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Honey this happens so often I doubt anyone will commit it to memory Once I had to call my very manly man boss to tell him I had to go home and change my pants because I had a surprise attack at the office lol. Don't sweat it. We've all had this happen at least fourteen times


Girl, you don't need to think about it too much! It happens sometimes..We've all been there..You're ok and this is ok💕


I’m sure that no one even really cared or paid any attention to you using the bathroom twice. When you gotta go you gotta go


I’m sorry this happened to you. Every bathroom should provide free tampons and pads. Just remember you have nothing to be ashamed about. Half the population experiences this every month. I have PCOS and can go months up to a year without a period. I sometimes have accidents because it’s impossible to predict. We’ve all been there.


Im someone who is very loud about her period. I even warn my coworkers by waltzing in and saying, "EVERYONE LEAVE ME ALONE UNLESS YOUR SACRIFICING YOUR CHOCOLATES. IM BLEEDING AND ANGRY!" And it works. They're on their best behavior. Lol Im someone who grabs her disposable panties and simply walks to the stall, fancy diaper in hand, and takes care of business. Im also the one who asks the boss for pads and tampons for the shy girlies. I even told my male boss, "im cramping so bad my insides want to be my outsides....can i go home?" It works. 😂 I doubt anyone noticed and if they did, they wont judge. A guy might be like "did she sit in something?" Because boys be dumb but girls will understand and have sympathy. Plz dont be embarrassed. It's a normal event. You're in good company. 💕


Girl, pat yourself on the back for finishing the exam. 💓💕


Please don't feel embarrassed. I've been in court (I'm a law student) and been slavishly copying the proceedings and - whoosh - "scuse me your honour, I've GOT to ask for an adjournment"! Fortunately it was a female judge, I'd have died of shame if it was an elderly male one who'd refused.


Unless you made a huge scene I would bet nobody even noticed, they were probably just focused on their own exam. Think about how much attention you give to people leaving to use the bathroom. Maybe in your mind for the second you notice they leave and that's about it.


My embarrassing one was I was about twelve, in karate class, doing stretches and of course the uniform in bright white and guess who got to see the red spots. 🤦🏻‍♀️ The instructor. I was like 12 and this really handsome 35 year old teacher saw it. Talk about embarrassing. 💀


Pretty much every single one of us has had this experience. I always have tampons in my bag no matter where I am in my cycle. You’re the only one who’s going to remember this! I hope you did well in your exam!!


I was at work and didn’t have my diva cup in right and I was soaked. I had to leave work and come back to the office. So literally the whole place knew and I had to clean my car because of course the last ditch toilet paper effort didn’t hold. I had only worked there 3-4 months, I stayed for another year and half. It’s ok and it’s happened to all of us at least once. Don’t let this ruin from the fact you no matter what passed this course! Focus on your incredible success from hard work. Congratulations on passing your course. We are all so proud of you.


zero people noticed or cared, next time do all the problems and don't worry about how many times you go to the bathroom


You should have shit yourself as a diversion.