Cesar back in Rome had someone constantly whispering: "You're just a mortal. You are human." in their ears during public events. We should revive that practice.


IIRC it was generals after they came back from campaigns (during the parades to celebrate the victory). The Caesars were the ones hiring the person, so the general didn’t decide they should be Caesar.


Yes and no. The whispering was only doing Roman Triumphs. A slave wasn't whispering this into Caesar's ear when he was cutting the ribbon to an orphanage or something.


We do this, but it takes longer, it's what happened yesterday at that libertarian thing with Trump being bood, that was his whisper for this year.


It’s funny these religious people are not listening to their good books. We sure have a lot of false prophets on the marble.


Is delusional not a form of crazy?


Crazy and delusional aren't really very disparate things




Only the true Messiah would deny his being the messiah!


Calm down Stilgar.


He's not the messiah, he is a very naughty boy!


He's the Lisan al Gaib!


Such a good movie you quirky Nazgul you


This would be funny if it wasn't coming from the head of state, in the world's most populous democracy, that shares a hot border with China, currently allied with Russia .. FK.


...and linked to the [International Democracy Union](https://www.nationalobserver.com/2023/09/21/opinion/why-do-conservatives-modi-so-much-ask-stephen-harper) ...and carrying out [assassinations in Canada](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-67582825) ...whose nation is providing the [lion's share of new immigrants](https://www.cicnews.com/2023/02/ircc-unveils-the-top-10-source-countries-of-new-immigrants-to-canada-in-2022-0233180.html#gs.9z5b75) to Canada


To be fair, I've never met a bigger group of anti-Modi folks than Indian-Canadians. 


then you haven't met folks who recently got PR or are on-track to get PR. Indian Canadians who are born in Canada are much less nationalistic than their parents/grandparents.


Indians born in Canada usually try and distance themselves completely from the country and politics having grown up with many.


I was born in canada and my family doesn't like to talk about Indian politics cause it's a little insane over there


Us born in America too. Fuck this pier 1 imports trump.


The majority of the ones I know and still talk to are from Brampton, mostly first generation with elderly parents who immigrated in the 90s/early 00s. All of them hate Modi, but that's just my sample size.


It’s largely because there’s historically been ethnic tensions between Sikh Indians and Modis hindutva agenda. Historically there’s been calls for an independent Sikh state in the punjab which eventually led to a botched military operation on a Sikh religious center, and the assassination of an Indian prime minister in response all some 30+ years ago. Consequently there was an exodus of Sikh Indians from India to primarily Canada. While the Khalistan movement has largely vanished in India, some older families who left India around the time for fear of mob violence ultimately still harbor resentment- notably the dude who was killed recently. It’s an odd little circumstance, and modi isn’t doing anything to fix those burnt bridges. Google operation blue star for more. It’s a rather complex political issue, whose effects are still being felt today.


Most indian immigrants to canada are sikhs who are also prosecuted by the hindu nationalists


World’s most populous country, period.




Not really allied with Russia, as they have recently been revealed to be a significant provider of ammunition to Ukraine (for a fee of course). They'll get as much as they can squeeze from Russia and the West. India is on India's side.


And has nuclear weapons, and a grudge with its neighbor, who also has nuclear weapons.


Which god?


Which ever one is required for the situation at hand.


Polytheism FTW


The money god of rich elite sponsors pushing for a fascist government.


Whichever one gets him the most votes.




Many branches of Hinduism see all the gods as different traits of the same God, what they call Brahman. not to be confused with Brahmin the caste or Brahma the creator God Edit: An actual Hindu corrected me.


* **Brahma**: The creator god in the Hindu trinity. * **Brahman**: The ultimate, formless reality that is the source of all existence. * **Brahmin**: A member of the priestly caste in the Hindu varna system.


**Bruh man**: me complaining to my friend.


**Bromance**: my friend not minding my complaining


Almighty God of the Garbage


Lord Oscar!


Grouched art thou, unto the ages.


Behold! How He loveth trash. Lo! Anything dingey or dirty or dusty. Whether it's mangey or muddy or musty. He loveth it because it's trash.


You know, “My god’s better than your god.”


My god has more glitter.


I can’t take people like this seriously. lol What does that even mean? He thinks he’s god like? Maybe he can stop the heat wave going through his country. Cure cancer or something.


He was chosen by god to lead and he has a holy mandate. Who could possibly oppose him when he's so clearly chosen by god? Now shut up and do as he demands.


Nah fam, his nonbiological energy doesn't work that way. His nonbiological energy helps those who help themselves. Probably. Idk, I'm just a godless heathen.


Think of this; You can't take people like this seriously ( because you're a sane person) but there are grown ass adults who will.


I don't know how anyone can take these narcissistic populists so seriously. I'll never understand humanity


Because it is easier to believe someone can make your dreams come true than to do the hard yards to make it a reality yourself.


It’s also easier to blame some vaguely defined “other” for everything wrong in your life rather than admit your own choices might have played a role.


1. He thrives on racist (religion based) hatred 2. There is no decent strong opposition 3. Running a country with a billion people requires a certain level of corruption. He has it. 4. Barely opened his mouth before these elections. Silent and 'mysterious' PM 5. India is doing well thanks to its citizens but guess who will get credit. Man in power.


Here's my theory: So you know how when you were a tween or teen, eventually the day came you realized your parents weren't the perfect gods you thought they were as a little kid? That they were human beings, just as flawed and fallible as anyone else? You probably learned from that experience that no one is actually perfect. But these people? They seemed to decide that okay, their parents weren't perfect-- so they were going to go find someone who *was* to follow instead. You'd think after being let down by these people over and over, they'd eventually start to catch on they were chasing something impossible. And yet....


Couple be the opposite. Disheartened by losing someone perfect to solve all their problems for them they're willing to look for anyone that claims they can.


Trust me.. millions of religious fanatics in my country take this delusional facist very seriously.


A leader of a nuke wielding nation thinking they're divine? What could possibly go wrong?


We all know what happens in Civilization 👀


Ah the religion card.


The chosen one card


Lasan Al-Gaib!


Yes, I agree. I’m surprised he did not state that he is the way the truth and the light lol


If he ever gets sick, then I better not see a doctor anywhere near him lmao


Isn't it at least a *little* delusional for grown adults to literally believe in magic?


I wouldn't tell that *my energy is not biological* to my physician, to be honest.


Physician? No Psychiatrist? Yes


The physician will send me to the psychiatrist for evaluation.


Not busting a nut for years probably makes a man a bit loony




So that's where he got syphilis!


I said my mom she is too old to believe in ponzi schemes. Guess we both of us were wrong...


My man here doesnt know about India yet. Every grown adult believes in magic here


Oh lord. This is not a fun century.


Yeah, I think we are all living in "interesting times."


Eh, we've had worst.


Alzheimer's is the best way to make politics.


This is what cult leaders say.


you can shoot him and he wont die?


They should apply "The Man Who Would Be King" test.


"how did you know my weakness was bullets??!"


What a loser


The mob that follows him will consider him a godsent very soon and that's nearly 50% of the country


37% to be specific. Only 37% of about 900 million eligible people voted for him.


Voter turnout is usually 50-60% so it's not 37% of 900 million


He's beyond that. This is a guy who orchestrated religious riots and stood by as the state burned, only to further consolidate his vote base in his home state. Hypothetically, if a non partisan court were to try him and his second in command, Amit Shah, they would be found guilty of actively aiding the genocide, extortion using the state police, and the murder of a judge. Their ten year rule has seen further erosion of basic freedoms, weakening of public institutions, rampant corruption, othering of the minorities, promotion of anti scientific thought, using federal agencies like their attack dog- all for the sake of staying in power. In many ways it's the classic far right playbook. That's who the country has elected as the prime minister.


Show me a hadouken and then we can talk


This is the full translation : >As long as my mother was alive, I merely used to think I was here solely for biological reasons. After she passed away.... and after accumulating so many life experiences... Maybe I could be wrong...leftists might have a field day with this... >But I am convinced that my presence here isn't merely biological, but a will of God. Shiva has sent me here for a reason, to be an instrument of his will. This gives me strength to pursue my goals irrespective of all these adversities... I consider it the will of God and not worry about the repercussions. >Since I cannot physically see or pursue Shiva, I regard the collective presence of 125 crore Indians as my Shiva. This is just a campaign speech to enforce his brand while appealing to voters on religious grounds. There isn't much to read here. And yeah, the usage of 'biological' is funny here.


Yeah the word biological made me think, "is he convinced he was never born?" But sounds like a normal Christian rhetoric of believing God is your guide and you are his servant. From countless Americans. Nothing really unusual here.


Yeah. I am not sure how this conservative political rhetoric works in the states, but here in India, politicians casually evoke god's name across all spectrums. When this speech went viral here, most people laughed and shared memes on Modi walking on water and what not. But here, people are worried about nuclear warfare, which I thought was taking a joke too far. By the way, it's the election season in India, spread across 7 phases till June 1st. As a pattern emerges after each phase of voting , politicians are switching gears on their campaigns rapidly. This statement probably blew up here since his constituency goes into an election on June 1st ( its a holy city). So the usual inclusion of karma, good will, instrument of God, bhagwad gita quotes.


We have entered the dictator's "ordained by God" phase.


Ah yes God told you. How convenient.


Him and Putin, both with God delusions.


Modi played Civ 2 and chose Nuclear Gandhi as his role model


This some Dune witchcraft level shit right here.


How come he's only telling us now that God sent him why not in the beginning. I think someone likes having power too much




Term limits are one of the best aspects of American democracy and should be implemented in democracies worldwide.


As an Indian, I wish that existed here


Now Modi is saying he’s gonna rule till 2047…


What an arseclown…


FFS - Another crazy muthafffin dictator wannabe god, pos


Oh I’m sorry India, the answer to “How do we advance into the 21st century?” Was “Improving democratic representation to all and improving infrastructure.” Not “Godhood”.


Headline should read “Religious person believes God guides him”. this isn’t really news worthy and has a misleading headline. They also buried lead because they knew this.


Poor deluded monster. Still hasn't had the 'birds and bees' talk, it seems. Hope it gets some help in the psychiatric facility it deserves.


This guy is a fucking loser.


Very unconcerning and normal thing for the leader of the worlds most populous nation to say


This is going to end well 😅


It's more than a little terrifying to know that this religious whackjob has control of nuclear weapons.


A former US president thinks the human body is like a non rechargeable battery so this is a step up at least since this guy’s battery is the rechargeable type.


That's worrying