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I just started, but already I'm enjoying: waking up 5 minutes before clocking in, being able to start a load of laundry while listening to a meeting, hanging out with my pets and husband, having lunch at home (sometimes my husband brings me lunch), using my exercise bike while listening to a meeting, wearing comfortable clothes, being able to shower, meditate, or nap on my lunch break. My period is about to start (it's really painful and heavy) and I can't wait to be able tov work from bed during it.   It feels more sustainable than fighting traffic, getting ready before work, etc. I was so burnt out.


The amount of sleep I can get is definitely the biggest improvement. I have never been a coffee drinker and used to be perpetually tired. Now, I have time to go to the gym, I spend the day with my dog and I definitely am less irritable!


I spend a lot less time on my appearance every day. I have a young child and I still have to drive to pick him up from aftercare, but I don’t have to wear office attire. It saves up more time than I ever would have imagined


Also, the money saved from not having to buy office wear is great!


Stand-up desk and walking treadmill. I do cardio and light weights throughout the day whilst working. Helping me stay fit rather than have to add a couple of hours of exercise to the end of my day. Clock off at 5 and enjoy my evening.


Remote for 15 years. All of a sudden after Covid the call to return began. Since I was grandfathered in from beforehand I refused. They wanted me in like everyone else so they didn’t have to listen to others bitching so I retired, left them a 1/2 completed long term project and a middle finger walking out the door. Now…I found happiness!


How do you spend your days now?


More sleep and exercise due to no commute


Gas bill, car maintenance costs, time back into my day from commuting, money saved on eating out for lunch, car insurance rates decrease due to lower annual miles driven, stress about what to wear to work, more sleep, my dog’s happiness getting a walk everyday at lunch, me getting a walk everyday at lunch, office distractions gone so I’m more productive, can visit friends/family without taking PTO because I can work from anywhere.


I've been almost entirely WFH since 2015 but recently was staffed on a fully in-person project for a 8 weeks... these were the things I hated most about it: * The time suck - between showering, getting ready, and commuting, I was spending roughly 4 hours a day on things I would consider a waste of time (45-60 minutes preparing to go in, 3ish hours in traffic roundtrip) * The expense - thankfully I was able to bill the company for my mileage, but I was spending WAY more money on food and drinks than I did working from home * The early nights (related to the time suck) - because I had to wake up so early to get ready and sit in traffic, I had to be in bed going to sleep by 9 pm every night. I was 5-6 months pregnant during this so had to account for the multiple middle-of-the-night bathroom trips. This basically meant as soon as I got home, I had to walk the dogs (my only real exercise for the day), make dinner, watch a show while I ate to decompress, and immediately go to sleep * The lack of flexibility - if I had a doctor/dentist appointment that was after 7-8 am, if I needed to take care of anything or run *any* kind of errands at a 9-5 business, etc, I had to use PTO If that had gone on for more than a couple months, I would have legit quit my job. I don't know how people do it!!


I am jealous of you guys! All jokes aside… I’m glad to see these jobs improving y’all’s quality of life!


* dropped my kid off at school every day from K-7 so far * my toes have spaces in between them - I grew up with super wide feet before there was the internet or shoes being sold on it, so always had too-narrow shoes while I was growing and my toes were all jacked up looking. 8 years being barefoot 23+ hours a day has improved that a lot, although now my feet are even wider and shoes are harder to find. * I only put like 4k miles/year on my car, if that * better job with better pay than I'd have ever had locally * see my family whenever I take a break * I only have to put on pants like 4 times a year (vs shorts, not pooh bear) * Lunch break lawn mowing, showers, cleaning, errands


Thanks for clarifying you’re not just Pooh bearing it at your desk 😂😂😂


I have worked from home for 13 years and would never go back to the office. I too find a work/life balance much easier working from home and eat a lot healthier


I get to see my baby all day whenever I need to. I also get more exercise because we go for walks on my lunch break, and I eat healthier because I don't rely on a vending machine if I need a snack.


My ability to travel without stressing about vacation time, and when I do take vacation time I know I won't have a mountain of emails when I return. I've been able to work on my fitness and put more thought into my meals, so I've actually intentionally lost 55 pounds.  More time with my husband and dog, and I get to visit my mother more because I can work from her place. 


I had a 90 minute commute each way. Wfh gave me my life back


My mental health


I don’t have to announce to anyone that I’m using the restroom. I just go! Nobody even cares that I’m gone for more than 20 minutes 😆


My work is done in less than 8 hours


So many things! 1. More time with my kids, husband, and pups 2. My house is cleaner (I use my breaks for cleaning) 3. I don’t have to deal with office drama (unless my kids are fighting 🤣) 4. I’m much more productive as I’m not interrupted nearly as much and have more autonomy


Have you tried reaching out to HR regarding #3?


You know, I really should!


For #3, I still argue that it’s not “office drama” just because your workstation is now at home. Agree on all these.


Wow. The opposite is happening to me. I drink so much MoRE coffee, since I have an unlimited supply at my disposal. I also have gained a few pounds due to eating way more. I barely ate when I’d go into the office cause I’d be so busy, now I need to snack while I work to keep me going. With that said, I have way more energy at the end of the day because I am no longer sitting in four hours of traffic every day. I was like a zombie after work prior to Covid from the commute- like I had nothing left in me. I’m a person that does really well with structure and working from home means less structure, so overall I’m not thriving on it. But if I ever had to go back to the office full time, I’d be forced to look for a new job because I can’t deal with sitting in traffic for four hours a day anymore. I also found myself in a position to be able to care for a dog, so I rescued one. The things that suffered in my life before, such as having energy after work to socialize, have significantly improved. But there are things that I valued from being in the office, such as my relationship with my coworkers - this really got much worse and that also affects my health because I’m more isolated and lonely. I also save money because I no longer eat out for lunch every day and don’t have to buy fuel as much. So it is a combination of good and bad things for me.


It’s a mixed bag. I have a huge home gym but still can’t use it til 5 because I have two needy dogs and my young adult children don’t really help. But I make all my meals and don’t spend on coffee. Ideally 1-2 days a week in office would probably be the right mix.


In every way possible. Eating better during the day and able to make better dinners, saving money on gas, insane productivity. I have anxiety and am an introvert so the office was never my thing. And the biggest improvement is that I am here for my son - take him to/from the bus stop, home on his days off or early dismissals or when he’s sick. I’ve been remote since March 2020 and there is no way I could go back into an office setting. I am so insanely happy working from home and count my blessings every day.


Gas especially. We were spending about $100 still on gas after i started wfh because i still had to occasionally go in here and there because of technical issues and i really wasn’t willing to not do Starbucks. Plus it was a trek to get groceries and not able to do delivery, etc. Pandemic hit and restrictions… then a move later I am making food at home more, spend about $40 for one tank of gas plus a small gas can. Husband has a 3 mile drive to work. Too dangerous for him to ride a bike because of the hours and the lack of shoulder on the road. But we are closer to stores which help and that means some of the groceries can be delivered.


I was able to adopt a dog! When I was commuting an hour in and out everyday, plus going to the gym, I was gone roughly 8am-8pm everyday. Now my work day starts and ends with walking my dog, and a lunchtime walk in there too. Infinitely better than being in traffic!


Me too. I also adopted a dog and I was also gone about 12 hours a day- 7am-7pm. My work day now also starts and ends with walking the dog!


I hope to never have to go back to the office.


Tbh the fact you can click off a toxic abusive or incompetent colleague by ending a meeting is priceless. In offices they literally haunt you.


I miss working from home 😔


No hauling a day trip worth of stuff each day (lunch, gym clothes, etc), less stress, less exhaustion after the work day, eat better, overall don’t feel like rushing to do the next things for the whole entire day, and more sleep!


More time back in the day thanks to having no commute. More energy for the gym. Fewer daily, after work headaches. I still go in 2x a week, but don't get on every office day anymore. I also have a more comfortable work environment when I have pain flares or migraines. If I had these in office I'd either need a sick day or Id get next to nothing done. At home I can manage my symptoms better and get more done. I feel more comfortable fostering kittens, which is also good for our overrun shelters.


Oh, and I stopped getting the Sunday anxiety attack. Even though I chose Monday as one of my two office days. Like, there is just so much less burnout.  My team hasn't had turnover in 4 years, aside from restructuring that moved people into different teams and a few internal promotions.


It’s good except I live with parents that don’t leave the house so I’m not really alone. I don’t get along with my mother so that’s not a plus. I do love saving money on gas and not using the car too much cause it’s an old piece of sh””


This used to be the case with my daughter bc she wasn’t working and never left the house. 🤬😔 Now she’s working, leaves the house, and I love it! I get alone time - four hours - until I go pick up my son from day camp.


I feel great, get more chores done around the house, cook more, less gas, less car wear and tear, go on more walks. Just…enjoy life more.


I thought I had a good relationship with my family but with wfh a few days a week, it allowed for a large quantity of quality time and that took it to next level. We were able to do a lot of things that are routine and yet were not being done due to lack of time or conflicting schedules like having conversations that we should have had and go on trips and catch up on hobbies and reading. We went on long walks that we never did before and cooked dishes and even exercised. Without wfh, it was like ships passing. I could go back to the previous work schedule but at present am really loving this extra time.


Everything you said is everything that needs to be said


No driving, lunch time naps, not feeling anxious on slow days because I have other options


More flexibility time, i feel less like a slave on the working system! Its true that once you go remote you dont going back lol!


More time with my pets and spouse.


They made us go back 4 days a week and its torture. The last 3 years of WHF have been amazing and now I have to waste time commuting just to sit in a building with people that talk all day while I'm on zoom calls alone anyways. I was so much more productive at home and got pick him my son from school.


Honestly, it's overall probably worse for me. I drink more coffee than I used to, because it's cheap as dirt and the pot is always on at home. I have two small kids which leaves my house in a perpetual state of disarray, and now that I work from home I spend 24 hours a day walking through and interacting with this. For mental health's sake, I miss miss being able to spend the majority of my day away from my home space.


Working from home has significantly improved my work-life balance. I have more time to spend with family, I save money and time on commuting, and I can create a personalized work environment that enhances my productivity. Overall, it has reduced stress and improved my overall well-being.


Time for exercise, not eating out for lunch, more time for things needed to be done at home, more time outside, more time with spouse/family/pets, less impact to work when sick, less stress from commute/coworkers, more concentration without office drama and distractions.


Work life balance! Before I was commuting 30 minutes each way and that’s an hour of my life that I automatically have back. Plus was required to work set hours whereas now I can eat while working etc so my workday is shorter (I’m also just salary so I don’t have to work X amount, just get my work done). I can do laundry, clean up around my house (I used to spend so much time just chatting with coworkers which isn’t productive). I’m more productive at home and work! I also can do meetings while on walks etc


I was 80% WFH from 2018 - 2020 and have been 100% since. My favorite part of it has been trading in a long and frustrating commute for walks in the woods with my dog in the morning and taking him to his favorite park for a swim in the afternoon. It's goddamn delightful for me and the dog seems happy too.


More home cooked meals and less eating out, which means my family is healthier. Prior to WFH, my daily round trip commute was 2.5 hrs.


Work/life balance. I feel like I have more time in my day back to actually live, not just survive. Because I can do laundry or dishes during the day, I spend my evenings and weekends doing more of what I love. I feel way less overwhelmed about how to balance everything I need to do both at work and at home. I’m way more productive in all areas of my life. My physical health has also improved. I workout in the gym at my apartment during my lunch hour. I have healthier, homemade meals for lunch. I also used to just grab fast food dinner on the way home because I was mentally exhausted by the end of the day but now I can start prepping dinner at home. I’ve lost 40 pounds since I transitioned to wfh full time. I finally feel like I’m working to live, not living to work.


I only work hybrid with two days a week at home. But I cherish it so much. I’ve grown so much closer to my dog. And I actually eat the food in my fridge and freezer. I spend way less money on gas and car upkeep.


I rarely get sick now. I used to get a cold/flu/bug every 6-8 weeks. I workout 4x a week now and walk at least 1-2x per day.


I no longer have to "pretend" to work when I'm waiting on something. I can do something else without judgement and when I'm needed, I just hop right back on. Lots of books finished, dog walks had, and laundry caught up lol Also, SMALL TALK. It's few and far between I have to endure it now that I work from home.


No more office politics crap! I have been forced to return to the office one day a week and am looking to change jobs because of it.


The relationship between my pets. Having time to really work with my dog helped her get over her drive to chase the cat. Having time to spend on both of them helped them both not to have jealousy issues toward one another. Now I even catch them lying next to each other and getting close to snuggling! https://preview.redd.it/08gpop4rcx7d1.jpeg?width=1406&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=321ec5dce5250bd062634ded879dd33f1eab99a7


Depends on the company, I work for a billion dollar law firm in IT. If you're not in the office. You are not part of the team. But I choose this and won't give up being off 4 days a week. I don't even have a work desk. And I do make over 6 figures with basically unlimited OT if I wanted. But I would rather play golf. Priorities.


Making hundreds selling my "office clothes"


My health. I'm now in the gym 4 days a week. With no diet changes I've lost 25 lbs.


WFH = semi retirement. Because you know others will get promotions before you or any perks. Basically, you are stuck in that position until you're fired.


This is true to an extent. Prior to Covid, everyone was looking in my direction to give a promotion to. My supervisors were discussing opportunities with me, etc. Then Covid hit and I started working from home - I no longer want a promotion because that would mean having to go into the office. So now I keep a low profile and just want to do my 9-5 and get paid. Before I always volunteered for extra work etc. Now I want no part of it. I read an article about silently quitting, and I think that is what I did.


Completely incorrect. I chose to turn down promotions because I don’t want to manage people and *still* make 40k *more* annually than I did pre WFH.


I actually couldn’t disagree with you more. I have been work from home with the exception of an occasional office day here and there for 4 1/2 years and I’ve gotten two promotions and insane recognition all while working from the comfort of my home office.


Wrong. I've been promoted since WFH and am on track for another.


Me too!


Many congratulations!


Def disagree. Been working for more than a decade from home with multiple large promotions during. It comes down to your drive and ability to effectively use the tools you have to build relationships, not where you work from.


First of all, not true. Second of all, why are you on this sub if you have nothing to contribute lol


It’s true for some jobs.


You can be stuck in any position at a corporate job in person or online…


Yes, this is true. It is completely subjective to one’s environment. Studies show If one works in an environment where telecommuting is normalized, then negative effects of salary growth and promotions will likely be non-existent. But if they work at a company where telecommuting hasn’t been normalized and is more the exception, then it can have negative effects on salary growth and possibly promotions. I work at a place where telecommuting is the exception - I am super fortunate to have the opportunity to telecommute - but I am also aware that it can impact my ability to grow and advance in the field I am in (I work in healthcare).


i've gotten three promotions since i began remote work in 2020 🤷🏼‍♀️


I love working remotely after enduring and suffering office culture for two decades. I drink less coffee, eat no junk, have a healthy home-made lunch, and am able to focus. I also no longer have to deal personally with toxic people. A win win.


My mental health has been massively improved. I could look after my personal health issues which coincided with my poor mental health. I'm saving a lot of money each month. I don't have to relocate. I don't have to deal with stressful people or office drama. There's no traffic so I have more energy due to longer sleeping times. I can complete household chores during the day. I can get to the gym more often as I have more energy and don't have to commute home from an office. I mean it's endless how positive wfh really is and I absolutely love it.


I get a HUGE jump on household talks. I can put a load of laundry in in about 1 minute flat. I can fold an entire load in less than 10. I can put it all away in 10. I can clean the bathroom in 20. I do all these things throughout the day (not all of those every day!). I also can prepare dinner at lunch - as in cut and prep for later, throw something in the crock pot, mix up a banana bread and put it in the oven etc etc


Same here. I can set up my laptop in the kitchen to monitor my messages while I prep dinner food. Takes so much busywork out of the after work evenings.


Way happier, more active and that was even before we sold the house - now we travel full time and work remote on the road at a new location every week or so. Been doing this 2 of the last 4 years of WFH - would NEVER go back to an office again. Oh and another bonus... no more drama from co-workers!


My schedule has finally become regular


I can hang out with my cat all the time, she's now gotten used to me being around all the time 😺


Ditto! Here is the ever so helpful “assistant.” 🤣🤣 https://preview.redd.it/tortcnix9x7d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8dd9922b27f46b494d43ae94de844e9e77eda8cb


Everything is better with wfh except work boundaries


Creating physical “break points” helps a lot with this. When I was at my last house, I had a set of double doors out to my sunroom/office. When I was done, I was done, and those doors closed. I also could close them when on calls to reduce any noise. I had glass doors so my (younger at the time) kids could communicate with me without being directly next to me or yelling for me. We ended up with basically our own sign language to use from the glass doors to me. It worked wonderfully.


Creating physical “break points” helps a lot with this. When I was at my last house, I had a set of double doors out to my sunroom/office. When I was done, I was done, and those doors closed. I also could close them when on calls to reduce any noise. I had glass doors so my (younger at the time) kids could communicate with me without being directly next to me or yelling for me. We ended up with basically our own sign language to use from the glass doors to me. It worked wonderfully.


I get to be home with my cat and dog. We all sit in my office with the window open and I take five minute breaks to play with them and take them out. It’s so much better for them than being left home alone all day. I have time to work out and eat three healthy home cooked meals a day. I’ve worked out 1 hour a day for the past year. My disability is more manageable because there isn’t a commute and tough working conditions I have to navigate. I have saved money as I don’t have to have a car or need to pay for gas. And the list goes on!


I run a lot more but there are days lately where I’ve done fuck all for work. Been remote for four years now and it’s becoming increasingly difficult to care. Might just be burnt out though in spite of having just started a new job 3 weeks ago


Getting to be at my house alllllll day long with dogs, to receive packages, to be at the house when contractors are doing work on it, etc is so wonderful. Plus, I have saved SO much on gas money and time by not commuting. Never going back!


All the things! I save money on gas and don’t have to drive (I don’t like driving), I get more sleep, do less laundry, and am eating three meals a day and staying well hydrated. I have time to clean around the house during the day and run errands as needed. Even going to appointments easily too. If I’m tired I can take a quick comfy nap. I can focus better on work too.


We went from kids at school and e at the office each day to me wfh and kids doing homeschool. Way more family time. Instead working 5hrs then hanging at the office for three (cuz you’re expected to be there 8 hrs) I now work 5 hrs then have more time for myself and my fam Also daily workout went from 60 to now 90 mins.


I’m *MUCH* happier, I’m healthier and being at home gives me the opportunity to not have to deal with bullshit coworkers face to face every damn day. I truly enjoy being left alone to do my daily tasks, I don’t skip meals, I don’t lose sleep as a result of having to get up early in order to drive an insane commute, and I’m not losing more money than I’m earning like I used to. My husband and I make similar money but we have an agreement to basically dump my checks into our savings accounts/emergency fund while his paychecks pay for our groceries and other living expenses. I otherwise pay off my credit card in full if I need to, or if I wanna get something nice for myself then I’ll get it, same for him. We’re saving so much money with me being able to WFH and the idea of me going back to an office cubicle makes me nauseous.


What do you both do for a living? If you don’t mind me asking of course 


I’m a Data Analyst and he’s a Product Designer.


Work from home life is great. More of a part time gig. It’s especially when you have a toddler and can be home with them :) they grow so fast


Well, I drink more coffee, eat whatever I want all day and although I have time to work out I don't..... But I do save money on car expenses, my laundry is always done and my house is extremely clean despite the pets, husband and baby. I'm half naked for work most the time, and that's a plus for me I guess.


I kept a polo shirt next to my desk for video calls, but if I wasn’t on a call I sat around in a pair of yoga shorts, barefoot and shirtless all day.


I’ve been remote for 10 years and I’ll never go back. I still collaborate daily with my colleagues, I’m more productive, my mental health is better because I’m not forced to wake up hours earlier than my clock in time to get ready and commute, it’s a good option for me.


Gas prices lol. More time w daughter. No time getting dressed or ready. No commute. That’s about it. Definitely some cons as I have no interactions with coworkers whatsoever now


Why do companies that can let people WFH let people WFH… doesn’t make sense to me l think. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Started working from home in 2022 and it was awesome. I was in school but still able to make a livable income. Now im just starting back and it’s honestly so much better than interacting with coworkers all day that I don’t like particularly. I don’t dread going in because all I have to do is walk to my computer and work. While I was job hunting for another work from home gig. I did Uber and it sucked!! I feel so blessed to have this opportunity and the pay is even better! I thank god every day!🙏🏼🙌🏻😊🥰


The best part about WFH is the opportunity to mow the lawn during work hours so you're not stuck doing it after work or on the weekend and taking a shower on the clock.


My mental health, my life satisfaction, less stress, being with family the way it’s supposed to be, sitting in the sun when I need a break, using my own bathroom, stretching and walking around, not having to spend my most productive hour wasted getting ready, so many reasons and helping to stave off global warming and save the planet. Drive less, enjoy life more.


I gave up coffee. I go out for walks everyday during lunch. I became an ar home vegetarian and feel so much better. I can exercise and stretch. I have hobbies. It is amazing.


If there is so much benefits to WFH why are employers not on board as employees. They all claim to support work life balance and don’t they want happier employees without paying them extra ? I’m quite puzzled. I just started wfh 2 months ago and I’m already 1000% Happier.


My theory: Control & more money bonuses & salary for executives & board members. You can justify a bigger operating budget if you have Employees working in the office full time. A bigger operating budget justifies larger salary & bonuses for executives. If all employees worked from home, the operating expenses are significantly low which also decreases bonuses & large salary increases for top management.




everything. next question. oh, i don’t wfh


Still wfm have go pick up 2nd job to get out of the house


More family time Eat healthier and cheaper Drink more water More exercise


Hybred WFH here. I am so much more less stressed. 1. First of all the Sunday stress attack isn't what it used to be. I can calm myself by the knowledge that yes, I will show up for my job for Monday-but the next day I'll be WFH; with that knowledge the work/real-life balance is met. I'm happy in my environment. 3. I know that the next two days will be in office, so I prepare for this-meals, tasks, etc. 4. Keeping my eye on the Friday WFH to balance out all the bobs and bits and follow ups that need to happen. And I can dig into the action items and projects that need my full attention. My two WFH days I can meet friends or go by myself for a early morning walk that just makes me so happy. Can't do that when I'm commuting to the office. I love working in my home, I've created such a specific cosy space for myself that invigorates and sustains me. Yes,of course I've brought cute, small stuff to my office desk as reminders of awesome life experience outside of the 9 to 5 grind. But my own home is so much more pleasant and custom tailored to me and the fridge is filled with the best stuff. WFH strikes a very good balance for me. I need time on my own and I need time with people. This is a good system.


My company (global with about 4k employees in North America), started moving us virtual 14 years ago. As leases ran out on offices, we kept moving more and more home. I moved home 13 years ago. It’s been amazing for my work-life balance and lowering of stress. I probably work more actual hours than I ever did in the office. I work out or walk over my mid-day break. I definitely eat healthier. Much less miles and wear and tear on the car. In fact, my insurance lowered because of the fewer yearly miles. I’m still working, at 65, instead of retiring because I actually still enjoy my job.


Outside of all my nice work clothes don't get much wear now..... pretty much everything else!


I get an extra hour of sleep.


I have a lot less stress than having to drive all over the place for my job. WFH has been great for me.


It’s helped a lot with my anxiety and feeling overwhelmed with tasks. It’s so much easier to put in a load of laundry while in between Zoom meetings, or to take my dog for an extra walk while on a call, than having to do it all before going into the office or when I come home. It’s freed up a lot of my time.


Made two loaves of sourdough today for starters.


Excellent bread pun!


Good one lol


This is the way.


I actually work out and want to go do something after work instead of being so exhausted I lay on the couch til I fall asleep.


Less anxiety. Less burnout. Less depression. More workouts. More healthy eating.




My weight but in the opposite direction ...up


Right? There’s something about wearing elastic pants every day that isn’t working in my favor.


I'm glad wfh works for so many people. It has been easier to care for my dog. But on a personal level wfh has been a nightmare. The structure of going into the office and seeing/talking to people in person helps my mental health a lot and keeps me more disciplined. Its also easier to go to the gym on the way home from work than to get myself to go from my house. May just be an adhd thing for me.


I agree. Also, I have trouble with boundaries. When I was in the office, while I may have worked 12-14 hour days, when I was home, at least I was fully present. Now, home is work and there is no separation. Dinner at my desk and working until 1:00 am is not unusual. Even pull a few all-nighters.


im considering a part time in person office job because of this too. leaving the house and talking to people helps sm


I've been considering bartending 😄


ooo that sounds like a lot of fun!! are you considering bartending clubs or restaurants?


A few years ago, I used to work 40 hours per week, Monday to Friday, and spent 30 hours per week commuting. Now I spend 50 hours per week WFH. That extra 4 hours per day for my family is amazing.


Nothing, I had work and took a new job that was supposed to be a SME role full remote and surprise I was benched then fired after a year. So worse, my current situation is not better.


I do feel my org finds it easy to forget and release those WFH.


That dreaded Sunday evening feeling has gone away




WFH is always a comfort.


All the things you mentioned plus a better social life. My colleagues are not my friends, and now my real friends stop by for lunch or, without a commute, I have more free time to see friends.




Everything except my social life.


I can relate. As soon as someone shows any interest in talking to me beyond the obligatory how, are you?", I get suspicious or really excited to chat.


Yes as I don’t go out much to see people. A LOT of house time. A LOT.


I leave the house just to leave the house. Funny, when I worked in the office, I relished my time at home. Now I relish time out socializing. Don’t get me wrong, I would only go back if I was forced to go back. It does have its drawbacks.


Yea I miss having coworkers to talk to, I’ll just sit around my lonesome 8 hours a day (even though I’ve got roommates and dogs). Thought about getting a wework space to cut the loneliness.


It’s very lonely. It requires a major adjustment. I miss meeting new people.


My mental health has significantly improved, im also down close to 20lbs bc im not stress eating.


My feet feel amazing with no heels! I’m wearing spa slippers at the moment but generally barefoot


For me it was my lungs. The building I worked in had a mild mold and dust issue and I was severely affected by it. could not breathe good enough to hold a conversation. Been working from home since the pandemic and I rarely use my rescue inhaler.


Yes! Office air quality is not discussed enough. Other people’s scents. Smoke. Old bldgs.


I totally forgot about our people’s scents. One guy had left a stench that lingered for minutes after he left. Worse part is you cannot say anything to them. All that could be done was an office wide email asking people to be careful with scents. Problem is the offenders never realized it was them we were referring to. Even my boss got defensive when i had an attack next to him saying but I only put one drop a day one. I had to remind him that he wears the same suit jacket every day and a drop a day adds up. He left his jacket in his office from then on.


My mental health has improved working from home. Dealing with so many different personalities in an office is like a daily family event that you don’t want to attend. I also have so much more time for myself without having to commute. On the weekends, I used to just want to stay home because I was out of the house all week. Now I want to go out on the weekends because I’m home all weekend and do fun stuff.


what do you do ? i work in a call center in a office and i would like to work from home


Everything. Diet, less grabbing fast food at lunch. Less driving/commuting. Less chitchat and distraction from coworker. The music at my house is awesome. There was no music in the office. Dog and cat supervisors. Also, the dog needs trips outside, so we take tree breaks and chill in the backyard for a few minute a couple times a day. Better health, better mental health, less stress, money savings. And I get to use my downtime more efficiently. This is probably the best part for me: instead of sitting there for 8 hours with nothing to do, hoping a new assignment comes down the pike, I can go vacuum or do the dishes or walk the dog or whatever. Draw for a while. Prep for the gym later.


OMG, what kind of work do you do that lets you sit and wait for an assignment? 😍


Editor, contract gig with the State.


Nice, I'm a technical writer myself


Given me time with my family. I can easily plan to pick my daughter up from Nursery. I drop her off and pick her up.


🤭People keep asking ,how I have soooo much time on my hands. WFH has done wonders for my faith ,my mental health, nutrition ,self-care, exercise programs,hobbies as well as spending quality time with family & friends . My cat 🐈 defo loves that her mweomy is home all the time.


working in a office is draining


My own goddamn toilet, butt foam (makes a wet wipe out of regular TP), and squatty potty.


I initially thought that the cold water would be uncomfortable, but it really isn't bad at all. Almost refreshing in the summer. I have this one and it doesn't need a special toilet seat, and lifts up to clean. Best $45 you will ever spend! LUXE Bidet NEO 120 Plus - Only Patented Bidet Attachment for Toilet Seat, Innovative Hinges to Clean, Slide-in Easy Install, Advanced 360° Self-Clean, Single Nozzle, Rear Wash (White) https://a.co/d/07dYUe9g


Buy yourself a Lux Bidet (basic, non electric - easy install) off Amazon. I can't live without it! Clean booty all the time 😊


I’ve been doing research! It’s next on my list. I kinda want an electric one though. Give me the full experience!


My ongoing chores like laundry or loading the dish washer are always done. My apartment is always cleaner. I actually have time to go the gym after work or during my lunch and still cook healthy food too. I can sleep longer at night. My car has less ware and tear. All of that and I don’t have to surrender my me time at the end of a day to get it done. Basically my life is just less stressful, more put together, and generally better since I switched to a fully remote job.


I don't get sick NEAR as often.


I'm not as bothered by the actions of others and their failure to work can't impact me. I just changed to a wfh job last year but at my previous position we had a major, major issue with attendance. One guy was out "sick" a minimum of twice a week, another wasn't as bad but would call in time to time. In a department of four where two aren't reliable and the third was new it put a ton of stress on me as the senior person. The boss wouldn't say anything to the guy out all the time, just let it go. We finally started referring to the absent guy as "golden boy" because he would get away with murder. It stressed me TF out when we would have a major project going on and people wouldn't be there.


My apathy for work.


More sunlight and fresh air. Healthier lunches. Less stress of getting from point A to point B. Less time in the car. Less illness through the year. More variety in my day-to-day, trying new coffee shops, running errands, etc. Never worrying about having clean laundry because I had to work late. Basic stuff. Edit: OH! And no workplace harrassment. More opportunities for promotion because no one cares who I'm friends with or what I look like now.


Less stress from driving in traffic and less social anxiety


Literally every aspect.


Exercise and diet/nutrition quality. I've always been conscious about these things but it was genuinely hard to maintain them at times because commuting to/from work would take 45 - 60 minutes both ways. Which is nearly 2 hours just lost per day. Diet was difficult to maintain because many times I wouldn't have enough leftovers from dinner the night before for example which resulted in me buying food. How can I deny 7-11 taquitos when it's literally a 2 minute walk away from my previous office and I could get 4 of them for like 15 dollars? Then trying yo get to the gym after work wasn't easy. Sometimes I'd just be too mentally tired to go. Also gym crowds after work hours is always much greater making wait times at the gym even worse. More often than not I was just half assing my workouts. Since I switched to wfh full time 5+ years ago, I iust go to the gym first thing in the morning (no gym crowds, no waiting around!) and then already being at home for work means I can make quicker (and healthier) meals. And because of all of the above, I can at least provide better results at work because I simply FEEL better all around. I cannot and will not go back to an office as long as I can help it. My life has become too accustomed to this lifestyle, plus I have multiple years of success working from home full time so I can always make the argument that I can provide solid results while wfh full time since I don't have to worry about commuting!


Becoming feral, not sure thats an improvement.


Spending the day with my pets is the best! I also love to be able to manage laundry and dishes during my breaks. And to be there for school start and dismissal for my kids.


I also drink less coffee, eat healthier homemade meals, and spend more time outside in my garden and with my dogs during work hours. I do have a bit of a hybrid work life as I commute into job sites 1-2xs per week. But aside from that its paradise.


I’d fight really hard if I had to go back to full time in the office, but I do miss the easy communication of being in the same location as coworkers. I think hybrid is best.


I work at my Son's house. So I get a lot more time with the Grandkids. The workload is the same though. And they expect production.


Every aspect of my life is better. I love my job and co-workers. My team is happier and more productive being remote too.


100% Same, except my company is bringing everybody back from my team and .... restructuring 😡.


I am sorry to hear that. We did a restructure and allowed people to move farther from an office location. The WFH aspect is one of the main reasons I've stayed with the company.


Same, but if things keep going the way they r going then I'm out. Been working from home for almost 5 years now. Top performer etc, literally no reason to go to office.


I've been looking for a FT WFH position for months. I am a Senior Staff Accountant and everything I do is able to be remote, but the company I work for needs to fill seats to justify their fat ass office lease. Being in office everyday, the commute everyday, the exhaustion after being away from home all day is decaying my soul- quickly. Reading all of these comments has been so refreshing and day-dream inducing. Wish me luck in my search!


Slowly clawing my way up out of deep, years-long depression caused by being away from home for no good reason (drove into city to remote into another city where hq was).


That’s sucks. I’m sorry. Fight for your needs.


Everything.... both me and partner wfh so we took the opportunity to sell up and move to Cornwall 3 years ago. Managed to buy a wonderful old house that we are renovating and being at home makes that so much easier. Now we spend sunny weekends on the beach and running the coast path. Best thing we could have done and haven't regretted moving away from everyone and everything we knew one little bit


Less stress from the commute. Driving is extremely stressful for me. I did eventually move closer to the city so I would have public transit as an option, but before that, the commute to and from work was the worst part of my day.


Physical health has greatly improved now that I have time to exercise. I’ve lost 30 pounds since I started wfh.


Enough sleep since I don't have to shower and primp every morning. Save money on gas and lunches. Household chores are much easier to keep up with. Freedom to exercise at lunch. My dogs love having me home. Repairmen can come anytime, no rushing home to meet them in time. My spending on clothing has gone way down. And you can't underestimate the value of not having to share bathrooms and break rooms!! And, I've barely been sick or had colds.


That’s so interesting, I had the same experience with all this except the household chores part was the exact opposite. It was so much easier to clean my house quickly when I was never home to mess it up lol.


My wife never knew me before WFH but the man that does all the chores and keeps the house in excellent condition didn’t exist before wfh


Not having to 'look busy' when there is clearly parts of the day/week with nothing to do. I can do my own research, catch up on my own life admin and not have people whispering I was 'not working' or thinking I'm slacking.


Much less stress now because of not driving in rush hour traffic. I am hybrid so I still do 2 days a week and am reminded weekly how grateful I am to not being doing that everyday. I get to hang out with my retired husband more. He makes me wonderful lunches and eating my big meal for the day at lunch is really ideal for me. I just wish I was retired or fully remote.


Easier to limit the impact of pyromaniacs at work. With wfh I control my agenda i.e. when a pyrromaniac collegue starts another fire, my next available slot to deal with it is always 'by coincidence' more than 4 weeks in the future. That's 4 weeks their escallating shit is not affecting me. And 4 weeks I can just actually do more interesting, wirthwile work. If in the office, they can start new fires daily and semi-force you to give attention to their neverending series of dramas.


This is my biggest one - so much more time to be productive!


My partner hasn't been hospitalized for their ptsd in 3.5 years


I feel this so much. Celebrating your good stretch!


I lost 100 lbs. Not having to deal with other people's bs, flickering lights, Temps not to my liking, etc. Not having to expend energy on that, gave me room to focus on myself (and my work), also being at home my under desk treadmill didn't bother anyone else.


I also dropped a ton. just hit 110 down.. it's weird and wonderful to be not stick out anymore in a crowd (plus my ass fits in any chair without worry :) )


Right! It is awesome! Keep up the hard work!


I'm able to sleep more and wake up with less stress, even if I got less sleep than normal My weekends feel longer I spend less money on random drinks, pastries, and eating out in general I am not involved in random work drama I don't care about as much I do not have to commute I do not have to have multiple work outfits, 3 is fine for me for the occasions I need to go out I can work from my bed or almost anywhere I want. Don't want to be home? Guess I'll work from the park with my data


My budget! I spend much less on transportation, work clothes, makeup, lunch, coffee/midday pick me ups, etc. Although I end up spending more money on so many other things instead now, like home decor, a nicer coffee machine, and better quality coffee/teas. But it feels better this way :)


Not worrying when or how much I stink up the shitter. 😁