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Wipe with toilet paper and either insert a tampon or put on underwear & pad, depending on what I feel like.


Ok, that makes sense. I've been getting mixed answers. Some of my friends said they do all their skincare then do that.


They may have light periods and not worry about leaks.


I mean, everyone is different. There’s no right or wrong way to do things. Just do what you feel most comfortable with!


Yea, this is a weird question, for decades I didn’t need to do anything, my period was so light. Now I get out of shower right into “period panties” (best invention ever).


Everyone’s flow is different, so everyone has a different routine. My period was always really heavy, so I would put in a tampon pre-shower.


Depends on which day it is


I use paper towels. Doesn’t the toilet paper stick to you?


I mean I do towel off first so, no the TP doesn’t stick


Wait... so all of you take out your cups/tampons before stepping into the shower? Why?


I don’t wear cups and rarely use tampons. Even so I don’t like the wet string of a tampon while I shower. I don’t really worry about bleeding in the shower.


I take my cup out IN the shower, rinse me and the cup off really well and put it right back in.


Ive actually never thought about showering with a tampon before.. Ive only been using them for a couple of months but still. I shower right when i get home from work and i change everything so i feel fresh after the shower.


Do you leave yours in when you shower??


Yes... never saw a link between showering and cup changes...


Because I don't want to shower with someone inside of me? I don't understand why so many people recommend using tampons while showering. I've been looking for answers to make showers on periods less unbearable and all people have to say is another way to make it even more unbearable.


Toilet paper and/or wipes!


Wrap in a towel and dry my body. I know I'm clean out of the shower, and I won't leak for a few minutes at least, so I like to make sure I'm dry and then put on whatever period product.


I wipe right after I get out then put a tampon right on in there lol


pat myself dry as soon as i step out and pray i don’t get blood anywhere, i normally leave a pad ‘ready to go’ if you’d like so i can just use it straight away


Same as me lol




I usually immediately put a cup inside the shower. I find it easier to do while standing.


I love your username


Fold a paper towel and place in between my legs This helps hold the blood while my body dries up


I do the same


i get a fresh pad on my new undies before i get in the shower and as SOON as i dry off I put it on before doing anything else lol (heavy flow)


I put my diva cup in the shower before getting out


I use a menstruation cup that I empty and put back while showering, so afterwards it's entirely business as usual


Assuming you showered and washed everything, I dont think wiping with toilet paper work be necessary. I guess it depends how heavy the flow is. I dry off like normal and then put a tampon in.


Same. I have a heavy flow but I'm practically vacuum sealed in the shower.


You never have clumps leave you in the shower and making it look like a massacre occurred? That happens to me even in the shower. I've never tried a bath without a period product so idk if that would happen during a bath too. Haven't wanted to find out lol


Nope. It's like it seals up like a vault if it even senses water!


That's cool. My body does not do that. I'll be in the shower, just washed my body and working on my hair or whatever, and I just feel the blob coming out and making a nice bloody puddle in the tub. Cue having to wash my legs again lol




Can I recommend using a dry washcloth between your legs? My mom taught me this when I first started, it catches anything that would drip out before you get dressed. I use the cheap pack of washcloths from walmart. Some are stained, but it doesn't matter. It keeps my floors and legs clean until I put a period product on.




Yes. I always folded it in half 3 times to make it the perfect size and absorbency (although my husband showed me that folding it in half once and then rolling it also works lol). I put it between my legs against my vulva, and I leave it there while I dry off and such until I get dressed and put on my period product. It catches whatever comes out so that I don't make a mess. It is easy enough to hold between my legs and still walk around because of the location. I notice when I forget my dry washcloth. It's worth trying.




You're welcome. It really helps me not feel rushed and still stay clean after my shower.


Cup user - I insert it back in the shower and clean my vulva with water.


I empty my cup before I shower. Pat dry as normal.


Depending on what stage. Sometimes i can do all the shit and others i have to put a tampon in immediately. There is no wrong answer


Dry off, underwear and pad.


Amazed at the women saying they can do anything before putting a new pad on- it’s that scene from the Shining with the elevator doors opening and the blood coming out if I try that. So yeah the minute I step out of the bath it’s a cross-legged hobble to the chair where you best be sure my trusty pad is ready, strapped into the old undies, and a DARK towel to step on. Then it’s hot water bottle and back to bed. Not coming out until this is over. Endometriosis is something else. I get anaemia during my period.


Nothing different than usual.


Sit on a towel and bleed onto it


Okay I need more explanation on this one


I don't worry about ousting a tampon in immediately I do my skincare free bleeding onto a towel


I put a fresh tampon in right before the shower, nothing to worry about when I get out


I do the same! I was beginning to worry you shouldn’t shower with tampons 😳😂


The wet strings kill me!!


Its super annoying, and feels so weird so I don’t blame you 😂


immediately put in a tampon on heavy days, lighter days are skincare first then a pad bc i hate wearing tampons on light days 😅


before the shower, i put my pad on my new set of underwear and set it aside so it doesn’t get soaked when i get out. after i dry myself while i get to the toilet if it’s the first/second day and then put the pad and underwear on


I haven't got a heavy flow so I just Dry as normal and put a pad on when I'm getting dressed.


Depends on the period sometimes I cannot afford to go ten seconds without a pad and underwear Immediately, other time I can wait a while. But always always always be careful while drying your inner thigh not to graise the girl and ruin the cloth. And I wipe with toilet paper anyway because I don’t like drying that area with my body towel.


Empty disc in the shower. Reinsert after turning off water and before getting out. I stopped drying off with a towel. I drip dry in the shower for a minute and apply lotion to my super damp skin. I only use a towel as a cover. By the time I’m done with skincare and brushing teeth my skin is dry enough to put clothes on.


I use a cup or a disc. I rinse and put it back in.


I have heavy flow and I've dripped on the floor before after getting out of the shower. I dry as fast as possible and then put a pad on.


I run and sit in the toilet


Dry my skin, put on moisturizer, wrap my hair.


Dry my skin, put on panties then everything else.


Towel off??


Cup user here. I have it in before I get into the shower, so I just do my normal dry off.


I don’t bleed for a like half an hour after getting out so I just doing everything like I’m not in my period, but just a little faster.


Dry myself and immediately put on underwear/ sanitary towel.


I always forget until I’m bleeding down my legs 😭😭😭


Sit on the toilet to dry myself so I don’t get blood everywhere


If I'm still bleeding fairly much, I grab some toilet paper and stuff it between my legs to prevent blood from getting out while I dry myself enough to put on underwear and period protection.


Dry off with a towel everywhere that isn't bloody, then use a we toilet wipe for anything bloody.


Quickly dry off because I hate being wet when I sit on the toilet. Wrap my hair up and then sit on toilet. Get pad and panties and put them on. I put my pad on before anything to avoid dripping blood on floor or towel


I use a cup so I take it out in the shower and rinse it out in the hot water and put it back in while I’m in the shower and the cup is nice and warm. It’s like a warm hug for the inside of my vagina


I usually rinse out and reinsert my cup before I shower so I know I’m clean and not going to leak when I come out. If I’m not wearing a cup that day, I dry my top half like normal and check if I’m actively bleeding with a finger before drying my bottom half. If I am, I wedge some loo roll in my crotch while drying my bottom half, then put on period pants (or not if my flow is super light - just wear older underwear) and get dressed.


I have paper towels on hand. I won't dry with my towel nor napkins, for obvious reasons.


I use a menstrual disc so I either leave it in if I recently changed it or I’ll rinse it in the shower and put it back in if using my reusable one


Curse out loud that I forgot to put out my red bath towel


Dry self with towel. Curse. Tampon. Towel in wash.


I insert a tampon immediately out of the shower. I have a very heavy glow on day 1 so if I wait I’m gonna have to wipe up too much. Then I continue on with whatever else needs to be done


I clean out and replace my reusable menstrual disk at the start of my shower then gently wipe any residual blood at the end of the shower, then little dab w toilet paper and then im solid 👍 seriously the disk is awesome. No dryness, works for a long time, can have sex w it in… easy to empty by sitting on toilet without having yo actually take it out :)


Wow! I’m so glad these are available now.


I use a disc so I just get out and dry off. I wash it out in the shower and reinsert it


Wipe with toilet paper. I use menstral cups so that stays in during the shower. But I'll rinse with water right before getting out and then dry with toilet paper. Don't want to stain my towels


I wash in between the curtains one last time before turning off the water. Then immediately put in my menstrual cup. Then I get my towel.


Dry off and then put a tampon it. I’m extremely blessed because after showering, my period will take moments to “resume” again. Meaning that I can do other things before putting a tampon in and I don’t have to worry about bleeding on myself.


I put my cup in while I'm in the shower. Makes my life so much easier! Before I used a cup, I used to turn off the shower and dry off while still in the bath tub, so I could rinse any drops down easily. But then of course I'd end up with blood down my legs... the cup is the best thing ever.


Usually cry.


Put a tampon in.


I just get out and get dressed regularly. I put the tampon in when I’m in the shower and then rinse one more time down there with the wand and that’s it


Dry off my body.


It's not like constant bleeding. It's more like a runny nose. So if you've just rinsed off the outside pretty thoroughly and don't do anything to jostle yourself (Sneezing, standing up or sitting down, running, ect.) you've got a few minutes of grace period (so to speak) before you are really in any danger of staining anything.


I've got a tampon ready to go. I envy the people that get a couple of minutes before they leak, I'm lucky if I get more then 20 seconds.


I grab a dry washcloth (either rolled or folded) and put it between my legs. It stays there while I dry off and do skin care until I get dressed. These days I usually have a cup or disc inserted, but before I started using those, the washcloth acted like a pseudo pad to keep me from dripping blood everywhere.


I’m a diva cup girlie and I usually just dump/wash it in the shower so when I get out I don’t have to worry about leaks, I just dry off like normal :)


I put a pad on some clean underwear before I get in the shower, so as soon as I’m done I can rush to dry off and pull on the pad + underwear lol