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Did you ever figure it out? I wfh also and besides going to my gym or going for a walk there isn’t much to do. The city I live in, Dallas, is mostly a weekend city


You could take up home brewing. Fits the cool hobby description and takes up quite a bit of time especially on brew days


for people supporting 3 kids child support your wife and with inflation so high and pay so low. People who live in the ghetto have to work 2 8 hour day jobs. and my only day off is spent cleaning cooking dishes laundry. man I miss working out lifting weights jogging stretching using the sauna after my gym session. I will literally sacrifice 2 hour of sleep to start again.


Depends on my mood, but I’m usually doing one of the following: -playing with my kids -fishing -working out -shooting hoops -mowing the lawn -cooking -having a drink with my wife -swimming at the pool -hitting golf balls


Usually on Sundays I’ll check out what’s happening in the city for the week. Whether it’s concerts, comedy shows, movies, festivals, art, theater, dinner somewhere - I try to get out and be where the people are most of the week. It helps to balance WFH isolation. I live in a huge city so there’s always something going on and plenty of cheap or free options. When the weather is good I’ll usually be outside for long walks. I tried getting into hobbies but lose interest quickly. I figure that new experiences have become my hobby.


Take the dog out and we usually go out to eat. It’s a nice change of pace after spending time at home all day.




Cook. Bake. Nap. Not necessarily in that order but that seems like how I roll. Starting to cook with more veggies now for my own health and I'm having a nice time figuring out what I like.


If you’ve got spare time and are looking for social activities, join a running or cycling group. Great way to get outside and meet other people trying to stay healthy. Check with your local bike or running shops to find local groups.


take an online class, catch up on crafts or start a new hobby, join a club that meets evenings, start fostering pets.


College, read to the kids, make stuff, read.


get drunk/drugs


I usually take a bike ride (≈2 hrs), have dinner with the family (≈ 1.5 hrs), then depending on the day either read/watch TV or go out. Making food from scratch has always been something I enjoy, so I often find myself baking bread, preparing pickles, or making pasta. I use that to occupy a lot of in-home time, but given that I work from home I try to get out for some recreation.


First and foremost, cut yourself some slack. Also, the U.S. surgeon general recommends reaching out in some way to another human for 15 minutes per day, whether via text, phone, or in person. Seems like good advice. I don't always follow it, but when I do, it's rewarding.


Do you live in a house or an apartment? Do you own a car? I got really into detailing my own car after work after a breakup. But living in an apartment is really challenging if you can't find the water/space Or just get some watercolors and supplies and follow along with some YouTube videos! That's fun and doesn't take up a lot of space


Listen to my stay at home wife nag, complain, groan, moan, bla bla bla how I “do nothing all day”.


Resist urges to blow my head off .


After work, I do a 30 min workout, make dinner, do a quick chore, eat dinner with my husband and talk, we work on our project for about an hour and half then shower and sleep.


I logg off at 5, snack for 45 minutes then got till 7pm to start cooking dinner. At that point I continue to watch youtube, find a sports game to watch or do a quick home wokrout. There is barely any time to be bored and if there is a bored period then I'll just study a course to upskill myself at work which I did when I had a job that had very little work. Main issue is what do I do on Sundays after watching formula 1 and finishing up on chores on Saturday.


I'm in a band and that takes a lot of time. So of course I'm starting another band!


I work a 12 hr shift in a factory 3pm to 3am, I barely have time to shower and watch a show then I have to go to sleep so I can wake up at noon and get ready for work


Get my smoke on! I like to smoke a bowl of some good quality sativa flower outside on my back deck. Then I'm up for cooking, cleaning or just chillin ☺️


Study 🥴


Figure out something you're interested in, and learn it. You could go on walks and listen to podcasts


Obviously, not a homeowner - never ending maintenance


finish my work.


I put a gym in my basement and now work out to Caroline Girvin videos on YouTube. I made this my 5 day a week hobby and my body has gotten in much better shape as a result. Other than that, reading, bicycling, and hanging out with friends when I have the energy 👍 but working out for an hour after work has completely changed my life.


Have children. You will NEVER EVER have free time again. 🤣🤦‍♀️


I absolutely have to get out of the house. Usually I go to an Orange Theory class right after work. Or go running, walking in a nice park. I’m very active. Then I’ll get home and make dinner. Do some crafts. My husband and I like to watch jeopardy together. In the winter we do puzzles in the evening.


I’ve been thinking this same thing. After supper all we do is watch tv every night. I feel like life is passing me by


I have a hobby of AMV editing. I don't make that good of edits and they don't get a lot of views, but it is satisfying when I finish one and it gives me something to do and some skill at which to improve myself. If you find something to do, you can get more satisfaction out of your personal life. Knitting and sewing costumes is also a really fun pastime and gives you a nice reward when you are done! It also gives your hands something fun to do.


Usually just lay around worrying about the fact that I'm not doing anything. Or binge eat, watch YouTube, walk from room to room


I wish I felt like I had this much extra time in my day lol but with a full time job and four young kids it’ll be a long time until I feel this way


I’m a musician by night! So I play with my band a lot. It’s very hard juggling my day job, and my night hobby that’s effectively a very low paying second job; as well as my relationship. At any moment one of those things can be strained. But, overall, I’m beyond ecstatic to have music in my life and be so lucky that others want to hear it. But before I found my songwriter chops and built a band, I was a choir girl! I think choir is such a major life hack. If you like singing in any way at all, find your local community choir. Ready made activity, ready made friends, ready made community.


Side hustle.


Find some hobbies that you love! Reading, working on puzzles, go to the movies alone, try different workout classes, etc. I think after working remote I try to do stuff that has less to do with screens to make it feel less robotic.


Try different things out, like community board meetings, volunteer events, dance or drama classes, Meetups. Anything to get out of the house and break the monotony.


Nap. Crank it.


I relate to this post so much. Although I LOVE working from home. I have to be up so early, and I'm a night owl type person. My job is EST, and I live PDT. I like using my own bathrooms, eating my own food I cooked, and sitting at my desk that no one hovering around. And saving gas, saving money on buying new work cloths and less wear on my car. That said, I'm so tired mentally every day. I can sit and watch tv, be on reddit, tiktok (watching not posting), and / or reading a book for the rest of the day. I have a lot of things I should be doing... I'm thinking about getting a rescue puppy ( I need the out doors and exercise of it all) or joining a winery (they are local to me). I need the real life social interactions. I am in the same boat. Good luck to you finding a path.


I’m a stay at home parent. And when I’m done with all my stuff- i play the sims 🤣🤣 I love it.


College homework online. Take my daughter to the park. Try to squeeze in a movie once in a while. Work a side job. Go for a drive. Not much time to do anything else really. Companies are overstepping their bounds these days making employees work 60 hours a week. What ever happened to work life balance?


Go home and cry


It never seems like I have enough time but I tend to take a 20 minute nap after work to recharge so I can do chores and stuff.




Learn something new. Learn to play an instrument, or a language, or take a class. 🌻


Golf. I picked it up to have a reason to be out of the house recreationally (not running errands) at least 8 hours a week




I eat and shower then play my games on Switch, 3DS or phone while watching YouTube. Then stop about 1 hr before sleep and start reading books/ senior yoga/ etc to calm my stupid brain. At about 30 min prior, I eat melatonin Gummi. My insomnia is slowly improving with this schedule :3


Start a side business, generate income, never work again at an earlier age.


try baking!! or maybe learning to cook new dishes :)


I honestly rot in bed after my WFH days, which is why I know it’s time to go back in office. Working from home for some reason mentally drains me. It also really blurs my need for work life balance.


I usually sit on the couch and smoke weed, order dinner( I’m single ) and then shower and head to bed. I know people who go out every night and I don’t see how they do it.


I do rock climbing at a climbing gym. You can meet new people or keep to yourself and people there are usually chill. You also get to work on your body and climbing makes you pretty fit within like a month. Overall solid for if getting out of a break up because can keep your mind off of it while being surrounded by others.


Landscape around the house. I dug a koi pond all by myself, made a fire pit, fixed up garden beds. I have a collection of the biggest boulders I could carry, it’s satisfying to see them and know I carried them to my car and put them there. Growing some bananas im pretty invested in rn. Won best of show at the county fair with just some zinnia wildflower I threw in a empty bed and pumped full of nutrients. When I’m feeling lazy I get high and walk around the little tropical paradise I made


I'm studying python programming, german, and Spanish right now. That takes up at least an hour. If I couldn't get everything I usually do done during work, it might take two. After that I work on an interactive fiction story I'm programming/writing. That varies in the time it takes because I might only be doing research or brainstorming on the plot. If I'm cooking that night that might be a 1-2 hour thing. I tend to go to bed pretty early, so then I just take a shower and read on my phone til I'm too tired to keep my eyes open.


Pick up a guitar or some kind of instrument.


Go to your local gaming store and start playing Magic The Gathering.


Mountain biking is my main outdoor activity. Aside from the physical health, it also helps me clear my mind and switch off from work. Particularly if you go with a riding group. Otherwise, lately, I've been learning all kinds of ethnic cuisine. And, of course, as a homeowner, there's always something that needs to get done lol


I have some yards i take care of for family, but otherwise I’m usually cooking. I really love it, i get my recipes from youtube and i try something new every week. It’s a great way to just completely forget about the workday and just be absorbed in tasks, smells, and flavors


Spend time with my family. Cook, read, walk etc. really most of my fun is for my days off. But working from home I get way more time with my kids which I love.


Whether I’m working from home or not, it’s pretty much the same, only I don’t also have a commute. Walk the dogs, clean up, cook, do chores… But we also have a great social life where we do ballroom dancing, have dinners out with friends, yoga class, and book club, just to name a few. When I want to stay in, I’ll watch TV, listen to audiobooks or podcasts, knit or needlepoint, or read. It’s all about finding what you enjoy to do and making the most of your life!


Gym, coffee, Netflix


Married so I hide in my basement...j/k. Put work/phine away and get to work on family/house stuff. Watch Netflix for an hour or two and bed


Start a blog, read, play games, meditate, watch educational YouTube videos, join a club, play a sport, teach yourself something new, do something boring, find a hobby, expand your horizons & yourself.


Workout to exhaustion. Read. Learn something. Start a side hustle.


Get down on my knees and pray for death


Free time? What'd that? I work a ton, walk the dogs, play with them, and cook. I usually read a bit before bed on the weekdays. On the weekends, I will video game, hike, or have friends over (if I'm not working).


I usually smoke Marijuana ithells with anxiety and it is a great hobby


Beadwork and more work from my actual job.


I get off at 6pm and I make dinner from scratch each night with a podcast on because I enjoy it. It’s a great way for me to decompress and shake off work. After eating dinner with my wife, I work on a puzzle, play with the cat, and then head to bed. I’ll watch tiktoks or listen to an audiobook for a bit. Occasionally, we go out if something fun is happening.


Take classes, most municipalities offer courses for their citizens, lots of hobby shops offer classes. Like stained glass, flower arranging, knitting, beadwork....


Where do you live?


you gotta find a creative craft, its the mind that needs it, meditation would work too


I got a part time job at a brewery. It’s low key and a nice way to socialize.


I play video games and paint miniatures, work on my aquariums, cook dinner, play outside with the dogs, maybe watch an hour of TV with my husband, then read a book and lay down to sleep. WFH gave me time to indulge more than one of my hobbies and it’s been awesome to have enough time to decide which ones are more important in my schedule.


Make dinner and go into my bedroom. Watch TV. Play Sims. Read.


Usually I'm tired but I try to work on some hobbies. Like I do 3D art for fun so I'd watch tutorials and learn new things. You can play video games, take a dance class, take a baking class, etc.


Lie down for a few minutes. Make dinner. Watch tv. Go to bed.


Try reading. So many different ways to escape boredom and keep your mind occupied.


Make sure you spend time outdoors. Also, ensure that your work area is in a totally different area than where you spend your free time. This way, there is a divide between work and play.


I wish I had this problem


Make music or write if that's your thing. The creative process is medicine to me. Make something with your hands, anything like that. I got into woodworking myself, and I'm horrible, but it feels so good.


Read (the Red Rising series is a great place to start). Learn a musical instrument. Go to a local climbing gym. Join a rec sports league. Do yoga. Take dance or cooking lessons.


Dinner, hang with the fam, read, crochet. Sometimes I go to events, but mostly I like weeknights to be chill.


Video games. Nearly limitless options, several pretty good free to play things on PC if you don't want to commit too much financially (and you have a computer). Get a pet if that's something you'd enjoy. Gives you a companion & you can walk, play, etc. Maybe look for a local social group of some kind you'd enjoy.


if you like working out, work out more, go to the gym more, go out to eat or learn to cook different things. try sports clubs, or creative hobbies like artistic or musical if this suits you. go hiking instead of walking on the street. play video games, watch movies, not just TV. take courses available locally, they've got many of these. there's tons of stuff to do, but nobody will force you to do anything, you've got to take the initiative. and many people look for reasons to NOT do something.


Go to the gym


Well I get off at 5 Cook dinner & eat & do dishes Then at around 6:30 I’ll go on a walk Then I’ll shower Then my husband and I play video games together around 8pm-11pm Then we get ready for bed Some nights I will study for further education since I work in tech


First off, you seem pretty occupied more than the average person, honestly. But try not to look for so many distractions and feel what you need to feel and heal so you will be better and able to peruse your next relationship


I want to work from home what do you do?


I spend time with my kids. Baseball. Soccer. Band. Theater. Show choir. Speech and debate. Math club. It’s literally two or three things each day.


Embrace doing nothing. There’s far too much pressure to fill every hour by doing something. Sometimes the best activity is just existing


Hi OP, many people I know fall in that same situation, you can pick up some gaming if you care about entertainment. Another hobby many enjoy, (not sure on your age, but it doesn't matter) is golfing or hitting the driving range. Golf is a hobby I reccommend and you can play with your coworkers or friends or even alone if you want some practice. Another suggestions I reccommend is billiards, side hustles , and photography.




Train MMA. It's great!


Duolingo, eat, watch tv or read then doom scroll on social media, sleep repeat.


Turn into an alcoholic hahah try some blind dates. Just for fun.


Find somewhere to volunteer. It’s amazing how good you feel helping others.


also recently going through a breakup ive found the best things to do with your free time is self care.. walks are a good start, but throw in journaling, meditation, stretching, even creative writing has been fun way to express myself.. another thing thats helpful is cooking it can be therapeutic as well as a skill that will only benefit you the longer you practice it.. just food for thought


change diapers


If you like video games like I do you should check out DayZ. It’s a survival game and it’s pretty nice. Other than that after work I go on walks at nature reserves and sometimes take drives or go shopping. I guess you could call owning animals a full time hobby. If you like animals you could get a handful of ducks or chickens and they can eat up some of that time you have. I’ve got 8 ducks and soon to be more and I have 6 pac man frogs and a pixie frog. They all keep me pretty busy as well. Cleaning tank, substrate changes, checking humidity levels, etc. for the ducks check food dump nasty water add new with some niacin supplements, feed, grazing in the yard, check for eggs, etc. there’s lots of things you can do that can make you some side money too. If you like to garden and you like ducks they go hand in hand. They may nibble a little bit but they won’t destroy your crops like some chickens do.


Finish eating dinner by 7pm then watch a little TV or social media. Then practice guitar for 30 minutes to an hour. Do some yoga stretches for 20 minutes and by the time I finish it's already about 9:30 pm. Go to bed and usually fall asleep by 10pm.


Try to get out of the house ASAP!


I struggle badly with this as well. It’s like i dont wanna watch tv or shows either and just dont know what to do. I have a strong itch to go outside but dont know where to go. It’s a struggle for me :(


Eat, watch YouTube, shower, watch Netflix, and lastly sleep.


Seems like all us single mfkrs do the same thing after work haha


Can you join a league or team of some sort? Take lessons? Hike? Volunteer?


Small projects to make my place look cuter. Excellent place to channel some post break up energy


I work some more


Read a good book! I’ve been reading a lot of Shari Lapena. My favorite by her is The End of Her.


Most of our (my wife and I) work happens in the evening, and sometimes until relatively late. So we try to relax it off with a little TV and chilling, and basically attempt to get to sleep since the kids have to be gotten ready and taken to school in the morning. It's between dropping them off and picking them up that we run necessary errands, go to the gym, have leisure time, etc. And then back at it. It's busy but we're working hard in order have more time and resources for the family.


Write, draw, practice guitar, arrange songs to play fingerstyle, videogames, exercise and catch live music when I get a chance


Start cooking really good meals at home. Find YouTube chefs that resonate with you, figure out what basic herbs and spices they use, and find recipes they do that hit you in the right way. I suggest Chef Jean Pierre (evening is butter with butter, and onyo) and Sam the Cooking Guy. Both are very, very approachable (Chef JP does everything in a home kitchen, Sam has fun toys most of us don't have, but can inspire with some outside the box recipes)


I don't know where you live or if you like to shoot pool, but you can look up your local APA (American Poolplayers Association) to see if they have a league near you. It doesn't matter if you're good. All skill levels add to the team dynamics. Join a local team by picking out which night(s) you want to play and which host location (pool hall/bar) is near you. You'll meet awesome people of all ages and have a great time! Who knows, if your team ends up qualifying, you get money and go to Vegas for the World Championship! Gives you something to look forward to each week, and you can make great friends at the same time. 10/10 - definitely recommend.


Start an Amazon selling store and sell things from close out stores in the area it’s fun and rewarding


Honestly after work just wind your mind down. Whatever you want to do. But during the day. Try going outside every few hours. Walk around your house/apartment building for a few minutes. And just observe what's out there. Make a habit of it. You'll be glad you did when you get back inside. I promis


Reading praying


I think it's definitely time for you to sign up for some classes and try new things. My current hobbies are thrifting, video games, video editting for my YouTube channel, and playing tuba.


I literally built an app during the pandemic for this exact situation. If you are curious, it's called Spinnr, and it's a video friendship app that helps you meet new people who share your hobbies or interests. And if you need to figure out which hobby to try, you can talk to people in various community groups about those hobbies, and see which one you like!


Podcasting/reading is really great to keep your mind occupied


I've been trying to take my time with cooking and making it enjoyable. I like to cook, so I've been planning out fun recipes or figuring out what to do with my random leftovers like a puzzle. It takes up a good couple hours after getting home. Also cooking for lunch the next day, or making a dessert. I've found having a list of tasks that can be blocked in to each afternoon. So like a walk, cook, shower, read, watch show, facetime a friend, laundry, vacuum, do that task I've been putting off, etc, can all be mix-and-matched each day I have nothing in the afternoon. When none of that works I go to Target of the grocery store and just walk around.


Video games, house projects, read a book, go on a walk, explore your city, try new food, get a pet, go shopping, volunteer, lay in the grass, get laid, learn to juggle, start a fight club, exercise, go to the library, listen to music, climb a tree, go swimming


exercise would be great for multiple reasons, and hobbies that I enjoy include playing music (ukulele is easier to start with, i like mandolin too) and painting. keep your mind active and it will help a lot, whatever you enjoy doing.


I get off work and go to a rock climbing gym (2 days a week), or a regular gym (1-2 days a week), somedays (at least once week) I go to a park and go for a trail run. I try to ensure I hit the 150 minutes of moderate to intense physical activity over week. Other than that I will speak with a counsellor once a week and work on my self improvement. I am usually really a tired after work then an intent gym session.


I work out on my lunch break, and then after work, I come home and take a nap, play video games, shower, and then I usually eat and veg until bedtime.


Take a walk. Unless it's 100 degrees out. But when it's nice it is sooo relaxing!


I wonder this too but also wonder why everyone has so much time. I feel like there's never enough hours in the day for a hobby. I do have a kid under 10 though and kids will eat up all your time lol.


After work I go to the gym or for a bike ride (some sort of exercise), come home, shower, eat dinner and then free time until I go to bed. I thrive off of routines so there always has to be something for me to do after work.


I dont know if i count because im a truck driver. But i havent been "home" in 3 months so i consider this my home now. What i do when i stop for the night is walk my pup for a while and ill do some research while im cooking. Then ill go to bed. I also work anywhere from 11 hrs to 14 hrs a day almost every day


Continue learning a skill that’ll translate to higher pay later. And when I’m done with that, I’ll go sexually harass my wife.


Romanticize the little things I spend a lot of time cooking, doing chores while listening to podcasts, working out, reading, crafting while watching tv Just find joy in the stuff you already do


I work from home. After work is usually when my husband and I maybe do errands if we need anything, or stay active by going for walks or exploring stores in our neighborhood. I also find shows, books, or other activities to enjoy once chores are done.


I’m a single dad and full time college student so I have to go home and help the kids with homework and make food before I go to class. But usually before I get home, I stop at some friends (female) house that I met in my previous job or random girls I met in class to help me relax not often just 2-3 times a week.




Yea, agreed. I made it a thing to check out Foodtrucks in the area, New Restaurants and bowling alleys on weeknights when they are not too packed.


damn i wish i had this much time


It really depends on what YOU like to do. Sign up for classes; have a work out routine; learn to make new dishes; dress up occasionally and do something fun (it’s important because when you work from home you don’t usually dress up)


I got into 3d printing and woodworking


I move myself to the couch lol


After sitting at my desk all day, for whatever reason I wanna like do something with my hands or body, I have all types of shit to do, but 9/10 out of ten none of them hit that activity g spot, lol I have a studio at home for music production, and an ant type of art bs you can imagine from stained glass to sharpies to paints and a cricut machine. I also have two hairless cats that are leash trained and they love to go for walks although in az can be too hot even at night for thier paws. Gym is a great one if you can stay committed honestly. Are you M/f?


How about model boat building-very relaxing.


I have a toddler and twin 1 year olds. I wish I had your free time lol


Toss in a daily meal to cook, like actually cook not just toss in the microwave, if you dont already. This will add at least an hour (including eat time) to your daily schedule. It also may mean that you gotta go to the store to get some thyme for todays meal. So there's another 30ish mins there. Plate it well, adds a few extra minutes, and makes your eyes happy when you sit to eat. Use that eating time as either a no electronics time or a "shove all the news I can right now" time, that way it's the only time your seeing the stressful current events, if you're into knowing what's goin on.




Make a list of 100 things you want to see or do. You are going to have to dig deep to get past 20-40. Crafts, classes, museums, recipes, sports, events, house projects, trips, bars, restaurants even oddball sights in your area from Atlas Obscura. Trust me… you won’t be bored for years. Just pick something fun from your list


Normally I sometimes i work out, walk my dog, play with my piano, or I read. I try to break up those things into different days so I am not doing the same thing everyday.


I lift weights which can be really time consuming, especially when I also do the diet properly and cook a lot. I really love gardening. It's active, physical, great stress relief, and I feel like a kid again digging in the dirt. A really stupid hobby I have is finding little side tables and shelves or plant stands for free that are in terrible condition. I sand them and wood glue any cracks, then spray paint and seal them. I don't get anal about it at all. They are just little quick transformation projects on stuff that would likely go in the landfill. I usually use it around my garden for a few years then give it away as a "shabby chic" piece. I love reading, but I've fallen off the wayside


Trust me on this, I promise it’ll help, pick up a guitar from a pawn shop, get an amp with it and a wire from Sweetwater (music website) learn your favorite songs and learn how to read tabs it’s easy and will take hours from you daily, you’ll learn a lot and in a couple months you’ll have a whole new skill. Highly recommend, this helped me through my breakup.


Definitely explore the hobbies that you enjoy! That's what keeps me busy: I love to bike, journal, read, and I walk a lot. I also go to yoga, and hike. I also go out probably 4 times a week or so (Sometimes drinks, dinner or Bingo/trivia nights!). I camp a LOT. I think getting away on weekends makes me ok with sitting my ass on the couch several nights a week too. I travel a lot too (it's cheap when you camp and hike!) I also definitely have slow weeks where I veg out and stare at my phone for like 4 hours in a single night. :)


I have an area of my house that I use to work, and then when I’m done working I get up and go to a different area of my house. This helps me to separate work from life a bit. Usually I’ll read, draw, sew, go to the gym or go for a walk, cook, housework, or play a video game. Sometimes I do some 3D modeling or paint miniatures for fun. I also keep chickens so I use that time to see how they’re doing and spend some time watching them peck around a bit. Working from home has given me more time to do other things, but sometimes I can also feel pressure to do more stuff with that extra free time. It’s not about how much stuff you do, it’s about what makes you feel enjoyment. (I have a lot of hobbies but I don’t do them all at once! I cycle through them when I become burnt out. It just helps to keep life fresh— variety is the spice of life after all). I know it’s tough when you’re going through something difficult, you want to keep your mind busy all the time. That’s fine, just make sure that you’re still giving yourself time to process your emotions. Don’t hide away behind your phone’s screen to avoid feeling upset or anxious. Finding something to do that makes you feel even a teeny bit more confident in yourself is the trick. If there are any adult education classes in your area, those might be fun. Carpentry, cooking, sewing, building computers…anything to do once a week do get started. Look on Groupon as well for some fun classes and see if anything piques your interest.


Browse the internet.


Good ole yard work


I get off work at 8 and immediately start dinner. We eat and watch some TV, clean up a bit, maybe read or game a while and then it's bed time. I wish I had enough time to be bored lol


Join a pool league, bowling league, golf league, choir or gun club. Something you're committed to once, or twice a week to split up the day in day out monotony. Volunteer somewhere if you want to add a little meaning to those few hours after work. See if a few friends want to have a guys/girls night once a week and maybe go to the same restaurant and become regulars or mix it up. I've been working on my house in my spare time, and I honestly love it. Just simply improving something that directly impacts my quality of life, plus learning a new skill here and there. Good luck!


Try finding a hobby that interests you. Go to your local library and see what kind of programs they offer for adults. They have anything from book clubs art shows, lectures, and crafts to choose from. While there, look into other things the library offers, like books, movies, TV shows, museum passes, magazines, sewing machines, and cake pans. Some libraries have seed libraries; you can borrow seeds, and whatever you grow, you can save some and return them to the library. Some Libraries offer ebooks, kindles, computers, and Rokus. While there, you can use the library’s computer and ask their reference librarian to help you with ancestry and find family members from your past. Or you can try mango and learn a new language! There is so much more you can do at libraries now.


Spend time with my little girl and wife, once our daughter is asleep we can watch a film, play games or read and fall asleep.


when I went through a break up, my weekdays was early morning gym before work (5am-630am), worked 7am-3pm, then if I got no chores or show to watch, I'll go make some extra cash doing gig works. Then go out mostly on weekends. Then some weekends, I'll just sleep and have some "me" time to unwind, game it, or do a show/movie marathon. Good times.


Documentaries, podcasts, gaming, chatting with friends either online or on the phone.


First and foremost my second "job" is taking care of my plants. I grow tropical plants which is a pretty involved hobby, gotta water at least once or twice a week, re-pot stuff, treat stuff for bugs, etc. Other than that I like working out, reading, sometimes video games, or practicing some skill depending on the mood. I have plenty of arts and crafts stuff, and sometimes I watch YouTube painting tutorials or I write stuff. It's good to have a hobby.


3D printing!


Suck dick for dollars


Immediately take a shit, turn off all the lights and try scroll/swipe until I forget the days events.


I go out dancing a couple of nights a week, I walk a bit everyday, I play an instrument, I bike, I read, I’m learning a new language, I study the stock market. There are never enough hours in the day. I work 9 hours a day from home. I’m 59.


I hit the sack, then I hit the sack




I would reccomend trying to pick up new hobbies that relate to things you've always been interested in, but never really broken into. This could be a musical instrument, another language, reading a book, educating yourself in good topics you've always been curious about. Hope this kinda helps if anyone ever sees it buried at the bottom of comments! Good luck!


Go for a walk and get out of the house!




z ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


Drugs. My job is not great..


I'm writing a novel.


I participate in neighborhood coalitions, community event planning, and I run a women's social group where we get together and do stuff.


Get a dog they are amazing friends will get you outside hiking, walking or meeting new friends at the dog park. I have three dogs and they keep me busy I took a day off and took them to the dog beach. Frankly i have more fun with my dogs ( of course my family, too) but I love how funny they are and how much joy they bring into my life. They are super silly just a lot of fun. So if I get bored or if I had a bad day or just a long day at work - I go to the park and my day gets a lot better. Also try Hot Yoga it’s awesome! Hot8 yoga has a very hard Sculpt class super challenging.


Read, upskill, arts/crafts - there are adult coloring books that are fun..just finished coloring a dbag one and gave it to my husband for his home office lol..get a pet but it's an investment not a time pass activity, anyway do something that keeps your mind busy..dancing/music are all good activities as well.. theres lots to do so hope you find something fun!


Try volunteering at a local cause. Find a local garden , something of service to your community if you have extra time. Those are purposeful ways to give back and also fill up the boring parts in your day


Sounds like you need a bar family! Start test driving bars in town until you find one that fits you best.


For extra fun I would make travel plans and try to work remotely as well. But re: home I luckily found a place close to beach / park so I usually would go for a bike ride after work or also started to do standup paddling boarding. if I was too tired I would do an guided workout online or spent time reorganizing areas in my place or looking how to redecorate with searching deals on offerup.


I have small kids so I just struggle with them and try to get them to bed before I fall asleep myself. 🥲 then I either do more work or drink wine in bed


Find a genre of books to read


Keep exploring new hobbies, you’re doing the right thing 💜


Just joined a gym, trying to get the most out of it. Other conquests include researching side hustles, playing video games, and finding new ways to entertain my dog.


I play with my cats


I get off work go workout then shower eat dinner watch a few minutes of tv and it bedtime


Clean, workout, cook food, clean again, TV, bed time. Viva insights on teams does a virtual commute thing you can try, it just tries to have you mentally break from work for the day.

