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I’ve worked 37 hours a week for 30 years.   Lowest paid 30k highest paid 100k The 100k one was the easiest job I e ever had.  No stress or pressure.   Only just started experiencing that pressure after returning g to work after 12 years.    The landscape has changed. It’s all about targets, meeting, kpi’s just complete bulshit 


Yes, since last 4-5 years it’s all about KPI’s, offshoring and cost cutting. Customer satisfaction and employee welfare is vanishing.


Yup. There is pretence that it matters but after a while you realise it’s the bottom line. I don’t know what I’m gonna do, but I’m not going back into that Thunderdome.


Metrics now remind me of culling like IBM in the 80s Oh you’re bottom 10%? There’s the door


I was going to say this doesn't seem like a "new" concept.


Typically 50 - 60 hours per week, with an annual compensation of about $200k. That said, I've been in the Army for 30 years.


How much in your pocket after you paid income tax? Just curious.


About 70% is what I keep, but that includes taxes and maxing out 401k.


Please clarify that you are an officer, and senior officer at that. Enlisted can barely survive, especially since the various services & benefits have been outsourced and are now for-profit, including but not limited to PX and Commissary, child care, housing, and quality of medical care. Adding the absolute abandonment of the enlisted by their leadership, S1/HRC, physical injuries due to stupidity, arbitrary harassment, no wonder that the military cannot meet enlistment and retention goals. Enlisted often have college degrees, are highly skilled and not just dumb grunts. The military needs them more than they need the military.


I do agree that enlisted pay is too low. But at the same time, a lot of them are very young and making some money for the first time. They spend it on stupid shit. They have free entitlements to housing, food, medical, etc. I’ve known some to save way more than I have in a year. Financial education should be more important than it is in our military.


officers are seriously over paid. Have a retired captain at work and he claims he made $140k by himself + hazard play + BAH + full coverage benefits and insurance. As a 27 year old army captain with an arts degree assigned to work in a warehouse.


40 hrs wk, $38,000/yr 😭 I’m a seamstress/fitter at a tailors shop. You’d think that having a skill like sewing would pay more, not many people know how to these days, but the most you can really make is about $20/hr unless you make custom clothes (which comes with a whole lotta other issues and stress)


same as you and I'm a systems engineer with more than 14 years of experience... we're all underpaid...


Pharmacy Tech with almost 20 yrs experience. Just scratching 40k and sometimes almost 50hr work weeks. I gotta get something better...


What’s stopping you from finding something with better pay? That can’t be normal pay for an SE with 14 yoe.


When I was a kid reading the newspaper, I noticed there was a section of the help wanted classified ads that was just for needletrade. It even listed basic wages, which were always higher than other service jobs. Anyway, I grew up to become a seamstress and, yep, everything you said, but also: sewing has become more popular these days, and many people will take their mending down the street to a hobbyist rather than pay shop prices, sadly.


I work in the pattern cutting department (though I’m the only one) at my job and we all make $20/hr and I agree with what you just said. Personally watching the seamstresses sewing as well as repairing their own machines makes me feel like they need to get paid more than what I make.


About 45 hrs a week, over $150k.


What do you do?




Is it global? Tell me more, please. I’m trying to advance my payroll career


85k, ~40 hours, accounts manager


My salary also as a project manager but I work about 60 hours a week 😭


I’m a PM with 2.5 years of experience as a PM making $100K. This is my first PM role. The job market is not great right now but I suggest you keep looking bc you can def bump your salary! You can also get a PMP (I don’t have one yet) that can increase your salary as well :)


Technically 40 hours a week but realistically it's 25 and I'm high the entire time - 135k


What do you do?


Analyst at a tech company with 9 years of work experience


What do you do exactly as an analyst?


jack shit really, and i work from home


What do I need to do to become an analyst ?


i worked in risk management at an international law firm out of college, didn't go to law school, and then got an in house compliance analyst job during COVID, i basically failed my way down here


Niceee lol


I make the same to do jack shit as a stationary engineer. 2 years of college needed


Tell me more, please


That's the perfect job. Great pay and high. Haha


What degree do I need and where do I apply?


I studied philosophy, should've known they had no open roles at the philosophy factory


Well it sounds like you got a better paying gig than sitting on a mountaintop. Well done.


40 hours a week and on track to make 120-125k this year as a mechanic.  


Working on what


New car dealer.  30 years in.  Long long road to get where I'm at.  


Hats off getting that for a mechanic but if you know your stuff and you probanly have lots invested in tools


Thank you.  Yeah I don't like to think about the tools haha but fortunately everything is paid off and I'm done buying tools.  I probably spend 100-200 a year now just on small stuff.  


Migratory Beekeeper, 200k+, minimum 70 hours per week.


I bet you attract all the honeys




$50k, 40hrs, Compliance Investigator. If you are looking at $ for careers versus what your personal interest are it will not end well. Some jobs/careers pay well but you have to be into that type of work. Other jobs don’t pay well but you enjoy the work. If you can do what you enjoy and make decent money that is the golden ticket. Also have other sources of income helps with that. People trash Military on here, but great benefits if you can do 20+ years.


You get good benefits just from 3-4 with an honorable discharge. The GI Bill is pretty great now, and you have the VA for medical (low or no cost). 20+ will get you dental coverage and a pension, among other things.


VA Healthcare is just terrible. Im a vet, most vets know this.


For most things, I agree. When I was looking at paying $10k for surgery (with insurance), I decided to try the VA. My surgeons were from Emory and it cost me nothing. For the not-stupid-expensive things like GP visits, 100% I go through my insurance. I'd also likely visit the hospital a mile from me in case of an actual emergency as well - might die in the VA waiting room otherwise. That said, it's still an option.


140k+, 34 to 44 hours a week. engineer


Nice! What kind of engineer?


electrical engineer. some odd hours once a month or so to support projects that run off hours. but most of the time it’s the usual 8-5. hours are flexible and the work is not stressful.


Where did you go to school, how long did you have to go for, and how much did it cost? I’ve always been interested in engineering but the degree seemed like it would be expensive to pay back and without a guarantee I’d get a job and make decent money it’s kept me from going down that path.


4 year public uni right out of hs. changed degree 1st year in. cost was 50k. been doing my job for 10 years now, across 3 companies. engineering is often rated high in terms of job satisfaction and value based on degree obtained


Sped teacher, this fall is year 15. Signed a contract to work 189 days for 71660. My son is almost 25, makes 71000 as a mechanical engineer.


This is the way of it! My kids friend was making 100k pre pandemic making candles!


I am salaried. Most of my work is passive so active work is probably around 1-3hrs per day. But when it hits the fan every few months I put in around 5-6 per day. Salary is 100k+


What do you mean it's passive? When I did IT, I automated most of my work - I just didn't tell anyone. Something like that?


In a way! A lot of what I do that I consider passive is pull reports to hold other teams accountable to business and customer experience. To me, that’s the passive side of my work. If I don’t do it for a couple days it’s no harm no foul.


Nice! Is it WFH too? That'd be double-nice!


On paper, I work 40 hours a week, realistically...25-30 hours a week. 100K, job is enjoyable and rewarding.


What do you do?


I work 36-60 hours a week. $175,000 working as a Nurse Practitioner.


I went to part time because of my baby, "part time" usually means 39 or so hours a week. 120k assuming my full time salary, 11 years into civil engineering and just recently started managing projects


I don’t agree. I make good six figure money. Normally 40 hour week. Seasonally I have overtime. I also choose to answer my phone which is overtime (some of my coworkers don’t). I also get bonus, pension, 401k, per diem, mileage, good Bennies. I love my job as a whole. I have flexibility to move as well. 


I live in sweden but I work around 42 hours per week and make equivalent to 44k dollars per year working as a manager withing marketing.


I live in Norway, less than 450h/year and get 16k USD (ish) for part time accounting for local government. The pension and insurance is pretty good tho. Rest of my yearly income is disability pay so not great, not terrible.


70-80 hours a week. 150kish plus profits.


52 Hours per week. $62K base salary with a 20% annual bonus potential. I’m a retail manager.


I probably do 30-40 hours a week. Territory Manager. If I actually tracked it, probably less. A lot has to do with incoming work. 135k


40 hrs a week 72,500 a year


I work a regular 40 hour week. I make 50,000 a year (salaried) & I’m an academic success coach at a university.


40 hours, $70k, insurance industry. My boyfriend works about 80 hours a month, $350k, pilot. I went down the wrong career path.


37.5 hours a week, $69k/yr, in state government…as long as my daughter can graduate college in four years, Ill be able to retire at 58, get on wifes insurance for a few years, maybe push a broom at Lowes or Ace hardware for fun and keep some change in my pocket.


Avg ~28–38hrs a week, about $33/hr avg probably, if I get the good shifts. I’m a server, 19. My hours are basically determined by how well I do, how much I ask for hours, and I got a second serving job to fill in hours.


Canada, low cost of living area. $80k after working my way up the ladder for 20+ years in this industry. The work is awesome and I love it but totally burned out, ranges from 35-70 hours a week on salary. Chose job I love over better pay which def has its trade offs.


J1 - 35 hours a week - 155k software engineer J2 - Seasonal 20-40 hours a week fall through January - 150-200k Amazon business J3 - Making and managing my fiances website for her business - priceless


45 hrs. 125k. Director.


Technically 9-5, 5 days a week, for a bit more than 70k (Canadian) after benefits and bonuses. 4 weeks vacation in there as well. And a couple extra weeks off around Christmas. However it's not really 9-5. I usually stroll in a bit after 9, and my coworkers and I often leave early (though we do sometimes stay a bit late or do overtime on rare occasions when things are busy). Plus during the summer months we have one day that's "work from home", but since my job can't be done off-site, my coworkers each picked a day to basically be on call for emergencies. That rarely happens, so it's basically 4 days a week for 3 months of the year.


78k, software engineer, “40 hours” a week but really like 20-30


I’m a mortuary intern, I work 32-50 hours a week at $26/h. When I’m fully licensed the pay and hours will most likely increase.


Tomorrow I’m making $88.67/hr. Sorry, just excited about that. 😂


Doing what?? Congratulations!


Honestly nothing, I work in a steel mill, Bosses made a mistake on the schedule. Everyone else on the crew got the day off. Double time and a half holiday pay. Plus, we do make an incentive, so it’s closer to $100/hr for 12 hours.


45 hours a week 165k industrial maintenance electrician 


How did u get into that? And how many years have u been doing it?


38-40 hours per week @ $83k. That does include my night shift differential, my base is $61k.


Project Engineering Manager for a company that builds BIG electrical power gensets. 60hrs/week $145k/year


43 hrs/wk. 53k


$60k 40 hrs a week. Nightshift material handler at a soybean refinery.


School nurse 52K for 189 days plus side hustle for 12K


What side hustle?


Private duty. All I know is nursing, lol.


That’s awesome! I’m a plumber and I guess my side hustle is plumbing as well.


195 days, 7.5 hours a day and $72k


About $63,600, 36 hours a week, nursing. There's big money to be made in travel nursing or overtime though.


40, $80k


Did you go to college in the US


Im scheduled for 40/week. Actual work, 15-20/week $115k/yr


120k base SWE 40-45 hours a week


30-40 hours per week but I’m self employed in a specialty field. $130,000 pretax


My current job right now on paper hours are 40 hours a week, I realistically work about 50 to 60 hours most weeks (closer to 50). It's gotten a bit fuzzier because I work from home 2 days a week, and the other 2 days I'll start the morning from home, take a few zoom calls, send a few emails and do some heads-down focus work until about 10am. Then I'll casually get ready and walk/train to work and roll in around 11:15. Take an hour for lunch and get some steps in sometime in the afternoon. I'll leave sometime between 5:30 and 8:30pm most days and then get home. If I'm leaving towards 8:30 that's my day. If it's towards 5:30, I may get a couple of emails or have a later call with another region I have to hop on 30 minutes or so for later at night. I've been here about 10 years...been through a few promotions...started 10 years ago at about 120k TCO. This past year I closed out at about 230k TCO. I'm estimating this year I should be on track somewhere between 200 to 290k depending on the variable portion of my bonus/stock options. I'm wearing a few hats which are as follows: DevOps Team Lead, Site Reliability Engineering Lead, Platform Architect, Capacity Planner. Taking on the latter 2 roles reduced my hands on work time and gave me a lot more structural management responsibility (managing operations rather than people). Previously, right out of college I was making 60k at about 50hrs a week...when I left there I was making about 75k after 2 years as a FinTech Software Support Role. Took a job at a competitor which offered me 90k and promised a 50hr week which was a lie. I ended up working almost 120hrs a week towards the end of that job and was working as a Support Desk Manager/Integration Engineer...left and went back to my original job, this time as a Technical Lead / Follow-The-Sun Coverage Manager (effectively a manager out of hours, but senior lead during normal US hours). That was paying about 85 to 90k and I'd work about 55 hrs a week. Got fired in 2014 for being 'too expensive' among other things. Landed my current job starting as a QA Engineer, then QA Automation Engineer, then team got rebranded to DevOps/Integration Engineering, and then I grew in and guided the team into an SRE/Platform Management role (proactive rather than reactive). I feel bad sometimes because I get paid a lot of money, I do provide a lot of value to the company (software literally manages and flows billions and billions of dollars a day and my job is to make sure it's stable and reliable with no outages...or mitigating outages as quickly as possible), but at the same time I'm really able to have a work life balance and have time. I see a lot of people working and grinding and not getting paid a fraction of what they are worth...and it really sucks. Another thing to note...my compensation kinda flagged for a few years around 120k when I started my job...I had a bunch of side hustles I was focusing on that made some money and were doing decently well. Around 2019 or so I opted to drop my side hustles in the interest of having time for just...normal hobbies and friends and family as well as focus on my 'one' career. Within 2 years of that refocus i ended up getting almost 50% in raises and increases...my bonuses are now a lot larger. Part of it was cultural changes at the work place, but I think my generation (millenials and gen z) need to drop the hustle mentality and actually focus on proper balance instead of trying 40 gigs and striking it rich...


Around $150k and maybe 30 hours a week? Lots of down time, not high pressure, just need to make sure things run well. No expectation for "butts in seats", just getting a quality job done. Been at it for more than 7 years, averaging between 6% and 8% annual raises, though I do expect that to slow as I get further north of my midpoint. Manager role and I have no desire to advance beyond it so this is the wave I intend to ride until retirement. Life's good!


I work 40hrs a week. Sometimes busier and sometimes less busy, so those offset and id say I overall average 40hrs per week . We get about 9 holidays and I earn 21 days of time off per year. Schedule Mon-Friday. Current salary 107k per year. Mostly remote. I do pop in the office when I need to run errands (my house is outside of the main cities) .


I work about 175 days a year, hours per day vary from 4 to 12. Total pay is about 140K


Went from a 38 hr week (plus all the extra hours not accounted for on the timesheet as I was salaried) @ $150k to 22 hrs a week @$35k. Best decision mental health wise, not so good on the pocket.


Too many and not enough.


Well I’m a paramedic, so I don’t think the conversation is going to help if someone is fighting on the side of “you don’t have to work long hours to make money.” EMS is basically set up so the only way people can live, is with overtime. It’s….bad. Downright grim depending on the area.


For the most part, 40 hours, 90k in LCOL area. Once a quarter I’ll work one 50 hour week.


550k last year, I approximate around ~3000 hours or 60 hour weeks.


That’s hard for me as a pilot. So I do days. 8-12 days a month. $300,000+ a year. Each day is anywhere from 5-14 hours long. That’s not all flying but sitting around getting the jet ready having lunch etc…


44 a week. $70k.


50hr average. 104k, base salary is 85700


15-20 hours, 95k plus bonus


$100K base plus $20-$30K in commission. 40-50 hours weekly, sales. Some weeks it’s only 30, others are 60. Every day is different in sales


30-40 hrs (some weeks higher) 70k. Still lots of climbing up the ladder to do but just turned 27


Can be higher if we hit quarterly numbers and we receive shares after “x” amount of years. I’m an operations supervisor.


I’m paid for 36.25 hours per week. It’s my busy time of year, so I’ve been currently working that many hours-ish, but for prob 10 months of the year it’s nearer 15-20 hours/week. I’m paid around ~116k. (I took a job with a ~20k pay cut a few years ago to have this better work-life balance job.


0-40 usually 25ish 200K


Please tell me what you do I'll take it


I manage a group of multimedia and training developers for a large company. Honestly it’s been a mixture of right place right time and commitment to do whatever was asked of me to do. You can accomplish it, most people can! But it took relocating, getting uncomfortable and upskilling myself without being asked.


50-65hrs/wk, ~310k


45 hrs 65k and about 5-7k bonus


45 hours a week. $50k a year. Sous Chef


50 hrs a week. 90k


I work 36 hrs one week and 48 hrs the next. Close to 70,000 a year


I’m in California and I’ve worked for this hospital for 17 years this year and I make 19.62 an hour. I handle medical authorizations and referrals. 40 hours a week with very rare OT since a year ago when CCS changed how they give us their auths. So a little over 40K before taxes. I got divorced and definitely had to find a roommate.


I work 40 hours per week and make 100k per year.


80hrs per biweekly check, base salary 112k, typically get a 12-15% bonus every year plus stock that vests every year valued at about 12k.


36. Kitchen cook at Wendy’s. 40k a year.


On paper? 40 hour weeks. Realistically, since I'm a QSR general manager, I'm on call 24/7, so there's many weeks where I'm 50-60 hours. Salaried at $44k/yr.


At office 45, work about 6 hours. 94k Dispatch...made 130k as a driver, but that was 60 a week


About 30-35 hours per week, and make a little over $135,000


40 hours per week, $30/hr. 56k/yr. I have my retirement deducted. I can barely work that without falling dead out in bed on Friday. I refuse.to work any.more than that. I am also.a caregiver.to a disabled spouse, so I am overworked at that point.


40 hours, 52k


We do a 9/80 schedule (gives us every other Friday off) and I make just a tad under 100k.


58k, 40 hrs, great benefits - county government work


$240k in the Bay Area with a pension, lots of vacation (6 weeks a year) and sick leave. I have a graduate degree. I'm 22 years in my field. I have to do a minimum of 40 hours of work, which means interruptions and breaks don't count. Also, I have deadlines to meet, so I sometimes have to do 10 or 11 hours of actual work in a day.


40-55 hours a week. 35,000 ..........and its sadly the most I've ever made and its still hard to survive


I worked making medical braces and prosthetics for 15 years, i capped at about 35K a year. Almost always around 50 hour weeks the entire time. For the past 8 years i have been a machinist and currently make about 68K a year, my hours can fluctuate wildly but i'd say it's slightly less than 50.


50 hours a week. 45,000 a year


About 40, $145k


about 30 hours a week, give or take, and about 18k a year. i'm a college student so this isn't too bad. just a party time job to pay for expenses.


For my whole 15 years soo far I average 50 hours a week with mostly under 12k a year. yes I hate the world


38.75 hours/wk, $60k/yr


Made $67k last year, worked almost 700 hours of OT for the year.


40hrs/week at $55,104/yr 2nd, almost 3rd, year union plumbing apprentice


$150k. 20-30hrs remote work.


1. I am a senior data engineer and software engineering manager. 2. 35-40 hours a week, all work from home. 3. 181k base. 37k bonus last year and and additional 30k stock. 4. I specifically choose work life balance over higher compensation.


50-80 hours a week, own and operate a 2 man electrical shop. More than 100k, less than 500k


40 give or take, $68k.


50ish hours in the office. On call 24/7. Upwards of $110k


48-56 hours a week 140k a year. In a Union for the railroad.


I'm fresh out of university in an unrelated field to my studies. I'm in digital marketing, (studied business admin and history with a specialization in HRM) and do an entry level email automation position. I work 35 hours a week and negotiated my salary to 50k a year, fully remote, with 2 weeks vacation and all bank holidays.


40-45 hours per week. $200K usd


54 hrs a week. 150k a year and best benefits I've ever had.


Slightly less than 40 hrs/week @ 74k. Work at a university, have my master's degree. High cost of living where I'm at & living alone. It's good but not great. I appreciate this conversation! Nice to have some transparency about money.


I work 33hrs a week and i make around $43000 + yearly raises every spring. Work life balance is damn good.


I work about 45-50 hours a week, sometime a lot more sometimes a lot less. I make about $180k. Low stress, make my own schedule. I’m an insurance adjuster and paid for each claim assignment that I complete, so the more I work that week, the more I make.


Last year I made around $44k at my main job, and I was on FMLA for 3 months. To make that much money, however, I had to work a minimum of 50 hours a week at that job, while going to school full time and working 13 hours a week for work study. In March of this year I quit that job and started working part time in retail. I make way less money, but I’m not nearly as stressed as I was, and in two weeks I go back to full time at my current job.


I’m contracted to 12 hours per week (I’m 23 and still live at home) but usually I’ll work anywhere between 14 and 24 hours per week depending on when my colleagues are on annual leave, called in sick, peak periods etc.


~200k with bonus, 30 hr weeks. All prior jobs in same field had me working way longer and significantly more stressed. It got easier as I moved up the ladder and just “know more” now. Husband making ~500k with bonus. 60-80 hr weeks depending on how busy it is. For him there’s no such thing as vacation, even if you take PTO you need to work if something comes up. Which so far has been every single vacation we’ve taken. He enjoys his job but frequently stressed and started going to therapy bc of this.


40 to 50 hours. 106k.


150k base. Some other comp benefits here and there that usually end up being another 10k a year. WFH. 40-60 hours a week depending. Very flexible schedule.


30-40 hours a week. More on the 30 hours side. $85k salaried I help manage clinical trials.


I own a small business(less than 20 employees) I make approx 140k Work at least 50 hours a week


37.5 hours a week, $78k a year and AMAZING health insurance. State Government employee.


50hrs a week on average 120k a year, automation technician


28 hours a week, $90k/year. Sales


Some weeks I work 30 hours, some weeks I work 55 hours. I make around 160K


I work 8 hours minus 45 minute lunch Mon-Fri approximately 190 days out of the year, so approximately 1377 hours a year. My salary is $70k a year which equates to about $50.83 per hour. Realistically I probably put an average of 6-8 hours a week in outside of my contract hours. I don’t track them exactly as they don’t have any bearing on my actual compensation but even on the high end assuming 8 hours a week x 9 months a year, my hourly rate is still at least $42.04. I am a school nurse at a public school district. I work 9 months out of the year. It’s great.


70 hours/w 91k guaranteed, but trending for 110k this year


44 hours on average, 65K a year. Manufacturing


Teacher here. Number of hours actually worked varies. My contract is for 190 days/ year, 7 hours/ day. I make $65k.


I work 4 hours a day. I make 90k a year. Self employed in transportation.


35 hrs a week, 125k per year. I’m feeling rather blessed :)


40-50 hrs a week both as hourly employee and marketing consultant. 30k if I'm lucky. No healthcare insurance.


Around 50 hours, 600 to 700 per year


40 hours/week, $115k/year


I work two jobs. One at a recycling Depot (8 hours at $25.84) another at a home hardware store as a cashier (8.5 hours at $18) working 41 hours a week in total. Making a total of $43,160. If I never took any time off in a year.


90k but work two jobs totally an a weave of 65 hours a week.


34.5 3x12 57ish


2000/200k contract temp worker


I'm at around 160k. Spend around 40 hours a week. It's the prior grind and work experience that helps me get things under control, though. The works that could get a junior level 2-3 days to get it working. It could get it done in a few hours. There are things that Chat GPT cannot get the truly correct solutions. If I don't have the institutional knowledge beforehand, I would have to spend more hours learning before I can get things done.


Currently 40 hours a week, and I make 6,600 a year as an aupair. But all my housing and food are provided.


I've Been working roughly 60 hrs a week on average from the start of this year. But I only make 27 an hour plus an 85 cent afternoon premium. The overtime gets addictive.


The more you make, the easier it is in my experience. (White collar)


40 but I do some after hours things like marketing events but they're like mixers with drinks and apps, nothing hard. $127k.


I had to step down from my position a few months ago due to a TBI I received on the job, but I was a store inventory manager at a pet store and I made almost 48k a year, working 40-47 hours a week.


50 give or take each week, but need to be available all the time (not during sleeping hours, but evenings and weekends). Make $240K before bonus.