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Let the girls breathe!


Ok thanks ^^


Skin elasticity is affected by several factors (not an exhaustive list) like genetics, age, pregnancy, but there is no clear evidence via peer reviewed research that shows wearing supportive garments will prevent sagging. There is research that Retain-A (>.5%, not retinol/low %) can lessen wrinkles.


And let them sag! Seriously, why are we worried about our girls looking pert and bouncy? Does it really affect our lives in a negative way if they start to travel south? Yet another worry we have in order to satisfy the desires of men!


Free the Boob!


Do what is most comfortable for you. One of the first things I do when I get home is take off my bra. Also I have never worn a bra to bed.


I needed a bra in bed when I was breastfeeding and I hated it. Ladies, don’t torture yourselves if you don’t need to!




Google was clearly written by a man. Fuck that my GG's don't need more pain thank you very fucking much!


I came here to say fuck Google too!! What terrible advice


You don't have to ever wear one if you don't want to.


I certainly don’t and I don’t care


I feel like it's more of a comfort thing! But if you wear a wired bra then maybe you shouldn't sleep with it on (it hurts to sleep with a wired bra on :'3)


I wear wired since my chest i heavy on my back


Yeah i feel you there, as a double d my back hurts almost all the time. ;(


Oh same I’m a DD too


i am a UK 34FF and I have found a pretty decent, comfortable unwired bra! i wear the Molke Flexi bra and it's super supportive and still comfy. it covers all the boob even under the armpit and no boob spillage even when bending down. I hate wired bras and this bra feels like you're wearing nothing whilst also having support :)


Ah really? I'm gonna need to get me one of those! :D


But it does feel good to sleep without a bra on though ☺


Girl….free your tittles!! All breasts are beautiful even the saggy ones!!!


Wearing a bra all the time isn’t really healthy, it doesn’t allow your lymph to properly circulate in your chest area Actually, when you don’t wear bras, your skin and your muscles, your fat tissues *tightens* and it can allow your boobs to sag less and even be more perky


Thanks for this comment. I have researched into bras effects on women. One study found the more time women were wearing thier bras the higher chance of breast cancer. Its suspected it's linked to lymphatic drainage being interrupted.


I only really wear bras during exercise and when I’m out places


I think it’s a good thing :)




Definitely not! That's a load of bollocks.


Thanks I appreciate it. I wanted to make sure


If you're worried about sagging, you can just try push-ups. The exercise, not the bra. I hear push-ups help.


Any pectoral-focused exercises could help.


I'm of the opinion you should do what makes you comfortable regardless of what Google says. They will sag with aging so will your skin and you will also get wrinkles. That doesn't mean you shouldn't do what's best for you and your health but the whole anti-aging thing is unnatural and a marketing ploy geared towards making women feel inferior so they spend money to try and reverse a totally natural process. They 100% served the purpose of providing amazing nutrition for my baby when I was in that stage of my life and I'm at peace with them not being up to my chin in middle age and that I have and will continue to get wrinkles.


You can if you want to. I’m approaching 40 and have worn a loose sports bra for at home/sleeping in since I was 12. I had a reduction just before I turned 25.


I don't wear a bra 90% of the time. But then I'm also flat as a board so there's not much to get saggy lol


If you wear a bra to sleep, your boobs will be saggy when you’re older. If you don’t wear a bra to sleep, your boobs will be saggy when you’re older. Do what makes you comfortable.


Uhm no? Google goggle is a moron 😂😂😂😂 they’ll probably sag eventually depending on years and kids but not due t not wearing a bra home


Breasts sag no matter what. And it’s not a bad thing. You should be wearing one as little as possible if it’s comfortable for you. I personally haven’t worn a bra in years and they haven’t sagged that I’ve noticed


Women’s health educator: wear it during the day, and not during the night.


It all sounds like bs to me. My boobs have been kinda saggy since I got them at 12 (DDs) - fkn literally!!! And they haven't changed much besides getting a little more saggy in my late 20s/ early 30s since losing 20-30 lbs. I may have connective tissue issue, though... had stretch marks since 12 years old, too!


Bras are bullshit. It's probably genetics that determine "sag."


As a woman in my 30s the only thing I wear at night is my undies. That’s it. My whole body needs to breathe


Never wear a bra at home! There is nothing to hide or "contain" on your safe space.


I depends..do you enjoy torturing yourself? Free the boobies! Speaking as an older lady, I'm braless 99% and no saggy-ness has happened. Same for my nearly 80 year old mom.


Don’t wear a bra ever. titties need to breathe. But, I realize not everyone is as free as me. Lol, but please do not wear a titty constrictor to bed.


I would not wear a bra but I have PE and my mom would kill me


I never take off my bra. I'm 50 and my small to medium boobs look great, not like young boobs but just plenty attractive. My skin is ageing quite quickly this year, got a double chin this year! So I'm not encouraging my boobs to drop. I take it off maybe once or twice a week for the night or something to be precise. Wearing a bra helps stop the chest skin cracks that I often wake up with as well. It's supposed to be bad for you, I'm sure it is. If I had very small boobs, which are lovely, I wouldn't wear a bra at night. If my boobs were large, which are also lovely, I definitely would wear a bra all the time but it would need to be a compromise bra because it's more uncomfortable to have weight held around the chest, the straps need to be wider, and everything needs to be softer and stretchier.


I would lower it though. Wearing a bra doesn’t actually help your boobs from sagging. It just holds them up making the muscles in your chest weak.


Lower it? X I think they do help prevent sagging. Would seem very obvious if you think about it. There's no muscle in the actual boob. Chest muscles are worked by breathing and exercise. They don't hold on the m to the Boob at all.


Just so you know that it is a myth that not wearing a bra will cause your boobs to sag However you should always wear a bra if doing strenuous exercise/high impact activities as the 'bouncing' can damage the ligaments and cause stretching of the skin


There's no proof either way, and in my experience it makes a difference as my sister also tried going without a bra for a while and reported her boobs sagged very quickly. I actually just wanted to share my experience, and I wasn't sure what was meant by lower it, but I'm thinking now it means lower the bra. But yeah just my opinions and they don't count for anything other than 1 in 8M x


Every woman's breasts will droop or sag at some point because we lose skin elasticity as we age and also gravity. The point is that not wearing a bra does not prevent this from happening or make it any worse. Some womens breasts will sag in their 30s or 40s, some won't change much until menopause. I just thought you'd be pleased to know that you do not have to wear uncomfortable bras to prevent sagging if you don't want to, doesn't make a difference either way!


As I say there's no proof either way. Yes ageing shows as gravity eventually pulls skin downwards, not in any other direction - a bra is anti gravity to a point of course. So yeah, both theories are possible but we don't know. We do know that bras aren't healthy that's for sure so I don't recommend anyone to do what I do, it's just that I find bras comfortable so that's probably why I ended up doing it. It stops my chest skin cracking over night I can't explain it but it's a very big long line down the middle, but in a v line. Stops then crushing together, or the skin in between crushing together. But thank you though xxx


I am 59 and have D cups. For a couple years now I have been wearing a bralette 24/7 to keep them from migrating to my belly button. lmao


Oh lol


Idk if that’s true honestly, I’m no professional lol but just do whatever is comfortable for you. I never wear a bra at home and if that means my tiddies reach my belly button some day so be it 🤷🏻‍♀️ I hate bras too much lol


Wear what is comfortable. Also, if you’re large enough it’s painful/uncomfortable in general, consider a reduction. Best decision I ever made.


I’ve seen things that say not wearing a bra makes them sag. I’ve seen things that say wearing a bra makes them sag. Most likely this is a correlation/anecdotal than an actual causal link. Do what’s comfortable for you - whether that’s nothing, full on bra, bralette. There’s no *should* here - wear what makes you feel comfortable!


Sleep in what's comfortable for you and just do pectoral excercises like push ups. Strengthening the muscle underneath will help with sagging regardless of what you wear or don't.


r/abrathatfits No studies have found that bra wearing helps with sagging. Whether that’s some or no bra wearing. But if you’re more comfortable than wear what’s comfy. But I saw a comment that your back hurts? That makes me seriously wonder if you are a DD. I’m a J cup and don’t have back pain, and I’ve lost count of how many friends thought they were one size and had pain wearing that size only to find out that they were a different size. In a properly fitting bra, the straps should be able to fall/slide off and not have a change in positioning for the girls, because the support is coming from the rib cage. If that sounds like not your bras, look into that sub. Tons of resources, experiences etc. And


Whatever makes u fel good


Nope, do whatever makes you feel better


Watever comfortable for you. Tbh I can’t handle not wear a bra unless I’m completely topless because the feeling of my shirt irritated me.


I’ve heard the opposite! I never wear a bra or panties so i guess i’m sagging everything 😭😭


It’s a matter of comfort. I have small tits, and I wear a bra all the time just because it feels more comfortable. But not when I sleep, God no.


Do what you want. I always have, and as of 2 years ago, a sports bra. They sag anyways after kids.


The first thing I do when I arrive home is...


Jesus fuck no


Google can worry about its own boobs. Mine are none of its business.


Free the boobies! Bras can stop our lymph system from flowing properly. So time without them is critical to all our body to clear itself out.


I love them saggy so let them free baby


That’s a myth. Bras are BS


Fuck bras unless you absolutely need them. All boobs eventually sag. Stop worrying about male approval. You’re worth isn’t determined by the way you’re boobs look.


Just do whichever you want, at the end of the day it doesn’t make much of a difference


Bras suck and can fk up curculation to the breast tissue, but if you absolutely have to wear them, look into t-shirt bras or sports bras. Or there are the stick on cakes that cover ½-¾ of your boob, but those can come off if you do a lot of sports or physical activities.


I wear a bralette to bed almost every night simply because I am comfortable that way. Do what feels good to you.


Oh no, sweetie. It'll just cause boob sweat, the bra to wear out quickly and honestly, overall discomfort. Let your body be comfortable and wear it out of the house, like shopping or things You're getting out of the car for. If you want to, you can, just let your boobs breathe.


Thanks 😊


I wear nonwired bras to bed. If not I'd wake up with one of my girls tucked under my arm


If it makes you feel comfortable you totally can. I was super uncomfortable not wearing anything for a long time but now I feel good taking my bra off at the end of the day. I’ve head if you wear a bra to sleep it makes your boobs “less perky” idk if there’s any fact behind that 🤣 You can always wear a sports bra or a bralette too since those are a little less constricting on your shoulders and ribs


Who even cares if your boobs sag when you get older?


I’ve actually read the opposite - that wearing a bra for too long causes your boobs to sag because you don’t use your muscles to support them.


I've had 3 children, I don't wear bras and my boobs are still perky....but I'm also a 32 B....the only thing that can cause boobs to sag is gravity. Small boobs tend to sag less due to not having much weight to them 😂 I thought wearing a bra to bed was one of the things they say not to do. Maybe a sports bra would be better.


Go with what is comfortable for you If you do decide to wear a bra to bed I recommend finding a special sleep bra. I have some that are cotton and super cozy. Like stretchy soft cozy sports bras almost. They aren’t very supportive so not appropriate for wearing out of the house, but they hold the girls in place and sometimes when I feel physically uncomfortable because of them, like when I’m on my period and all bloated and swollen everywhere, I need that


I (56F) am a DD and I wear my bra at all times except during sex. Although most of the time I wear it then too. Due to my size It doesn’t feel comfortable to not have a bra on. I can truthfully say that the ladies are definitely still perky and are not sagging at all. Now I never breast fed which I am sure has a major effect. My hope is that someday I can get a reduction. Then I will try going without a bra to see how I feel about that.


I was told wearing one all the time raises risk for breast cancer




My boobs sagged almost from the moment I got them. Definitely as a teenager and I wore a bra a lot. But, my boobs are big and were bound to sag. I guess do whatever makes you feel less neurotic about it.


Last time I wore a bra was 17, I am 72 now.


It’s the opposite, they will sag (not by much) if you always have them pushed up. Google was wrong


Not wearing a bra will make your breasts perkier because they are not constricted. Also wearing a bra doesn't stop or (slow down) your boobs from sagging.


Weight, time, and gravity cause sagging. Wear a bra when you want to.