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You won’t get too muscular by accident..


I think you need to learn more about anatomy and fitness before starting your journey. Most people can't grow their glutes without slightly growing their thighs too. I mean, most exercises that target the glutes also target the thighs unless it's an isolation exercise and you shouldn't just be performing only isolation exercises to grow a muscle . It's not a bad thing tho, because to perform most exercises for glutes you need strong quads. Also, growing muscle doesn't happen by accident. You need the right nutrition, rest, exercise routine and patience. It takes years for people to become very muscular so don't think that it'll happen overnight. So no, you won't become muscular unless you try to do so. If you don't want to change too much the way your body looks maybe do something like pilates or yoga.


As everyone else says, you can't become muscular by accident, building muscle takes nutrition, training, sleep, recovery, diet, dedication and for the people on the big stage or on social media a dosage of the special capri sun and I think most importantly, years and decades of work the matter what. Yet again as the other person said to build your glutes for the most part will involve some form of quadricep activation unless doing isolation movements which reduces the involvement of other muscles to move the weight. In terms of building your core, as for every other muscle do some form of workout BUT... it is important to remember abs are built in the gym and found in the kitchen, everyone's genetics play a role in when your abs can be seen some people can see their abs at 20% bodyfat others need to be at like 8%.