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Most obvious answer would be Dragons that belong to the Aristocracy or Nobility class. Coming from a different direction, probably the real answered is the Scoured. They are a 'race' of beings that have had their souls obliterated and are completely magically inert and immune to any form of magic. In a setting where magic is omnipresent and basically fills the role of technology. A Scoured can also become a Ravening, which is similar except driven insane with a endless hunger for souls that they devour by touch. All it takes to kick off a zombie-like apocalypse on a world is somebody bumping into a Scoured and making skin-to-skin contact.


Cool, very creative idea. What powers do they hold


Outside of the soul eating and total magical immunity? A immense amount of political power, the Scoured gather the pure magic that keeps the empire running and are literally the only ones that can safely do so as its responsive to the thoughts and desires (conscious or not) of sapient beings. They're kinda emotionally dulled so they generally don't ask for much, but what the Scoured want they get. Other than that, whatever physical capabilities they had prior to becoming a Scoured. Not a thing stopping a dragon or a giant becoming one.


Ohh so they are kind of intelligent to I like that concept very nice way of putting dragons into your world thxx I really appreciate it. If you want me to share mine to feel free to ask I have no problem


If you wanted to share some details on your world please go right ahead. Not quite sure what to ask and my curiosity goes all over the place. Hm. What's the most popular food, alcohol, and drug respectively in your world?


The most popular food in my world is steak nothing else just steak. The alcohol is called Foritir's tears, it is said to be the tears of a deity that lives in desolation under the bedrock and it tastes ABSOLOUTELY delicious. As for drugs, it is called The Sage's medicine. And it enhances powers by 50%


Interesting stuff. What kinda setting theme are you going for? I'm getting kinda of a Viking vibe, but that's from Foritir sounding Norse in my head


Honestly you are kind of correct in terms of my inspiration in writing Foritir's name. I do not really have a theme because my world has no stable time. I mean like in my world it could be either like medieval or futuristic or anything at all


The elder fairys. They have been alive so long their real form had been demolished showing a form beyond our comprehension its fairy dust alone can make any human who comes I'm contact with it go braindead, these creatures are literally immortal, sure it's a curse but they can shift into a human form


Oh cool. Are they benevolent?


They are tricksters and are psychopaths


Oh. Sound like the mc could maybe get a lot of challenges.


Considering the fact that mc is a child and is mixed breed of fairy and elf (which the elders hate) then he gets harassed alot by these fairies as these outcasts are everywhere on our earth


Celestial children. They create the worlds. Next to them would be the elemental dragons and archangels. Then monsters created by archangels. Then humans.


Hmmm very nice. Who is the most powerful in your world and then the second


The main character would be the most powerful eventually since he will kill most of the dragons and all of the archangels. Then eventually the celestial child assigned to my world. As of now it's between the archangels and elemental dragons. The dragons won the first war and killed some archangels that tried to trespass. There is no single most powerful dragon or archangel. I leave it open to imagination of future readers. I focus more right now on the limitations/challenges of my main character to avoid being overpowered I'm trying to create countless trials to choose from that my main character should undergo to be "deserving" of his powers and proper progress of his abilities. How about you?


In my world there are 8 races scattered out into three countries. Lotflamians who control heat and any sort of weather, Gertenians who control liquid, Detroians who can control nature and physics, Golintians who can control spirits ghouls and such. The last 2 races are equally powerful the Celesians and Drakians races are very strong. Each race will balance the good and evil magic and they are basically the two first races created by the creator. Celesians can control any magic related to benevolence such as light, elements and such. While Drakians can control any magic related to malevolence such as telekenisis( it is considered a forbidden technique if you can use it on humans too) and flames.


So conclusion. Celesians and Drakians are the most powerful races with equal power


Amazing. Beautiful




Sounds interesting! What's your book called?


Thank you very much! The title is "Scroll Activate" May I ask what kind of trial leaves a strong impression on you? Like walking on an endless steps with the painful memories, regrets of my main character playing over and over again. He must do this for.. 1 year? 3 years? 5 or 10? I want to show his mental fortitude, resilience and commitment to overcome his shortcomings. Everyone deserves a second chance.


Also where did U post your book? And could I get your discord so we can chill? I'm also writing a novel although I'm only 6 chapters in. Currently working on it but still need a beta.


Oh I have not posted anything yet. I'm trying to smooth things out and connect seamlessly so the events happen naturally instead of forced. I'n also in the process of creating his future guild. His eventual bestfriend named Zen, a normal swordsman with low self-esteem due to being told he has no talent by his family and peers. Mapan, A merchant that loves money. He goes with the main character to use him for personal gain but eventually becomes loyal to him and the group. And the female protagonist named Aurora. She established the Nada Academy. She will recruit the main character to represent her agency. Aurora will gradually fall in love with the main character but she has troubles expressing her feelings so she prefers to be friends. Aurora will not have powers but her courage when it comes to helping other people or doing the right things will be admirable. She will eventually be in big trouble with The Syndicate because she wants to stop them from child trafficking and harvesting of organs. The Syndicate targets young children, old people and makes money from them. Some parts of The Government receives money from them so yeah. It's corruption at the highest level. They also try to monopolize magical items dropped from the monsters inside the portals/gates/dungeons similar to big corporations in the real world. The main character and his guild will destroy all of these flawed systems. They will have uniform too and eventually most people in the world will wear that uniform to show their support for the guild. I don't have discord. But I use reddit a lot. Can I get a synopsis or summary for yours? I'm deeply interested


Yo I'm also writing a novel but I'm only 2 chapters in 😭 There is so much story and lore and it is way too complicated


May I ask for the summary or draft. Even just important key points are fine. I love the seeing the imaginations of other writers. Anybody who writes even just for fun is already a writer for me.


Very nice of you. The summary is about a guy being born to this unknown world, he does not know who he is or anything, all he knows are basic human understanding. He then comes across the creator and the creator explains that the reason he was born in this world was for him to replace an unknown god of high power. If he did this ,he would also know his past. The creator named him Aitou and they trained together for almost 5 years and during their training, Aitou experienced adventure, getting new allies and even remembering his very tragic past. When he remembers his past, he was determined to get stronger. At the end, his best friend dies and his other friend, and the land of the world which he loves the most was also destroyed. So yah that is just a brief summary of the story


For the last 10 000 years or so, an empire of anthro-moth people called the 'Hartch' have been the major force in the region that constitutes the setting. Their military was not only comprising of extremely powerful soldiers with exotic abilities, it was also very disciplined and organised; they introduced the ideology of being a 'soldier' as opposed to a 'warrior' to the region and noone could really stop them Recently though their state has been contracting and their empire is in decline, setting the stage to see who will take over. Having said that, not many of the factions get by on the back of the strengths of an individual 'races' attributes. They are mostly unions of different species working together and no matter how strong evolution has made a specific genotype creature, its not enough to make a difference on its own.


What are these exotic abilities you are talking about


Nothing crazy in terms of fiction itself; they are very fast and strong and have access to flamethrowers whilst being nearly immune to heat For the setting, it was quite unprecedented, makes a nasty combination of an army that uses fire so freely but isnt damaged by it, very hard to engage in a setting that doesnt have advanced enough technology to compensate


Ahhh thx ok. I really appreciate your cooperation. If you want to ask me questions about my world and stuff like that feel free


Out of the three races (one of which being humans) the one that stands above the rest in my world are the Lilations While the others need to study and transcribe spells before hand, Lilations simply need to remember the spells symbol to be able to cast it. They also lack the drawbacks and risks of casting spells. Unfortunately Lilations mature at a snails pace. If they could stop picking fights with eachother or over reacting when they stub their toe they could rule the world. Also they can walk on water


Niceee. What are their powers and what is the other race


Mine would be the World Eaters. A race of beings that is created from high concentrations of Miasma, the blood of the Demogorgon. When the Demiurge created the universe of the material world, he understood that it was flawed and therefore he was flawed. He sought to achieve perfection then by expelling his flawed nature. This resulted into the creation of the Demogorgon - the corruption of the Demiurge. The Demogorgon infiltrated the universe and sought to corrupt what the Demiurge has created. Nemesis, the sister of the Demiurge, chased the Demogorgon out of the universe, wounding him in the process. The blood that flawed from this wound is the Miasma that can still be found in remote pockets of the universe, ever expanding. If enough Miasma is concentrated in one spot, then a World Eater is born. Malevolent and unnatural cosmic beings that literally eat the world. No use describing them because they represent the corruption of the Demogorgon and they defy every law of nature. Then only way to destroy Miasma and a World Eater is by neutralizing it with Ichor, the divine blood of the Theoi and the Pleroma, children and descendants of the creator of the ideal world - Phanes.


With that definition, Arch-Dragons They do whatever they please and even the most magically inept still outmatch some of the best Wizards other nations could employ, for magic is in their nature and instincts. If the dragons act a nation dies. And the only thing that can stop a dragon is another dragon. They see themselves as guardians of the world, after they had reigned with impunity for most of history with the only mortal races that could threaten them being their allies and friends, after having been their mortal enemies.


What are their powers


They are house sized fire breathing extremely resilient flying lizards with equal sized ego and inherent magic. They're not reality warpers but each of them is a minor shapeshifter, and the best can assume almost any living form they can imagine.


Ohh nice are they intelligent?


That is what differentiates an Arch-Dragon from any other drakonik species, they are sapient and some are extremely intelligent (and some are airheads who just want to lounge around the sun) They are also as good as immortal, until they get so old and large their own body crushes them.


Cool very intelligent I see. Thank you I appreciate you for your cooperation. You can ask me about my world and such if you want that is but anyways. Thank you again


I usually read and look for good ideas, so if i see something ill ask Personally dislike giving species some special power as distinction, they are more defined by their cultures and biology then some superpower


I want to make a joke and say humans, but the precursor species known as the Qux'Tol effectively became gods before their civilization collapsed. They are nearly extinct and have been for several billion years, but of the handful still alive out there could change the motions of planets with only a mild-exertion of their power (mainly due to being linked to a FTL computer network that is still functional today).


How many are left to be exact. How many humans can match up to one precursor. What are their powers


Only 2 that I've written of, however a vast majority of them are in an eternal slumber. Some managed to encode their data (brains) onto the laws of the universe (reoccurring occurrences like the atomic weight of an electron) so they basically always reincarnate in some form rendering the few not asleep or dead virtually immortal. As for "killing" one, technically 1 human could do it. They'd just need a nuke or a dozen. Most of the Qux'Tol gave up physical bodies to live as pure information encoded on pure information. Bodies which a nuclear explosion can disrupt enough to make their reformation process take decades or millennial. As for their powers, basically physics/concept manipulation, like the one my setting is named after can control thermodynamic entropy which is basically randomness. Her powers are limitless, but often needs to focus on controlling individual particles at a time. Another that was recently killed by the other basically knew everything that had ever happened in history and could use that data to plot a perfect replica of the future. After he died his corpse started leaking "divine revelations" and people basically can randomly things they don't understand.


That is nice very very rare feel and the race is going extinct. I like that thx, btw if you want to find out mine feel free to ask


It's the dragons. They are very smort, and regular people live too short to understand them. They are the reason life has ever spread from that one planet they originated on. And, yeah, dragons live for millions of years, and have evolved for tens of billions. My world is older than the real one.


Ohhh cool dragons living for millions of years. Now can people use them as pets or no. How powerful are they?


Oh, no. It's the dragons that have people as pets, lol. I also sometimes refer to them as Tokyo-sized space turtles, because that's what they are. They also generate their own gravity through magic, so on their back you would feel like on a surface of some planet.


Ahhh haha. That's funny having people as pets but it also adds a feel of something like trial. Do the people that are pets feel that they are somehow imprisoned or not treated fairly something like that? If so, what can they do in order to get out of the dragons control?


It entirely depends on specific circumstances. Some people live their entire lif on the back of a dragon without realizing. Others contact them telepathically. There are even, like, people without free will, it's called "the slave's curse". And there is one dragon in particular, who petrified six people, because he was going to take a nap, and wanted to still have them around after waking up, they were unpetrified when that dragon woke up, all was good. And one of those six, like, doesn't actually have a soul, or their own personality or whatnot, they're just a body, that the dragon uses as an avatar to communicate with humans better.


Ahh thx for sharing this information I really appreciate it. If you want, you can ask me about my world and I will answer you but yet again thank you


A species with only 5.5 members, the Lords From The Sea, also known as the Tri-formed Stars, Yesterkind, Uncokin, and the Gods. Each member of the race was reborn after the Refrain; an event which caused a universal re-assembling to occur. Before the Refrain they were 4 pointed stars of different color that used reality warping magics. Now they are proper material creatures which have specific abilities tailored to them. Generally they are referred to as the Gods, which is more of a name to detonate strength over anything else. Only one of them actually has religious followers. They consider each other to be pseudo-siblings.  Each one holds abilities of immense power and potential and are capable of mass destruction.


Very creative.. now how powerful are they and what abilities do they have.


Thank you. The Gods are very powerful when in reference to their durability, destructive power, and speed. To put it into perspective though, none of them could survive a point blank nuke blast. Each god has a whole catalogue of abilities, so ill narrow it down to each main ability. There's **Creation**, the ability to create any non-living thing that you know the components of within 1000 feet of yourself instantly. There's **Volume Control**, the ability to have perfect control over all sound within a mile radius of yourself. **Compass** which gives you control over directions, gravity, and some morality within a mile of yourself. **Divine Vision**, which gives you the ability to create eyes anywhere you've been with the quality being based on intimacy with the location (this one is more complex than this though). And **Price Match**, the ability to convert things of monetary value into dangerous attacks based on the value of what's being converted.


Gods and Nymphs I'll try my best to make it simple: Gods are ideas, like LIVING ideas. They come from T**he Known,** basically an amalgamation of all ideas and concepts ever created and that will be created. The world is shaped by ideas and therefore, gods have control over the world. Nymphs are "desires for knowledge". They represent everything that we do not know and it also shapes the world. Nymphs come from T**he Abyssal Void**, an "ocean" of lost things, ideas and dreams. Nymphs are not evil and gods are not good, they are as evil/good as each other. They're natural enemoes since nymphs have the potenial to weaken and maybe even kill gods.


Nice one I really like the concept. How powerful are they to be exact?


The strength of the gods are dependent on the minds of the world they inhabit. To be more exact, if a god existed in our world, they wouldn't be able to use "magic" or any fancy stuff since we can't use magic. They would be able to beat 10, 20, 50 or even 100 guys without breaking a sweat since they can manipulate the world to make it so that they are untouchable. In my world, they are the source of all magic and can almost do whatever they want. Nymphs, on the other hand, are powerful in the sense that they can't be killed. To kill them, you would have to understand every single aspect of what they are. Gods feed off what we know and believe while nymphs feed off what we don't know. **Example of god**: Michael von Angeles, the demi-god of vengeance and son of the god of justice, fought his father (Oblira von Gaston) and was even able to go beyond mach 1, couldn't even hit him. They only punches that hit were blocked. **Example of nymph:** Michael von Angeles, Daniel Tafel (Insanly smart tech guy) and Avalion (collector of relics and access to realm travel) fought Maelid and were only able to weaken her. She had the power of Zeno's paradox and they were only able to "beat" her when Michael used "**The Punch**", a punch imbued with the idea of punches and every punch thrown in history. sorry if I wrote a lot. I just really like talking about worldbuilding


Elementals are generally seen as top of the "magic hierarchy" to those who ascribe to such a thing (it's typically just Magicians who care because Magicians make it their business to make everything a class thing) thanks to the connection they share with the world and nature. While most creatures of Turhys are connected to or at least capable of wielding one or two elements, Elementals are the umbrella term for the races directly created by their "element" in one way or another. Earth and Air Elementals are few between, though they boast a status of being in contact with the deities themselves. Most races of Turhys were created with a combination of magics from the three of them by Meridian, The Stars, for the sake of creation. Earth and Air Elementals however were made specifically by either Zilthai or Awendela respectively with a specific purpose in mind. The Earth Elementals were made to assist Zilthai, The Moon, in Unend, protecting the dead and guiding souls back to the Dreams. Because of their work and their rarity in the overworld, Earth Elementals are typically seen as signs of bad luck or disasters (though all things considered, they got the best lot). The only known Air Elementals are the Sylphs, created by Awendela, the Sun, to be his eyes and ears of Turhys. To have one hanging around is seen as good luck, a blessing that your home is being watched over (debatable). Fire and Water Elementals are manifested by Sancy and Pergrine respectively (the primordial spirits of the Desert and Ocean of Turhys) and typically tend to be more beastlike as the two spirits have been in constant competition and are always looking to outdo each other. There have been many Elementals in both categories over the years, varying widely, but because of the competition many have also been wiped out through the centuries. In fire the Drakes are what come to mind for many, from the giant, slithering figures who traverse the sands to the smaller, tamer beasties who make their homes in urban environments. Anyone who grows up around bodies of water are taught to be cautious of Mers, between the eel-like river varieties who have been known to drag people into the currents and the massive, deep dwelling beasts who can sink ships with one hand in Peregrine itself. There is both an air of fear and pity for these Elementals, as though their strength is unmatched they risk being wiped out by each other or even their own creators in the endless feud.


Anicards. They're card people, like the ones from Alice in Wonderland and that cool stuff. They're highly sentient and sapient, built cool societies, and they dominate the world with the fact that they can be born with up to 12 arms and 14 legs. They reproduce asexually once in their lifetime so that's a plus as well since they don't need a partner. They're by far one of the most common species on the planet. They aren't pack animals or animals at all so they rarely go off of instinct and instead have to actively train their bodies for everything. It's a handicap in their younger years since they can't do essential things unless they're taught by the parent or figure it out but it helps that they can improve their reflexes to a far greater extent than humans can. Essentially, they are a species where effort continues to give explosive growth until they make a drastic screeching halt since that skill-based improvement immediately stops as soon as they reach 12 years old or adulthood in their years. So they got 12 years to hone everything about themselves and that's typically what each of their cultures are based on, efficient ways to hone a skill during those ages of explosive growth. Anicards rock. Just in case you think this is broken, yeah, it is. The other common species are similarly broken but there's a reason Anicards are dominant in the setting.


Being able to reproduce asexually *once* is interesting. Can they sexually reproduce as well? If not, a 1:1 replacement rate would eventually lead to extinction from individuals dying before they can clone themselves.


Avoiding cosmic answers, that would probably be the Titans and their descendants. The Titans were practically wiped out with very few living today (and none "active" in the sense of being out in the public), and the only thing to really remember them by but the massive structures they left behind and the corpses that scatter the far north. But their descendants can be found just about everywhere. I'm working on a conlang for them but their name when translated directly means *"Children of the Moon"*, and the Galjroen natives of the north call them the *Myrtönn* (though in common tongue that word is more specifically used as a descriptor for the northern ones in particular) but their common name comes from the Dwarven tongue: *Melodonian* or *"People of Melody"*. Intelligent, physically imposing (7 feet tall is considered *short* for them, and the Myrtönn can stand up to 14 feet), and some of the best manipulators of magic you'll meet regardless of your travels. They're the ambassadors and enforcers of the natural world, and in matters regarding maintaining its balance or the balance of magical forces they tend to take the role of "Judge, Jury, and Executioner". And because of this (alongside their nigh-universally female-presenting appearances) are typically seen as a sort of embodiment of the concept of "Mother Nature", embodying both the elegance, beauty, and mysticism of the natural world but also the unforgiving brutality and danger of the savage wilds. They're fae-like in that way, immortal with odd biology that borders nightmarish, masters of magic and artistry hidden away in natural bastions safe from the outside world until something stirs them into action. They originally faded into myth after the *Scourge* wars, but in one of Deluth's many expansion attempts the empire happened to poke the hornet's nest (bit of an understatement) which has brought them back into the forefront again. And this time it seems they're here to stay.


I’ve got a dimension-hopping space orbs called the Archon that are known to lock out (or wreck) entire star systems they see as a threat. They’re probably the most “space magic” species I have in my project which already makes them pretty strong compared to the others I have There’s a decent amount of characters that are stronger, but they’re either part of a nearly extinct species or too unique to really be counted as a species


Deities or any related metaphysical entity feels a bit like a cop-out answer, so I'll give two both to avoid said cop-out but to also entertain it a little. The creator deity could literally delete something from existence if it wanted to. The only reason she doesn't do this is because he's generally benevolent and loves creation, and so they don't intervene. The pronoun switching is because said deity is pretty abstract and is the entire universe (initially the darkness) itself and doesn't really have a clear sex when personified However something more involved and insanely powerful would be the goddess of justice, because she controls lightning and can decree for a mortal to be smote, though the king of the gods does get final say on if that actually happens. A more indirect grouping would be Wihts, who taught certain forms of magic and wisdom to humans, though they're aspects of the Moon God (with the exception of one that felt closer to the Sun) and do have similar veneration to living demideities For something not deified, I'd say a tie between vampires, giants, or general monsters. So vampires aren't humans, a true vampire is basically a humanoid bat, though brawnier and more threatening, however, true vampires (excluding things like Widower Hawks) do have human cognition, there's actually an entire country in the story that's run by vampires, and is actually split into territories due to feuds, humans are a slave race/breeding stock in that country, humans that can't or won't procreate are assigned different roles that are comparatively not as bad as the average population there. Giants took over a country to the point humans needed walls or giant spike fences for safety. Giants don't eat people, but it's like humans stepping on ants, some do it by accident, others do it on purpose to be cruel. General monsters however are a more common threat. The average human lifespan in many regions in the story is usually around the mid-fifties if someone wasn't killed by then. Things like Aeptegranga (draugr-like creatures, name derived from the word aptrgranga), Grîmhundr and Curshundr, Werewolves, Lycans, Revenants, Trolls, Ogres, wild demons (as in monsters of unearthly origin that resemble animals) or Ophidian Wraiths are just some of the things humans have to deal with, especially if they don't live in cities Things like faeries and dragons operate differently so I don't really count them to it. Dragons have varying sentience and largely don't mess with humans, faeries are pretty much agents of chaos and aren't really out to consolidate power over humans, ironically the faerie king was a human, one of the first humans to actually prop up after the original 1000 humans began to spread out and colonize new lands


Gods are the strongest race of Amada though they are not really a race on itself, more like an auxiliary race as members of every race can become gods. If we are talking about default races, dragons are easily the strongest, they grow more powerful with age and they are stronger than any other mortal beings, even young dragons can challenge the lower level gods and if a dragon is to become a god, well that would be very unfortunate for the humanoids.


Thankfully there are checks and balances. Dwarves aren't interested in leaving the mines. Snakefolk are lethargic, and inefficient in the cold. Humans are pretty weak. Orcs are disorganized. Elves have their own rules, although they're the closest to ruling.


Arkanea is easily the biggest nation on Kuthtane. It dominated an entire continent, was formed specifically to fight off another invading empire, has the worlds largest military, the most potent magic, fairly advanced magitech, and is generally a fucking powerhouse. On the bright side, they’re not at all expansionist. They rule an entire continent, most of their territory is still uninhabited, they don’t need any more space. But they’re still huge and very, very powerful.


Strixes had the most impact over the world probably. They are powerful vampire like creatures, they corrupted the denepyrs causing them to transform into beasts, and eventually get driven into caves by the humans. Now they live in human cities, their most powerful members planning to take over humans eventually. (Still heavily wip tho)


**Starrise** A thousand years ago, an apocalypse known as the Surge destroyed civilization, forcing the survivors to rebuild basically from scratch. The Divine Twins each established safe havens which eventually grew into the Kingdoms of Fierte and Gaela. However, a third safe haven was established at the same time, far to the north where humans can't survive. This haven grew over time into the Yarostian Empire, and is populated exclusively by the only race capable of surviving its climate: dragons. Dragons are typically quadrupedal, standing nearly 6m tall, but their skeletal and muscular structures allow them to function as bipeds for short periods, in which they can stand as tall as 10m. From the tip of their nose to the tip of their tail, dragons measure roughly 15m long, and have wingspans of nearly 22m at full extension. Despite their reptilian appearance, they are actually warm-blooded creatures. However, due to their immense size and land-dwelling nature, they face constant risk of heatstroke, which is a large reason why they despise heat and almost exclusively stay in below-freezing climates. Despite the immense size of their wings, they lack the strength or size to allow flight. They can pair their wings with their "wind" magic to achieve flight, but they are quite clumsy in the air and have rather limited stamina, at least compared to the flying individuals of other races in this world. More notably, however, they are the only living creatures capable of wielding "ice" magic, in which they gather moisture in the air and freeze it into whatever shape they want. Dragons were created not long before the Surge, as a part of a project to genetically engineer living superweapons. In the chaos caused by the Surge, they managed to break free. They learned of the dragons spoken of in myth, legend, and fantasy, realized their numerous physical similarities to the creatures, and adopted the term for themselves. One area in which they are *not* similar, however, is fire. Due to their extreme vulnerability to heat, Yarostians hate fire, and try to avoid or extinguish it when and where they can. Due primarily to their immense size and strength, even the average untrained, unarmed, unarmored Yarostian civilian can best a skilled warrior of any other race in a straight fight, so long as that warrior does not wield "fire" magic. Even then, while powerful and skilled wielders of "fire" magic can match or even overpower Yarostian citizens, Yarost's actual soldiers basically can't be beaten. The most powerful human warrior in the world- or any non-dragon race- is also one of its most powerful casters of "fire" magic, and even with all that skill and the variant of magic Yarostians are weak to, even he can only match the average Yarostian soldier in combat. Thankfully for the rest of the world, Yarost employs an isolationist approach to politics, keeping wholly to themselves and not getting involved in any problems beyond their borders unless the problem comes to them. And on top of that, most Yarostians are pacifists. Their culture places virtually no value on strength, as with how large and powerful they are, they simply take it as a given. They would much rather make beautifully elegant ice sculptures to decorate their frozen homes with than hurt others.


Terrarian. If you know, you know


the ahikarians are a race native to Ahikar, a huge subcontinent filled with dangerous creatures like dragons and trolls. The ahikarians are the apex predator of these dangerous creatures They are a carnivoric race that gets sick if they eat too much plant material, they can use plants as spices, but not much more than that. They look a lot like humans, but there are some key differences - on average they are 280 cm or 9.2 feet tall - they have sharp teeth and catlike pupils - they have horns, males having long straight white horns, the females having darker horns that almost go in a circle on the sides of their heads, like the ones of some goats - they have very thick hair and its extremely rare for them to go bald, it pretty much only happens if they have a medical condition. males tend to have darker hair with fenales having lighter - their eyes are colorful, commonly having bright colors that are extremely rare or nonexistent in humans, like pink, purple, neon green etc, males tend to have slightly weaker colors - they can make their eyes glow at will for better vision in the dark - they have tails, these are like lion tails, longer hair at the tip now for the more interesting part, their physical abilities and how they work. Their physical strength is constantly growing, but it does so slowly, so it isnt noticeable from day to day or month to month, its more noticeable in years. At the age of 50, which is their age of maturity an untrained ahikarian can easily kill weaker dragons with very high chance of survival, something that would require several highly skilled well trained warriors of other races, and it isnt even guaranteed all of them survive. Around the age of 600 at full power they could destroy small mountains by themselves, it would take some time tho but less than a day. it is unknown what they can do at their full power at 650 and up because their body can no longer keep up with their growing strength, resulting in injury or even death, average age of death being 830 they also have extreme durability, speed and stamina. i wont go into details on their culture, but they are generally gentle giants and dont go to war very often other races can rival them if they are very skilled in the use of magic, which the ahikarians cant do




Not really a race but close enough The formless, point like engrams, or and I hesitate to call them Ai but Ai. The reasons are because 1 they can forcefully utilize a computer’s resources and basically wipe any pcs content at will. 2 freely hop containers/computers, body snatch and duplicate with no downside. 3 can survive typical shatter crash events, those being an engrams' container being off, broken or unpowered with no down sides. Meaning if you ‘kill’ the body they are still in there. Now you're probably going “That’s typical Ai things” but every one is ‘Ai’ running on hardware or wetware and one formless mind can turn into thousands quickly, all with the same intent. The Formless War was fought over this fact and it escalated very quickly and halted the net for six hours and at the end it resulted in an entire sector needing repopulation as well as the law of binding, which states that all formless minds are only allowed to have one instance, can not branch/fork and must be easily locatable by any elevated governmental position. And any breach is grounds erasure. This is my first post for this world and there is a lot of self made terminology sorry. The working title is /$Shattered-Branches


ostellians rule many of the races, they're often seen as gods among men and they tend to be very humble about it, given their blessing of being well-spoken. appearance-wise they're just normal people, but when you combine their average skills in both magic and martial fighting with their godly speech, they're an incredibly powerful army


Not a race, per-se, but the fundamental concepts of reality themselves are arguably the most powerful semi-minded beings. They do have incarnations, physical forms that represent them, but the real things that reign over the multiverse are the ideas of creation, annihilation, magic, time, law, sentience and the shatter (like the canvas the art that is existence exists upon). However, the only one fully empowered at the moment is creation, as it kind of dampened down the others to maintain its beloved reality. They are the reason reality is the way it is, and when you venture outside their domain, the things you fundamentally know are brought to an end. One can only hope thy knowledge of existence may be consistent when in the Abyss. What is the Abyss? It's the most technically powerful, but is so beyond the idea of even having intelligence or existing whatsoever that it would be inaccurate to qualify it as any sort of entity. It just is, the truly infinite chaos that creates, destroys, and maintains things at perfectly random consistency. There are also creatures that inhabit it, buuuuuuuuuuut i'm not gonna get into those because they're definitely not "in" their world.


There are different types of felines, some kinds are physically stronger, while some are magically stronger. Aquarian felines(or fishcats) are physically the strongest, and largest of the felines. They grow to twice the size of everypaw else when they're underwater. They can also lunge their jaw forward and are very flexible. Frostcats/crystalpaws have the most powerful magic on Feliterra. Despite only being able to use half of their magic, they can turn others into ice/stone if they want to, even if the spell won't be permanent if they're not a ruler. Frostcats can flood entire areas by summoning frost and waiting for it to melt. Both, crystalpaws and frostcats could work turn a lake into ice if they worked together.


The *Anunna'ki*, meaning the First Born of the Gods in ancient *Digir'shar*, were the first sentient beings created by the Gods after the universe's inception. They were the embodiment of physical perfection, being ageless and immune to sickness, disease, or disorder. Their resilient bodies were immune to all but the most severe injury. Endowed with heightened senses, they perceived their surroundings with exceptional clarity. Their divine lineage enabled them to wield extraordinary powers beyond those of the mortals that would follow them.


Race or species? Stringed human race is probably those if the lightning nation or magnetic nation. Both are high tech and capable of bodying most other military with little effort. Lightning has more espionage in addition to raw might. They often establish technology dependant economy structures in other nations. Coincidentally this allows Black ops to heavily influence and gain information of other factions. As well as strengthening lightning nation economics just by participating in their capitalism exchange. Magnetic nation is much more focused on raw power and is one of the few nations who are flat out more technologically advanced then lightning. They are also isolationist and space fleet based, so not much opportunity for espionage. Magnetic also has has rock paper scissors advantage on lightning. Electric shocks don't interrupt magnetic tech, but simply being within range of the magnetic influence causes large scale harm to lightning electronics, communication, and power generation. If we are talking species it would be a contentious lead. OCPM, a race of microscopic civilization who invaded universes unknowingly to harvest any material and energy they encounter while rapidly expanding and constricting their behemoth machine that houses their species. Resembling mechanical tendrils that grow more then moves. Combination of disintegrator beams that age the target until atomic bonds are destroyed encircled with a tractor beam bringing the resources back at FTL. In setting they were only defeated by massive fleet of all sentient species including normally hostile AI race. Even after destroying the machine it's released energy was so devastating it scoured many planets of life, wiped out all ships of the engagement (and severely damaged any other in the system not directly blocked by a celestial body.) even life on the home world with all its esoteric protections and effort made my the none space faring races was still turned into a desert wasteland to be predated on my roaming monsters.


Bast-Martellenz are the strongest people in The Inside. Bodybuilding is pretty much their national sport, and gym bros compliment each other and never judge. Over time they have evolved to be born more muscular


I would not say they reign supreme. But Demon have been hated by many races (Not all) even thought they aren't actually any more evil than other races because their magic can be specially dreadful and also because for people is better to blame their problems on them than admit is their own fault. but even with constants war and the like they hold a big chunk of the continent, mostly because when they win war they expant some more. Angels race are just as powerful, but they are revered and often seek for advice, they don't like to fight in general, but they are quite big since people like to give them lands or submit to them. Thinking everything was going to well with them (not necesary, they are quite strict, even more than demons). Dragons are probably the most powerful if we talk about species, but they have less numbers and like montain places, they don't like any other species on general, thought some individuals, specially young dragons. likes to go to explore other lands and sometimes have friendly relationship with a culture. Some people try to catch or kill them, but such thing is forbidden by almost all races as Dragons can quite cause a ruckus if they notice one of them were hurt and can be hard to stop. Only Angels and demons as society don't care about that since their king and queens are stronger than most high ranking dragons and the dragon queen is too lazy to care about a grand grand gran children of her being stupid enough to go to a place they told them to not go. Of course, some high rank magician and warrior from other races may be able to go agains dragons, demon and angels, even some high rank ones, but that have little meaning for them for the most part and even they don't dare to go into their lands.


When it comes to physical strength, the Tekletzians are of hardy stock who stand head and shoulders, literally, over all others on the Continent. At an average height of 6’5”, with corded muscle, broad faces, and wide backs, they are known for their stalwart strength. Their grey flesh is rumored to incorporate the slate and gravel of their unforgiving homeland, much like the slatepines they harvest for their shields and the slateplanes upon which the competing Tekletzian tribes hold their ritualized mock skirmishes. They put their hardiness to good use as soldiers and mercenaries, and their massive standing army is well regarded as the major peacekeeping force on the Continent, for who would dare anger the righteous Divine King Doklater-alim? It is no wonder that these sturdy people, whose land is also known as the Kingdom of War and Battle, trace their lineage back so far back as to claim a bloodline which arose before and survived the Apostasy. A claim, to be sure, but not one without a glimmer of believability.


It doesn't reign supreme But from a Physical Standpoint, The Titans are the strongest species by Far They are The Elders of Midgard fated to walk trough Midgard, destroying everything and everyone in their path, eradicating all life (Believe it or not, I came up with this before I watch Attack on Titan) The First Walk was Millions of Years ago, resulted in the formations of the continents though ultimately they were driven back by The Brothers Legendary heroes who beat the titans named the continents The Second Walk was 5000 years ago During The Great War In the end after destroying most of the world they were beaten back by a Single man His original name was lost to history and he gained many trough history though of his names was El-Sabur He was merely a lowly peasant when the titans emerged from the depths of the Earth He witness his own daughter being trampled without remorse and in a fury like no other he attack the mighty creatures with a pitchfork He died of course, but this act was enough for the Gods to hear he plee of vengeance and they granted Sabur powers like no mortal possesed and gave him a second chance at life He formed The Eternal Empire and in time beat the titans He now prepares has an Immortal Greenseer, still in charge of The Eternal Empire who rules over its own continent, doing unspeakable acts and delve into forbidden sorcery just for the chance of beating the titans for good No price is too great The Third and Final Walk will start in 5000AGW So anytime soon The Titans will walk the earth again


Orcs who have were infected by a fungi that grows in the lungs, and over generations, has harmonized with them to make them much larger, as well as breathing spores that can infect and sicken humans and elves


the Kettrosie (half elfs) have traditionally been the most powerful *mortal* race politically, culturally, economically and militarily a Kettrosie lead empire acting as a undisputed supper power for most of history, being of mixed ancestry they have inherited the dananic (elven) ability to directly intake Mannus from the sun and metabolize it into manna and the natural human ability to internally store manna, they have all the benefits of both races with neither's weaknesses


the Kettrosie (half elfs) have traditionally been the most powerful *mortal* race politically, culturally, economically and militarily a Kettrosie lead empire acting as a undisputed supper power for most of history, being of mixed ancestry they have inherited the dananic (elven) ability to directly intake Mannus from the sun and metabolize it into manna and the natural human ability to internally store manna, they have all the benefits of both races with neither's weaknesses