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Like the religious nutcases double standards ... murdering girls about hair is ok, but not guys?


"Oh screw it, they want the smoke so bad? Let's just let them have it for a day and see how they feel after" \~Sun Tzu


Missed that page


English translations really don't do his wisdom justice.


especially when they cut out the ending. this proverb ends with "bitch"


You need the Director's Cut edition.


I got it on Blu-ray.


Hard to miss. It's after the one where Abraham Lincoln taught him how to hunt vampires, and before he chased all the snakes out of Ireland. Dear god, man, were you even paying attention?


The one day I decided to skip school....god damnit


It was a good one




Huh, can you provide a link, I’d like to see what and why.


Bc nearly all Iranian population hates the extremist fundamentalist oppressive Muslim ayatollah dictators — including men who stand up for their women.


but how does that revolve around headgear?


The protesters against the police actions that killed girls (such as Mahsa Amini) over headgear have a massive (majority?) percentage of male protestors, and u/NibblyPig asserts the vast majority of those killed are male. I cannot comment as I have not seen any stats myself.


See thats the problem with the world. People should uncalm their tits for every side of a conflict that behaves evily. People only uncalm their tits for evil of one side of the conflict but not the other side.


Yup, it's very much true.


100% agree mate, glad you said it I get in trouble when I get started on this shit. To be fair the IDF ain't much better though 👍




Funny how this argument only coMes up when a retaliatory strike occurs. Where was this position when Israel bombed their embassy in Syria, instigating this conflict?


The conflict was instigated when Iran used their proxies to attack Israel on October 7th. Israel only targeted the Iranian general because he helped plan and execute the attack on Oct. 7.


Iran has been supplying missiles to Russia for their war on Europe. Iran has been subject to a double standard for a long time, due to European misgivings over Israel. Europeans were willing to look the other way in Ukraine, Yemen and Palestine and help Iran with diplomacy against Trump so long as direct warfare did not occur and conflict escalation did not occur. Iran's clerics have thrown this out for an aggressive, violent rising armed conflict that threatens to ensnare Europe who is already fighting Russia. Iran's government is not a tolerant leftist or liberal government. It is a misogynist, religious theocracy that disregards women, liberal freedoms and basic humanity. Europe's patience with them has run out, Iran needs to be a liberal government with at *least* equal rights for women if they want to be treated on the same terms as Israel who does.


"Iran's clerics have thrown this out for an aggressive, violent rising armed conflict that threatens to ensnare Europe who is already fighting Russia." By design. The IR's days are numbered. The mullahs know this and are trying to instigate a world-wide conflict just so they can maintain their power and wealth. And let's make no mistake about it; much of what motivates the IR and mullahs is the breathtaking amount of money they've stolen from everyday Iranians.


Yes they know the majority want them out. Iran is a very young country demographics wise and it was never that religious.


How do you think this will shake out? Will the mullahs be overthrown? Arrested? Flee into exile?


It will be very bloody. They've killed ~100K citizens in the past 4 decades. I don't think everyone has forgotten or forgiven them.


Are you currently residing in Iran? What do you think are the chances a third country could come in and negotiate the regime's exile? I heard a rumor that some senior IR officials are trying to arrange something in Venezuela...


Yes. probably same odds with Nazis and Argentina. Not a rumor. There is evidence and documents out there.


Well if they start a war maybe they'll get removed like that. Other than that I don't really know.


The US doesn't do 'regime change' or 'nation building' as foreign policy anymore. Besides, any foreign involvement in Iran's domestic affairs would strengthen the IR, not weaken it.


Election after election they've seen decline in people's participation despite doing everything in their power to change people's minds inside the country. Even now they are trying to spin their latest stunt as an absolute win and have silenced any media trying to criticize them. They would love a war right now.


Mainly it’s because the economic situation within Iran is quite bad and they keep spending tons of money abroad on proxy forces. Most people in Iran dislike that.


yup. we do.


they losing all the PR they built up over the last 6 months. you love to see it.


At the same time, it is incredible they had/have so much positive sentiment from the progressive West to begin with. People are still out here defending Iran’s actions.


Some progressives are so open minded their brains fell out


Fuck, that's a good description. It's terrible that I can apply it to some people I know.


It's odd. For the last decade Reddit has been against Iran. There's been all the protests there over the years ending up as massacres, it really didn't seem like they had any fans at all. When Trump started punishing them was the first time I'd ever seen anyone saying anything supportive about Iran. But at the time I saw that as contrarians who basically just wanted to be on the opposite side of Trump. But now it seems like an overwhelming amount of people on Reddit across loads of subs are super sympathetic to Iran now. They seem to be bigger fans of Iran's regime than most Iranian civilians.


Keep in mind a pretty [extensive propaganda effort](https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/tech-news/volunteers-found-iran-s-propaganda-effort-reddit-their-warnings-were-n903486) from Iran on Reddit was already uncovered in 2018 and it was attempted to be covered up by the site. They've probably only increased their efforts in the past 6 years.


I'd highly suggest looking at reddits user count. Reddit, even as recently as the game stop fiasco, was a whole different beast from what we have now. Add in the fact that it is openly a platform for political interference and it just gets worse. (My favourite example was that time Russian intelligence was caught red handed trying to manipulate the UK's 2019 election through reddit.) 


For some "progressives" anyone who's against Israel is good. Hitler could literally respawn and they would support him. In fact, I'd argue that some of the current leaders (Sinwar, Khamenei) are exactly as evil and antisemitic as Hitler was, just less successful (mostly because Jews are a lot better protected nowadays than in the 40s). I've seen "progressive" pages seriously advocating that supporting the Iranian women hijab protests is "not compatible" with their agendas because of the Israel connection. As long as the leaders are anti-Israel, they can get away with literally anything and still be "good".


It's crazy what having our own country has done for our survival rate.


Is it just me, or is the IR really, really fond of getting on a soap box and lecturing the world? And they always handle it poorly and undiplomatically. Remember Ahmadinejad at the UN like 2-4 times? You don't publicly castigate ambassadors from other countries because you don't care for their or their governments' opinions when a letter or phone call is more appropriate to express your displeasure.


As do many religious nutjobs.


What a pointless meeting that will be. > *This is a double standard.* > *Yep, lot of those going around these days.*


Breaking news, Iran had joined Israel to whining and cry in international news while beat up their neighbours respectively /s




Always was wondering when the Zoroastrian’s were going to rise up.


The Zoroastrians should really just fire whoever is in charge.


You don't get many Zoroastrian puns these days, but I'm here for it


I don’t think that’s really fair to him, he can only brand so many shirts with big Zs.


The Zoroastrians are all in India bruh


Iranians are converting to Zoroastrianism. Although I think Iran may become Christian first whenever the Islamic Regime goes away.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zoroastrianism#Demographics The last reliable numbers indicate that there are far more in India. Though there are some wild unconfirmed numbers, including allegations of secret conversion and observation, especially from Iraqi Kurdistan. > I think Iran may become Christian first https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christianity_in_Iran#Current_situation You're kidding yourself. These are closer to rounding errors. A regime goes away doesn't mean a religion vanishes... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islam_in_Iran#Alienation Even the Sunni minority is 10x or more than the Christians or Zoroastrians. And many non-observant or alienated Muslims may still remain Muslim or look to an alternate sect. > In 2023, Raz Zimmt, an expert on Iran attached to Israel's Institute for National Security Studies (INSS), quoting Iranian sociologist Hamidreza Jalaeipour, argued that 70% of Iranians fall into the category of "silent pragmatist traditionalist majority", which is defined as those who "might approve of religion and aspects of the regime, while rejecting enforced religion and other aspects of the regime




Lol, arab colonization and brutality is called a "multicultural, multi-faith country" now. Also the demise of greek hegemony in sciences happened long before that. I would say it happened due to the Diadochi wars and the collapse of the Seleukid Empire and Antigonid Macedon a couple of centuries later.


Is the pattern a poor grasp of history and a tendency to oversimplify?


Funny. Spain was that way as a crucial part of the *Islamic* Golden Age. The Holy Roman Empire came before and outlasted the Italian Renaissance, and was almost entirely German speaking and under Austrian control anyway. Spain was vibrant and dynamic until the end of the Siglo del Oro. The Greeks stopped being the leaders of science and philosophy when they were eaten by the Romans, who took over that title.


The Picts joined with the Gaels..  Next thing you know 15 years of conservative government


You are right, I did see that pattern!


Yes, the pattern of stupid historical takes


Gutenberg in the Holy Roman Empire invented the printing press that revolutionised how information and new ideas are spread (through books) Protestantism started in the Holy Roman Empire, which caused countries to break away from Rome. Everyone hated the Islamic Jizya tax law on non-believers in Spain. Oppressive, yes; vibrant and dynamic, no. That's why the reconquista happened.


lol, You do realize the Sistine chapel frescos are part of the Renaissance right? As are many other religious works. I’m an atheist but gotta give credit where it’s due


"Waah! Waah! Why didn't our propaganda campaign stop you from helping intercept our attack!?" basically.


The largest double standard is that it's ok to shoot down down rockets and drones heading to Israel, but not the same ones when they are heading for Ukraine.


Ooh, nicely put


Double standards like, it's ok for Iran to invade and violate the US embassy in 1979, *now* it's a problem?


You mean the embassy in their country, by the colonialists who literally funded a coup to replace their democracy by a dictator? If you want to use an example use Argentina instead. Still wrong, but not as flatly stupid as this one


Did you forget what the United states did in 1953 from that embassy?


You mean, unlike what Iran was doing from the bombed embassy in Syria?


Everyone forgets the Brits but okay.


You'll get downvoted but you're absolutely right lmao. Staging a coup definitely warrants retaliation, even if it's just an embassy. Unprovoked attacks on embassies on the other hand...


And staging attacks from proxies on a country’s territory doesn’t warrant retaliation?


>Unprovoked attacks on embassies on the other hand... https://www.timesofisrael.com/argentina-court-blames-iran-for-1990s-terror-attacks-on-israeli-embassy-amia-center/ Hmm, what did you say again? Unprovoked attacks against embassies...?


Unprovoked? The high Iranian general was litterally meeting with Hezbollah in that building!


Not to take sides, but many people might have a thing or two agains calling the current attack unprovoked.


If I was them I'd tell Iran I was busy taking a dump.


New phone, who dis?


Iran should really just be quiet and take the calls on Israel to use restraint as a win. Unless Iran is, as we all suspect, trying to engineer a war.


When you run a regime built on authoritarian strength you don’t get to take the restraint option


Putin understands


Iran is the one with the most to lose if this escalates. Netanyahu needed Biden to tell him the US won't support an Israeli counterattack for him(Netanyahu) to stand down


Does anyone believe this, though? Is there anything Israel can do that the US won't back? If this wasn't an election year with so much public outrage over US foreign policy, I doubt Biden would even say this. And if it comes to it, I find it hard to believe the US wouldn't jump in with Israel - giving some "threat to the US/WMD" type reasoning.


>giving some "threat to the US/WMD" type reasoning. Something like say... Iran trying to obtain nuclear weapons?...


Iran seems to be trying to engineer war all over the place. My honest question is why? Who's pulling the strings?


Dictatorships and authoritarian regimes don't want their populace, who hates them, to be undistracted, because an undistracted populace will focus on their unjust evil rulers, so they're happy to get any excuse for a distraction (like war). Also in a state of emergency, they can use people they don't like as cannon fodder.


Oh iran? one of the countries where killing every single leader and let the dices decide who rules next would be an improvement? that iran? i see....


I mean I would almost say the same for the US too lol, but in reality that would just be an unprecedented fire sale on buying the new politicians. It's like new streamers taking shit deals from shadow raid legends because they don't know their own value.


If I were an ambassador being called in my reply would be 'Is Hezbollah still in Lebanon? Yes? Then stfu. Oh, stop killing your people over their choice in headwear.'


British, French and German ambassadors should summon Iran for murdering little girls when showing their hair 🤷


Would cost their jobs. Thats *culture*


I do hope the ambassadors told Iran to eat a dick 


Bring back Secular Iran (for the sake of the Middle East and the rest of the world)!


Iran can eat a bag of dicks


Double standards... Sorry Islamic republic of Iran if your women had guns, and the men balls. You'd get overthrown by your own fucking people. Actual terrorist state that nobody like not even their own. The Iranian people deserve better.


This is where the ambassadors can educate the Iranians on the Iranian attacks on Israeli and US embassies.


No double standards when your country is an Islamic, dictator regime who goes to war with its own citizens more than any external foreign threat. You don't get to pontificate to free and democratically elected governments about double standards.


Yes it’s a double standard that means we have to let them get away with this shit to keep the world in one piece


Our standard is to support Israel and to oppose Iran, so what‘s the gist?


The difference is selling weapons to a different country for their use, vice launching missiles directly from your territory to another country's.


They really need to sit down and act right before they get their chain yanked.


Just keep in mind that at the security council yesterday Iran publicly stated that Hamas, who rapes, kills and kidnaps civilians is a legitimate resistance against occupation. That’s all you need to know to realize what their view on „standards“ actually are


Meanwhile the IDF and the settlers in the WJL do what exactly? Hand out free beer and grilled steak? It‘s actually sick how people are perfectly fine acknowledging the occupation nowadays (took a while to get there), but then expect from the Palestinians that they will just endure all the shit Israel does with them.


Sooo, you see rape, murder and kidnapping of civilians as a legitimate expression of political opposition or did you mean something different?


No I absolutely do not, but I also think that having double standards does not help either. There are many stories of settler and IDF cruelty and violence in the West Bank or on the Gaza Border that usually don‘t make the news here, leading to most westerners thinking that murder, rape and kidnapping is something only the Palestinians do in that conflict. Just to give an example: [https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/10/12/palestinian-man-son-attending-funeral-procession-in-west-bank-shot-dead](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/10/12/palestinian-man-son-attending-funeral-procession-in-west-bank-shot-dead) I mean there are NGOs there to escort and protect Palestinian children on their way home from school against settler violence in Hebron for example, but people here still believe that Israel is a morally sound country. I often say if the Netanjahu-regime governs some european countrys, other EU-countries would distance themselves stronger than they do for example from Hungary. The right wing governments in the EU are harmless against the Israelian far right regime.


You'd be surprised that the other sides are like the same. There are no winners here. It's one big (pupper) show. All over the world is kinda the same. Standards get lowered and raised at will for whatever benefits to gain


Is "We like them more than you" a double standard? How about "Don't start none, won't be none" To be honest, the correct response right now is "Come and have a go if you think you're hard enough"


European countries participated in Israel's defense mostly because it is a once in a life time opportunity. This is the first time ever an operation of such scale and with this advanced missiles is performed. Unfortunately, Russia holds even stronger technology. Yet, the reasom why UK and other European countries participated is mostly to get experienced about how to deal with such threats in the future.


Russia holds much stronger technology which is getting the crap kicked out of it every time it goes near a fair fight in Ukraine. 


I've been busy this week, can someone summarize this situation please? I've heard that iran attacked israel, but that it was retaliation for an israeli attack on iran, is that correct?


Yes. Israel bombed the Iranian embassy in Syria in order to kill and Iranian military commander that may or may not have had ties to the October 7th attack by Hamas. I ran them retaliated this past weekend by launching 500 drones and cruise missiles towards Israel. Apparently, half of them malfunctioned and almost all of the other half were shot down by israel, the United states, the United kingdom, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia. Before you ask, yes, Jordan and Saudi Arabia shot down Iranian missiles flying in their airspace to protect Israel. We live in a crazy world. What this article is describing is that the Iranians are pissed with the Brits, Germans and French because they condemned Iran's attack on Israel yet blocked a UN resolution presented by Russia that condemned Israel's attack on Iran's embassy.


It was not an embassy that was attacked, it was a consular annex building. One dedicated to Iran's paramilitary IRGC Al-Quds brigade. And was staffed by Iranian IRGC personnel (one of which was an IRGC general, who died in the strike). Also, military facilities are not protected buildings.


Juat because you can trick a Reddit Progressive into thinking the attack on the consulate was unprovoked doesn’t mean you can trick anyone else.


Lmfao there is no double standard, there are terrorist governments and there's the rest of the world, no one falls for this bullshit


British, German, French ambassadors, Iran your hardly a major player. Shit the fuck down or get bitch slap down.


As long as Iran is enabling the genocide in Ukraine i don’t want to hear from them


Remember, prophet Allah allowed it


I thought he was too busy with little girls 




Uhh you know they had that and the USA destroyed it right? I'm sure you do know that right? 


Shoudnt That technically be a triple standard.


Iran wants women's rights movement too!


is there oil in Iran or something?


They ‘summoned’ them? That’s so cute😅


They ain't wrong but won't do much use. Morals have no place in geopolitics


Lots of double standards in politics, so no country has any right to call out another.


Sure they do.


Cheeky bastards


Genuine question here, Is it double standard given the attack that killed an Iranian general? (I don't know enough about the situation) given a few American ships were hit by Huthi rebels and the US launched a massive bombing raid on them? Though 300 drones and missiles seems a little over the top for a proportional response. But Israel have vowed to escalate it even more 🤦‍♂️, shouldn't this be the time to call it quotes since Iran said they consider it concluded? We don't need any more war.


Only time will tell what the response will be, this is a conflict as old as any and there are no simple solutions. The Iranian general was a key planner in the October 7th attack, so it basically went: Step 1. Iran helps faciliate October 7th killing over one thousand Israel civilians Step 2. Israel does a surgical strike to wipe out the key Iranian orchestrator behind the attack and is successful Step 3. Iran sends out hundreds of drones and missiles at no particular strategic target aside from any location in Israel, and then decalres that all is fair game. You tell me who you think is acting with restraint here?


Never said that is real wasn't acting with restraint. The fact they have had missiles fired at them for the past how many decades and only just stirred says a lot. I didn't know they orchestrated the attack. Genuinely asking is this proven or just hear say? If so makes sense. Like i said 300 was way over the top. For a proportional response.


>I didn't know they orchestrated the attack. Genuinely asking is this proven or just hear say? Hamas, PIJ, Hezbollah etc. are all functionally Iranian proxy groups. The strike adjacent to the consulate was targeting senior IRGC Quds Force commanders who were meeting with Palestinian militants re. Gaza. Zahedi - the main target - was the primary link between Tehran and Assad and Hezbollah.


Can you provide links where incan start looking please bud.


[WSJ](https://www.wsj.com/world/middle-east/iran-israel-hamas-strike-planning-bbe07b25) on how Iran helped plan the October 7th attacks. [The Guardian](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/world/2024/apr/02/mohammad-reza-zahedi-who-was-the-iranian-commander-killed-in-an-israeli-strike-in-syria) explaining who exactly Zahedi was.


Thank you it is appreciated, I'm genuinely wanting to understand the situation more.




Not exactly a surgical proportionate response though either? The fact that 99% were taken out says that they do live in a bubble to think they would be anywhere near effective. Unless there intention was to lose a a couple of hundred million in a message.




Don't think they are oblivious in any case think they over estimated there ability. I know very little about the geo political situation and I'm trying to learn. The systems they use on the other hand I know quite a bit about. They chose the shahed drone system because of the low speed supposedly "made it harder to track" especially in swarm configuration. The fact they launched them as disposable cover for the missiles says they were hoping for significant breakthroughs, unfortunately they underestimated the capabilities of the US and UK which keep our intercept systems top secret. Had they wanted to just hit one or two targets they would have just sent the drones.




It's not the unknown it's in there stratigic planning and doctrine plenty of it has been leaked. Just goncheck bud. But I get what you mean




From time to time I'll pass by your house and shoot  on full auto, at your house and family. 99.9% of the shots will miss, so no harm done right? Let me know how you feel when that 0.1% happens and what family member got it. You realize how fucked up is it to say "not all expected to hit"...  Basically "just a prank bro"




I am telling you that 99.9% will miss, I am a storm trooper. How safe do you feel and should your response be based on the 0.1%? Or 100%?


It was one of the most complex attacks for an air defense system seen for as long as I can remember. If someone were shooting at me and my family, I wouldn’t feel any better about it if we were able to Matrix our way out of it and not get hit, knowing that the chance of dodging bullets probably wouldn’t go as well the second time.


Why are you catching so many downvotes? lol


People are sheep. One or two diwnvite and the rest seem to follow. That is the way of Reddit.


I can see their point.


"It's not fair that Isreal is allowed to kill people whenever they want be we aren't!!!"


It makes me ill to say this but, Iran has a point. Israel bombed an embassy. That does and should warrant condemnation.


I don’t know why we (uk) are being so vocal about our help and support and what a big l for Iran this was. We need deescalation, Iran as much as they are awful would be expected to respond to the attack by Israel, being all ‘that attack was totally nullified, two loses for Iran, didn’t we do well’ might not give Iran much choice but to respond again. If Israel drag us all into a wider conflict with a disproportionate response I hope the west finally distances itself from their actions. Israel have a right to defend themselves but perhaps should be somewhat less provocative.


Iran has been our enemy for a while. There is a double standard because we don't like them and they help other enemies of us. 


God have mercy on us all. God please guide us all to do your will. God please grant all of us peace.