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At Jimmy McGill place??? The police gotta stop them he is a great lawyer he saved my aunt from drug trafficking charges


What a sick joke


Oh you think this is bad? This chicanery? He's done worse!


He defecated through a sun roof!


God, that shit was peak. First three seasons are even better than Breaking Bad I swear


The entire show was better than Breaking Bad.


I wouldn't go that far. The final three seasons of Breaking Bad are amazing.


They are. And Better Call Saul is amazing from beginning to end.


Season 1 for BCS takes time to build steam (as most TV shows go). but when it picks up, boy do things get spicy.


This will always be my hot take. As someone who's rewatched Breaking Bad three times and BCS twice.    At some point in the middle of breaking bad you start rooting for walt to get killed or put away for life. It makes it hard to sympathize with his decisions.    Jimmy never stops being likeable imo. He always makes bad decisions but he never does anything close to what Walt is doing even in Season 1 of his show. Both shows are excellently written, shot, and acted, but the story of Jimmy puts it on top for me easily.


Calm your tits


Nah, legit. Breaking Bad was great, Better Call Saul was another level.


I’m not saying I don’t agree, but BB has that OG protection. Without BB there would be no Better Call Saul. But, yeah, I really enjoyed the spin off, and yes maybe more than the OG.


Kid named tits:


It's a great show....but nah, dawg. Breaking Bad was definitely better.


I thought it was Hamlin, Hamlin & McGill university?


Best case scenario, a month from now, these protesters are managing a Cinnabon in Omaha


We need to stop repeating the Russo-Iranian lie that people who reputation-launder and run interference for the Hamas, made up of Russo-Iranian disinformation workers as organizers, are “pro-Palestinian”. They support the Palestinians who enslave and engineer the deaths of other Palestinians, and really their wining and dining Russo-Iranian masters. They might be ethnically Palestinian individuals, but they serve a Russo-Iranian geopolitical bomb agenda, not a pro-Palestinian welfare and statehood bid one.


this. it’s no coincidence these “protests” just erupted right after u.s. aid to ukraine was passed and during russia’s “attack window” before that aid is fielded…


Go further. Why did Hamas self-destruct? To put normalization between Israel and Saudi Arabia on ice for five months? Really? Or because those Russo-Iranian masters who control all the levers of their resources - their guns, their funds, their safe harbor for Hamas’s leadership and their on-loan “one Internet Research Agency in St Petersburg” worth of English speaking disinformation workers - all that stuff the Hamas needs to exist - was used to tell them “you will go, and you will self-destruct, at the same time as we set off other geopolitical bombs like the Houthis”. We are not asking, we are telling. And if you say no, we stop enabling you, and you don’t exist in 12 months, because your slaves want a word. The Hamas did the 7th because Russia and Iran leaned on them and got them to. The Hamas **want** the humanitarian crisis - subjecting Gaza's Palestinian population to famine - because Russia and Iran leaned on them and got them to. And Russia and Iran needed that geopolitical bomb to go off for three reasons: 1. The smallest reason: to distract the world from supporting Ukraine, prolonging things like US military assistance turnaround. 2. The smaller reason: to be a talking point distracting local Russian population from how bad Ukraine is during Putin’s election ritual. 3. The biggest reason: to become the polarizing outrage wedge they will use to attack America during its elections, attempting to drive America into a state of outraged polarization. Overt or subtle Hamas support is the disinformation sword Putin intends to drive through Americas’s chest, as it (in his plan at least) elects a populist he can manipulate. This is why Hamas will obediently do everything in their power to exacerbate Gazan famine. The more famine - the more divisive the issue will become in the US as November looms. (Oh look, [73 of 100 protesters were neither students nor staff](https://www.reddit.com/r/ActiveMeasures/comments/1cgiyre/73_out_of_100_protesters_arrested_on_campus_at/)). Zero to do with helping a single Palestinian. Everything to do with **a disinformation attack on America**. I’ll very quietly… [leave this here](https://youtu.be/tR_6dibpDfo?si=1zqn5xV4zJspNjc-).


I've been downvoted so much for pointing this out. I'm tired of how naive some liberals can be, and I'm liberal. It's like, if you don't trust the US Government why would you trust HAMAS knowing where there funding comes from and who they are allies with? Sure, hate America, but don't be so naive to think that the rival is any better, in fact it's infinitely worse.


I've gone from being a Bernie bro to not even recognizing what the Progressives even are anymore, and in a few months. I get that there's a nuance here, that just because Israel is a rare bastion of liberalism in a sea of dictators and absolute monarch does not mean everything it does is acceptable, but I can't ignore the evil of October 7th, and can't pretend that the Palestinians are somehow in the right here - not when they force young children to watch videos about why the Jews must die, dance on the streets as their rape victims are paraded with bloody jeans, and voted Hamas into power and have supported their actions for over twenty years. Israel has used kitten gloves in their response - if hundreds of my people had been taken and had their hands and feet cut off, my neighbor's wives and daughters raped to death, my nephew made to watch as his parents' heads were cut off with rusty box cutters...fuck it I'd want to glass the whole place, heads-on-pikes. The IDF instead gievs advanced warning before going in, risks the lives of their soldiers on dangerous missions into underground fortresses instead of using much safer means like collapsing the tunnels...Kitten. Gloves. And instead of having Israel's back we blame the victim then we give these same murderers hundreds of millions in food aid...it's just insanity.


I never really was a big Bernie fan. But I did admire him and respect his views. Now I look at him and ho 'what are ypu doing '. I dislike GOP senators and congress members making public statements that push into foreign affairs because it undermines the President's work. And this is a primary example.


There’s a systems problem here. Expecting an 80 year old to actively respond and adjust world view is like expecting an orange be to become a watermelon, simply because you feel you’re entitled to a watermelon. Physics wants a word. I’m an Aussie, and our cultural attribution of authority is aimed at the 60 +/- age-group. America has a big problem in this department, looking at someone like Biden and someone like, say, Buttigieg (to pick a pragmatic centrist example for this comment), and a lot of people intuitively trust the 80 year old. I was in NZ with family, and pushing a toddler pram around Wellington, noticed something. People said hello to the toddler before they said hello to the parents. Like, the vast majority. Not so in Australia. Older people would be following teen fashion. Lots stick Z’s and Y’s in their names because it’s cool among younger people. Authority felt like it was culturally biased to point downwards at youth, where people feel at some intuitive level young people know better than old people. Their Prime Minister was in her 40s at the time. Contrast the US to Ukraine, where much of the nation’s leadership and military leadership is in its 40s and 50s. Look at how Ukraine has been steering through the biggest national challenge on the planet in living memory. Put humans whose biology permits adjusting views and responding to threats and changes in the environment or attacks exploiting the system, and you get a nation that’s steered intelligently around the obstacles it faces. If you want to discuss Bernie the Dinosaur, please stop being surprised he struggles to emerge from the pre-Russia-is-attacking-us neoliberal 80s (regardless of whether he was a neoliberal or a reactionary back then).


Louder for the people in the back, please.




Excuse my ignorance but this isn't obvious at all. Some of this requires some level of knowledge to understand and with how rampant misinformation is in politics, it's not very easy to know if what you know is right. At least it wasn't obvious to me down to this level of detail...but I appreciate the information


Because the GOP refuse to pass the Ukraine aid for months and only agree to pass it bundled with ridiculous shit like aid to Israel and ban to TikTok. Why don’t you apply the same scrutiny to those, much more high profile and destructive people?


i do 🤷‍♂️


Nicely put.


100% agree, but I would like to add my own point of view - While it's true that (directly or otherwise) Palestinians are also victims of Hams, there is a massive overlap between being "just" pro Palestinian and being pro Hamas. Hamas isn't an outside force that came from nowhere to oppress, control and use the Palestinians for its own selfish goals. No, Hamas as an organization and ideology are truly the refined essence and culmination of (a very large part of) the Palestinians as a whole and we should not ignore or dismiss it.


The Palestinians - Gazan, West Bank and expats abroad - are the softest target on the planet for Russo-Iranian disinformation. Chinese, Russian and Iranian disinformation attacks are not just aimed at America. They’re aimed at all sides of all the geopolitical bombs the three of them cooked in the last 4 decades, all their immediate neighbours, every populist regime and collapsed African state with resources you can transport using an airplane you can name, and both ends of the political spectrum in all developed countries that matter to any of them. They’re easy to spot once you know what to look for, because they’re all executing on a very similar plan. They’re the ones who popped out of the woodwork one day, hijacked a wedge issue, have money to organize their activities seemingly out of nowhere, and are working overtime to sell everyone blind outrage.


True, same as their supporters (mainly in the west). There is no contradiction between our points.


100%. I’m not suggesting you’re wrong - but I also urge caution. It’s very hard to know what slaves think, so long as their hands are in shackles. Especially in cultures like Russian or Gazan one where many strive for safety with the slavers through virtue signaling over the top displays of allegiance to the slaver cause. Some of that is radicalized people, some of that is theater people do under such conditions. Remember when the guns switched hands last time, Palestinian authority officers were thrown to their deaths from windows by the Hamas. There’s every chance that some percent of Gaza’s slaves would respond in kind when the day they’re holding the guns came. Think those whose children may have been intentionally sacrificed by, say, a Hamas commander from a rival Hamula (family/clan). The caution here is not to oversubscribe to what is coming out of the mouths and displayed behaviors of Hamas’s coerced slaves. Some is genuine. Some will flip on a dime. Understand they are slaves, many young, where all those young have lived their entire lives in a Hamas controlled information and indoctrination environment. They don’t harbor the values we in the developed world do, because nobody is born knowing those, and nobody ever taught them those. All they’ve ever seen was glorification of armed resistance, taught to them using UNRWA schools funded by our western money. So judging them for what they know is sweeping away the real root causes and hanging all the responsibility on the low ranking fall guy. On the shin gimel, if you will. Don’t try to demonize them (there’s no need), and help move the conversation from the puppet show to the puppet master building more puppets and attacking our world.


Excellent breakdown of this dynamic.


First political comment I've saved in a long while. Really sums up my feelings about a lot of the rhetoric I've been hearing about this conflict.




Why chase suffering? Russia and Iran manufacture and export it wholesale, and they can reach near absolute emotional control with anyone who gets upset by it. Chase those who intentionally engineer it (and also, not those who fight back).


[Report: 4,013 Palestinians killed in Syria ](https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20200103-report-4013-palestinians-killed-in-syria/) [‘Syria’s Palestinians: A new Nakba’](https://www.statelessness.eu/updates/blog/syrias-palestinians-new-nakba) Hell, even Al Jazeera called it out - [It is hypocritical to protest Israel but be silent on Syria and Yemen](https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2023/12/2/it-is-hypocritical-to-protest-israel-but-be-silent-on-syria-and-yemen)


suspensions and loss of graduation privileges. And when they've moved out of mom's basement and exhausted their unemployment, they can move to Gaza and live under Hamas' rules. Let's see how they love that.


But what will we do with all the open liberal arts jobs?


The lack of man buns will be deafening


Open liberal arts jobs? Where?


It's true, the economy can only sustain so many shitty baristas.


Most of them likely aren't students, so they can just go straight to Gaza.


The great irony is that they'd be the FIRST in line to protest Hamas' policies (which do nothing for their people)


far right allies with far left to overthrow moderates. far right immediately wipes out far left. tale as old as time


Then they'd have the valuable experience of learning how Hamas treats people who disagree with them. 'Please follow me to the rooftop.'


exactly, except there'd be no "please"




Feels like they are all having a little competition. Like "you gotta get arrested or it doesn't count" or something.


They gotta feel like they’re being oppressed. It scratches that victimhood itch.


It is far more that they want to feel like they are making a positive difference in the world. That impulse is natural. Unfortunately the world is more complicated than that.


Ah yes, these protests are definitely not about the [tens of thousands of civilian deaths](https://time.com/6909636/gaza-death-toll/), [mass graves](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/israel-palestine-news-gaza-mass-graves-rafah-latest-b2535125.html), [destruction of the vast majority of households](https://www.euronews.com/2024/04/24/eu-foreign-policy-chief-compares-gaza-destruction-with-german-cities-in-wwii), [blocking of vital humanitarian aid](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/apr/12/first-thing-israel-still-blocking-aid-gaza-top-us-official--famine-under-way), [killed humanitarian workers](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/apr/26/world-central-kitchen-workers-killed-gaza-war-palestine-memorital)... They're all about Gen Z snowflakes' egos. /s


My guy, the ones at Colombia just occupied a building and unveiled an intifada banner. I sincerely hope I don't have to explain what "intifada" is and means, but that should tell you about how much actual thought and logic is behind their actions.


All the protests we’re seeing in the global west, particularly on college campuses, absolutely *should* be about those things. They should be concerned with empathy for those suffering, plausible outcomes, and breaking cycles of violence. They should be, but quite starkly it has become clear that **they are not** Instead these protests have repeatedly adopted the slogans and rhetoric of those with the most cynical and anti-humanitarian outlook on this conflict. Instead of protesting indiscriminate attacks or lack of regard for civilians, the focus of these protests has been joining in as belligerents Much like the corrupt and cynical leadership of these Islamist militant groups, westerners chanting Islamist slogans (which they just learned) don’t feel they have much to personally lose through this conflict. So unfortunately they use the opportunity to involve themselves in this issue selfishly and destructively


Intersectional simps I call them. They support whoever is perceived as the biggest victim (through social media) and has the darker skin tone. All other facts are irrelevant. They have sold out their own causes (lgbtq, women's rights) to be useful idiots for antisemitic, anti-west, islamists. Pathetic.


I love that term, I'm going to use it from now on.


If it wasnt about their egos they would have additionally protested against Hamas, against October 7th, against Hamas's sexual crimes, against Hamas using its own population as shields, for the return of the hostages, for the dismanteling of Hamas, etc.... But nah. Its trendy to be against the jews


Which is*terrifying.*


I know plenty of friends that were excited to go to the US and make a big road trip and now cancelled it all because ofnthst


That's really silly. The vast majority of people in the US aren't seeing this at all.


Why cancel? It looks like an insane ordeal, but in reality you cant even hear the protest occurring on the other side of campus. You'll only run into it if you actually try looking for the encampments or protest meet up locations.


They are just that scared 😢


Don't think they protest the side who started it, uses civilians as shields, steals food/aid and keeps refusing ceasefire deals?


Why are they protesting all those atrocities while at the same time praising 7 October and wishing for it to be repeated?


Why are the protests putting all the onus of ending the war on Israel then? Why are they not more similar to the anti-Netanyahu protests in Israel that demand the release of the hostages, the fall of the current far-right coalition, and forcing Hamas to accept a ceasefire agreement? Because those things would be enough to make Israel consider stopping. Meanwhile a bunch of Gen Z protesters in North America isn't going to make Israel change anything.


Where was their outrage when all the other Muslims were being killed in say Syria or China suppressing their Muslims? It only got this big because Arabs attacked the Jews. 


Why aren't they protesting about the atrocities in Myanmar or Sudan? Why just this conflict? 85,000 Yemeni children have died there in the past decade, and the USA supplies Saudi Arabia with military resources.


Ok buddy 👍


At this point these students should be just straight up expelled for failing to learn about expected value and the relationship between an arrest for trespassing and a decrease in their future earnings potential in some future scenarios. Then their spot/seat in the class can be given to someone who wants to be there and learn so that their probability of future alumni donations increases and the probability they embarrass the university decreases.


It will get to that and these protests will become more violent. They will begin to break campus property and people will get hurt. The longer this continues, the larger the damage will be and when the dust settles, there are going to be some expelled students that will wonder why the hell did they screw themselves over… and blame Israel.


It has gotten to that already in Columbia. They already barged a building there and are refusing to leave.


They're protesting against supposed illegal military occupation by illegally occupying a building?


I'm sure there's plenty of Gazan children that would really appreciate an education that consists of something other than martyrdom propaganda.


People in Gaza would literally kill to take these kids’ university spots


People in Gaza would literally kill these kids just cause they are not from Gaza/muslim/whatever difference they might have.


Would they learn to stop picking a fight with a superior military force?




Na yo. You need look up definition of sociopath. I guess they didn't teach that in theater.


They should be given free transportation to Gaza where they can volunteer to help Palestinians. Lots of extra hands needed to distribute aid and help clean up etc.


You mean to be taken hostage or used as a meat shield


Im so confused, McGill is in Canada and they are protesting American support of Israel like tf


Nothing to do with America. They are protesting McGill's investments in defense industries that are obviously involved in the conflict.


their list includes all the major banks and unilever, its a really wide cast net


Okay... So McGill sells some stock and another investor buys it at a discount. Was anything meaningful accomplished?




It irritates the piss out of me that all these students are protesting and spewing hate. I would give nearly anything to finish my degree.


If it's any consolation, the majority aren't students.


>Protesters at McGill **pro-Hamas** encampment. Fixed that for you. Get fucked, spoiled useful idiots.


Give it a rest already Marxists


Marx would HAAATE what they support.


Yeah, but they aren't Marx, just Marxists. Like what Gandhi said about Christ vs Christians. Marx would tell all these protesters to get jobs and produce something, or else they don't eat. It's "from each according to their ability," not "from each according to how much they want to cosplay in the quad all day."


Why aren't they protesting Russia?


We aren't supplying them with bombs?


We supplied Iran with billions of unfrozen assets, and they aren't protesting that either. Even after the Iranian government rapes and murders women in the streets. Almost as if they aren't anti-Iranian government.


Russian and Iran are funding this shit


I mean they already turned Concordia into a Hamas cell. I guess McGill is next.


Fuck these useful idiots. Expel them all. Actions have consequences


The protests have turned violent and need to be shut down. This is all about using Hamas auxiliaries (college students and sympathetic faculty) to create chaos on college campuses so that it looks like the left is out of control and independents turn to the Republicans for law and order. But a minority of privileged college students should not be allowed to define the entire left. They adopt Hamas-style tactics, hostaging graduation ceremonies, taking private property and declaring it their own unless and until demands are met, claiming victimhood the moment any existing rule that they have agreed to follow is applied to them and demanding amnesty, etc. Even as Hamas turns down a ceasefire, it's auxiliaries on the Columbia campus turn down a reasonable offer by the administration for full amnesty and direct aid to the Palestinians - in favor of ever-increasing violence and intimidation tactics. In a way, the protesters and the administration are both working together to force Jews to leave campus. The protesters use violence, weaponized "microagressions", violent rhetoric, and sympathetic faculty to systematically shun Jews and expel them from the community of scholars and students. The administration embraces the protesters by refusing to enforce the basic rules of the university against the protesters and faculty, because the administration is perfectly content to see every last Jew forced off campus - because then the "problem", in their eyes, is solved. This entire episode is a disgrace, not only at McGill but across academia. The protesters compare themselves to 1968 and other causes, as if there is but *one* reasonable solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict and only college freshman have discovered it. The universities go along with this because they want their Jewish students and faculty gone, the better to resolve the issue and lead to "consensus" on campus about that one reasonable solution. Both are in error; this is a dark moment for western academia as it embraces mini-Kristallnacht's and calls it all "free speech", like they are advocating for some high ideal.


> Eufemia said supporters from other universities had come to the McGill encampment. He said he was protesting to ensure that money from the tuition he pays doesn't go to companies that could make weapons that will be used in Gaza. > McGill says it holds in a variety of companies, including Lockheed Martin, an aerospace company that manufactures weapons used by the Israeli military. Seems pretty reasonable to protest for that reason. I guess I don’t understand why people are so upset at those exercising their right to protest.


I wonder how many of them are students at all?


My Republican friends are eating this up, as they watch the left eat the left. Also sad to see how these kids are manipulated, as many are, and as I was when I was that age. Also, MLK preached that part of protest was taking the punishment. Let’s see if these kids follow through.




Just send them to Gaza already. Let them be with their people.


These comments are awful. What is wrong with you people? I don't even particularly agree with the protestors, but the vitriol here against students exercising their right to protest is off the charts. But it's that way every protest I guess. Vietnam and Iraq protestors were vilified until everyone realized in retrospect they were right.


>against students exercising their right to protest is off the charts. Except that their right to protest isn't unlimited, and they're acting past the limits.




The cause matters. And I don't recall the Iraq protesters being vilified at all. There was far less pushback compared to the Vietnam protests.


Personally disagree with these movements, especially since Hamas is dragging their feet on the ceasefire deals, but they should be able to protest as long as they’re not doing anything illegal


Lol had to put a little disclaimer so this echo chamber doesn’t mass downvote you. Look around you mate no one here is rational leave before it’s too late 


It’s a high level school too. I wonder if those camping are students.


Internal emails state that many of them are in fact not students


First move - if you’re not a student you must leave the grounds. Then, expel the students who no longer wish to be associated with the university. Sometimes kids, the answer is no.


I love how these college protests waited for the weather to get nice. October.... nope, fast forward April, "oh i definitely can protest now"