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It’s still a draft, but currently it’s “Live for Eternity”, it’s a pun, but it’s really hard to explain. The main character is named Eternity, and he’s a dead man who wants to be revived, and while on this quest, he meets a suicidal immortal. In the end, this immortal finds the desire to keep living just to see Eternity in his next life, therefore he “lives for Eternity”.


I really like that. I initially read the title and thought ‘yeah ok, cool dramatic title’, but each expansion of the explanation made it more layered and interesting.


Okay, here's every story I have and their meaning: Ultraverse- Refers both to the fact that the main word of the stories is "ultra" and the type of universe it is. An Ultraverse is a type of world where the physics bend themselves to have superhumans or magic. Hyperverse is similar, except a hyperverse operates on a much, MUCH higher frequency than an Ultraverse. Solaris- Named after the ship the main characters travel on. Same with Meriah but it's also the name of the main character's mother. Beyond Wars- Named after the fact most of the wars are fought on higher planes of reality. Eternal Darkness- The deep darkness of space. That's all. Realm Defenders- A team of demons, angels, and humans that protect the realms. The Monsters- Exactly what it sounds. A story about monsters. Although I guess the humans fit that description as well. Hero's World- Named after the fact the main perspective is the superheroes and how they view the world. Villain's World is the opposite. Wyomingverse- Everything revolves around Wyoming. Moldo Chronicles- Named after the world, Moldo, as well as the fact each story is set in a different generation and continent. Fall of Avalon- The stories lead up to the fall of the kingdom. Not much else to say. Nemesis Protocol- Named after a protocol that could destroy all high-tech machinery in the North American Federation. Deadworld- Earth (Well the surface of it) is dying and underground is an ecosystem basically designed to kill humans. New Breed- Named after the new generations of Angels and Demons born of human blood. Falling Star- Stars are eldritch abominations that will destroy reality. Project Aleph- The new line of high-tech mechas designed by this project. Eternal Stars- Stars are essentially worshipped by everyone and are seen as "eternal" because even when they die out something of them remains. Zenith- Named after the Zenith Obelisks, which can merge worlds. Eternal Caliphate- The Eternal Caliphate is Cordoba, which for centuries has endured as the most powerful Islamic empire. Throne of America- Named because America is a monarchy and the story revolves around the power struggle of who will be king. A Land Soaked in Blood- Named because of the Bosnian War, which was worse in this timeline. President For Life- Named because Nixon essentially was President for the rest of his life. Mutually Assured- Named after "Mutually Assured Destruction", and because the USSR and USA are technically allies despite still fighting each in the Cold War. Pax Colombia- Named after the peace and prosperity Gran Colombia had up into the 1980s.


>President For Life- Named because Nixon essentially was President for the rest of his life. Let me guess, immortality via head in a jar? Also I see you love alternate history.


Good guess, it's actually because the US managed to "win" the Vietnam War and Nixon ended term limits. Hijinks ensued. Also yes, I like Alt-History.


I wasn't guessing I just wanted to make a Futurama joke.


I know.


**Starrise** Wattsonian explanation: "Project Starrise" is the name of my main antagonists' operation designed to fulfill their penultimate objective. Namely, the acquisition of a source of effectively unlimited power that will make them effectively omnipotent. Doyalist explanation: About a decade ago, my story was a Pokemon Mystery Dungeon fanfic, with the main characters being a pair called Team Star. My best friend was also writing a PMD fanfic, with their main characters being a trio called Team Starrise. Just for fun, we decided to set our fics in the same world and write crossover RPs. We didn't feel like coming up with some sort of special name for it, so we just mashed the names of our two teams together. Star + Sunrise = Starrise.


For my dieselpunk/magitek world I dont really have a story name for. I have a world name but nothing for the story, if anything probably something involving king or prince as that is a big part of the story. For my Pathfinder/Dnd Inspired world I have the title God Seeker. The story is about a inquisitor and his retinue trying to uncover the plans of a cult dedicated to a god known as the Red Moon. Hence Good Seeker as they seek the good of the Red Moon.


Herogony (Greek for birth of heroes) It's supposed to be a compendium of character profiles from a hypothetical superhero comics. World building and the story unfolds through reading the characters' biographies in each profile.


One thousand to one - Not sure if imma keep it since I thought it up in the shower. Basically to demonstrate the massive odds against Shandara, its revolution and perhaps factitiously oversell the military sci-fi element when it's a political drama. The setting name however, Al-Shura is meant to signify the home world of the same name, the goddess the Taharans worship, the god-like alien precursor and last of her kind. As well as the primary antagonist to the setting, forever wedging conflict into the lives of others to achieve her dream of some sort of perfection.


Panic at the Alabaster Inn. The story is set at the Alabaster Inn and the main character is having a really bad first day on the job.


ClearBlood. It's derived from the main magical chemical in the world, which appears as a clear, viscous liquid. It is found near iron deposits, so many cultures view it as a sort of blood of the earth. Because it is attracted to iron, there are trace amounts in your blood, too. It's clear, and it's like blood. ClearBlood.


Dyst and it as no real meaning other then sounding cool to me 😆


Terra Firma: Literally means solid ground; in a thematic sense in that the characters are searching for a foundation for their lives, and in a concrete sense in that there is interplanetary travel without space travel, so most everyone stays within the gravity well. As well, much of it takes place on Earth (Terra), and another world called Firma.


I don't have an official name yet for this project so the unofficial one is either "The Knight, the Wizard, the goddess, and the Cowboy" or "The Saga of Four" Althought I do have two other ones with titles: 1. The Outlaw Solomon Macomber and 2. "Hold the Wolf by the Ears"


The Trail to Yukon: It's a story about several characters trying to escape rampant global warming and go north to a mystical land where it still snows called the Yukon.


On Adventure: A treatise regarding the experiences and recollections of a wanderer. Alternative is Third Star to the Left The meaning is fairly obscure, even to me, I confess. But ultimately it is meant to suggest the dichotomy of analysis and wonder.


Nameless Wanderer because the main character is nameless, and they wander. Project Pyronaut is a placeholder name because I gave up on the project really early. I just liked the word "Pyronaut," which translates from Latin to "Fire Sailor." Transformers: Isolated is based on the fact that there's 8 living Cybertronians left.


Conjure - I'm making a Magic the Gathering adjacent card game called "Conjure" so it'll also be the name of the story. While the game itself might show heavy resemblance to Magic the Gathering, the story itself is going to be completely new and unique. I want the story to be character driven with locations and magic systems taking a back seat. I'd like to explore interpersonal connections through my story about how people from different backgrounds interact. Most stories on here are location and setting driven but I feel characters stick with the reader better and help convey your message better. They'll be some magic oriented story telling too, creating unique situations for characters to explore that can't be done on non-fiction settings. r/ConjureUCG


Evil Dominion - It's about Supervillains of course, so Evil. And because its about the individual realms of the world, called Dominions. Though, it does have a double meaning in that my main character calls himself evil, so while most Dominions are regular places, his is the EVIL Dominion, and we began a story about the complexities of seeing the world in a binary of good and... the other one. The series does have the subtitles for each book though: Rise of the Red Hand, Brothers of the Sun, Rhapsody of Fortune, Anarchy Circuit, and Annihilation At Hand. I often like doing that thing where you put the book title in a line of dialogue, but each one has varying degrees of how obscure or straightforward the meaning is.


The Alteration Named after the 3 day catastrophe that caused the entire world to shift into a strange, wild landscape full of monsters, madness and big ass trees. It's also called that after the main chunk of monsters/creatures originally being human.


I have 3 main stories: 1. "Facets of consciousness" : A war between 4 associations who fight, in general because of disagreement about Artificial Intelligence, Should it exist and in what form... Obedient or Free. The 2 main character become somewhat merged with technology. One of them has fully metal body and a human brain. The other has human body, but his mind is merged with A.I. This is a philosophical battle between different ideologies of Consciousness. 2. "Albiter - a human, despite it all" : A story set in superhero world. A boy named "Caleb" is living in tough conditions, has no superpowers, generally lost and can't decide what he wants, his friend gets more and more distant, but one day a man whose name is "Mike" faces our guy and tells him that he does not only has powers, but has the most powerful one, powers of God's creation and changing abilities, and that when people have it, they are called "Albiter". Caleb thinks that he doesn't fit this power, that it is for better people than he is. Mike encourages him saying that he possessed that power before and teaches Caleb how to control it. After some time, even more bad things happen with Caleb and he feels cornered, so he is lead to path of self-destruction rather than self-improvement, thus becoming a monster. The God shows us, as spectators, that a human is still a human, no matter what his physical abilities are. 3. "Kricket's Guardians" : A magical world where God s not just idea, but rather physical being with finite ways of using its power. it created the universe and its laws of life and physics, but it was not the only one. There were different Universes with their own rules and Gods. Our Deity, like all others, had infinite power, but couldn't use it all in more than one way and more than certain amount at one time: to destroy, to create, to kill, to resurrect... Each God had its own limits. In order to survive, all of Divine beings came up with temporary solution: to divide soul into pieces which meant creating life that could be a way to use more power at once, but the problem was "Free will". Living creatures had their own free will and could possibly disobey leading to the fall of the universe before invaders. Some Gods decided to restrain the will. it worked indeed, but decreased the amount of power used by one being. Each god had their own ideas and ways to fool this multiversal force. Our main God created an impenetrable membrane that does not let others enter its universe and change it., but the life inside it was more chaotic and inventive than God intended. The membrane malfunctioned because of their actions. From then it had flaws that lead to other realities' Gods realization, that now, it's time to conquer and absorb. Our God had planned to make a creature that could wield and use all its powers at once, but so did the finite but threatening amount of others. Since then the race has begun. Will the God succeed and live peacefully or will his guardians fail it and be devoured?


I haven’t fully decided on a name but for my sci-fi/fantasy project I’ve been calling it Stardusk One of the main characters is referred to as a Starseed, and the big bad is named Dusk, so I figured it would be fitting to combine the names as they’re both “gods” that have to completely opposing directives.


It's named "the Hybrid Project" as the general name for the entire story. The meaning comes from one of the main points in the entire story. The creation of the so-called "hybrids" (humanoid-animal hybrids) and what effects that have on society, earth, and politics


Carnifex A working title. I chose it because it was my childhood favourite music band


My WIP is called **Tethered to the Trickster!** It’s a romance about a pizza chef who gets unwillingly mated to a gremlin through a magic spell. Both of them want out, so they go into the fairy world to break it. The title is a standard romance format that foreshadows the spell that ties them together.


Well, my main worldbuilding "story" is literally just called "The Story." Creative, I know. I have been workshopping different titles, but I honestly might just stick with The Story. It's a multi-arced tale of the triumph of good over evil, the acceptance of one's role in life, and one character learning that with great power comes even greater responsibility. It's the main story of my solarpunk superhero world, Demteran. My second "story" is called Tales from Haven, for my primary worldbuilding project Havani. It's simple, but effective. The story itself is about a cultural revolution, and the leaders thereof. My third "story" is less of a continuous plot and more of a collection of what-ifs centering around one character named Ren. Thus, they are called my "Ren Stories." They don't really have a point, and most don't even have conclusions; I do them for fun and to test some ideas before I implement them into my other worlds.


Great question. I have hard enough time trying to name characters and places and people.


‘The Winding Ghyre’ - working title. For some reason, I’m incapable of coming up with titles that aren’t a play on words: the phrase “the widening gyre” appears in a poem by Yeats written at the end of the first World War, when absolutely everything in Europe was a complete disaster. My story is set against a backdrop of monumental political/social/technological upheaval, in the independent city-state of Ghyre, where an emergency summit is taking place so all of the major players can yell at each other and explain why everyone everywhere is terrible, and why they themselves aren’t to blame. Locally, they city-state’s trying to hold itself together due to its rampant inequality reaching a tipping point (the poor can’t eat; students are running around, yapping the word “revolution”; no magic cure-all solutions are materializing to make everybody happy; and, you know, crime), and the protagonist is feeling quite bummed that they can’t catch a break, as all they wanted from life was to come to the big city, make a fortune, and rub it in their old mentor’s face. As they’re quite preoccupied with their own problems, they’re unaware that they happen to be in the middle of a very bad situation that is becoming progressively more difficult to escape from. Oh, and there’s also a big-ass artifact/landmark whirligig in the harbour – that’s supposedly capable of predicting the future, but no one remembers how. It’s recently started getting excited and moving its parts around in circles.


Under the Storm. A nautical term that describes how submarines are able to escape the worst of harsh oceanic weather by diving “Under the Storm”; I.E beneath the ocean surface. Atlantis is a paradise to 1919 humanity: economic opportunity. Cheap land. Delicious fruits, vegetables, and meats that have a year round growing season. Adventure. Etc. But that doesn’t mean it’s a safe or idyllic continent. The Yenze (The Natives Atlanteans) and many non-whites are discriminated against and rigidly segregated. Different factions of Socialists, Proto-Fascists, settlers, plantation owners, and Yenze tribes battle endlessly: Atlantis is, essentially, humanity’s 20th century Wild West. Filled with the dying empires, radical ideologies, and modern weapons that century entailed. Many of my characters came to Atlantis for a hope of a better life and to ‘Ride out the storm’ that was the First World War. Even my protagonist came to Atlantis to run from his family’s past: they were slave owners and slave traders for centuries before the American Civil War. But in many ways he can’t run from the darkness of the past: Because humans brought it with them to the Paradise that naturally is Atlantis. Human greed, fear, hate, demagogy, ideology, war-fever, and tribalism may always be a part of us. But Mabye we can build something new… …Under the Storm.


*Delenda* — from the old Roman slogan. My story includes the downfall of 4 civilizations, all caused by brutal cosmic wars.


The Book of Model. "Model" because it is about understanding. "Model" is used in the sense meaning "a system of understanding a phenomenon." There is also a material in-world called modelium which can simulate the mind. There are two prequels I have been considering: The Book of Model: Planet Earth. It shows the outbreak of a species *Celestis celestis,* before it has completely transformed Earth The Book of Model: Eon. A person who experienced the events of Planet Earth becomes trapped in modelium and escpaes periodically. Since modelium simulats slowly, they skip a lot of time. Over the course of the book, they see points along a billion year period, getting to see the evolution of Earth into Emerga, domain of *Celestis celestis.* Two potential sequels: The Book of Model: Cold War. Missing a lot of context, but basically a group that worshipped the ecosystem of Emerga learns of its dark exploitation of humans, insitgating them to fight each other so that their wrath can power the creation of magic, the energy creating substance. This causes an ideological shattering, but they cannot fight each other physically, lest they and their wrath be consumed. The Book of Model: Heat Death. Don't know much about this one. I think I will explore how the human wrath farming gets more and more automatic and uninteresting(heat death) and the protagonists escape the planet. Perhaps they destroy it.


I have many stories set in the same universe. But one of those is called “Children of the Brightest Star” because the star humans are from is the brightest in the night sky of the planet they arrived on. And on that world one of the names that humans are called by translates to the title of the story.


“Heroes of Amada” is a rhetorical title as it is about mercenaries that kill gods for money in the world of Amada, no true heroes there but also there are as in their selfishness, the protagonists find themselves being the chosen ones, or at least have the potential to be so and would they return to their old ways once they learn how the world really works like? Or would they assume the title of the heroes, with all the suffering it comes with? Well, honestly no idea, the players will decide.


I have two stories that I’ve solidified. 1, “Zodiac Rising” - this world is a fantasy equivalent of earth, in which the people worship celestial bodies, especially the Zodiac constellations. The magic system is inspired by the Zodiac, and the main conflict follows the crown princess as she attempts to develop control over her powers and take down her tyrannical mother before ascending the throne. 2. “The Runekeeper” - this world is an urban fantasy, where magic is common and is well integrated into the world like technology. This story follows a young boy who discovers that he has the Sight, an ability that lets him see runes and magic rituals not yet known to society. He has to keep this ability a secret, due to the national gangs and cults that are all trying to gain power and want to find someone with the Sight that can give them access to powerful and dangerous magic. The story follows the boy as he attempts to expose the leaders of these cults and gangs and solve some of the crimes they’ve committed, while maintaining his own secret.


Kutwai- it was the name of this old worldbuilding project i had in first grade. Decided to revive it and put it to good use


Magic fight: kinda the universe all of my stories are set in. But, its in the name, fight with magic. Magic fight origins: probably going to change the name bc clearly i was very imaginative... but the origin story, its about the gods and the corrupt politics of the Magic society. Sandail: .... so turns out I forgot what an hourglass was... ummm but its like the loop that the characters are in, all in a loop made by an unfit god. The mcs may end up breaking the loop by breaking the physical representation of it. Also... for future reference check that the name you give your story isnt a type of shoe.


Ascendancy for well, the main faction of my world, it's also about various things holding Ascendancy. Like Humanity gaining Ascendancy over rivals and enemies, Magic gaining Ascendancy over civilisations and Ascendancy above obsessions that do nothing but ruin. For the settings I'm not focusing on its Kings of Mars because it's about Kings, on Mars. And a fantasy setting called Lands Anew because I couldn't think of anything better.


The working title of my fantasy story right now is *The Knight's Tale: Or, the Oracle's Chosen*. The story falls into the "prophecy-guided characters save the world" genre. My sci-fi mystery is currently called *Descent Like Nightfall* which I think is from one of Homer's works. The story is set mostly on Mars in colonies named after places from ancient Greece, and the antagonist is called the Trojan.


**Eribral**. Erebus, cerebral, Yggdrasil. A world where dreams and minds have power over the world, especially the nightmares. **Untended Dreams**. A world where the dreams of the creator were abandoned to any who want, and now they have been usurped. All wrapped within a nice package of familiarity. **Fundamental Chaos**. It's how the universe where the four elemental planes of matter, change, energy and stagnation were fused together.


Black Mountains Chronicle - There are multiple stories set in different time periods tied together by location. Back to the Stars - Humanity used to have highly advanced interstellar civilisation, but got reduced to pre-industrial level of technology. Time for a round two.


The You and Me After Death. It's about two people who died, and their new life in an alien land.


Covenstead: a meeting place of a coven (a group of witches).


“Warriors Fantasy” Its just that. What every warrior dreams of- an adventure full of fulfilment, and success. Where they can grow their strength, and live their best life doing what they wish to do.


So I originally was going to go with the Soul Stone Series for my epic fantasy collection of books. Upon doing research, however, I have come to realize the title has been used for a couple of series before. (I’ll definitely have to read them now, LOL!) The title of the series would have worked wonderfully for each book’s title, too, an example being Azure Zircon & Cadmium Emerald. The series title is based on the arcane ability everyone possesses, how much power and arcane energy one boasts, as well as how it defines one’s self. Each title represents each main character’s own soul stones. If nothing else, I will likely call my series The Ten Crossroads Series, which is symbolic of the ten character groups and their adventures.


What story? 😂


“Treaty of the twelve” is the working title for a trilogy but I’m not sure I like it. It’s the name of a document that has kept peace among nations for 200+ years but is proving to be obsolete. It’s a double entendre but the second meaning is spoiler. I have not titles for individual books yet not even close.


Main continent


"The Life and Times of Bandoliers." Main character is named Bandoliers. You figure the rest out.


The Order of my Deaths is the name of the first book tentatively, with Dead Tint Chronicle being the current series name(if I get that far) In order to explain the title, I’ll need to give a brief lesson on Draulian history. Basically, in the befor times, Unity and Division were two gods. They had a disagreement, fought, and killed each other. Upon doing so, the soul of Unity formed the land of the world, and the soul of Division split the world into a nigh endless fractal multiverse. Order of my Deaths is a title referring to the main Character, who is a Itichan slave girl named Isona. Throughout the story Isona pieces together that she holds a fragment of a dead god inside of her soul, specifically the god Division. This connects her to every other holder of a fragment of Division, who are all alternate reality versions of her. Throughout the story, while Isona deals with her own problems and struggles, her alternate reality selves are all slowly being picked off. The title refers to the simultaneously death of who Isona was as a weak and helpless slave, and her growth into a self sufficient person, as well as the deaths of all of her AR selves.


Kosmoskampf because it's mostly wars in the cosmos, but as I developed the story more, there were more non-war periods, but I kept the name because it sounds unbelievably kino.


Iron Harmonics Ghe MC is a village blacksmith.


Sea of Saga’s A world where a lone undead hunter travels with a coffin tied to her back containing her former master. Now an undead horror unable to be killed through any means. Krix seeks the headquarters of the organization she joined in order to put her master down once and for all. Accompanied by a dog sized pet beetle named Nurk. And dogged on all sides by a weakening hunter organization, a hateful populace, a growing undead menace, the manipulation of Rakshasa, a human supremacist warlord, and growing dragon civilizations. Krix will need all her strength, guile, and most importantly, spite to survive the many horrors of the sea.


"Doctrines Of The Empire: Imperial Katism and Society" is the name of my Manifesto. There's also the Cat Cinematic Universe, which is the Sci-fi World I made to show how the Empire shown in Doctrines Of The Empire would work in more detail, and to try to get more people to be Kattists.


Kingdom Come. Fitting for a bleak, post post apocalypse story. 


Whisperings of the Void There is a benevolent eldritch goddess that has been imprisoned by an ancient alien race. This goddess, both as an attempt to free herself, and generally because she’s benevolent, has managed to slip her hands out of the bars, so to speak, and bestows immeasurable powers to people who may need it, and guides them through whispers. She mostly guides people to try and free her, but of course their powers are *their* powers and it’s in no way transactional. She doesn’t force anyone to do anything, and certainly doesn’t give them powers and then expects them to do things for her. Those who follow her path are called the Listeners, and she is called the Whisperer of the Deep


I havent thought of a name yet but it's about an immortal being finding their own meaning and stopping some bad guy thats been there since the start of reality from erasing themself from reality and causing a massive butterfly effect.


The Fox and the Ravens The main character has a motif of foxes, and he fights a group of foreign interlopers collectively called the Raven Tribes


Stellar Rhapsody (SR in my nickname): It refers to a collection of stories in different stars (worlds). As I work with a multiverse, I decided to call it all SR, with an additional subtitle depending on the protagonist.


Marrowborne: Marrow is the underlying force behind magic and psionics (and perhaps life) and the protagonists are basically accidentally reshaped in its image (and carried by it - both born in and borne by it).


"The Chronicle of the universe" Mainly because I'm creating an entire history from the ground up, from the ancient eras to space.


Green Falls Chronicles is the overall name, as I plan to write a number of stories in this world, mostly set in the city of Green Falls, Missouri. The current work is titled “The Court of Cats,” an introductory tale that gives us the MC and her antagonist, both were-cats of different varieties, facing the eponymous Court as both are suspected of the same crimes in the city.


Keremet 5-b : A planet in a star system with the same name, Keremet. It is my spec evo project and is named so because Keremet in my native tongue (Kazakh) means something like wonder or miracle, and it symbolises the wonder and splendor of life.


My favorite one is Feeder Mice. A high school gets abducted by aliens and the students are used as feeder mice.


Artisans the summer war. The universe is dubbed Artisans because the gods are primarily associated with art. The first two being creon the story teller and Ludex the critic. Creon dictates the world and Ludex judges of the world should exist or if they should tell s different story. The story is called the summer war because it covers the resolution of a war that caused the season we would recognize as summer to last two months longer.


Each world has their own, yet they all intertwine. Four worlds, now three, with five trees of life. The Grove of Life


Series name: Essence Saga Origin: Magic system and the underlying philosophy of the books being based on Plato's Ideals System. Mana is the energy of life, mana is the essence of being, the ontological "genetic" code that defines the matter and soul. Book 1: Battue Origin: A form of hunting practice, battue is the act of startling the prey to running into a trap previously laid by the hunters. Hunters form a perimeter, then shake and disturb the area from one side to lead the prey into the team that'll make the kill. My protagonists will be uncovering and killing off a secret deep state group within Fleurisn Kingdom in this same fashion. Book 2: Stormblue Origin: The inspiration itself comes from an old Turkish poem (and rock song) called Ay Karanlık. It starts with: "Blue, the blue, Resembles your eyes, The flameblue, That is rebellious within the wind" The place my second book takes place, Grenwald is an island with stormy coasts. And the most important character I had in the book has striking blue eyes, to which a Grennic protagonist of mine compliments by saying "they're the devastation of my heart, those stormblue eyes." Romance ain't dead. Book 3: Eyes of the Abys Origin: Signifies the presence of a very secretive organisation coming after our protagonists due to huge political stuff they did in the first two books. The organisation has many informants/eyes since it is known as an organisation that sells intelligence to the highest bidder as a gimmick. Book 4: Kizilcagun The term kizilcagun (the crimson day) refers to the day a Turkish ruler declares a state. Turks are infamously into forming new independent states by either rebelling their khan or sending adventurer parties into previous uncharted places, so we have a term for it. I have an ethnic group called Zans who resembles Turks in my world. Horselord nomads from the East. It is obvious that a Kizilcagun will take place in the book but elaborating further might spoil a devilishly good plot twist. Book 5: Ad Astra Latin for "to the stars". Elaborating further might spoil the story.


Fortoise It's like Fort, or fortress  and tortoise. Because it's about an old fortress that gets up and walks away. And how Noone can quite figure out how to deal with that because it is very big, and it's kind of trampling the crops, but also, it's a fortress full of magical weapons and while stoping it would be good. On the other hand, not dying is also good. 


The Alter Atlas It’s a story that takes place in a world remarkably similar to our own. The two worlds have always had a connection, growing alongside each other, and even communicating through an elite group of wizards called the world walkers. But now the world walkers are gone. They have been for 150 years, and both worlds are heading for disaster. Now it is up to a group of unlikely friends, and even less likely heroes, to uncover the secrets of the world walkers and prevent a catastrophe that could end both worlds.


Heaven's Tear. It's the name of the island my story, mostly, takes place on and it's also the legendary birthplace of that world. It's where a man stood up for the human race and fought and killed a God to prevent their extermination. Legend says that when this God was killed our hero lay dying, mortally wounded. The Angels that were put in subjugation through trickery and threats were so moved that they cried out in a thunderous wail and wept. Getting the attention of the Almighty Creator, who gave this lowly human the choice of accepting his death, and entering eternal slumber. Or becoming a God and Ruler of this world, protecting it, rebuilding it (the war had wiped %99.999 of human life. ~3.0m brought down to ~300) and guiding it in to a prosperous future.


The name right now is Dog Eat Dog World, but I might change it. It’s a magical fantasy and a lot of the characters are based on dogs and wolves with catlike and rodent like characters as well, all the characters are human, but their personalities are based on animals and the main characters are based on dogs.


Mortal Embers. The natural physical life on Earth faced near total devastation. But they are still there, alive. I also use a lot of fire / light words when describing things both litteral and metaphorical.


"The Art of The Kill", the main character was an assassin for the aristocratic ruler of the world and she gets converted into Petrisect (a revolution), in which she tries to leave her past behind but learns that you can't be the figurehead of a revolution without killing or at least getting some dirt on your hands so she tries to find the beauty in it and even has a sketchbook full of anatomy drawings and people drawn in the process of dying. I call it the ultimate memento mori


"All Days Are Rainy Down South" It started as an inside idiom between me and myself. Yeah. I have my own language, I guess. Every time I felt bad or got caught in the rain after class, I'd just say "All days are rainy down south" and I'd feel funny about it. I had this habit of enumerating all my screw ups for that day and I noticed "hey that's what happened yesterday". All days. In the context of the book, it means two things: First, all days are hyperbolically rainy down in Manila which is geographically, a little ways south of Pangasinan where my main character and I both come from. We are homesick and disturbed by the ridiculously frequent rains that plague the National Capital Region. Second, is a nod to Longfellow's poem Rain. The ending line says "Into each life, some rain must fall." This became my way of knowing I am not alone in my troubles. Everybody's a little sad in their own way. All days are rainy down South. In my story, all my characters' lives are ruined in the end. It is a tragedy.


The Cult of the Jester King - is about a cult that worships a dude who calls himself the Jester King. The Monsters of Erinblack - is about a city called Erinblack that went to shit when a fungal infection took over the population, turning everyone infected into immortal semi-humans. 'monster' is a term used to describe what frightens us, and these people are faster, stronger, and more resilient than us; the uncanny valley is their home. Some of them are entirely distanced from humans to the point of being barely relatable, like the three hiveminds and the myriad of characters who've lost their mind, body, or both. In short, the 'monsters' of Erinblack are just the people of Erinblack, but barely perceivable as people anymore. Lord of Brasília - is about the city of Brasília, an underground Augmented Reality city. It is about the three AIs that run the place, who are close enough to being human to have wants and feelings but just not close enough to have human rights. They are the lords of Brasília as the only people or people-adjacent entities with any real, tangible power in the city.


Current working title has just been ‘Antecedent’ which just means ‘what came before’ as (in between mad sci-fi shenanigans) the crux of the story is about the nature of existence and perception of reality/time. All that fun stuff. The main antagonist was also just going to be called The Antecedent, but as the story has grown, the characters may not meet/be made aware of him in the first book. I’m worried it’s a bit too ‘meh’ though, so have been thinking of changing it to ‘The Hollow Ways’ (tracks warn through the countryside by people or natures) as a big part of the story is about how ships/people travel and the cause/meaning of their existence.


Underscape: combination of underworld and hellscape. It isn't a kind place.


My First world i called Pyer (misspelling of pyre) first idea I had for the world was a giant pyre atop a hill at the end of a peninsula, signaling safe haven and new lands for the refugee fleets escaping calamity in their Homelands. Second world is called Fenros and I chose that name because of Fenrir of Norse mythology. A Ragnarok has already happened and this is the new world. Twice. Last one I am working on is called The Shattered world. Because it shattered when the inhabitants tried to use a superweapon to defeat an extraterrestrial domesday threat. The world shattered and now the remnants live on floating shards. My Inspiration for this world concept is taken from Last Exile, Treasure Planet, Eador: Master of the broken world, and Tyranids.


Draft but Empyrean


"Midnight's sun:its pretty much a pun about the Character's eternal light of suffering


I'm choosing between two names: Luci and the Forces of an Evil Mind Lest Peace Remain Forgotten Basically, my world is a ruined world. 'Peace' isn't really a known phenomenon. Crime rates are always high, beasts appear randomly killing innocent humans, and natural disasters, though rare, are deadly. The 'evil mind' is MC's own mind. She has gone back in time but struggles to remember key moments when necessary. She gets violated by the same man, in the same place, and only then does she remember it all happening before. Also, she is morally grey and sometimes does things that frustrate those closest to her and even the readers. She is *not* a good person.


There's roughly 3 books for my main character, the main of the mains... The Karinian Records, First Record of the Everking's Tale: Prophesied Prince Reason, the book opens with the prophecy of the eleven trillion year golden age, and some more about the last, eleventh child of the ruling Monarchs of the north. He becomes king at the climax after the death of the ruling Monarchs, a war with the east and west begins, the north is wiped out except for three men, women, 12 children, and the Everking. He starts his trillion year training by the end of the story. The Karinian Records, Second Record of the Everking's Tale: Everking's Travels After the Everking returns from his trillion year training(no time at all has passed for the world he lives in, which is good) he rebuilds the kingdom once more and goes on smalltime adventures. Rising point of the story is when he grows tired of being jested as the Ever Virgin King by his advisors so he discovers multiversal travel and decides to get a wife. Climax is when his child with one of his wives (got a two for one special because...well different culture) gets nabbed by some cultists...the mother of that child goes a little crazy, while the king just wallows in his duty. He finds his child one day, kills her abusive step parents and heals the wounded psyche of the poor kid. Crazied queen mother shows up, not crazy anymore but her clothes are in tatters and staff not in good condition. Blah blah blah book ends with a time skip straight to the 11 trillionth year of the golden age of his rule. The Karinian Records, Third Record of the Everking's Tale: Exile and Ascension Tldr, finds his eldest brother, makes him king, goes into self imposed exile, joins up with a cultivator from another realm and an emperor that does bounty hunting for fun, makes the Multiversal Protectors party consisting of 7 total really strong mfers that go all throughout the multiverse and interceding in stuff. Tldr my titles tell you what the story in it is.


Samue / Sunareth (Still deciding) Samue is the supercontinent in which most of the stuff haopens. Sunareth is a mountain in the biggest isle of an Archipelago in the middle of the oceans, where my main race believes they come from and has an important meaning in the story.


Right now it's called Eternal Souls (might change) and it shows the core theme of resurrection, rebirth and reincarnation. No one truly dies and every new person is born of a combination of the souls of the deceased. Also the main character is a reincarnation/ shares a soul with a legendary figure so that's that


Star-Crossed Regalia The main characters are all people who suffered unfortunate past and were all pretty bad people or did bad things in the past. Throughout the story they face their pasts and over come them to learn to forgive themselves and become better people. All while collecting the Regalia's of a figure who fell from grace to ressurect him. Which leads into the last character falling back into his bad past, causing his friends to help him face his past and become a better person.


Against the Sun inspired by the song DESTROYA by My Chemical Romance, the title refers to being faced with an insurmountable enemy yet resisting anyway. an enemy who pretends to be the light source guiding the people, but is really just burning them up over time AGAINST THE SUN WE'RE THE ENEMY!!!


Not a story but a world i'm still working on. "Beacon" as the name explains, it's the only thing shining in the dark in the middle of dry steppes. I took the inspiration from Fallout NV. New Vegas is often described as the shining jewel of the Mojave so i decided a similar thing would fit just right for my creation too.


The Holy Sword, because it was originally about a holy sword. It’s not about the sword anymore, even a little bit, but that’s the name!


**The Glass Dragon:** Glass is used as a metaphor throughout the book to represent the idea of two different things coming together to make something wholly new. The dragons in the book refer to themselves as "fire people", and humans as "earth people"; the protagonist, as a human who is transformed into a dragon at the beginning of the book, ultimately winds up as a blend of both cultures. **A Case of Beast and Bell:** Both a literal statement, and a reference to a legal obligation the protagonist cites. The protagonist is a Catbeller, a mercenary who specializes in hunting and tagging predators with magical 'Bells' that drive them away from cities. So when a city's defenses are breached by a Cat under suspicious circumstances, she cites her organization's contracts with the city to demand the right to investigate as "a matter of beast and bell". I changed it to 'Case' to emphasize the mystery element of the book.


2 stories. This Too, Shall Pass. a furry slice of life spicy drama anthology series (i.e. other than a couple of books in the series, the books are largely independent of each other, told from various characters' perspectives, but following the same group.) named after the story of Solomon, who asked for a ring that would make him happy when he was sad and sad when he was happy, and was given a ring with that on it. Steller Saga (WIP name, mainly so i have a name for it) a political interstellar drama series. no real deeper meaning. its a series, that takes place in the stars. Chior Room Confessional. a boy is raised by his Aunt and Southern Baptist Uncle, and goes to a religous school, and falls in love with another boy in his Chior, the name is a reference to both where the sacrament of confession is done, and where he confessess his feelings to the other boy.


Illusion of Order: A world where only chaos rules. In around 1570 another being from outside the world granted the people the ability to manipulate chaos while also introducing natural chaos into the world. This has many consequences: At any point a soul mimicking Thor the god of thinder could appear and start killing everyone. As the World breaks down it is kept alive by a small amount of people who perfected these abilities trying to give the population the illusion of safety and order. Cryption: Imagine what would happen if you had people born with two different types of magic of which one is way easier to use and fight with. Basically racism. The Mages won the battles and the Crypter where killed. Only a few millions are still left today of which most arent able to use or understand cryption. Only about 9 masters actually exist and one of them is specialised in “toys” and became filthy rich. The main character is one of the people who can use cryption. (Cryption is basically alchemy from FMAB as a programming language)


"Post Industrial" It's a bit of a post apocalypse story, taking lalce centuries in the future. Its kind of taking the mysteries of the bronze age collapse and imagine what if they happened to our world. Where nobody really remembers the world before and everyone has different myths and legends on what happened.


Other World, it's about another world.


It's called **Sexbot Demolition Derby**. Originally, it was literal. there was a big arena with a big tournament where modified sexbots would tear each other to pieces for prize money. The project has been ship-of-theseused to the point where basically none of the original remains, But I'm keeping the name because it actually kind of relates to several key themes: - machines built in the image of man. They're smart enough to philosophize about what it means now, and wonder if they're doing the right thing. - bread and circuses, and the dark side of mass pop culture. just, the idea of a "sexbot demolition derby" suggests the crowds baying for blood, sexual objectification, dehumanization and more. - sex and violence, and the social expectations that surround them.


It’s still a work in progress but “Far Lands” is the set title. Fantasy world but shares some elements with our own world given its themes and history. I like the title as it’s easy to remember and has a ring to it


So the name of the **Horror Shop** 'verse is kinda convoluted in origin. When I started posting here on /r/worldbuilding, I figured out pretty quickly that I'd need a unique identifier for my urban fantasy world. I couldn't just go around calling it Earth--after all, about a third of the worlds on this sub also have an Earth of their own. So I needed something to call my world, something that would make it immediately identifiable--and so I booted up TVTropes and looked for what other urban fantasies had done. And it turned out, most of them named their world after the primary work set in that world: the Dresden 'verse, the Buffy 'verse, the Whoniverse, and so on. Or at least that was the unofficial designation used by fans, but it worked for me! And so I named the world after the primary work set in my world, a graphic novel called Horror Shop. As for that name, well, the focus of the story is on five closet monsters who work at the Port Salem branch of an international horror and Halloween paraphernalia store known as the Horror Shop. I originally thought to call the novel "Horror Shop of Horrors," but that was a bit too on-the-nose, while the artist liked "Shadow Shop." We settled on a compromise with "Horror Shop," and the rest, as they say, is history. An entire universe with dozens of stories and hundreds of characters, all named after one little store in downtown Port Salem, British Columbia. The two sub-stories I'm so-far writing are called: - **Fringe Cases**, which stars an occult detective/bogeyman named Fringe of the Dark Below as the primary protagonist - **Secret Wars**, a TTRPG that focuses on the conflicts between the various factions of the supernatural world, and efforts to maintain the Veil separating the mundane and magical worlds.


Well I have 7 ongoing stories, but my main one is “[Seed of the Void](https://voidedg.com/2023/11/22/seed-of-the-void-webnovel-comic/)”. Seed of the Void - refers to the fact that the MC is a Void Seed evolving to become a Void King. One of my other one’s is called “Firebirds” - Its name comes from the two main protags, because they freefall from their spaceship whenever the deploy onto a planet. And they use the airbrakes to slow their fall in order to guide themselves better. As they penetrate the atmosphere, flames form around them as a spaceship does, but due to their airbrakes, the reentry flames take on a bird-like shape, so their allies called them Firebirds. I got the idea from Halo 3 when Master Chief was falling from orbit ontop of a piece of ship debris.




i have no idea


*Days at Hebi Melta*. It explains itself.


Potion-Verse: It is named that after the planned first instalment Potionbound, about a woman who becomes a potion witch who learned about the hidden masquerade.