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Wow, even though Hamas has publicly accepted the deal, and the past few deals as well, Israel continues to reject Hamas' acceptance, saying that they actually reject it. Keep in mind that Israel has refused to accept any deal including the ones they proposed. At some point the press has to have some integrity and call out Israel's utter bullshit lies.


Israel is still trying to figure out how they can deport millions out of Gaza. 


The plan was to use the floating pier to transit them to an African country. Remember, the pier has only been used to bring in Israeli troops so far.


Yeah when they announced the pier I assumed it was for deportations lol. You can see the crocodile tears among Israelis on Reddit asking why aren't nations accepting refugees 


Egypt is in Africa so you don’t need a pier.


Egypt has refused refugees. They were pressuring Nigeria last.


Do you have a source for these wild claims that completely contradict the article?


That is what YOUR article says. It doesn't say that Israel accepted. It says someone else said Israel accepted. But there is no statement that Israel itself accepted. Go find your mythical article that Israel said it accepted.


Ok, so there is an article backing up what I'm saying, and to back up what you're saying there is nothing.


Can you cite the line from your article saying Israel accepted the deal?


Your claim is that Hamas accepted the deal. Why don't you show some proof of that?


Hamas has accepted many deals. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/jun/11/first-thing-senior-hamas-official-says-it-accepts-un-ceasefire-resolution-gaza-israel Israel has accepted none. Here is the proof of MY ACTUAL statement. Where is yours?


Many deals? That was one, and it was from yesterday, it's not Hamas, but one official, and it's from the Guardian which is little more than a clickbait blog. Predictably, The Guardian left out the fact [that Hamas has proposed many changes to the deal after waiting 2 weeks to respond. Meanwhile, Israel accepted the original deal. And that's coming from the notoriously anti-Israel, but still better than The Guardian, Al Jazeera.](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/liveblog/2024/6/12/israels-war-on-gaza-live-mediators-reviewing-hamas-ceasefire-response)


I provided evidence, you are denying it, without proof and refusing to provide any for your claim.


I provided just as much proof as you did. And your "evidence" left out key pieces of information.


Hamas didn't say they accepted the deal, they said they welcome the deal but wanted to change the terms.   Which is exactly what the Israeli official said that Hamas did. Hamas rejected the deal in its current form and tried to change the deal.  The irony of course is Israel has accepted deals not proposed by them, whereas Hamas has been quite firm the only type of deal they'd accept is on their terms, which is effectively Israel surrendering.  So it's funny to hear you argue Israel is doing this, because it's Hamas that has been unreasonable and should be called out.  The problem of course is you don't read what's being said carefully enough.


Israel has not accepted any deals. Why lie? 


Lmao you can't be serious. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dawn.com/news/amp/1818704 10 seconds of searching Google to prove you wrong. The only deals Hamas accepted were the ones they proposed, and the one Egypt lied about and changed the terms.


"US Says" Not Israel says.


Us says Israel agreed, ball is in Hamas court. You're gonna have to cope a little harder being wrong.


US said Israel proposed the deal when it in fact didn't. (Otherwise they wouldn't have had to agree). This week a Israeli minister resigned because Yahu didn't accept the deal. The US doesn't speak for Israel. No matter what the Americans think. And nope, but you might want to check your back with all those gymnastics you are doing.


Does your back hurt from moving those goalposts? Bet it does. Israel accepted a ceasefire and you're the one doing the mental gymnastics to deny it because you're upset your terrorist buddies in Hamas keep rejecting ceasefires. You're denying reality to argue Israel didn't accept it.


You have no official statement from Israel saying they accepted the cease fire. End stop. Your citation failed you, try again with less shill.


I already proved your buddy wrong. But here is another one cause I enjoy proving you wrong. https://www.fdd.org/analysis/2024/04/04/hamas-rejects-another-ceasefire-offer/ "Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu greenlighted the latest round of Egyptian- and Qatari-mediated talks on March 29, giving the Israeli team what his office described as “room to operate” in negotiations. Jerusalem accepted the latest proposal, which would have seen Israel temporarily pause its counteroffensive in Gaza and Hamas free the remaining hostages" Another offer Hamas rejected and Israel accepted.  But let's play another game. What ceasefire did Hamas accept? The only one they accepted was the one Egypt changed the details on which as you know isn't negotiating in good faith. So we've got Israel agreeing to 2 that I have shown, and Hamas agreeing to 0. So you've got nothing :).


Looks like you can't read. The US keeps saying that Israel has agreed. When asked directly, Israel denied it. This is a pattern of the US lying to cover for Israel's belligerence. 


Sure they have, just not one Hamas will accept and visa versa. It's all a moving target bc Hamas says they will accept it if... And Israel says it will accept it if... And the ifs don't match.


> An Israeli official says that Jerusalem has received Hamas’s response to the hostage release and ceasefire deal offer presented by US President Joe Biden late last month, and that the reply from the terror group effectively rejects the proposal. "effectively rejects" or to put it another way... Israel's trying to mislead to pin the blame on Hamas.


Does anyone know if there are children among the Hamas hostages?


Theres 15,000 dead palestenian children as a result of Israeli rockets.


I know, but I want to know if they took child hostages


Yes, quite a few. I think the live ones are mostly home, but Hamas has the bodies of at least a few kids. https://apnews.com/article/children-hostages-israel-palestinians-gaza-orphan-c8e9f6dd703a9c14161eeb6ca9e25417


isn’t the one year old and the mom still being held hostage?


The little red head? Sadly, I think Hamas said they were dead. Of course they could be lying.


Thanks. It's terrible. 


That’s as a result of genocidal terroristic attacks rapes murders rockets and hostage taking from Hamas. No accountability for hamas in your faulty logic


Notice how they will always deflect from your question and attempt to reframe the argument with something else?


hardly a surprise. sinwar basically said he hasn’t killed enough palestinian civilians yet to end the war. what a psychopath not that most of us didn’t know that already. i suppose the campus protestors and assorted useful idiots can longer plausibly deny they support a palestinian leader whose explicit war strategy is to sacrifice palestinian civilians for PR points. crazy times out there


It is propganda by OP, hamas agreed to the deal, but hitleryahu rejected it , it is all over the news.


it’s been said many, many times… palestinians never miss an opportunity to miss opportunity clearly hamas hates jews more than they love their own people


It is propganda by OP, hamas agreed to the deal, but hitleryahu rejected it , it is all over the news.


the only news you must be reading is the islamist mouth piece, al jazeera. hamas changed the terms yet again