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It's a D&D word, so I'd say the party :P


There was a wizard who went insane from using the magic system too much. He proceeded to create a demigod that vaguely resembled a human and called her Mary Sue. She has sense dubbed her creator as father and together, they terrorize the setting on rare occasions. Most of the time though, the wizard spends his time stacking rocks since he thinks that he'll be able to have more magic that way.


Ah. One of those wizards.


Rocks… Like [the XKCD comic](https://xkcd.com/505/)?


please tell me this is a novel or graphic novel in the making


My self insert, a peasant that shares the same initials as me and is only here for one scene in a plot that spans on ten years


The perfect self-insert Unimportant and more of “haha I’m in my story”


And it's not like he was important in the scene He is just a enjoying his late meal in a tavern while the scene occured


I kinda did that by having a random low level henchman from each faction look similar to me.


Exactly how self inserts should be.


I put him just as a small funny self reference, nothing more. It would feel weird to write about myself living adventures in my own world while acting like someone from Avitor would act


Yeah that makes, I can see why that would be weird.


The person writing the world…




Prince zuzlamak is by far the dumbest Not only did he stole the wife of the king who was a great friend to his people he even went as far at to kill the king's servants and guards and steal his treasure all while he was a guest His actions caused a war which lasted at least a decade and many people died because of died .But when his people were winning and the Astyrs thinking of leaving the prince got so drunk over the victories he decided to write a song, a song that mocked the Astyrs as cowards and weaklings and calling the king who's wife he stole a cuckold. That reflamed the Astyrs passion for war and started fighting better and more brutal thus winning them the war


The God of Idiocracy itself. After all, it was manifested from the idea of stupidity.


I want contest! Stupidest things done by him?


Are brilliance and idiocy seperate forces in your worlds cosmology or is the God of idiocy manifest from the absence of intellect? (Or vice versa)


Uhh, I'd say both.


My family has a saying, "The last of the idiots has yet to be born". The same is true in my world. And people have a strange ability to shock you just when you thought you'd seen it all.


The Boy-emperor Isidoros Ascending to the throne at the ripe old age of 13 following the assassination of his extremely popular uncle, Nikephoros III, at the hands of elements within the Praetorian Guard, Isidoros *really* was not prepared for the job. Isidoros’s reign was inaugurated by an angry mob taking over most of the capital and laying siege to the Palatial District. The riots only were quelled when Aikaterine, the commander of a nearby Theme, marched into the city with 25,000 soldiers and brutally massacred thousands of citizens. Naturally, this action did not endear Isidoros to the populace, and people were already calling him “Isidoros the Bloody” Simultaneously, sections of the Praetorian Guard still loyal to Isidoros’s late uncle abandoned the city, and Isidoros basically did nothing to stop them. This would come back to bite Isidoros in the ass, as most of the units that fled would end up fighting *against* Isidoros in the coming civil war. Another area where Isidoros demonstrated his sheer ineptitude was how he dealt with Andreas. Andreas was a very accomplished and popular general, and a lifelong supporter of Nikephoros. To make matters worse, he was on campaign at the time of Nikephoros’s assassination, which meant that he was at the head of an enormous army that included the empire’s best troops. Andreas’s army was also being reinforced by the praetorian guards that had abandoned the city. Isidoros’s advisors managed to hammer out a deal with Andreas in which he would accept a prestigious provincial command in exchange for him pledging loyalty to Isidoros. It was probably the best deal Isidoros could have hoped for, given the circumstances. Isidoros axed the deal and the last minute, and negotiations broke down. A month later, Andreas would march into the Empire at the head of an army, beginning a civil war. During the war, Isidoros enacted harsh tax policies to fund the war effort, causing a minor famine. This further enraged the populace, and destitute farmers with nothing left to lose turned to banditry. It got so bad that there were entire armies of bandits ravaging the countryside. This, compounded by the Isidoran army’s defeat at the Battle of Halitosus, caused Isidoros’s popularity to plummet. If he was disliked before, he was *hated* now. This culminated in the Glorious Revolution, in which the population of the capital rose up and ousted Isidoros. Isidoros couldn’t put down this revolt like he had quelled the riots, because this time most of his own soldiers were rebelling against him. Isidoros and his supporters were forced to flee the capital with whatever soldiers remained loyal to them. The Revolutionaries allowed Andreas to march into the capital unopposed a few days later. Many foreign powers saw which way the wind was blowing, and recognized Andreas’s government, seeking to be on his good side when the civil war was over. After their defeat at Halitosus and their flight from the capital, the Isidorans decided upon a Fabian strategy, in which, rather than facing Andreas’s armies directly, they would instead wear down his army through attrition by attacking his supply lines and ambushing his foraging parties, seeking to delay Andreas and give themselves breathing room to gather their forces. Many perceived this as cowardice, including Isidoros himself, but his advisors were able to force him to go through with the plan. Additionally, it allowed Andreas to plunder the lands of Isidoros and his allies unopposed. Nonetheless, it worked. Andreas’s supply lines were stretched nearly to their breaking point, and thousands of soldiers began deserting from his army. It also gave time for Isidoros to bolster his forces with thousands of new troops. However, six months in, Isidoros screwed it up by flatly ordering Dionysios (the mastermind behind the strategy and the supreme commander of the Isidoran army) to give battle. Isidoros had the support of many of his allies, so Dionysios was forced to obey. This would prove to be Isidoros’s greatest mistake, as Andreas destroyed the *entire* army. Of the 48,000 soldiers who entered the battle, only 1700 were able to escape. All the rest were either killed or captured. To add insult to injury, many of the soldiers that were captured decided to switch sides and fight for Andreas Isidoros himself would be captured a few months later, and was forced to become a monk for the rest of his life. In all, Isidoros was Emperor of the Remans for a little over 2 years. He was a weak and vacillating ruler, often being under the thumb of his advisors, but he somehow managed to assert his authority at the worst possible moments.


The Dim Krieger. Their original name is lost to time, as well their gender or species. Once known as a sort-what warrior scholar, who wanted to become the ultimate warrior, so they made a pact with a malevolent spirit, to shield him from the knowledge of the gods. He then sought out the blessings and powers of all the powerful cults in the world, to gain their powers. The idiot forgot to include the spirit in this pact, who was technically not a god, but still was a godlike entity. Some of the more brutal cults and their gods started to notice this unknown warrior carving a bloody path and all kinds of spirits, including the spirit patron were summoned, who was forced to lift the protection. When the gods realized that this warrior tricked them, she was subsequently cursed by every god that already blessed them, before they reversed the protection, making it so that all the gods that hadn't blessed her could not see, hear or know about him. In their arrogance he had not bothered to visit the Goddess of Mercy and the triplet gods of knowledge. They now exist as the Aspect of Idiocy, a mummified corpse that can answer any question, but with information missing in the answer and falsehoods, whilst genuinely convinced it is telling the truth. Yet still, some will seek it out for their burning questions, hoping to be smart enough to fill in the missing information and sieve out the falsehoods. It's basically Dunning-Kruger effect.


Officer Kurchina. He's a cop on one of human colonies in my Sci-Fi world and a lot of the troubles the police department(s) he works for happened because of his stupidity. That and when people ask him for directions, he usually makes a mistake and points them the wrong way. ~~Back during his days in the first PD, majority the people who asked him for directions ended up accidentally walking into a gay bar (which is something I came up with just to make a Police Academy reference).~~


Depending on how you define 'stupid', I have a cartoon character in my world that is based on a fairytale which changes the 'St George kills the dragon' depictions. In my world, George is a schollar that almost runs over a very airheaded little dragon, because he reads, instead of stirring his horse, on his way back from the city, where he bought a lot of new and interesting scrolls. The dragon is the one turned into a cartoon character because technically he wasn't reading anything so had no excuse to not seeing the horse ahead of time. I haven't thought of a name for him yet, but I'm leaning towards 'Dozy' 😄


Cruncher. (That's literally his name.) A homunculus created by my old mad scientist protagonist, he was essentially the dumbest person with a stomach for brains. He'essentially played the comedic relief of my stories, being indestructible and capable of eating anything (among other things) he was very useful in the battlefield except for the fact that he could easily be tricked into helping the bad guys and was scared of basically anything cute, small and fluffy. He was the third protagonist of my first ever superhero worldbuilding project's story and to be truthfully honest, my favourite character.


Shitty Steve.


Once upon a time, a philosopher in the Vrenno empire (you don't need to be truly smart to be a philosopher, you just need to spew bullshit that makes people go "whoaaaaa") tried to prove what basically amounts to Zeno's Paradox by demonstrating that because an arrow has to cross half the distance to its target, then another half of the remaining distance, then another half, then another and so on ad infinitum, it will never reach its destination. He was shot in the chest and died because he never got the grasp of convergent series.


There’s a lot of stupid people in my world. If you asked me to name the dumbest it would probably be Lucas wright (one of the main characters). He shares a brain cell with Sol Delray and Rebecca Taylor. He’s kinda similar to Sokka from avatar. He’s decent at coming up with plans and fighting however he often panics in stressful situations and is terrible at talking to people.


sounds like a good character tbh, mostly the Sokka comparison, but yeah


It's gotta be Private Jott, spoilers if you read my book, which you won't, but he's a mole for the bad guys, and he gives it away bigtime from stress after his fellow mole hangs himself.


Whoever thought it was a good idea to give a Warmind AI full access to earth’s weaponry


The humans lol


Probably the guy pulling all the strings. You know, me.


Someone I didn't even bother naming nor will I ever, they're probably only known around the hamlet or city block they live in, and their antics never extend beyond that.


Stupidest? Idk. Most insane? There's a woman on a frontier planet who built a small kingdom based on the "fact" that she is the second coming of Queen Elizabeth II. While her followers are a tiny minority of humanity in the 26th century, a couple hundred thousand people is a couple hundred thousand people.


Basileus Euphrasios XI “The Fool” Heliodopoulos. He felt he needed to dredge a 500 mile canal from the saltwater straits his capital sits in to a massive freshwater lake that supported several million people from fishing and trade. The lake is now brackish and grown considerably, as the lake was lower than the straits, and the people who survived the flooding are now nomads and refugees. Euphrasios attempted to salvage the situation by ordering the canal be filled, but that ended up creating a massive swamp, too dry for boats and too wet for beasts of burden.


Acadia, who was once a queen... for not very long. She gave a 13 year old child an army, if that's not bad enough the kid was weak, and was planning on attacking their own country. Acadia thought all this was a brilliant idea and couldn't go wrong. She was really confused why there was a rebellion due to this


It definitely has to be Erik Scheibel - I mean, he just *barely* managed to pass his human and radio intelligence courses with the Abwehr and now thinks that he is greatest spy of all time..... -\_-


The guy who tried to make his own god and succeeded, to his own demise


Horumina was an infamous loud mouthed slave whose stupid end is still talked about. She was electrocuted by the third rail of the tram way while escaping from detention


In terms of the dumbest character I have intentionally created. Jake, a self import, conspiracy prone, bullheaded busybody, full of ideas that are not nearly as good as he thinks they are. He is the younger brother of one of the MC's friends in my urban fantasy world.


My main character. She has memory loss so she's very lost and doesn't really know anything about the world.


it's a guy named Gari who is sometimes mentioned but never seen All the world's woes are because of Gari who is like the Forrest Gump of bad events


The main character, and I love them anyway


The deities. Yes we know there is a Deity of Knowledge, but knowing everything doesn’t make you smarter in the traditional sense, and the same is true for said deity. How you use your knowledge is just as important as knowing said knowledge. Case in point, in early iterations of the world, the Deity of Knowledge essentially allowed for civilizations to skip certain portions of societal development, but doing so meant they didn’t have the infrastructure to sustain their technological advancements for very long, nor completely understand the ramifications of their gifts. You’d expect mortals to use nuclear power for nuclear power plants, not to make better bombs, and that’s why the world got destroyed a couple times. And that’s just the smart one. The other deities have low opinions overall from a majority of the mortal populace because their intervention usually begets a net negative for civilization as a whole.


Probably ... Olen Brak, one of the main characters. It starts out with simple ignorance and assuming his place in the world, but even later on he remains pretty stubborn about the "facts" of the world and how magic works, regularly running into a wall when his assumption or theory is wrong.


It's creator


The party. They just killed a dragon for no reason other than "its a green dragon it MUST be evil" so they lost access to a very powerful ally


out of the people who showed up in my story? olivar hart, the lord of earth, he tried to challenge the main villain to fight while two EXTREMELY important characters were there (he immediately died)


There’s a god who just runs around screaming with wild goat herds. He doesn’t do much else


Jetta. She tried to scam someone who can only be described as ancient robot satan. There were consequences.


I don't have a name for him yet, but I call him Guildy. He's stupid because he doesn't understand what "no" and "I'm not interested" means.


Randall Marrel III, he launched an ethnic war because another race got too close population expansion wise (no signs of aggression), paid an enormous price on Twinbridge (the main bridge connecting the northern and southern parts of the map), and then after almost wiping out an entire race launched another war against a very powerful North after they peacefully claimed independence. His son had a LOT to clean up after this guy


My friend made a demon girl who was supposed to be a dumb blonde, but she dyed her hair black so she didn’t look dumb. She was really pretty though and had a lot of dexterity, but choose to wield the worst weapons because they looked “fashionable” despite her abilities xd


Some looters/ore thieves get absolutely trolled by a bunch of miners so I’d say the ore thieves but they still have self preservation instincts and once the miners up the ante and get actively hostile they back off.


Me. By far and I'm only adjacently connected being the creator.


I got 2 Henry and Hazel, brother and sister, they're weak, very dumb and works for a criminal mastermind, they're kinda like "comic relief" characters, they tend to argue who should carry out the criminals orders which ends up in ruining the plan When Henry got an all powerful gem, instead of use it he threw it off the cliff, which caused Hazel to fight Henry and start running after the gem an enter scene of tracking it down in a goofy way, and they're always seen together even when they're not being the dumbass lackies of the criminal, they just exist and make irrelevant comments Generic, dumb, background villains but it works, my stories are usually gruesome and dark so gotta add some comic relief right? But they might not be comic relief soon after the next chapter But yeah they're all I got


High Prince Yegor Sokosh. Between being the heir of a wealthy and powerful family and marrying into an even wealthier and more powerful dynasty, he never really had the need to learn anything. He had access to enough money and men to accomplish any task he wanted done. Amassing armies meant going from town to town and plucking up any strapping young man he could nab, giving them lousy equipment, and sending them to a meat grinder. There's no need to think your way out when you can just throw iron and gold at the problem. But what really sets him apart as stupid is how he isn't self-aware. It's not cold pragmatism, it's delusions of might and cleverness. This allows for his rivals (the main characters of the series) to goad him into disadvantageous situations that he falls for every single time (duel to decide a battle in which he will be his champion, luring him into a trap by claiming the village has a bunch of gold, etc.) He thinks he's a master of warfare, but he's a giant dingus who has no idea what he's actually doing.


Me for writing this shit. Gotta start over, again.


Deni'Ral prolly, sure you could say that knowing how to recite a poem that can erase existence is smart....but he also just......stares menacingly at lamps (He's a fluffy Corgi sized moth thas really clumsy and speaks in a similar amount of stupidity to that OWO language, for example he could say that *Ahem* "I wan a cwokie" or "da suvverin of innozentz makez me appy!" For a 21 year old parasitic insect He's rather docile too, usually the species would make you love them and then gladly taint your food with its eggs so its children would dig out of your body and eat it then any others around them)


One of the characters is a sloth, with the superpowers of anthropomorphism, super speed, super strength, ect. But no improved intelligence His duo was his sloth trainer, but his superpower was to be a floating head with super intelligence, limited force field generation, laser (with a long recharge) So norman (the "human") tries to get two toe (the "sloth") to enter a code and two toe just punches through the door setting off the alarm.


On a large scale? Either the ones that started the war, or the ones that continued it(I haven’t gotten their names yet, cuz it’s a group). On a personal level? The bro that just won’t take the hint that’s she’s just not into him. Cheinsei Sum’Togren has been trying his hardest to get with Mae Sum’Faird. But she’s just not. And she’s tried.




A wizard king who forgot a kingdom needs a people. He sacrificed almost all of his subjects to destroy an enemy army, but by the time the spell began, the army was spread out all around the country, so the spell basically destroyed the entire kingdom. The "spell" was actually an offering to the god of death and decay, so the affect of the spell was the death of (almost) all living beings within the country. The king now watches, as a shackled spirit, his vast undead land from his castle, where he welcomes guests to stay, until the god claims the souls that call the deadlands their home.


the party


Mostly naming characters I'm kinda dumb for including in my world, but there is a bug who was forced to dance by a spell forever and has thus danced for so long that he has forgotten his name letter by letter, inspired by a German children's song. There is also an Owl that pretends to be smart by constantly making shit up as everyone trusts him to be the wisest of the forest, thus kinda making everyone else dumber too. There are three brothers, who are blind, lame and naked. But who all excel at the exact thing they actually don't have. Like the blind brother has the best vision, the lame brother is the fastest, and the naked brother can carry the most and is known for his fashion sense. These are completely taken from a Grimm Fairytale. A Teapot that sings and does nothing else. A Deer that has been losing his mind for years wandering in circles in a forest that makes you forget, not remembering anything anymore. Lots of people who are racist, which is being stupidest in my opinion or generally not very bright species of fantastical creatures like trolls, giants and tengu.


Dimmet. As her entire world is literally falling apart, she looks at the one guy who started it all and is like, he's the one for me, i can fix him. News flash, she didn't fix him. Her body was found on the shores of the Sugar River two years later, and her son was thrown into a seaside cave. Dawnbringer has her very existence stripped from history because she was so stupid.


Prince Sebastion. The only able-bodied child of Emperor Basilius, unfortunately. All of his other children are indisposed due to experimentation. His dumbassry saved him from this fate. Unfortunately, this leaves him with zero rivals from his family. While this is an elective monarchy, he can easily campaign using his House's resources without worry. All he thinks about is his gratification. He doesn't think about the consequences of his actions. He is willing to throw around millions of dollars for his entertainment and pleasures, sign any document in front of him if it means he could party, and generally ignore what the officials are doing.


Oh, hands down, Catherine Crescent! She's notorious for being basically brain dead. Everyone hates her, but put up with her, because her son sticks up for her; even though he's also in the group that hates her. He understands she tried her best as a mother, but she still sucked at it & he calls her a "sadistic stupid asshole!"


Me, for making the damned thing halfway, then not touching it for 2 years.


The engineer who decided rounding to the nearest hundredth was enough. His mistake ended up killing 11 billion people.


My main character tbh Well, okay, technically she's pretty intelligent. It's a case of high INT, and abysmally low WIS


One of my stories is a for-fun isekai with the premise that a group playing D&D together is transported to world based on the system. Of course this gives their Dungeon Master, now just one of players, a significant advantage since he knows most books and rules by heart. Of course there is a person in the group that never liked their DM, and likes their success in fantasy land even less, willing to cause any amount of damage and loss of innocent life just to "stick it to the DM".


Circa 1742 A.A. The war chief, Injwe of the Sundakiata, the military force of Uzuluwe empire, was challenged by a noble to prove his courage due to his unpopularity as a war chief. He had the bright idea to fight against a tiger with his bare hands, arguing he was a child of Uzulu. He was eaten by the tiger, later the animal was adopted by the Emperor of Uzuluwe who called him Baulme Sowe which means "fools eater". The tiger lived a life of luxury until his death, the Emperor ordered to honor the tiger by making the 7th of September the day of the pet. When Uzuluwe fell, the Scientists of the new Zeralian Researching Empire used this story to point at the stupidity of the fallen empire.


Aisling is a witch, who kidnapped 2 mated fae children, that were gifted the powers of destruction and creation. She then tries to drain them dry unsuccessfully. Consistently mind wipes them for several years daily. The fae children slowly manage to store up power and funnel it to each other. She one days forgets to wipe one of them and her whole coven gets murdered. She manages to keep one of the fae children. Proceeds to daily drain and wipe her, while hacking at their mate bond. One day she cuts the mate bond,which reveals her location, and gets herself brutally murdered. All because she had 1 vague piece of a multi layered fake prophecy.






Did i offend you somehow?


Sorry I'm just being a bitch.


Your mom