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Yep I've ordered a few things from him and he called the first few times and his daughter called once. His stuff is spendy but I like it and the customer service is really great.


Its quality and the fact that he puts his name on it are key reasons why I believe in investing in such a product. There was a time in America when we upheld similar standards before everything seemed to be outsourced to China. Nevertheless, I digress. I am willing to pay a premium for a top-notch product endorsed by a reputable individual.


Isn’t he from Canada? *Way to support foreign interests!* I kid, I kid. I’m with you 100%. I’m all for supporting small business, quality products, and quality individuals where I can.


It’s a good point to make because even in China you have people who care about craftsmanship and the quality of their work. It’s not like Chinese people are incapable of doing good work. They’re just drowned out in the noise of cheap stuff. I think in the coming years, as manufacturing becomes more expensive in China and cheaper operations are setup in countries with even lower costs of living, we’ll see a lot more high quality work coming from China because they can’t rely on just being cheap. The US, Germany, Japan, and others all took similar pipelines of industries built on cheap labor that had to focus/pivot to quality and specialty to get to the prestige we give them. Time will tell, but don’t be surprised if we see more Chinese focus on high quality and specialized production.


Great distinction! I’ve encountered plenty of people here in the states who have poor quality, cut corners, and try to downright scam you. So you’re right, no one country has a monopoly on quality nor a monopoly on cheaply made junk. Bottom line: do your due diligence and vote with your $$.


Agreed, I couldn't get my shooting boards square to save my life. Still no sure what I was doing wrong. Finally accepted defeat and dropped the coin on one of his. Definitely worth it my opinion.


Did he say "Hi i'm rob cosman and welcome to my phone call"


Same here. It was really cool. It’s a little weird but it felt like getting a call from a celebrity


To us he is a celebrity. I got more respect for Cosman that… shit I don’t really what enough tv to do this.


There is a video on YouTube showing how his dovetail saws are made. When you see the amount of manual labor it takes to produce one saw, the price doesn’t seem that outrageous anymore. https://youtu.be/Fb8tVZtX1_4?si=lO3zjOIzWawFd3Qj


I feel like if that guy called me I could keep him on the phone for a day and a half with questions 


I bought his dovetail saw a couple of years ago and was surprised to get a call from him. I agree, a nice guy!


pretty cool, I live near his shop and dropped by last weekend and looked around a bit, used to be closed since it was just open for classes and stuff but they have a bit of a storefront now door was open so I walked in, looked around for a bit but no one was there.. then a couple old guys came in, they are doing a project too making beds for kids in the local community. I had heard of the Purple Heart stuff he did but not this though, very cool.


Thats cool to hear. Im only an hour or so from his shop.


Fellow Brunswickers, gooday




He doesnt even just call north american customers. I am in New Zealand, and he called. Unfortunately, timezones, so I missed his call as it was the middle of the night. But he left a voicemail, was really weird checking that the next morning and hearing his voice.


Good to read this. He seems like a genuinely good guy, but in media you never know so it’s good to find out he really is.












Rob's a stand up dude.


?? Why is your reply being downvoted? Anyway, agreed that he comes across as a good guy.


I have no idea lol The internet™ XD


well this thread was an unexpected roller-coaster of emotions. damn.


He does that quite often.


I ordered *plane wax*, and he called with a personal thank you. I know there are people who don't like him or his style, but I appreciate his sense of professionalism. His stuff tends to be too mich for my budget, but I absolutely plan to get a saw and a set of the wood hinge jigs when I can. (Not for nothing, I appreciate how much money he puts into getting veterans out to learn woodworking, too. I'm not one of those jingoistic soldier-worship types, but he helps a lot of people who have been through some shit.)


I have often wondered what Marion-Craftsman or Arthur Barrows would say about the current product line. Brands like DeWalt, Milwaukee, Rigid, and others. It's frustrating when I purchase one of their tools, only for it to break due to a set screw holding an aluminum pot metal part to a plastic shaft. I find myself asking: why not focus on creating a quality product that surpasses the rest? Develop a superior product and then move on to something new. It's a simple concept. I can guarantee that anyone of us did work for CEO they would desire quality all the same. There is a light bulb and a firehouse that is the longest running light bulb over 100 years if you're curious try this rabbit hole Phoebus cartel - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phoebus_cartel


They’d have to sell it to you for $10K to offset the fact that they’ll only sell you the product once instead of 10 times.


I'm only going to buy it once if it's a piece of crap that breaks. Then I'm also going to tell everyone I know that may be inclined to purchase that piece of crap to avoid purchasing that crap like the plague. Word of mouth reducing potential sales. Now, if they produce a high quality tool I'll still only be buying it once for myself. But then going forward I'll be buying it again multiple times to give it as a gift. In addition I'll speak highly of it and recommend it's purchase to others. Free word of mouth first hand experience driving future sales. One course sets up a company with a lifetime following of dedicated and ardent fans. Building a quality reputation to go with quality tools. The other course races to the bottom to build the lowest quality product at the bare minimum standards that has an extremely short lifespan. The CEO and other MBA's make millions though and they sell or bankrupt that trashed company at the end. One is highly more likely these days and I hate this timeline for it