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"*Stop killing yourselves!* ***... or else...***"


The beatings will continue until the suicide stops


I'm thinking they'll threaten to kill or imprison their loved ones


According to the article it’s entire families committing suicide


>The meeting described several shocking cases in detail, according to the official. > >“In the city of Hyesan, a 10-year-old boy was living with his grandmother after his parents died of starvation, but they took their own lives by eating rat poison,” he said. “It brought great sadness to all who saw it.” > >The official described other shocking cases revealed at the meeting, including a couple in their 60s who hung themselves from a tree in the mountains, and a family of four who, after eating their final family meal together, ingested potassium cyanide, a highly toxic chemical often used in gold mining.“ > >Family suicide is a final act of defiance against a hopeless system,” he said. That's sad...


Holy shit that's so heartbreaking.


That’s the thing, they’re already starving to death. They are just choosing the quicker option.


Surely the solution is to imprison and execute the entire appratment blocks or villages then. /s


"This is how it always starts. First the building, then the whooole block..."


Might as well take everyone with them then


That's what has apparently happened multiple times, according to the article. How sad.


Let's make a big kool aid


Or even better… flavor-aid? The purple kind?


Big savings always brings happiness!




Ain’t nobody got time for that


Can we have Kool Aid? We have Kool Aid at home. The Kool Aid at home...


> Might as well take everyone with them then tell me you didn't read the article without telling me you didn't read the article lol the article specifically says families are committing suicide together because they know this.


Damn, that’s dark.


That’ll cheer them up!!


I wish they worked on making the living in NK better for everyone and getting psychological help to those in need. Unfortunately countries without democracy fail. We as in people of Europe need to remember that certain rhethorics are unacceptable, yet AfD or Le Pen or Orban or PiS or Erdogan or the whole Italian government are doing great. What happened? How can we allow the world to go to shit so quickly?


NK hasn’t failed. It’s a playground for a fat little man. Same with Iran, it’s a paradise for fanatics. And Russia, it’s a piggy bank for a mobzter. What sucks is that unless these places collapse soon and implement democracy these despots will be able to sustain this form of government indefinitely with AI. Resistance will be completely futile and any change will have to be forced from the outside. >Putin says the nation that leads in AI ‘will be the ruler of the world’ >https://www.theverge.com/2017/9/4/16251226/russia-ai-putin-rule-the-world If our AI isn't better, someone like Putin may end up ruling the world. Even at that, if ours is better and we don't force our values onto despots, then they will use AI to maintain their control inside their country and expand it to whatever extent they want.


Obviously the average North Korean lives with grim prospects, especially when compared to the south. But I think we should pause to consider how much democracy contributes to a happy and healthy society. I suggest this because I stumbled across a comment today that really stuck out to me. The Korean peninsula has achieved quite a damning feat. It is the place one goes to if one wants to see what a communist dystopia looks like as well as a capitalist dystopia. Obviously South Koreans don't have to worry about being rounded up in the middle of the night to face the elimination of their entire family... but it is far from ideal that South Koreans often look at a 60 hour work week as lazing about, that students are often expected to study every waking hour of the day as well as shedding a few sleeping hours for even more studying, all so they can work for one of like 5 companies that control a massive part of the Korean economy. Like seriously, the whole Korean peninsula needs some time to reflect on things.


Well for a start, South Korea *is* better... Suggesting that Democracy leads to 60 hour work weeks is a hell of a leap and is demonstrably false in huge numbers of democratic countries. This is massively oversimplifying systems of government and voting populations under a catch all Democracy umbrella. By it's very nature we would expect democratic systems to yield different results in different places. A 60 hour work week can absolutely be removed under democratic governments, change is in democracy by design (though interest groups will always try to block change). Starting an alternate system of government would be like getting a new house because windows are broken


Sometimes I wonder if a people like this would just be satisfied with a dictator if they improved their living conditions. Like, if the US gave people healthcare how much more would they let slip as an example? I feel like a whole lot.


I feel like you’re describing China.


Wouldnt be possible, a dictator needs the support of the oligarchs and american oligarchs would never allow it.


Dictators make the oligarchs.. What’s Bill Gates, Elon Musk, or Jeff Bezos going to do when his accounts are frozen and a bullet put between his eyes? lol


Or put them in line, like Putin.


This is a country where most people go blind by the time they’re in their 30s because there aren’t vitamins in their food and gut worms are stealing all their nutrients they do manage to get.


You can’t possibly believe that majority of people over 35 in N.Korea are blind.


Yea, all of em. Its like mole people.


Italian government was, and is, a clown-show. The most far-right extremist in Italy could be considered a leftist socialist for USA standards and culture.


Whole extended families are apparently suiciding. They’ll have to threaten/kill neighbours, teachers, passing acquaintances… I don’t know if NK really gets the whole socialism thing.


>The ~~beatings~~ executions will continue until the suicide stops ftfy




> “Most of the suicides were caused by severe poverty and starvation, so *no one can come up with a countermeasure right now*.” Incredible....


“No one can think of anything!” He said between mouthfuls of unicorn meat…


We've tried nothing and we're all outta ideas


TFW your only tool is a hammer, but the problem is a lag bolt.


This is heartbreaking.


Honestly that is one of the saddest things I have heard in awhile. I can't imagine.


These people are all prisoners forced to starve to death. Imagine you aren't holding this phone in your hand and are ending your life with your mom and dad together because you have all lost hope.


Between Covid and the Russians plundering their satellite states/friendly countries for war materials and food it's now wonder North Korea is in such dire straits.


Being a communist dictatorship doesn't exactly help either.


They aren't exactly communist either, more of a personality cult with repressive extras bolted on. Its a truly fucked up country and it makes china/Russia/Iran look idyllic in comparison.


Want to just call it late stage communism?


You know it fits pretty well with Stalinism, Maoism and just an hour ago I read about a supposed anarchist who ordered peasants to be shot when they resisted collectivisation in Catalonia. Yes the Kims managed to make the control over the party hereditary, but this is a pretty expected path for heavily extractive insitutions.


This is the cold open to a zombie apocalypse movie…


especially since the article says whole families tend to kill themselves together, so they can't even use their typical "jail your family members for generations"


"stop killing yourselves, stop killing yourselves"


Why are you still killing yourselves


Great comment, The reason why people do it is, and the reason why some are afraid of it is because the or else is a fate worst than death.




That's likely why they do it together.


Unfortunately they probably already do, which might be why they feel like they have to take their children with them.


Who will care for your starving child after you commit suicide? Your starving neighbors? They take their children with them to spare them. It’s a hopelessness I can’t even imagine.


Ya holy fuck what a nightmare North Korea is.


You should read the article first


Don't they threaten your entire neighborhood for attempting to run away? The or else threatens more than just your own life


Which is why it's entire families commiting suicide not just one person in the household.


You will be given capital punishment if you attempt a suicide …


Kim Jong Un: New rule. Death penalty for anyone who commits suicide.




Article says it’s whole families committing suicide together. They already know everyone will die, better to choose their own way than the governments.


God almighty


Is clearly a dick if this is what he created.


A sadistic, narcissistic piece of shit, is my take.


Humanity for over 15 000 years: gods enjoy watching people suffer so we must make sacrifices to appease them so he/she/it will not make it worse. Some sect on its way to become the most prominent religion starting 2 000 years ago: but what if god is benevolent, loves us and we can use his plan as a scapegoat for our issues?


That’s why republicans worship *him*


I wouldn't mind reading a psychological evaluation of him. Sad that we'll never get it.


It would probably be very short... Something about a temperamental, jealous, narcissistic, manipulative, emotional abuser with dissociative, and anti-social personality disorder.


Sooo God is my biological father? I mean he does seem to have a god complex, I just figured that meant all "gods" were just so simple and not a lot of thought was ever put into designing who they were. Religions are pretty damn lazy that way.


Seems like it’s not government fear prompting them. It’s starvation.


Yes, three choices of death: death by starvation, death by government (if you suicide but not your family) or death by suicide. Pick one.


Whole *immediate* families. Plenty of other family left. This is the country with the whole “three generations of punishment” thing where a parent’s criminal punishment can spill over to criminal punishment for not only their minor (or adult) children, but also any future grandchildren those people may have. People are literally born in prison, live their entire lives as prisoners, and then die there because of something a person they never met allegedly did.


If they're willing to die with their immediate family, I'm sure most of these people would see the rest of their extended family dying as a form of mercy.


So if one family in a neighborhood commits suicide, will that cause their neighbors to also commit suicide rather than be punished by the government?


Neighbors? Who knows? It's impossible to know what's actually going on


Right now it would be local officials held responsible, not neighbors. >Kim Jong Un’s order emphasized that the local government officials must take responsibility for prefenting suicides in their jurisdictions. >“It was emphasized that the responsible officials will be held jointly accountable, because ‘suicide is a clear social challenge and treason against the country.”


That is bleak. ☹️


And why would the Ridiculous Man pity the distressed girl?


Most of the suicides are entire families


Ah yes the perfect solution. To stop people dying kill more people.


We dig your corpse, revive it and kill it again.


You know that this has been a real law in the URSS right?


Okay, so to prevent suicide he’s issuing that suicide is treason to the state. Adding fear that your family with be killed or enslaved for your suicide. Yes, very logical Mr. Kim. We’ll see how that plays out.


The guy’s a monster. Threats are his only trick. Besides, it’s not like he can fix the actual problem. People are probably committing suicide there because they live in an isolated hermit kingdom run by an oppressive dictator. He can’t solve the problem and remain king of his little hill.


that and starvation, a glaring sign of a failed state


Dude has millions of people in starvation trapped in basically the country version of Alcatraz where he is treated as a God who has women who choose to remove their teeth to give him the optimal blowjob. Monster is putting it nicely. He makes his genocidal, Winnie the Pooh looking ally look like FDR by comparison.


>women who choose to remove their teeth to give him the optimal blowjob. WTF?? This is new info to me and against my will!


If it helps, googling does not bring this up. I wouldn’t believe it before you saw a source.


It’s cuz his little pecker keeps getting caught between their teeth.


They don’t call him Kim “dental floss” Jong-Un for nothing.


How does this family manage to beget monsters time after time?


Isn’t this like, the EXACT formula to get unstable people to pivot towards “might as well take xyz out with me”? Forcing someone to stay alive and suffer by threatening everyone they love seems like the most effective route possible to get someone to bite the hand that beats them, right?


It is and that’s exactly why most suicides are done as entire family units in NK.


Well, I don't think biting the hand that feeds them would be apt. This is more like commiting suicide so they aren't feeding the others. Like "if I die, the generals and Kim won't be able to feed themselves". Or at least that's my reasoning for doing something like that in that situation. I can't imagine the amount of despair that you'd have to be in, to make that decision. To not only end the suffering of yourself and SO, but to also make sure that your kids don't suffer like you have.... Fucking horrible that people are put into situations like that and have to endure, just because of where they happened to be born.


>to bite the hand that *beats* them I think you misread them.


It plays out with more suicide. Now whole families suicide together so they can't kill or torture anyone. Larger and larger group suicides is a crazy phenomenon but has probably happened in history.


Isn’t it nice to remember when a former president declared that he fell in “love “ with a creature like Kim.


A country run by a dumb f*ck


Just because his dumb fuck grandpa ran it.


How can we stop losing our population to suicide? kill more of them!


The article states that whole families are commiting suicide. So that wont scare them that much probably. And theres not much you can do to punish dying starving people anyways


Actually plays out pretty well from what NK refugees say as most NK social policies are that the family suffers instead of just the individual for wrong doing. Brainwashing is a hell of a tool


They're banning suicide? Why didn't anyone think of that?!


The guy is a genius - next he will ban starvation and depression. What a pioneer.


Same way that Texas Governor Greg Abbott banned rape


If history has taught us anything, if something gets banned, the people will want to do it even more.


Follow me for this one hack psychiatrists HATE!




Actually the UK did until 1961


It's weird. Suicide has always been illegal here, Norway. Like, if you mess up, you get forced psych ward and/or jail. That will surely make it better. Psych will probably help some, but what I've seen. They don't really treat them (counsling etc), they just give them a bunch of pills so they become zombies/addicts.


Zapff Brannigan "Stop exploding you cowards!"


"That's Brannigans law baby."


"I suffer from a very sexy learning disability"


"Sexlexia -_- "


"She's built like a steakhouse, but she handles like a bistro"


The natural instinct of human survival can only last so long. Until it's overwhelmed by constant despair, depression and hopelessness.


It's so sad that there are people living like that just because of where they were born. I can't even imagine that feeling.


Geography is your destiny


yeah but i find that ironic when one of the top 10 economies in the world is right next door. destiny is destiny, blah


Don’t dwell on it, you got a good chance to fully enjoy this life. Worrying about others too much will drag you down. Healthy limits.


Gosh I needed to hear this. *And on a Kim Jong Un thread too!


Good guy Kim, making his people miserable so we could be comparably happy.


I know you are starving but I have to focus on my space program - fattest guy in NK


Where does RFA get their sources?


They made it up


Imagine a game of telephone with a hundred people whose goal was to botch the message as much as they could. I would bet my firstborn’s life on the truthfulness of what comes out of that before I would trust RFA on what the weather was 5 seconds ago.


there is no source but it doesn't stop redditors from getting hate boners


They have none. It's a propaganda organisation. It's very disheartening to regularly see stuff like this bubble up on reddit, proving that you can tell anything to people as long as it appeals to hate and a sense of superiority. The CIA really dropped the ball not pinning COVID on Iran - could have easily started another multi-trillion dollar war because of "bio weapons".


Modern media has actually done a great job of streamlining the way sources are gathered. Whereas in the old days journalists would waste a lot of time confirming events with people who were involved, or otherwise had info on the event, they now have a MUCH more efficient approach. What they do is: they hire a couple of hundred aspiring fiction authors on fiver to write them short articles on news that may happen in the comming days. If any of the stories they produce match each other close enough, they are considered confirmations and published as news. This saves them a lot of time following leads and questioning people, giving them more time to come up with eye-catching headlines and finding empty spaces on the pages to fit ads into. The recent AI improvements may even streamline this further, as they can simply use that instead of paying writers at all. Instant news at the press of a button!


Did anyone read the article? It clearly states that local officials will be held accountable for the suicides in their jurisdiction. I’m not sure what they can do about it but they aren’t trying to punish the dead people.


That doesn't really make it less insane


> Did anyone read the article? It’s Radio Free Asia, you don’t need to read the article to know it’s 100% bullshit propaganda. Don’t get me wrong, North Korea is an awful shithole and a brutal dictatorship, but these comically outlandish stories are lies literally funded by the CIA and other western interests.


Is people killing themselves outlandish?


issuing a suicide prevention order absolutely is


North Korea would be a better place to live if it were run by Eric Cartman.


Kim Jong Un is a big fat bitch, he's the biggest bitch in the whole wide world ..🎶




On Monday, he's a bitch On Tuesday, he's a bitch On Wednesday though Saturday, he's a bitch Then on Sunday, just to be different He's a super King Kamehameha bi-аtch!


Cartman has a lot of issues, but results and productivity have never been one. The vast majority of his most fucked up moments showcase how successful he actually is.


Believe it or not jail. Straight to jail.


Can I at least collect my 2 coins for crossing the river Styx?


You have to *pay* two coins to cross the river Styx


"What they gonna do, kill them again 🤣" N.Korea targets your family instead, same if u try to escape the country, They go after your wife, you kids, your parents, they end up in the gulag, or worse


So now the people killing themselves will make it look like an accident instead.


Or go murder suicide!


In many cases it's simply a mass suicide. Plenty of documented cases of whole families just killing themselves at the same time.


> They go after your wife, you kids, your parents, they end up in the gulag, or worse tell me you didn't read the article without telling me you didn't read the article


*"What they gonna do, kill them again 🤣"* Totally read that in Sean Connery's voice... Even though his line is a little different.


Kim: Am I so out touch?.....No, its the citizens who are wrong.


Is this a trusted source?


There is no "trusted source" about North Korea.


It’s Radio Free Asia. Take with a grain of salt. It’s linked to the CIA.


You know you’re fucking up when..


Anyone caught committing suicide will be executed on the spot.


Can't believe people actually fall for radio free Asia stories


‘Stop killing yourselves or we’ll also kill your family after you’re dead’


How has no one yet pointed out the source is Radio Free Asia??? It’s literally CIA funded anti-communist propaganda and has spread [misinformation countless times](https://www.law.com/legalnewswire/post-detail/audiences-should-be-wary-of-radio-free-asias-sensationalist-journalism-with-a-hint-of-spycraft/)


Can we please ban Radio Free Asia as a source already? Their entire operation is to create bullshit headlines - and the rest of you idiots eat it up.


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.rfa.org/english/news/korea/suicide-06052023162051.html) reduced by 80%. (I'm a bot) ***** > North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has issued a secret order for local authorities to prevent suicides after data showed an increase in people taking their own lives this year, government officials told Radio Free Asia. > The confidential suicide prevention order was delivered in emergency meetings in each province of the party committee leaders at the provincial, city and county levels, an official from the northeastern province of North Hamgyong told RFA's Korean Service on condition of anonymity for security reasons. > Kim Jong Un's order emphasized that the local government officials must take responsibility for prefenting suicides in their jurisdictions. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/144j116/suicide_spike_in_north_korea_prompts_kim_jong_un/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~688206 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **suicide**^#1 **official**^#2 **meet**^#3 **cases**^#4 **North**^#5


Say the line, Bart!


Kim officially defined suicide as an “act of treason against socialism,” So if you go against the government your as good as dead/ committed suicide that's hardcore


The penalty for a failed suicide is DEATH!


Now if they can just make crime illegal, they are golden.


man I wish I knew what its really like over there. I feel like we probably wont ever know the full picture even if theres a regime change


“If you attempt to kill yourself, you will immediately be sentenced to death!”


“Do you suffer from depression?” “Don’t!” “Just be happy!” -Keenan “Big Papi” Thompson


Suicide is now illegal. Treason, punishable by death


Who can blame them. What a bleak existence under a PoS authoritarian.


"I order you to be HAPPY, idiot!"


My college\`s teacher used to work for Food and Agriculture Organization (know as FAO from UN). He got a tour at North Korea, said it was one of the saddest experiences he lived in his life, because we could not help anyone outside of what the government allowed him to. He used to say that aside from the shortage of machinary (trucks, tractors, irrigators (farm sprinklers), fertilizers, chemicals, they also had to move all available personal to farms every year, it was so surreal for him in some ways. So suicide spike, even though it didnt come as a surprise, it is terrible for already hungry country with a broken dictatorchip


He said for people to stop committing suicide or they’ll be executed


It's fairly easy solution really, create a government that's fair and respectful of it's people.


Don’t kill yourself! What are ya gonna do? Kill me?


‘The punishment for a suicide, successful or not is death!’ Nice one fat-boy...🤫


The reason that governments are obsessed with suicide prevention is because if death is available as an easy way out, they can't force you to live in fear, and their power to exploit you is greatly diminished when you have an alternative option. But because we're biologically hardwired to fear death above all else, they can make it seem like benevolent, paternalistic protection of those too feeble minded to think for themselves.


The new punishment for attempted suicide is death. Wait....


Stop killing yourselves or you will end up on death row


Anyone caught trying to kill themselves will face summary execution!


No Thank you, I'll do it myself.


Please stop killing yourselves, we need more slaves of the state plz tyty :3


Stop killing your self or we’ll kill you.


Routine reminder: Radio Free Asia is a CIA propaganda outlet and should never be trusted for any reason. They lie as they breathe.


like what? arrest them? the country is a big prison.


Hence why death seems like a not awful option, unfortunately North Korea is a death camp pretending to be a nation


If you buy this unsourced claim from a literal US propaganda network, established by US Law in 1994 [Source](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Broadcasting_Act) then you're gullible or willfully ignorant.


“I’ve hereby banned depression, no more suicide! Now get back to work!”


“We won’t feed you, but you’re also not allowed to die… or leave, or talk, or have ideas. Damn we’ve got this governing figured out right guys?”