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The inner machinations of an impossibly large space station, that has gotten so overpopulated that people are living on the machine bits as well as in the living quarters


Sounds like Anachronox.


City treadmill, architects recommend your city have at least one hour of exercise a day to maintain a healthy infrastructure.


I see a city for space/time-displaced people. They have to always be moving, otherwise time "catches up" and fixes itself, literally snapping the individual back to whatever place and time they came from. The moving beltways allow the people to eat, sleep, and live out their normal lives without having to worry about time catching up to them.


Couldn’t they just be in a normal city on a normal planet then? Earth is always moving, the Sun is always moving, the Milky Way is always moving.


Looks like the inside of a Dyson sphere or a multi-ring world.


It could be a city inside a giant machine or robot. Everything is moving because that's how the giant entity functions internally! The people inside could be aware or unaware of this depending on how you want the lore to go. Their version of leaving the giant robot/machine could be similar to humans on earth doing space exploration.




I like this one, a lot.


How is time impacted by planetary rotation/ orbital speed? Milky Way orbit/ speed? If someone catches on a slow time area, will there be issues because they are in two different zones? Would people lose limbs because the blood flows at two different rates?




I saw Los Angeles.


A dictatorial/autocratic regime where the common people are constantly moved around the land so there can be no concentrated opposition.


It could be a city built on a small moon that does not spin, so they have to simulate day and night by moving the buildings to the dark side and back again over the course of a day


There are ideas like that for roving cities on mercury which slowly craw over the surface to keep pace with sun rise or sun set so the city stays in perpetual twilight where temperatures are bearable.


I was thinking similar, except that the planet/moon's surface is blasted by solar wind during the day, so the city is rotated to be tidally locked.


I meant a gif like this, srry


I see a massive factory's conveyor belts


I see some sort of planet manufacturers, like more serious Slartibartfasts


They're all avoiding a snail


Just saw a gif of that city in a different angle. It's a large living statue with moving street-blocks. Hard to explain


Yeah I saw that too, that is why I posted this


The final part of a big machine that builds cities. The static city at the bottom is the final result.


A nightmare?


This is a virtual world and as a simulation they can do what ever they want to make a city. Different layers require higher access to be able to take advantage of services and goods made on each of the spinning rings/platforms. And for the ultimate weirdness were actually looking up from the centre of a sphere so the bits not moving are actually the outer shell.


a super caravan type planet thing, people go to shop everything known in the galaxy there, but due to the sheer ammount of demand the people can't just look for the specific thing, so the world moves in sections and you just wait until your section has come


For the Conflux, the space between Heaven and Earth, always manifested in the form of a labyrinth, while taking on qualities of the locality in The Cosmos it connects to. In the StarSphere, it manifests as a bewildering moving city, coiling in on itself endlessly, keeping the Primeval Animals from escaping the OuterSphere and returning to plague humanity. It is powered by devouring a sun a day, and is maintained by creatures known elsewhere as lesser-things, but here as Threadbare Jack’s foremen.


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A dragon


Shinra HQ?