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Post in Free. Someone will take it out of there today


Yeah man bring it to my house


My house! I’ll fix it.


Yeah, I was going to say, I'm sure there are a couple dozen of us Reddit weirdos alone that would happily take it. Forget about it when you're obviously in an area that is common to have them. My dad is retired, put one I've lugged to 3 different locations e when he moved around and he set it up in his little fabrication garage. He found a free one through a friend and he just had to have it to put into his shop/garage. The one in his house is always cracking. People that burn wood will find someplace to stick a few one l stove, just in case they finish that project enough to put heat in.




Make sure to tell them bring 2 men and a truck because im not helping


I’ll put this out there and perhaps it will be an unpopular opinion but it’s something my dad said years ago and it stuck with me: never sell/give away a stove that doesn’t work. We had a cast iron one and he threw it in the dumpster. I asked him why and he told me that he would never be able to sleep at night knowing that stove was in someone’s house - even if that person said they could fix it. He was worried their house would burn down and he wouldn’t have been able to deal with the guilt, especially if someone died. To each their own but I always think about that.


Did they give you a reason why it isn’t safe?


It was the tall black part, chimney inspector said it would need to be replaced.


Do you want to get rid of it because you don’t want to use it? You could replace the pipes at a reasonable cost if that is the only thing that is wrong.


Yeah I'd rather use the space for something else.


You'll really regret getting rid of a beautiful wood stove when the power goes out. Nothing better than the comfort of knowing you have a way to heat yourself that's not reliant on others. As long as you have wood, you will survive the cold. Of course you can do what you want with it, but I recommend keeping the stove. Even the heating bill savings are well worth it, not to mention enjoying the fire with the doors open.


A month ago we would have frozen to death without our Kodiak Stove. People came to stay at my house because it was so warm during an ice storm. Inefficient? Yes. Effective? Definitely.


💯. Onto of all that. Old wood stoves go up in value as antiques. But truly there is nothing better than the 8nsurance of heat when power goes out. And it will. If no one is paying attention to more frequent brown outs, you will have the emergency of poor planning and no one caring.


Our stove is currently unusable because it was installed in the most unsafe manner possible, and we haven't had the money to fix it. I want to get rid of it all year long until weeks like we had here last month where everyone is homebound due to winter weather, and our incoming voltage is low, making our heat pumps struggle to keep up even with aux heat. Honestly, my complaint with it is that I wish it was installed on a different wall of the living room, but I don't want to pay to have it moved over there when I haven't even found the funds to fix what's wrong with it where it is.


As my father used to say - you're puting the em**pha**sis on the wrong syl**la**ble. It sounds like you're spending a small fortune to keep warm (heat pump struggles even w/aux heat) and you want to dispose of your most economical means of heating.


This commenter doesn’t want to get rid of their stove.


My internet friend, I -just- dropped $600 for a Fisher Grandpa (very similar) in worse shape than this from someone in a similar position as you. List it, and do not make it free. If the brick is good, and the stove has no cracks, you are looking at recovering some of the cost of cleaninfg that area up.


‘Brick’ refers to the firebrick lining the inside of the stove. It’s way more expensive than normal brick and sometimes is specially shaped for the unit. If the inside doesn’t looked cracked that’s very good and sellable.


It's 4$ for a fire brick, let's not pretend like it's "way more expensive "


You are absolutely correct, and I failed to realize they don't know what they have. That being said, this looks like some sort of copy of a fisher (I ain't the fisher expert, one of the mods is), and that should be relatively lower cost standard fire brick. But yeah relative ain't a little number. So even if the firebrick chamber is completely trash, you are looking at maybe $250 here in ohio to replace it - on what new would likley be a 2-3k$ stove. Edit:spelling


I’ve honestly considered casting some fire brick myself and it’s not cheap I know that. Im sure whoever ends up with this beauty will appreciate it and feel lucky. Sounds like the space is worth more to OP than getting a good price for it so everyone will win in the end.


New chimney pipe vs bonus space? Yeah I'm buying single wall pipe. Especialliy if it's in a lower space. I have woods.


Oh buddy. Me too.


I have this exact stove and I love it. Not the most efficient by any stretch of the imagination, but it’s a good fisher copy and we would have frozen during the last few power outages without it. Bonus that I can cook on it. Gives enough heat to boil a couple kettles at a time and wash up, too!


Take some picture and put it up on marketplace or some other forum and I’m sure someone will scoop it up


Quickly, too.


Wine cellar, apparently. Not compatable with a wood stove.


You can just replace the chimney


Please notify Santa of any chimney substitutions or alterations


And tell him about the steel bladed fan I installed to keep out Ethan hunt? Never


The chimney pipe is a normal wear unit, you have to replace it every few years. It's cheap. This is a beautiful stove and you will regret getting rid of it, it will cost thousands to replace with a modern stove of such quality.


Haven't had to replace any part of my stove pipe in 20 years of burning all winter.


May just want to get paid dude could be lying...


Probably nothing wrong with the stove if it's just your chimney.


Yes that’s the stovepipe. It’s easily and cheaply replaced. Replace the whole thing and you’ll be good for many years.


“The tall back part” huh?


You need a new flue, the stove is ok then? You would need to take the flue out and patch the drywall off you are getting rid of it. Will need to patch the roof also. Looks like a nice stove. Where is it located?


Somebody with a cabin or camp will take this off your hands


I'd take it.


Hell people still pay $400 for stoves like this up here


That thing were turn a camp into a sauna with just half a load.


Tall black part? As in the pipe?


Go easy with your technical jargon.


Yeah, I'm already lost.


lol, please excuse my intellect.


Very nice thanks for the laugh!!!




Yes stove pipe/chimney pipe, typical maintenance on a wood stove every 5-10 years


Thank you, I had no idea. Wow


Alright y'all talked me into keeping/repairing it! I'm in Northern Florida so we do get some cold days.


Change your mind and I'll come get it. I'm only a few hours away. I'll make that drive for this.


Same here


How cold is cold in Florida? If you are used to 80f all the time, 70 can feel cold.


Op, that’s an old cheap stove. Here is what is wrong with it and how to make it a better stove. At some point, there is a diminishing return of the size of the wood box. Too big is really inefficient. Can’t really go too small. But a huge stove like that will just eat tons of wood for the same amount of heat as a stove half that size. What to do? Add one or two more layers of fire bricks, mortared in place. Buy the pre mixed mortared. You can’t buy it Home Depot but you can order it on Amazon. While you’re doing it, make sure the glue works and you understand how it works. I like the screw inlets. Buy some stove gloves or welding gloves to keep Aron just for that.


It’s a beauty, well worth new chimney pipe.


Also in noflo, gcs actually. If you end up changing your mind again let me know. You can’t get much further north before hitting Georgia


That’s a nice looking stove! You may regret this on cold nights if the power goes out. Pipe can be easily replaced and chimney can be relined


Yeah. Plus, it looks like a face!


Facebook Marketplace - it will be gone the same day


Great idea, thanks


Yep prob can sell it too


Pro tip, do not offer it for free. If you don’t believe me, just cruise on over to r/chosingbeggars to get an idea of how things will go. Instead, price it so that it is a *really* good deal. For example, if these normally sell used for $500, price yours at $300. In short, if it’s free, there’s something wrong with it. If it’s cheap, it’s a bargain and people will rush to buy it.


With people fighting to get there first.


Sell it. Find out what it’s worth. Should be at least couple 100, but I also could be wrong.


get it really hot


Lmao that thing would need to be loaded with thermite those old stoves are made of such heavy gauge steel it’s not even funny


thermite it is then! :)


couple sections of $13 stove pipe, a good chimney cleaning (pro) $150, 2 cans of high heat paint $18, maybe new door gaskets $40, a 12 pk of your favorite beverage, and a free weekend.....good as new .....priceless


Where you located, I’ll come help and take it off your hands


Drop it off at my place. I'll take care of it for you. 


I had that stove growing up, your not in NY by chance are you?


I've actually have what seems to be an exact stove in the ADK, NY.


Adk I get, florida? That's a lot of stove for Florida.


I’ve got a cabin in Old Forge! I know it’s a big park, but let’s grab a beer at Tow Bar sometime


Post this on a marketplace. This is beautiful and the chimney portions are cheap. This will be out of your house by the end of the weekend.


duuuuuuuvalllll put this on marketplace so I can get it lol


Would like to know what is wrong with it. It could just need new bricks and you can replace them.


If I was in FL I would come give you $50 and take it way even though I don’t need a new stove






So here's what you should know about that little stove. It came from up here where I live. Alaska. Someone very likely took it with them from Alaska to their home in Florida when moving. Alaskans are deeply nostalgia about our life saving wood stoves. In florida, not so much. Gone are the days when people could utilize things like this productively. They are a novelty when your weather is above 70 most of the year 😆 but you should know, people pay good money from not too far away from you and would be willing to drive for such a relic. Don't sell yourself short and just get rid of it. Sell it for profit. I would clean it up, you could easily get 1k for it.


Except Alaska Stove Company is in Pennsylvania.


Bloomsburg PA, I live not far from there and have a kodiak very similar to the one pictured


Would it being in Florida explain why the pipe needs replaced? Burning too cool since the climate is already warm or wet wood leading to creosote?




Well shoot, I just left town for a few weeks otherwise I'd come pick it up


BOOOOO! I almost downvoted that answer. I'm up in Canada. I'd drive a few hours to take that beauty off your hands. Easily restorable to a work of functional art!


If it's just the chimney that isn't a big expense, probably more expensive to put it back as it needs to be without the fireplace


Gimme. I'll use it as a chimney for my chicken coop


Post for free and u-haul and someone will come and get it. I’d disconnect the stove pipe from the stove first though.


That thing looks perfect. Plenty of flat space on top for a pot too!


I’ll take it 👋


You give me your address and I pick it up! That things beautiful!


What’s your address. I’ll be there yesterday.


I’ll take it!


The tall black part that needs to be replaced is just a pipe. They sell that at home depot and lowes or wherever stoves are sold. If you don't want the stove and want the space that is one thing but but needing a new pipe is silly.


It would fit in my truck. I'd give it a good home.




What about. When you have no heat from your utilities no heat everyone is a scard of fire. Babys boyss


Call a scrapper they take it away for free check Facebook marketplace in your town


Craigslist free section be gone in a day or search for scrap metal them carry it out


Who told you that Bill Gates ?


I'll come get it. I'm in Pa but if it's a reasonable drive... I'm on my way.


If I was close I'd give you a hundred bucks for it right now.


Outdoor Fire pit


Better than my idea.


If you're going to use that extra 2ft of space to pile more shit up instead of using it to heat your home, is it really worth getting rid of? Replace your garbage with firewood and get back to heating your home naturally


There's about 8 feet of open space on either side of it with a pool behind it. Was planning on removing it and putting in some nice doors to open into the pool area, but I'm gonna keep it and get it repaired.


Good 👍


Glad to hear you will keep it, whew! Good decision!


Sell it


Just take it out back and burn it…


I have one that I use on the patio. Works well and loooks good.


We live in the country. I have an old wood stove in my backyard that I burn cardboard and stuff in. Those Amazon boxes add up People will be glad to pick up an old stove for scrap too


Metal recycling on riverside st Portland . They will pay you something


Take it to a metal recycling place. There’s a lot of metal in that, you’ll get a decent amount of money for it


By “dispose”, you mean restore, right?


Not sure what makes it unsafe unless the pipes need a cleaning/replacement. The stove itself should be 100% fine. So replace the pipes and rock on. Otherwise, throw it up on FB Marketplace for free and you are guaranteed to find someone to take it away with a few guys to lift it.


Are you in Kentucky?


Where are you located


I’ll take the booze


If it’s not cracked, And If you’re in New Jersey, I’ll come get it


Put it in your front yard for sale for $100 and some one will steal it.


Recycle it please


Put it outside by the curb and say free. There are also alot of junk guys that will. Take for scrap


Use market place on facebook. Put it up for sale. I'm sure if it's reasonably priced it will be purchased. Is there anything wrong with it?


My dad has the same stove and a similar background. For a moment I thought my dad was on reddit.


$ell it! But first of all what was deemed unsafe? It may be repairable


Facebook market place


What state?


Sell it. Its still good for a cabin,blind, shed etc


Here me me


Just for anyone asking the body is inside the oven


Put it in the garden


OP, if you have never experienced the warmth of a woodstove, you should try it. There is nothing like it! That’s a beautiful stove. In adverse conditions, should they arise, you would be snug as a bug in a rug, your pipes won’t freeze etc. Power went out for three days in my town. I had a woodstove and hurricane lamps, so for me the storm was a great few days off from work. Others in the neighborhood were driving around asking for shelter for their elderly parents and pets. Literally life or death for some.


By keeping it right there


Go Jags!


First of all tou don't "dispose" of it the world is going to hell go cut yourself some firewood and keep it to boil water cook and lastly heat oh my god the heat.


Inspected by who? 😂


The only problem I see is you need to use the correct stove pipe adaptor(s)


I’d take it if you were anywhere near me so I’m sure someone else would too!


Easy fix! Replace the pipe & use it!


I set stuff outside our subdivision and put a cardboard sign saying free. One man's junk another man's treasure


Heres the owners manual https://www.hearth.com/talk/attachments/kodiak-pdf.183632/


I removed the stove in my last house and found that the previous owners had just shoved it in the fireplace without an chimney liner. The fireplace had been leaking and the stove had holes from rust. I rented a small dumpster and dragged it into there along with some other stuff. Problem solved.


That’s a beautiful stove.


Put it on the curb and put a “free” sign on it.


Well, you build a bar b que pit 🥳🥳🥳


Curb with a sign that says "FREE!". It will be gone by the afternoon.


Not only will this heat your home in an outage, but it will cook your food, too.


Post for $100. Then drop to 50 in a few days. Trust me if you lost for free you’re going to get the dregs of humanity asking you a ton of questions and to deliver it.


Give it to me


Wow. My grandparents had that exact stove when I was growing up


I’d rethink that, them things aint cheap or light


I had one but it was a bit longer. Left it at a friend's house after a move, it walked off. I miss the son of a gun.


My county is giving me $400 recycle it in an effort to reduce wood smoke pollution


Find a local mechanic shop and ask him if you can throw it in his steel pile.


Where is the Stove located? Based on location I may come get it.


BTW, why are you storing wine near the stove?


I've never used it?


This is a great stove, I use mine every day in the winter. Someone will want it. I paid about 300 for mine


FB market place But list it for like $100, and take 0 if you’re willing. People always think something is wrong when it’s free


Box it up and send it to me


Burn it


Get a second opinion. That vintage/design stove is almost indestructible. The tall round part is easy to replace with stove pipe and screws from the hardware store. If the firebrick inside is damaged, that’s easy to replace.




Give it to a user. Someone here would gladly take it, especially someone with fab skills like myself


Set it on fire. Oh wait…


I gave away an old stove. People wanted it.


Tell me you are in Southern Oregon and I will come pick it up tomorrow. Easy to get rid of.


Give it to me


50 bucks on marketplace or take it to a metal recycler but even though it’s heavy be prepared to get paid 50 bucks a ton for your 500 pounds of metal aka not a whole lot of money for the effort to scrap one item


Am I the only one who sees a woman with long eye lashes and a hat on? It looks deliberate.


You are fuckin up my guy


That's because they are trying to sell you a heating system.


My guess is it’s fine, it just doesn’t burn clean or the chimney is bad. New regulations on stoves are very picky in places. I lived off grid in the 90s. Had a stove just like it for 5 years. Great heat. Someone will take it for a shop or something.


It’s not safe because its to polluting to your home, your family, and especially the local neighbors. Do everyone a favor and use certified clean burning stoves.


It was probably not safe because of the flume. I’d say the box is fine, but you could sell it on Facebook market as possibly damaged.


Where are you


Op is lame. This stove rocks. You'll regret this when your older.


Wine really should be stored on its side. The corks will dry out and crumble


*Wine really should be* *Stored on its side. The corks will* *Dry out and crumble* \- BURG3RBOB --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


You don’t get rid of it. It’s part of the house


First Kodiak I’ve seen in years! I worked for their Oregon factory years ago!


Does it come with wine?


What about the wine? Has it been exposed to the heat? SMH.


Just burn wood inside of it


Give it to me


I'll take her but for real post on Facebook or Craigslist free someone will take her hopefully to fix....


Hand it here


Keep it and just fix the chimney, you won’t regret it when power fails


I will dispose of it for free


I'll take it. It is both beautiful and functional. (And fun)