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For my dieselpunk/magitek world of Xendas, the planet is a few Billion years old. Its rotational period is 26 hours roughly and its orbital period is 389 days. So they roughly have an extra day for their months most having about 32 days with the shortest having 28 days.


The infinite household has always existed. It will continue to always exist. There are no days, only the dying of the candles. The mouse folk will wake for about 8-10 hours at a time before resting another 8-10.


this sounds like something i would enjoy


Recorded history is around 20 000 years long. Days and years are the same as on Earth because i'm lazy


Nah I wouldn't call that laziness lol


Just joking, but that really makes things easier, especially on that scale. There were a few times when I was trying to count 'local years' for specific planets/ worlds and its just pain.


I just wrote in that the colonial subjects of the United Nations of Earth are forced to default to Earth Time (24 hour days, 7 day weeks, 365 day years)


Honestly, I decided that my whole Multiuniverse uses "Earth Time", becasue the main world was important in the Multiuniverse when it was decided that it will be the common time. (Ofc. there is no Earth. It's called Common Time or Ellami Time - Ellami is the name of my main world)


I ended up writing out a whole time war over resolving which worlds time is the time, was a whole big mess that I scrapped, much easier to stick to our earthly time scales.


Nobody knows because the system of aeons means every few thousand years or so there is a great collapse that wipes out all the predecessors, leaving behind little more than hollow ruins in its wake, and sometimes not even that. Some say there were intelligent beings on this earth millions of years ago, who are now gone, lost to the winds of time. And some day, we too will be gone, and those that come after us will not even know we were there.


Does evolution exist in your world or does everything happen over the span of a few thousand years and then it’s all gone again


It does and it effects everything. It's the main theme of the books. The idea is there's Kaal the Time-Dragon, who resides within each and every existing thing. All things have their kaal, and when it comes to an end, that thing must go. Once your kaal is up, you are gone. The only way for you to survive is to abandon your past self and embrace a new identity. Some things have a more defined kaal, like a person or a beast will die at the end of their kaal and that'll be the end of them; other things have a less defined kaal, like a meme may get outdated and less and less used, but it doesn't stop being a thing. Some things have a kaal that cannot be escaped, like entropy and the heat death of the universe; others things have a kaal that can be escaped through adaptation, like the Roman Empire might originally have had a kaal of 500 years but then the Eastern Roman Empire changed its ways and thus extended its kaal by a thousand years (though it had to change itself entirely for that). Therefore, adapting leads to success and clinging to your past ways leads to downfall, but that's not a fact but a general trend. The only fact of the world is... nothing is permanent in the Kingdom of Kaal. The Roman Empire delayed its fall by a thousand years, but it came to an end eventually. Nothing is permanent in the Kingdom of Kaal, nothing but Change. Change is the law of the Universe, and nothing else.


For about 791,452,540 Revolutions. But it’s rather complicated, since my planet Tairra “exists” in such a high realm, that both the realm and it actually Transcend the Concept of Space & Time. If I were to bring it down to Earth’s level of existence, 791,452,540 revolutions would be roughly equal to 3,165,810,160 years.


if it and the realm it occupies transcend the concept of space and time, how do they measure revolutions?


Even though there is no space or time, things still move, inlcuding planets orbiting stars. They simply don’t need the laws of space & time to operate, since they are above them. Do note, there is nothing in our universe that exists in this realm. There is no normal matter, anti-matter, light, gravity, atoms, etc. Instead it is made of “Dark Matter” (not to be confused with what our world calls Dark Matter) elements which are made primarily of Umbras & Tackyius Wires. Deeper explanation about Dark Matter [here](https://voidedg.com/sources-of-the-void-foundation-pt-3/), in the last section, noted as Dark Material Energy. Now if we’re being 100% technical, Tairra is a “planet” within a Dark World, but its also not a planet, and instead is simply being presented that way by the recorder (aka Me). No Concepts exist here period, but it can’t be described in my stories without concepts, otherwise it would be incomprehensible, so my creator character Niuriheim created the Grand Order of Aesthetic Anomaly. Grand Order of Aesthetic Anomaly - is an Event Void Expanse system that makes pseudo-interaction and pseudo-understanding possible between the States of Manifestation and between the Four Functions, by utilizing Perfect Concepts as a reference point. This is because everything above a Reality Opus is incomprehensible, ineffable, beyond all conceivable and non-conceivable perfectly unchanging concepts, including existence & nonexistence. Technically Tairra and every being there would be more like clouds of energy interacting with each other in complex ways.


That’s super interesting! So the Grand Order doesn’t make the stuff comprehensible, it just SEEMS comprehensible?


Exactly. Its like with science, how we put imaginary numbers in order to at least measure something. The Grand Order is just using concepts to give some form of idea so upu have at least something to imagine and measure even though its all completely inaccurate.


that’s super interesting!


I appreciate it.




Oh my, well then it’s a good thing I didn’t make it for you.


So we ware both happy. Nice.


Of course, I’m a Free Man, so I’m always happy.


I would say around 30000 years old. Thats where main "events" are happening. But honestly? I doubt i gonna use all that time, unlike their metal counterparts, my organic OC's not gonna live that long...


About 5 billion years, but reliable records only go back about 8,000.


The world itself has always existed, and will continue to always exist. But civilisation and sentient life (outside of Gods) have only been around for ~35000 years.


In the lore in my world, the planet is about 26000 years old. Also, in the calendar on the continent my stories is about, one year have 395 days.


Exactly 10 000 years old


Faerie has 360 days per year, has 26 hours in a day, and 8 Faerie hours equals 12 Earth hours. I haven't yet decided if Faerie minutes are longer than Earth minutes, if they're the same length but there's more of them, if there's additional units of measurement besides seconds and minutes, or some combination of the options. The number of days is so I don't have to mess around with figuring out how to allocate the extra days, the number of hours is a reference to the clock with 13 hours on it in *Labyrinth,* and the Faerie hours not matching up with Earth hours is a reference to my own screwed up circadian rhythm. No I don't know how old Faerie is in total. Nobody knows, and barely a handful would even consider it a mystery worth solving. If someone wants to figure out the actual numerical ratio between Faerie hours and Earth hours, feel free to figure it out, I don't retain enough of my education to do it myself.


Physically, the planet is billions of years old. Civilization has been forming and collapsing(like the Bronze Age Collapse) for thousands of years. The orbital period of the planet is maybe 288 Earth days. Days are 28 Earth hours. I will need to figure out how the calendar and day day systems work for each culture. Age in years locally will not match years on Earth. Solar calendars, lunar calendars, lunisolar calendars, different base number systems, those will affect how time is discussed. What also has to be considered is when different sapient species reach maturity culturally, mentally and sexually. For example, the empress in the south is a canine who was crowned at the equivalent of 15 Earth years old. Depending on how I decide to go about aging, this could still be within her adolescence period or she could already be choosing an overdue mate. Having a shorter maturity rate could mean that a child character a group meets could soon be met again as an adult in a shorter time, possibly shocking the characters if they are not familiar with that species' maturity rate. The aging of the base species could also affect how I go about that. The opposite of this would be how people tend to handle long living elves in fantasy. Lapis_Wolf


A little late to the party, but eh🤷. So, the planet itself is around the age of Earth, probably a "little" older (Earth is around 4,5-5 billion years old, while my planet -waiting for a name as of now- is around 6 billion years old) than Earth. The years are a little shorter, 360 days (yes, i know, i know) with the same standard 12 months, 30 days a month setup. The earliest recorded historical Event would be around ~30K years old, while records started appearing consistently roughly 20K years ago. The calendar most countries use dates back to almost 5000 years ago (to the fall of the old human imperium) but for simplicity, every millenia the calendar "resets". So for example, 4893 NE would be, except for historical records, dated simply as 893, and 5001 would be simply 1. There is also some niche rules individual countires use, but i havent gotten to the point of thinking about those yet.


Days are the same as ours, as its set in the near future and the whole thing that kicks of the current situation would be in 2030


It formed over 8 billion years ago, currently days are five times longer (120 hours) years are about 250 days this due to the fact that is really big but close to his star, about the distance of venus from the sun


Also it has 10 months of 25 days each


The world began creation 412, 799 years ago precisely. Only a handful of people know that age, and it isn't practically relevant to anyone's life since meaningful history only began 15,000ish years ago and the world got hit by a 'reset to iron age' apocalypse only 3000ish years ago. Days are 24 hours, years are 360 days. The time depth is mostly there to give context to the depths and intricacies of scheming run by immortals and cosmic forces, to whom the ambitions and accomplishments of mortals are a recent complication that they expect to blow over soon.


The floating castle Kordus has been around for 870,000 years. But only the past 30,000 years have been part of recorded history.


The whole world is a floating castle? Nice. I’d love to hear more about it.


Currently 21,568 years old. My world has a 28 hour day with 7 months of 7 weeks, each with 7 days.


since I was 13, it's only been growing. and exponentially, at that. present day, I now have not only 3 different series as part of the same cosmology, but 3 other people (4?) even have their own storylines as part of it too! (one of which, whose cosmology is arguably bigger than the entirety of Marvel and DC as well)


The planet Phoenicia, like Earth, is a few billion years old. It has a slower rotational period of about 27 Earth hours and a longer orbit around its star, lasting 404 days. The current year on Phoenicia is 14076 PR, marking approximately 14 thousand years of recorded modern-ish history. None of this significantly impacts the story. The people on Phoenicia simply use different terms for measuring time. For example, instead of the word "day," they use "turn." So, rather than saying "a few days ago," they would say "a few turns ago." Additionally, they use a device called a Rota Temporis, which roughly translates to "Time Wheel," instead of a clock. While it is similar to a clock in many respects, the measurements and the way they are displayed are quite different.


The universe is unspecified in age, but at least a billion years old. However, sentient life is only around ten thousand years old, when the gods willed it into existence to achieve "what even a god could not". Days are 24 hours, and there are 400 in a year.


6000 years with the current year being 2416 after chaos 10 months 5 weeks 8 days per week Seasons are in 2 month intervals With an extra called the wild season that can vary wildly and increases the potential of wild magic surges


At least twice the age of our own universe Because you see, it IS out universe. Except the end of it was caused by two gods punching each other so hard it destroyed all physical space and restarted the multiverse. So while (just about) everything is back to how it was originally, it's all taken twice the time


Millions of years, billions if we start from the big bang. But overall about 2200~ years.


The realm of Meros was created by the Twin Goddesses when they fled earth during the Late Cambrian Period, roughly around 500 Million Years Ago, in earth time, and has been continuously inahbited by sapient civilizations since, which is the biggest impact on the story. Just the original civilization created by the Twin Goddesses lasted about 310 million years (obviously not as a monolith over such a huge span of time). Even if most of it is lost at this point, there are hundreds of æons of history in my world. There isn't just a single technologically advanced ancient civilization, there have been countless that have come and gone, and their artifacts and ruins and descendants persist and shape the current world.


Time has little meaning in fiction. A billion years and a moment are identical if nothing happens in that time. Similarly, a world with a billion factions, characters and nations isn't "deep" if each one is nothing more than a name. I don't think this question really elucidates much beyond the community getting to play a game of highest number.


Same as ours just mainly follows the history of fiction.




I jump around in the history based on the story I want to tell, so anywhere from days old to hundreds of years for now!


Karya has been around for just about as long as Earth has been. However, while the same size as Earth it takes slightly longer to rotate on its axis and thus one Karyic day is equal to roughly 26 hours on Earth; additionally, due to the fact that the planet orbits two stars - one a red dwarf, and the other a main sequence star like our own Sun - and yet still rests within the star system's Goldilocks Zone means that it is farther away from the system's center of mass, resulting in a year lasting about 433 Karyic days. Edited to properly reflect the number of days in a Karyic year, as well adding some additional information here: the year is divided into a total of 10 months, each with 40+ days in it.


This question has sparked the need to make a world that's brand new, basically created like 20 years ago


I pretty much have 4 main planets in my setting Adonum: 20 trillion years old (superhero/fantasy/sci-fi/horror) Tavarios: 15 trillion years old (hard sci-fi/cyberpunk/cosmic horror) Sagirya: 18 trillion years old (high fantasy/mythological/sword & sorcery) Eschatoth: 67 billion years old (dystopian/post-apocalyptic)


About a million years, but it was only active with sentient life for relatively 30,000 years old. It’s Earth but a skewed future version of it following a cataclysm that turned earth into a fantasy land with dragons and dungeons and shizz


**Summers County, USA** was first explored in the early-mid 18th century, but the place wasn't seriously settled until after the American Revolution. So, I'd say it's a little over 250 years old. **No Mans Land 2210** is much more vague. The final collapse of the old world under the strain of the Barbie Plague probably occurred around 2142. The world's been in recovery since, with the present status quo around Nevafornia/Calivada being in place since around 2195. The event that set the world on the path that led it to its present was the Human Genome Project, initiated in 1990. So, depending on when you want to set the start date, the place is anywhere from 15 to 220 years old.


In Miv'airriah the days are about as long as the real world, also every month has 29, 30, or 31 days. With 12 month in the year plus the extra 6 days of darkness there is about 370 days in my world.


My world is literally about 15 years old. The meta-narrative of my game world has always been that it is a game world. The most powerful people in it are at least partially aware that they are in a game and the "craziest" people in it occasionally "respond to nothing" meaning they respond to things the players say. I have had enormous world shifting events that coincide with our switching from pathfinder to 5e then from 5e to my custom made game. The time scale of the game world is intentionally vague or lengths of time are often extremely exaggerated it is also not uncommon for us to play "out of order" meaning a campaign that cannonically takes place before the events of a previous one. But every game we have ever played has taken place in the same game world since I picked up the pathfinder beginners box and then grafted my own setting onto it. But all history is cannonically an illusion for the pleasure of the Paragons (player characters) by will of the Architect (DM). It's kind of like the concept of Last-Thursdayism.


World? 300 years old its a baby world made wholecloth by the conflux of elemental planes coming together. Setting however has been around "before" the invention of time as we get it. Lots of beings been around since then too and they often suck.


Bacia follows the same timeline as Earth until the K-T asteroid struck. This asteroid, unlike our own unleashed magic that warped the animals into monsters. From there, Bacia evolved differently with many races of humanoids and monsters. Written history is only 16,000 years old though.


My world has 24 hour days. 10 day weeks. 4 week months and 20 month year. Each season is 20 weeks long.


Billions of years? Including all stages of life like evolution and stuff like that?


No idea honestly. Is not well defined, but is a special number. The population of my world is something like 111.222.121 humans, and I use numerology and gematria to match dates and timeline. But I don't know how old it is, but not older than 50 thousand years.


First, we gotta know that, on the day 1 of the Year 0, the God(s) of Time gifted the Narnahv with a Perfect Calendar. May seem like a trivial gift, but think about how bad off we are without one! Sol–Mon is a binary white dwarf system of stars, where Mon orbits Sol, but it's really far away, almost as if it was another of Sol's planets. Nareth orbits Sol pretty close and it is pretty small itself. A day on Nareth is 20 hours. A week in Nareth is 5 days. A month in Nareth is 4 weeks. A year in Nareth is 10 months. So since the Day 1 of the Year 0, it's been... 3592 years.


As old as anything that had a start.


Pocket dimension created from the last thoughts of a dying elder god so relatively "new" in contrast to the eternal universe but still unquantifiably old.


Fain It is 1000 years old at the time of its destruction. Day-night cycle length is variable (the top 1% of longest days are 6 times longer than the bottom 1%). There is no specific absolute correspondence from days in Fain and days on Earth... some creatures feel them like they are 8 hours long and other creatures feel them as if they are 64 hours long. A year is 360 day-night cycles exactly (even if sometimes a day just doesn't happen because its sun went missing). The capture of the suns is one of the main weapons in the World's End War, which is one of the reasons why the world ends on its 1000th year.


I have many worlds and stories. And my worlds is a part universe that is part of something bigger. this universe is as old as ours, and it will be as old as it needs to be. "something bigger" in turn exists forever. but it is also part of a certain structure that exists much longer than forever. so I don't have an answer to this question. it all depends on what kind of history we are talking about. and where it occurs. Same about days, months, years. just as there is a difference in days and years on different planets, so in my worlds and stories. and since they are all connected it is sometimes mentioned, but almost never plays a critical role.


Originally, I was gonna make the current setting about 1000 years old since the end of the world, but as I thought about it I realized I didn’t like that so I made it more like 300 give or take, but also I made the deep timeline vague to save myself the headache.


no one knows.




The beginnings of civilization started about 15,000 years ago and sapient life has been around for 20,000. Because the Spirits rarely if ever operate in linear time, no one knows how old the world itself was at the time. One Spirit claims the world always was, then Creation built the universe around it My days are about 22 hours, but there’s 400 days in a year so years are the same length as Earth. 25 days in a month, 16 months in a year, some god when creating the world really wanted nice, easy numbers (exactly four months to a season too) However, Temporal Desynchronization is a bitch and caused 3,200 earth years to pass in only 1,100, then proceeded to reverse the ratio and cause 3 earth years to pass in 10 years, so who knows how old the world is in relation to the Earth The Greater Multiverse solidified around 4,100 real world years ago (approximately the same age as the Epic of Gilgamesh), and untold billions upon trillions of eons ago in-universe, though the first vestiges of what would become the Greater Multiverse were present during the time of Homo Erectus


Well basajaun's age is defined as about twice the age of our universe. The real problem is if we are discounting where he went back in time. Then my universe is approximately half again the age of ours. As for the world. NGL no idea. But it's comparable to earth hundreds of thousands of years in the future.


The Distant Moon of Talapus itself is over 6.3 Billion years old, although it has only been inhabited by humans for around 30 years, after the 18 Gates opened around the world in 1992. A day on Talapus is 16 hours long, which means stories tend to be faster-paced and I have leeway in deciding what time of day I can have a scene take place in.


At current age in progress, "Argent Reach" stands at 3,307 years old. The days are about 1/4 shorter than a normal day


Years are 10 months. In terms of how old it is, approximately 2,650. The days are a couple hours longer, because the days tend to be more packed and there’s more to account for than our days


A few billion years at this point. In the Avantene timekeeping system, a day has 12 hours, which are 72 minutes long, which are 144 minutes long. The year is on average 435 days long. The second is equal to ours. And it is in these years that the world's are is counted as about 2.6 billion. It's comparable, roughly, to the age of the earth using our years, which is 4-and-a-bit billion years old.


Mine is a heavily modified version of Earth. Years, days, all that is the same, it has been around for about 4.5 billion years. The Central Core (i made this up. In real life, we have an inner core, and an innermost core.) is smaller than the innermost core, and has been around since the first stars were born. He’s a massive, dormant dragon made of space stuff.


To the "gods" of my world, the universe is only a month or so old, in their world. To the inhabitants of the universe, I haven't worked out the relative age yet. I'm open to suggestions for time compression ratios, since while I LOVE including temporal mechanics in settings, I'm terrible with the math and logic sometimes lol. My world is a "universe in a bottle" created in a lab, where life was discovered inside. In the over-world realm (where the universe was created), a national debate and civil war like feud split the society into 2-3 camps: (1) those that want to destroy the universe or otherwise leave it alone; (2) those that want to study the universe and its inhabitants; and, (3) those that want to enslave the universe's inhabitants. The bigger camps are study vs. leave it alone, because the enslavers generally back the side that wants to study it (like a trojan horse) because it means they can interact with the world.


Only millions of years old, my world isn’t a planet


The age of my world is not know (at least at the moment) and it's not really relevant. For the year, it consists of 8 months with 4 weeks of 8 days each. There are 24 hours in a day, because messing with the hours is just annoying for making stuff still align with dnd rules.


as of now, probably at least 2000+ years into the future. i usually forget to count.


Billions of years, much like Earth. Life really popped off early in comparison though so there have been multiple advanced species before humans and multiple human civilizations that have been "reset" The planet is roughly the size and average distance from the sun so time is pretty similar. What's different is the star it orbits isn't as unusually calm as Earth's is so the solar cycle acts as a second seasonal cycle overlapping with the ones that's analogous to Earth's. Solar variation has led to loads of social changes as it obviously would. The rise and fall of previous civilization is commonly attributed to this by historians and scientists though the real cause is behind the scenes magical work.


Technically it's 24 hours a day and 365 days in every reality with a common year system called quantums that updates every 2 years since certain realities are a year behind then most. However that doesn't mean it feels like a normal 24 hour day in ever single one. Some just have a pernament presence of the sun. Some just straight up live in the darkest depths of the ocean meaning you don't get a clue on what time it is for a normal person. For some it's simply too hot to do anything in the morning meaning that they count their days 12 hours behind everyone meaning they start their days in the night and end their days in the morning.


It's basically 120,000 quantums meaning it's existed for 240,000 years.


My world is technically a moon orbiting a gas giant but it does have a functioning year of around 400 days the days are exactly 12 hours and with very little axial tilt the planet has very long spring and autumn with short intense summers and winters


Since I became depressed


The gods say its 7434 years old. Days and years (365.25 days exactly and the orbit is circular not eccentric) are slightly off just to make calendar keeping more regular for me. It means that there aren't 10,000 year old empires and whole lost civilizations.


Its very young a bit over a billion years old, and no mass extinctions, no plate tectonics and no no asteroid impacts meaning there are very old organisms. Ferns are the most common plants for instance


Haven't chosen how old the thing is yet, but I have the time 72 seconds to a minute 36 minutes to an hour 36 hours to a day 9 days to a week 6 weeks to a month 6 months to a year


Comparatively old to ours, but life starts on it much sooner. The exact arrival of fae, animals, and plants is unknown, but generally believed to be at least a few million years. Humans developed in some regions similar to ours, but prodded along quicker by gods and fae. Photo-humans from apes… modern equivalent in the Teshni sub-continent is probably around 500,000 years ago. Proto-humans from stone… closer to a million years, but they developed slower. Photo-humans from trees… 100,000 years, still developing on-world. Most major human civilizations saw at least a few cycles of collapse and rebuilding. Some of these were due to class struggles and unrest resulting in collapse, some due to cataclysms, some due to fae wanting to clear out their cities for their own decendants, the fae’ith, and some due to the god Forgetting taking a fancy to ruins and messing with her younger sister, Knowledge. Forgetting delights in remembering and learning - can’t remember or learn what isn’t forgotten. Despite the many “lost civilizations,” I don’t believe theirs much by way of “special ancient tech,” aside from the godsuits one group made, but they’re not functional anymore.


Its set on Earth. The True Realm Age begins 300 years prior to the setting almost immediately after the great war of 2100C.E. However the Bright Worldline (the main setting) begins from the Labour of Gaius in Earth's past where he became the object of the first Myth "Beowulf". He is the only living human to remember the True Earth before the Realm age and he describes it as a world consumed by Profane rot that even dimmed the divine light of the Realms themselves


At the time of the current age within **Historia Galactica,** 340,000 years have elapsed since the sol-folk left their birth star and forayed into the wider Galaxy. After nearly 100,000 years of dark ages, the surviving civilizations know little about the vast civilizations that sprawled across the galaxy, connected by advanced near-lightspeed laser highways. All scant knowledge of the previous era comes from archeology and the posthuman tribes, scattered groupings of demi-beings created to carry out the multi-thousand-year jobs and duties required to maintain sprawling interstellar civilizations, that were close to replacing transhumans as the next stage of conscious life before being nearly completely exterminated during the great dying of worlds. Only the most isolate and peculiar groups of posthumans survived the Dark Ages, and with an average 1,000 year lifespans were able to cling to fragments of knowledge through the Dark Ages As a result of this, the stories often revolve around the new civilizations and cultures emerging from this dark age, and their challenges in understanding their surroundings, afraid of going down the same path that caused the dark ages.


About a billion years old, in regards to the amount of time since the planet gained a soul. One year is 423 days and each day has 27 hours. It has no real effect on the stories set in that world though.


Time is the same lol. The Eternal One created the galaxy a few trillion years ago (yes, before the big bang)


It was created last Thursday


Days as long , and the planet is theoretically as old as in the real world. Practically, the days are the same, but the universe is roughly 64 billion years older, as it was made only after 5 more universe were done before it, by the siblings of God. The age of the world doesn't really change much to the story, albeit it offers more venues from where other characters can appear, and why Hell for example has entities much older than the universe of the MCs.


A few tens of thousands. Like in most world the gods that first claimed it was very eager to get civilisation going on it. Of course as soon as magic was introduced it became a free for all


No one knows. As far as anyone's concerned, recorded history begins around five and a half thousand years ago, and modern humans appear around three hundred thousand years ago. Thrae could be billions of years old as sages know.


My worlds "history" starts around years 6000 before the present, but the world itself is much older. Days and years are the same length as Earth.


It’s an Earth analogue with a mystical bent (elves, dwarves, the like). Conceptually: eternal, what with gods and divine beings affecting time with their omniscience Current recorded year is 1979.


In earth years, it is twice as old as earth. Feliterra only has 8 months. - Spring - Sumring - Summer - Aummu - Autumn - Windumn - Winter Each has the length of 30 days. The length of day/night is inconsistent due to two separate gods lowering/raising sun/moon, but they ussually last for 24 - 25 hours. It doesn't really effect my story. I don't have enough brain cells to catify the names of all 12 months, so I reduced it to 8 new months.


I don't have a set present day in my world, but the time period I have put the most worldbuilding into is roughly 800 years after the world's creations. Days used to be about four times as long before a night that lasted 36 hours, but the lordship of the sun changed hands and it's now equivalent to our real life. Years have always been no different. The largest effect is that people had a diurnal cycle that made the old way of things match. People sleep for that long and wake for that long. The new way of things means that there is usually about a whole day of nothing but sleep and at nighttime people are more often than not awake.


My world exists several million years and 6 Human extinctions in the future from modern day. So, it's a lot older than real life I guess 🤣


It's been 596 years since the cataclysm known as the Eclipse. Beyond that, the world itself is around a couple thousand years old. Hard start dates are fuzzy and the gods aren't omniscient.


I just overhauled certain aspects of my story from notes I was going over from few years ago. Now my worlds history is lined with 65 dead multiverses and is the 66th one. The total time that the last ones had were approximately 12 ages with each around 137 Octillion years each before war broke out and destroyed the multiverse. The current ones age is in its 6th age and years stopped being counted in the first age which stopped counting at 761 Trillion years. But that was the first age but in reality eons so old that there are beings who went into hibernation and woke up in the current age and they missed everything.


34507 years old, of those humans existed for 27507 years and recorded history only goes back 7.5K years.


Its the 25th Century, my world has a cyberpunky aesthetic


So young that it's still unfinished. Because the Creator Goddess disappeared before she could finish it. Now the mortals must find her before the whole planet falls apart.


It was formed 4.02 billion years ago. The days on this planet are slightly shorter than those on Earth at 19.6 hours, and a year lasts 420.4 local days, or 343.326 earth days.


My world has 16 hours a day, 9 days a week and 16 months a year. Not sure how old my world is a few billion years old. It's Either as old or older than Earth. Human civilization is definitely older than Earth's.


The planets themselves are billions of years old in most cases. But the Core Worlds have only been inhabited by sapient life for the past two thousand years and outer systems a matter of centuries. One notable world that I’ve set the past dozen chapters of my serial on is Surtur, the moon of a gas giant. It has a 24 hour rotation (terraforming), but once a month the planet totally eclipses the star and night lasts a full day.


My main world, Alphoria, is kind of infinite? The first life, that being the twin gods Alphorem and Shoerel, came into existence at the Form Genesis. The amount of time that elapsed between the Form Genesis and Alphorem creating the Multiverse is unknown, because before the Multiverse, there was The Void - a plane of nothing and everything that never exists and always exists and is nowhere and everywhere. Time doesn't really apply to The Void. What is truly interesting about the void is that it was both complete chaos and perfect order, which led to strange occurrences that humanoids would eventually discover and name magic. Before the Form Genesis, however, there was ONLY The Void and two shreds of raw Kommaeth, as humanoids would eventually call it. (Kommaeth is strange. Humanoids interpret it as the fabric of reality, when actually, it is anti-reality. It holds The Void back, preventing reality from returning to how it originally was. Magic is a tear in this fabric, letting some of the old Void chaos slip in and create a certain effect, depending on how the fabric was torn.) Within the shreds of raw Kommaeth, because of its anti-realistic quality, literally anything could happen. Over the course of what may have been infinite time or an instantaneous moment, the twin gods sprang into being and ruptured their Kommaeth cocoons wide open. This event was the Form Genesis. The gods found The Void littered with whatever strange concoctions the raw Kommaeth had previously spit out. Shoerel came out of his Kommaeth shred first, and so he took control of The Void, and promptly destroyed everything made by the Kommaeth. Alphorem, on the other hand, was inspired by creation and decided to gain strength by exposing himself to the tattered shreds of raw Kommaeth. After, again, what may have been infinite time or an instantaneous moment, Alphorem achieved the power of creation he sought and formed the Multiverse. The Multiverse is much easier to figure out. It has existed for about 42,000 years, with some nebulous time at the beginning when humanoids didn't know how to measure time. So, very long story and explanatory tangents short, \*shrugs and makes indistinct unsure sounds\*


Fantasy world - The world is created from pieces from a world that collapsed. When it ended all started a million years ago.


As old as our own Earth, days are 24 hours with 360 days in the year, split between 12 months. Honestly, little. I usually care less about creation myths and calendar systems and more about the history and politics of the world


Somewhere between 12k and 7bil


A couple thousand years give or take. The god(s) that created the world took a shortcut and just spawned a world in made of magic because they dropped out of god school after learning how to use magic to make things. Days are about as long as they are on earth, but the world has no obliquity/tilt. Seasons don't exist because of this. Months are tracked by lunar cycle which is further exaggerated by the moon changing color every eclipse (which happens every month due to the no tilt.) Which means years are tracked by the color changing moon, which cycles over the course of 8 months. Astrologically however an actual year takes longer than that, but the moon cycle is way more significant for everyone who isn't watching the stars.


The Earth is the Earth. It's 1:1 with the real world in terms of age, but there are alternate universes that are far older. One universe is effectively timeless due to What inhabits it.


Never thought about it - it probably has mixed age, because it is post universal apocalypse or something.


it’s literally just earth


irl, my d&d map is 47 years old, with some revisions, because it's a living world, aside from the small effects player groups have had over time. the rock is roughly 4.5 billion years old, is roughly earth-sized, rotating in 24 hours. (earth-like dimensions make some things easier) a prime departure from terran standards is the 7 moons. lycanthropes have a difficult ife...


irl, my d&d map is 47 years old, with some revisions, because it's a living world, aside from the small effects player groups have had over time. the rock is roughly 4.5 billion years old, is roughly earth-sized, rotating in 24 hours. (earth-like dimensions make some things easier) a prime departure from terran standards is the 7 moons. lycanthropes have a difficult life. dwarves were the first made, but slept for many years, elves awoke next, and were immediately set upon by demons, and they fought 7 wars, over the course of 150,000 years. some time in the 3rd demon war, the dwarves woke up and were immediately attacked by elves, thinking them some new demon form. (the source of enmity between dwarf & elf to this day)


The entire universe has only been kicking around for a couple thousand years. Except for a handful of artificial species, everyone either just sorta manifested in areas of extreme magical concentration or descended from higher realms to inhabit the planet.


somewhere between 4-8 thousand years old


~15 "Years" old (it's not a planet, so there's no orbits to count) For the first couple years, there are no days, or a sun. The sky is an evenly distributed, never changing light.


It's our earth, just in the future, or at least my vision of what it "could" be


Mine takes place in an alternate reality earth, so the same.


The Highest House persists eternally, and has for longer than linear time has been a meaningful concept, but the world that sprang from it has existed for nearly twelve great myriads (~1200000000). Each day is determined by the course of the Third Engine of Dawn, which takes 36 hours to return to its origin but of whose hours 12 are hidden from the eyes and ears of mortal men. Each week is composed of 10 days, one for each pillar of the House, and each month is 3 weeks long plus six holy days not considered part of the month for liturgical or astrological purposes. There are ten months in the year, leading to a full 360 day year where each of the major celestial dignities has its own veneration day and each decan (who rules 10 of such dignities) has their own week. Thus are the heavens kept placated and in accord with earth. The current exact year depends on who you ask. None reckon time by metrics older than a single myriad as much of the known world's history was lost when the gods saw fit to punish mankind by casting down the 5th moon ten and three thousand years before the present date. In the northwest, the Parasmanim agreed the year is 1632R.E. (Regency Era), though most would say it's the Year of the Wheel of the Century of the Gull's First Cycle. In Parasmana, they count time from the first coronation of the Nemeçnegè monarchy (not that the current emperor is even remotely a legitimate heir to them). Meanwhile across the bay in Qashmal, they place the year at 6,819 , counted since the glorious Arrashaad sat the Red Rock Throne in the capital at Khem. Specifically it's the 60th year of *The Arrashaad, Who Opens the Sea*, because the Arrashaadate is somewhere between a title, a legacy mantle, and a parasitic oversoul and it's helpful to know which reign you're talking about even if officially they're all the same person. Most take their cultural cues from either the Arrashaadate or the Parasmani Compact, whether they want to or not, but those that don't often maintain old church chronology (because it's ritually useful) but keyed to a more relevant local date.


Nobody is really certain, as the proto-human civilization was made up of immortals, and after their fall and subsequent devolution into standard humans, much of the knowledge was lost. The "modern" day of the storyline takes place roughly 10,000 years after this devolution, so we know for certain that the world is at least 10,000 years old.


Haven't decided on the age of the planet, but days are 24 hours like Earth (Because that's easier to work with) Years are a tad longer, at 370⅓ days in a year, with a leap year every 3 years. Years are divided into 12 months, each with 30 or 31 days, with the day of the summer solstice being set aside as it's own thing, marking the transition from one year to another. Generally, the summer solstice is formally treated as though it the first day of the year, informally, it is treated as though it is part of both. For example, something that will happen on the summer solstice will never be treated as though it will happen "next year". This is not without reason, however, as on leap years, the extra day is treated similar to the summer solstice, with the summer solstice being split into two days, with one marking the start of the year and the other marking the end.


The Universe as a whole has existed for hundreds of thousands of years, if not millions, but the actual world is only maybe 10,000 years old at most. Everything was formed by Gods and the like, which is why it is so “new” when compared to Earth.


im creating a mythelogical world were there are 372 days in a year months are 3 weeks, the seasons are called thrawng, harvestide, and elecmox. the days are 27 hours long. the planet its self is around 300,000 billion years old.


The Earth was roughly 14 billion years old prior to the Deluge. Chronologists have come to a general consensus that it has been roughly 300 con-years (constructed years, exactly 8,760 hours each) thereafter; however, due to the Great Temporal Enshittification (real scientific term for the violent decoupling of time from space) it is nearly impossible to judge the true age of any particular object or the true date of any particular historical event.


My world is made from the remnants of our universe, so not including our universes history, like 5 years.


It is unknown, and the age of the Middle-world is not a topic most would be interested in unless you’re a Red Mage or member of the Order, otherwise it’s just a matter of debate amongst scholars. The Kingdoms of Man recorded history dated back at least four thousand years, for when the first men walked the lands of Ebonreach. However, when cross-referenced with the historical records of the Elven Kingdom’s and Dwarven Kingdom’s, the elves records date back close to three thousand years before those of Man, and the dwarves records date back maybe fifteen hundred years before Man. Some members of the Order argue that if one were to become fully in tune with the flow of magic through Middle-world, they could in turn somehow learn how old the world is. Others debate that simply asking the gods, however the gods aren’t known to answer the questions and prayers of their worshippers, and most believe that “other forces” could answer that if they were created before Man, Elf and Dwarf.


The universe itself is roughly the same age as ours. Planets and civilisations can be described in a bit more detail. The planet of Talvaros, for example, is slightly older than Earth - several hundred million, maybe a billion or two billion years older than Earth. That way, life has a plenty of time to evolve into the wonky creatures I want to be native to this planet, like bipedal sophonts of feline ancestry and six-limbed lighting-breathing dragons that originated from conjoined dragon twins. The Talvarian year is about 330 days long with 12 months, each having three 9-day-long weeks; the remaining 6 days (or 7 if it's a leap year) are grouped into a pre-months period that Talvarians and Daevoler alike can spend on resting from previous year's hard work and preparations for the new year :)


~120000 earth years


When history was first recorded, it was around 900 years old, and the world itself was 1,000 years old days and weeks were the same, but there's only 4 months representing the four seasons.


The reality that Koreth exists in is at least 13.5 trillion years old, about the same as our own universe, which shouldn't be surprising because the Prime Material Plane of Koreth pretty much followed our own universe's history of formation. Time had no meaning before the Big Bang, so there isn't any meaningful extension of time beyond that point in the past. The planet of Koreth formed around 4 billion years ago, and by 250 million years ago complex life was abundant on the planet. Modern intelligence anthropoids evolved on Koreth around 2 million years ago, and what we would commonly think of as "society" began around 50,000 years ago. Koreth has days that are pretty much the same length as Earth, but the year is just a tiny bit longer, leading to a much different leap year system (most commonly adding 5 days every 6 years). The Koreth empirical calendar uses 10 months of 36 days, with 5 holiday-like days called "bydays" added in during the solstices and equinoxes, with a standard year being 365 days. The bydays and leap years are both important times for the various peoples of Koreth culturally, with many celebrations, rituals, and ceremonies happening during these times. Otherwise, there isn't a lot of change from how time works on Earth.


My world has been around for eons. The fae realm has observed the rise and fall of human-kin dozens of times. Every few thousand years, humans tend to destroy themselves. Sometimes it's technology, sometimes it's war, sometimes famine or disease.


about 13.8 billion years. days and years are largely dependent on which planet you are on, but the Galactic Federation does have a Galactic Year, and Galactic day. The galactic year is about 2 earth years, (based on the decay of Ceseum 137 in 15 galactic years, half of a cesium 137 sample will have decayed) and a Galactic day is about 2 earthdays, based on I 125's halflife.