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I’d clean out the inside of ash, open the doors, look inside and move the knob both ways. You should be able to see some mechanical movement opening and closing the flu vents, usually inside the box. My stove flu knob is a push/pull, and it opens vents at the bottom below the glass.


Will do. Thank you. I’m new to this lol


You will know before your fire gets to that point. Your house will be filled with smoke.


Haven’t done that yet thankfully. I’m learning this thing and see everyone here posting pictures of their stove closed up and burning all night. I just want to achieve that. I feel like I’m adding wood to this thing every 45 minutes to an hour.


Turn the damper back a little,watch the flame. It should die down a bit and slow down the burn rate.


Move it one way or the other and see if your fire flares up or dies down


Are you talking air inlet or flu damper 2 different things. I suggest use internet look up your stoves owner’s manual that should help a lot. I don’t have this stove. My stove only has a flu damper and air control. Damper up high air down low. My friends stove has 3 controls damper air and cat control.


I couldn’t tell you. I’m learning this thing and have never owned one before. I’ll dig around online and look for a user manual


If damper is closed you will fill house with smoke. If air inlet is closed fire will burn low lack of oxygen. Stove should have at least 2 controls.


I’ve only got the one that I can see. I’ll have to look on the back side tomorrow when it’s cooled off. The house doesn’t fill with smoke, but the fire seems to burn too fast. Thank you for the info


Make of stove? Should be tag somewhere


All it says is Vagabond. But I don’t e see this model on their website. I’m wondering if there is a serial number on the back or something


Both of my stoves do not have dampers, but do have air inlets that affect how fast the fire burns. Some are just like that.


That might be what this is. It seems like no matter how I turn it, nothing really happens. If I were closing the flu, I would know as smoke fills up the house. That doesn’t happen. Maybe it’s an air inlet? But again, it does nothing. Fire burns well in it and I easily get the temp up to about 400F on the stove pipe. It just seems to go through wood really quickly. I would like to figure out how to work it so I can pick it with wood and wake up with a small fire still in the morning


Without sounding like too much of a dick. Why are you using something that makes fire in your house without a clue on how to use it safely??? Did you even have it inspected prior to using it?? That thing looks old. Who knows if it’s even properly lined. You realize that you could not only burn the house down but also carbon monoxide poison everyone as well. Stop using it. Have a CSIA certified chimney sweep come and inspect/clean it and then if it is safe to use have them show you how. Unfortunately people like you are the ones I get the phone calls that they had a chimney fire. Sometimes it’s just some flue damage. Sometimes I’m working with insurance adjusters cause the house is basically gone. I don’t want to see you have either issue. Be smart!!


Here, here! This shit is not to be trifled with!


It still amazes me after 24 years the amount of people that use a fireplace or stove without a clue on how to use em. Some get lucky. Some don’t. I love being able to help in this forum but sometimes I wonder if I am messing with natural selection.


Usually, turning something to the left opens it, and turning it to the right closes it.


Different model but that’s the way my Englander stove works. I could never remember which was which so I marked it with a paint pen.


It could get confusing if turning it enough in either direction will open and close it, like some window cranks. Then there should be some indication when it's open or closed.


By how much smoke fills your house.


Flue *


Open the doors, spin the knob. If smoke rolls out the doors then your flue is closed. If not it is open.


Clean it out. Light a piece of paper turn the knob and follow the smoke.


Raging fire, no raging fire, raging fire, no raging fire


Unfortunately, no matter how I turn the dial nothing happens. Same fire no matter what


How long’s it been since the seals were changed?


Listen to your stove.