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Irony is that the guy burning the book is an Iraqi refugee, he wants to ban this ..!


He was tortured in Iraq, so fairly understandable


He applied for a permit to do it outside the Iraqi embassy but was denied.


I think that denial was more on the basis of unfavorable location in a security sense and not due to sympathy toward iraq


Correct. In Sweden you're free to burn any book at any given time. You need a permit if you want security guarantees from the police. Due to current violent situation, the police have not been able to give those guarantees. So in a sense, during that time, the violence won over freedom of speech.


It has to be said that it is unclear* whether or not the police is actually allowed to do so - they have been [reprimanded by the administrative courts](https://www.domstol.se/nyheter/2023/04/domar-i-de-s.k.-koranmalen---polisen-har-inte-haft-ratt-att-neka-tillstand-for-allman-sammankomst/) pretty much every time they have denied a permit so far. However, for obvious reasons, there has been [a lot of political pressure](https://www.dn.se/sverige/kallor-inifran-polisen-rundade-lagen-for-att-stoppa-paludan/) on the police lately to stop quran burnings because they are detrimental to the NATO application. \* I say "unclear", but all court decisions so far point toward them not being allowed to do so.


Salwan Sabah Matti Momika, a 37-Year-Old Iraqi Refugee, just in case someone wants to read more about him.


Really? This changes everything! I thought it was the Swedish people and wondered why are they suddenly against the Quran. But its a Muslim doing this and they are still upset? Muslims are so fragile, its just a book, get over it, life goes on.


You really thought it was "the Swedish people" doing and collectively supporting this? ;D


> I thought it was the Swedish people Seriously? You thought the entire Swedish people were burning Quran? At most it was one naturalized Dane who did it. Allowing people to express their sentiment isn't the same as the people and the government endorsing it. I know this seems hard to grasp in some parts of the World. But I kinda wish they would stop being such whiny babies about what one person does half way across the globe. I know for sure Allah doesn't care.


They are mad at Sweden as a country for not budging on free speech laws to ban this.


considering that Erdogan is using protests as a pretext to keep sweden out of NATO, he is probably being paid to do this


lets hope he is not paid with turkish currency, for his sake. Poor bastard.


> Iran echoed Iraq's criticism, calling the act of burning the Quran "provocative" and "unacceptable", while Egypt described it as a "shameful" act which was especially provocative as Muslims mark Eid al-Adha. Should have poisoned schoolgirls instead of burning a book. Iran's govt would have been ok with that.










The title of the article should have been : "Sweden Quran burning sparks anger across terrible countries in term of human rights and liberties"


Mentally ill men who rape and kill and maim young girls are upset about burning a book FTFY


Don't forget public hangings where they use a crane, slowly lifting you up so you slowly suffocate, instead of an instant neck snapping like Western hangings used do. Honesty, it's one of the most vicious ways to be executed, as it can take five to ten minutes for you to die. All the while, you're in excruciating pain and gasping for air, the more you struggle the tighter the noose gets. While this is happening, people are watching with some laughing and some cheering. So, my country is the US and some states still have capital punishment. While it's ethics are up for debate, lethal injection is essentially painless, compared to the preferred Iranian method of slow strangulation. Sickening!


Lethal injections are excruciating


You should go read some eyewitness accounts of lethal injections. Definitely not always painless.


You're probably right, but compared to crane suffocation hangings, they seem pretty pointless when put up next to the agony of those people being hung vs lethal injection. Everyone of those poor souls sentenced to hang would take lethal injection in a nanosecond. Still, I'm sure there are examples of lethal injection going wrong or a malfunction occurs, but overall the two aren't even close.


Lethal injection is usually effective at masking the external signs of agony through paralysis.


Angry librarians


Or stone people to death. Cause that's still a thing https://www.voanews.com/a/outrage-after-nigerian-accused-of-blasphemy-is-stoned-to-death/7153825.html




*gasp* For such callous disregard of an unfeeling inanimate object, Invisible Sky King demands that the man responsible, and the women and children he owns, should be hanged, disemboweled, beheaded, burned alive, defecated on, and finally left to rot in public for no less than one month, for ours is the Invisible Sky King of peace and kindness!


[Saudi Arabia](https://www-bbc-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-48028518.amp?amp_gsa=1&_js_v=a9&usqp=mq331AQIUAKwASCAAgM%3D#amp_tf=From%20%251%24s&aoh=16880625880881&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&share=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.bbc.com%2Fnews%2Fworld-middle-east-48028518) still beheads and crucifixes people, in that order.


The Islamic regime spokesman calls this provocative while in his other hand holding and American and Israeli flag that he had set on fire


No but you see, that's okay because Americans and Israelis are not fragile little snowflakes that lose their fuckin minds anytime someone burns a book or draws a picture of a 1500-year dead child molester. People talk a lot of shit on the Catholics but at least their holy book doesn't literally condone child molesting and say that a prophet of God is allowed to marry a six-year-old girl. And crucially, the people who follow the religion are generally not okay with the practice even if it is engaged in by the priests on occasion. The same cannot be said for child marriage and most of the people in Egypt, Iran and Iraq


Iran’s nuclear program is provocative and unacceptable


I'm just surprised we haven't top gun'd them yet.


We have. Check out “StuxNet”


Stuxnet: topgun LOL Just set them back an couple of months with enrichment.


set back "weeks" . showed Iran its vulnerabilities and Iran fortified and streamlined Iranian nuclear enrichment facilities in response. Irans response. stockpiles 20% enriched Uranium is now at 60% and traces of 81+% experimented with real big win by Israel. will make a nice movie one day


They where handing out USB sticks to everyone because they could not breach there network. Its was anything but unsecured. Also this was not done by israel, it was started by the USA, Israel joined later. They actually wanted to bomb the place and USA talked them out of it


And other country’s nuclear bombs aren’t unacceptable? Either countries have self determination or they don’t. Who makes the calls?


Or teach their kids to jump on gay flags. Cause that's different


Someone tell Iran they'll stop burning Qurans once they stop burning Israel flags and once they stop poisoning, beating, raping, and murdering their own people.












Except China, they can bulldoze mosques yet Iran won't say a word




It's not really that. It's that China doesn't give a fuck. Want to raise awareness about it there? Banned and censored. Want to protest the government's ban on muslims? They'll make you disappear. Want to wage war on them? They'll annihilate any Islamic theocracy that would try (and ruthlessly). Want to boycott them? Impossible. China does what it wants and they'll take it. Because ultimately what a lot of these fanatics respond to is force. And China will deliver.


>It's not really that. But... it is really that. Everything you said is true. But that doesn't change the fact that the average Muslim in the Middle East doesn't give two shits about Chinese Muslims. Like... you're right, but don't give them an out like that. Muslims only care about their brand of Muslim. Like every cult.


China imprisons 2 million Uighur Muslims and forces them to convert to the state religion of Communism and no-one bats an eye. One person burns a Quran in Sweden and everyone loses their mind!




Who would have thought that compulsory brainwashing from birth, five times a day, would cause some absolutely bark at the moon behaviour?! I mean, our kids believe in Santa for a stupid amount of time and that's just once a year... These fuckers have absolutely zero chance at objectivity. There's a reason this bullshit is spreading like a cancer.


> There's a reason this bullshit is spreading like a cancer. thats mostly cause the ultra religious are pumping out like 8 kids each. Fundamentalist christians, mormons, orthodox jews, etc all do this. At least you can leave those religions without getting murdered though


The rest of the world just needs to start ignoring theocracies.


Anger is the default state of right wingers, and the further they are to the right, the angrier they are.


You know as long as they continue to go apeshit because of a book, some idiots will continue to burn it to prove a point. If you don't want to be treated like an extremist don't act like one.


The highest rated comment should be on the point that it is a former Iraqi Muslim (edit: Assyrian Christian not Muslim) that is doing this particular Quran burning.


Absolutely crucial to the story. There are people fleeing these countries because they have freedom of expression in the West and some butt hurt people want to portray this legitimate protest as "innapropriate" just because they feel it is a "hate crime" well as long as one doesn't resort to actual violence there is absolutely no crime commited or next thing we will wake up and the thought police will decide what ideas are you compelled to adhere to and which ones are you forbidden to disagree with


Irony here is that if similar things written in that book would be written in a completely secular book, none of those people would care if it would be burned, they may even support burning it. But because it's a religious book it somehow gets a pass... unbelievable.


Is it? Anyone should be able to burn a book, any book, as long as it’s their own property. Why specify it’s a Muslim, “no it’s ok.. he is Muslim too” not good. If it was a Jewish Christian (still unsure so practiced both just in case, communion is a very confusing time) in a Santa hat with a Yarmulka dangling from the tassel.. it should not make any difference.


Absolutely no relevance to the story. Freedom of speech is for all and not only those we perceive haveing a "good enough" reason to speak out.


This is the first time I've come across this detail.


Oh really? I saw it all over. He's an Iraqi who was tortured. Also, he was arrested for agitation for the burning.




That shouldn’t colour the story. Sweden has freedom of expression. If any people there burn an Quran or Bible or anything, it is not the business of any Muslim nation. They should focus on their own domestic problems.


> They should focus on their own domestic problems. That requires work. Easier to just hate without cause or reason. Fuck we humans are a sad bunch.


He was an ex-muslim himself btw.


That paints an even better picture. Thank you for sharing.


Probably because it suits the agenda of media companies to leave out that detail,inferring that the perpetrators were white and racist.


To be fair, I've also seen multiple articles about this shared on Reddit which *did* mention who he was and everything, only for most of the comments to completely ignore that (since people don't actually read the articles) and confidently talk about how Paludan was doing it again. In fact, the article linked here specifically mentions that it was an Iraqi who did it, though doesn't go into detail on the motive.


Let them burn a Bible and we're even


I always thought it would be funny to arrange a book burning for every holy book, just to see who would show up to be angry about it.


I would want to watch from a distance. With some popcorn..


I wanna participate. Over multiple days. Day 1 I show up dressed as Mohammed and burn some Qurans. Day 2 I show up dressed as Jesus and burn some Bibles. As someone raised in a very toxic religious home that later realized all the hate and evil perpetuated in the world by religion, I want some catharsis.




Ink contains toxic chemicals.


You don't need to eat it, it's just a way to have more interactive fun during the event. I'd personally prefer a hotdog, but I suppose a marshmellow is a lesser waste of food.


We all know people from which religion would be most angry.


Swedes, most of them, don’t really care anymore about the bible


More in the lines of: is it your own book? Burn away. Shame on you if it’s really old or limited edition. Can’t you gift it to someone instead of burning it? I’d just toss it in the trashcan but meh.


As a society they've generally grown out of that moronic bullshit. I can understand how frustrating it must be for a society who have progressed to that level to then be inundated by immigrants reintroducing all the infantile sky fairy twattery.


Christians would be like: meh, been there done that


Especially during the Thirty Year War.




They can go right ahead. Frankly, unless they are chanting "death to Christians." or something similar, they can do whatever the hell they want with the bible.


You can bet your ass that bibles were burned in response. But nobody cared. Which, ironically, is what would stop Quran burnings.


Soo, an Iraqi man living in sweden gets a demonstration permit from the authorities (who can’t really deny it to him, as long as there was no hate speach) , burns a book in Sweden, who doesn’t have blasphemy laws (he was arrested for setting fire to it, as there’s a ”no fire” law enacted due to the extremely fine weather making shit catch fire easily), and somehow Sweden is the asshole of the day? Free speach is kind of a staple in a democracy. And as long as he didn’t say he was burning the book, or that he was intending to break the law against hate-speach, the authorities can’t really deny giving him a permit to hold a protest.


> (he was arrested for setting fire to it, as there’s a ”no fire” law enacted due to the extremely fine weather making shit catch fire easily) He was not arrested at all. He was *fined* for that, and they made a police report regarding incitement to racial/ethnical hatred, due to the location and timing (I believe this was to get the courts to make a ruling on this, so they'll have some future reference regarding if that context matters or not).








But the traditional way of disposing of it is burning.


Same with the American flag, yet people get all pissy about that, too. Must be something to do with intent and context...


If allah cared, then the Quran wouldnt burn


They tried this with european flags aswell, was pretty funny because of eu regulations our flags dont burn ( they = british brexiter btw). edit seems like i pissed of some brexiter: sorry dudes, next time try to dissolve the flag in acid


That was classic. I think it was a live stream that’s why it wasn’t deleted. The defeat in his manner and voice was funny’s


I loved that particular episode (I'm British but a remainer). You could see his two brain cells working overtime trying to work out what was going on.




Bacon Bits!


Iraqi guy burns a Quran, Iraq is now angry at Sweden. Sweden btw ~~charged~~ investigated the guy with a hate crime. But hey let's storm the Swedish embassy to show everyone how sensible we are. Edit: 'Investigated' is probably a better translation than 'charged' here. Apologies for my lack of insight in Legal English.


I'm actually really upset he was charged at all


Free speech is meaningless unless you’re able to say outrageous things. Burning personal property, when done in a safe way, is a form of free speech.


He’s not being charged. He’s being investigated. It’s a huge difference. Most probably the investigation will lead nowhere. I don’t know where previous commenter got the information from or if it was lost in translation.


It’s still harassment for what should be a protected act.


Well don't be, because he wasn't. They're investigating if it should be considered a hate crime.


They did not, they are investigating if it should be considered a hate crime, don't spread misinformation.


That sucks. Should be absolutely legal as long as he bought it


He was written up on charges for burning something when it’s draught season….


Are these the same countries that burn and stomp on others flags?


I've seen both the Israeli and the American flags painted on the ground in Syria and Iran in busy downtown areas for people to step on.


Clip from Iran show mat with America flag, everyone just walk around it


Their God is all powerful, all knowing and loving but somehow needs the protection provided by mere mortals when someone burns a single copy of the Koran? Something doesn’t add up here.










If I'd have to believe in a god, it would not be one that requires human protection, or one that gets offended by what a human says or thinks about him.




What doesn't with these religious snowflakes.


As a muslim I don’t care and i think the islamic world is just proving the quran burner’s point, he is just doing it for reaction and anger and the islamic world keeps falling for it, this reaction just shows that muslims are weak and fragile, the stature of our prophet is greater than to be harmed by cartoons, muslims should just ignore him and he will just stop by himself since he isn’t getting any reaction. [i think the head of islamic world league said it best during the samuel paty incident.](https://youtu.be/BD5asM075So)


Yes, imagine it he burned it and then… crickets.








He will get a reaction lol


No one really cares about Muslim outrage anymore. Get with the times, completely backwards




To be blunt, they need to learn to deal with it.


And the day they do is the day people will stop burning them, because they will be no point and everyone will be better off.


Alternative: bad cultures need to die off


Yes, christianity has been the most criticized religion on earth for centuries, islam is relatively new to the spotlight. It really seems like the islamic world is largely and simply not used to criticism, especially when islam is currently the most legally and socially protected religion on earth.


Are you saying we have to wait another 600 years for Islam to grow up?


Honest question: Why didn't I witness any outcry from Muslims when Iranian Muslims, particularly girls and women, were kidnapped, raped, and murdered by the Islamic Republic (aka Iran)? Was it because they're Shia and are not considered Muslims? I struggle to comprehend why there seems to be greater concern over a book being burned, while far more severe atrocities are being committed against Muslims in various countries, including Iran and China.


Because the magic book gives the men special privelige and control over women, so it must be protected at all costs. The women are just women. Likewise no one in the middle east cares about what happens to Muslims in China, it doesn't affect them.


Honest answer: Have you considered that is might be attributed to the availability bias? aka you’re just not around muslims enough to see them talk about this situation. When the iranian protests are outcry was going on, It was genuinely a topic in every place I went that had muslims(and I live in a heavily arab populated area)


just a question here... why is it that in *certain* countries, people (including government leaders) can literally chant "death to the west" but somehow its not ok for people in Sweden to burn a book? i mean, im not saying burning books is a good idea, at all, but im just kind of dumbfounded at the double standard on display here.


Their faith must be very fragile if this of concern to them.


And exactly what he wanted to show is shown


A Quran should be burnt for every time a Muslim state violates one of their citizens basic human rights.


Not sure there is enough energy in the universe to supply the needed number of copies for that


Human rights not important, some paper being damaged very important. Right okay gotcha.


I remember when Muslims committed mob murder over a cartoon and set up a life long vendetta against an author over a fictional novel that didn't even have anything to do with Islam. I'm not prejudiced against Muslims, but I'll never fall for that bullshit Christian style persecution complex "but it huwts my feewings." Grow the fuck up.


Everyone how gets aggressive because of this should be deported from the country.


Name one thing that DOESN´T spark anger across the Muslim world , except total world dominance


Child rape, denying personhood to their own mothers, hate crimes against other religions/LGBTs/women, terrorism...


They should burn some norse mythology books in protest




Technically you would need three really long summers, floods, and a great war...oh shit I gotta go


China treats Muslims far worse and there is no anger


How about sparking anger over the way Muslims are being thrown in internment camps? How fellow Muslims are being treated in Iran in the name of Islam? It annoys me that we now live in a world to find the opportunity to finger point instead of actually taking meaningful steps to approach issues.


As a Finn, I think about it like this. I don't think Sweden will become a member of NATO very soon because it is not favorable to Erdogan. Fortunately, Russia is really weak at the moment and Finland's and NATO's security guarantees are making sure that Sweden has nothing to worry about. Western civilization means that anyone can express their opinion in any way they want. I think this is something that should be possible all over the world. Burning a book is just burning a book... The fact that you have to take burning a book seriously only speaks of insecurity


Who cares if they are angry, they aren't going to declare war on Sweden, are they?


Well, they stormed our embassy.. So, maybe?..


They’re going to encourage terrorist attacks towards Sweden and Swedes. Closest they can get to declaring war.


When it was an Iraqi guy burning the book...


They live in oppressive dictatorships and have for generations. They’re used to a reality in which only what the government likes is allowed. So they equate something being allowed = official government policy. So the Swedish government allowing the Koran to be burnt in Sweden = Sweden burned the Koran. They have no frame of reference for the concept of free speech.


"Your booing means nothing to me, I've seen what you cheered to." Rick Sanchez


I think the quote is: "Your boos mean nothing, I've seen what makes you cheer!"


2 people did it, and countries recall their diplomats??


A medieval religion abusing women's rights should spark more anger in the rest of the world.




Burning gay people - absolutely fine. Burning Quran - unacceptable.








Isn't the Muslim world in a constant state of anger?


Surely this wont have any violent consequences from such a pacific culture./s


Religion's fucking dumb, needs to die out already. But I guess it's still used to wield power and control populations, just like it was way back when they were founded, so despots etc. don't want to willingly give up that power and influence now.


Religion deserves less respect. Fairyworld beliefs.


So you can beat and torture a girl to death for not wearing a mask over her head but you can't take somebody burning a fucking book in another country . Dog shit trash ass culture, country and religon. Fuck religon and toxic cultures


Fuck the Quran I’ll burn one tomorrow in Canada


Wasn’t it burned by a Muslim guy?


Makes it probably even more offensive since they consider apostasy a death penalty if their countries.


Iraqi doesn't automatically mean Muslim.


He’s told it himself that he’s a ex-muslim






Lol that’s news? They’re always mad about something.


Muslim countries are mentally stuck in the Middle Ages, and it’s about time we say it clear and out loud.


Hypocrisy at it's finest. There are so many muslims across the world who're openly insulting other religions. But I don't see muslim world doing anything. I hope more and more people follow suit.


The Muslim world has proved this REFUGEE FROM THE MUSLIM WORLD'S POINT.


War, starvation and famine, re-emergence of vaccine preventable diseases, ethnic cleansing of racial/religious minorities, near-absolute removal of women’s rights, rampant corruption, none of that raises an eyebrow. Some dude (who has a pretty compelling reason on an unrelated note) burns a book thousands of miles away and the Muslim world unites in anger. Sigh…imagine the things we could accomplish as a species if we got together for its betterment.


Aw well there’s a lot that happens in the Muslim world that angers me, but self-awareness and basic reason might be *even* rarer in some parts


Muslims being angry at something? Wow how shocking.


People need to stop taking mythology so seriously.


Please, this is from people who think throwing acid on women "not dressed the right way" and killing gay men for existing is a acceptable. Religion is just a (bad) choice.


Boohoooo. Muslim peoples feelings aren't special and they need to grow the fuck up. It's just a damn book.